The colours featured in this cover are very simple , and are used solely to allow the writing to stand out from the background. The dominant figure in the cover is Nicki Minaj, the way she is represented is made by her stance, clothing which all connote sex or sexual related attitude ad thoughts. Judging by the colours, figures and font and anchorage it becomes apparent that the target audience is aged around 16- 25/30? But however the gender is not very clear, this is because the figure featured is clearly to attract men however the anchorage font is very feminine and in pink, a often stereotypical female colour. The layout suggests that Nicki Minaj is the main focus and is what the reader is meant to be focused on , the title is covered partly by Nicki and this , I believe adds a sense of confidence and arrogance considering the reader will recognise the magazine without seeing the whole title, however this is only assumed by the publisher. The type of language used is very important and also can relate and give away who their target audience is, for example the term ‘ya’ is used this insinuates the target audience is young and understand the use of slang or text talk.


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Page 1: Presentation1

The colours featured in this cover are very simple , and are used solely to allow the writing to stand out from the background.

The dominant figure in the cover is Nicki Minaj, the way she is represented is made by her stance, clothing which all connote sex or sexual related attitude ad thoughts.

Judging by the colours, figures and font and anchorage it becomes apparent that the target audience is aged around 16-25/30? But however the gender is not very clear, this is because the figure featured is clearly to attract men however the anchorage font is very feminine and in pink, a often stereotypical female colour.

The layout suggests that Nicki Minaj is the main focus and is what the reader is meant to be focused on , the title is covered partly by Nicki and this , I believe adds a sense of confidence and arrogance considering the reader will recognise the magazine without seeing the whole title, however this is only assumed by the publisher.

The type of language used is very important and also can relate and give away who their target audience is, for example the term ‘ya’ is used this insinuates the target audience is young and understand the use of slang or text talk.

Page 2: Presentation1

This music magazine’s dominant figure is Lil’ Wayne, in this he comes across to look ‘hard’ and/or anti-social, also he is topless which connotes that he has self confidence.

The colours used stand out very well from the background and are very easy to read, the orange colour that is used is very calm and but however still does the job of attracting the reader to it.

Considering the language the target audience comes more apparent, I believe the audience to be early 20’s, this is because the language is simple yet does not feature any slang or colloquial terms.

The title in this cover is slightly blocked by the dominant figure, this tells me that the magazine feels confident it does not need to show it whole name in order to be recognised and will therefore still by brought due to its customers being

able to recognise it.

The background is very plain is simply white all over this draws more attention to the character featured rather than anything that

could be in the background, the colours also follow this theme of simplicity, there are only black, white and orange.

The fact that the magazine also mentions about such things as global warming means that the magazine knows exactly who their target audience is and the things that interest them, also the magazine suggest that their reader is educated and not necessarily aimed at the

younger generation.

Page 3: Presentation1

In this cover the colours are very vibrant and immediately draw

attention to itself, and therefore also to the dominant character

who is the lead singer of Glasvegas , the fact that the

majority of the page is red and the where he is standing is

white draws attention away from the background and towards


The fonts used are very simply, easy to read

and sans-serif, this is also helped by the

colours used, the fronts are black and write and when put in front of the

red it comes easy to read. The masthead

and cover line re also all sans serif and are

clear and easy to read . The lyrics on his chest show he’s indifferent . And because he is semi naked it shows he has nothing to hide and his lyrics are honest, this also connotes that he is rebellious and doesn't care what people think.

The magazine also offers free gifts within the magazine, this then attracts the reader and suggests the magazine is generous or maybe appreciates there buyers and therefore rewards them.

The posters shown in the

magazine anchor the magazine’s


The writing on the cover has all been aligned in order to look neat and create space, for example the writing on the right hand side has been aligned to the right so that the left part of writing makes a small space for the photo, however the left side of the covers writing has all been centred this makes the writing look neat and looks like a strip.

Page 4: Presentation1

First of all, this content page uses bold letters and a clear

san-serif font for its masthead, the colours of the

font also attract he reader by being red however the small black writing makes

the page look like a


The layout of the writing is in columns and therefore

also looks like a newspaper’s page, this is

also encouraged by the location of the photos and


The colours schemes, fonts and font size and amount of writing leads me to

believe that this page and therefore the magazine and aimed towards a older audience not necessarily mid

30’s + but simply older than what another magazine is for example Vibe

which I believed is aimed at 15+ , which is a much younger audience.

The arrows in the side of page draw attention to themselves due to the colour of them , this then allows the reader to be intrigued as to what the arrows might mean and if it link to a page what the page features, this is a great was of making the reader subconscious wanting to buy the magazine or just simply keep them interested and wanting them to read on.

The fact that the header is This Week and is larger than ‘NME’, I believe this is similar to the point earlier of the reader recognises this magazine is NME and therefore the is no need to keep the title of NME large.

The colours Red and Black, work really well together not only in the sense that they stand out from each other but also in the sense that , it creates and add to the sense of Goth or rock and roll.

Page 5: Presentation1

This contents page uses a attractive girl in the photo to keep readers interested and to draw attention to what they want you too see in the photo.

The colour schemes and layout of the page’s writing and photos, make the page the look like its a newspaper this allows the reader not to feel alien while reading the page.

The side bar features pages that you could and are advised to visit, the pages are about music artists and/or their albums. Names of Artists are written bold as to attract the eye of the reader.

The layout of the page makes it look like a newspaper and therefore allows the reader to feel more at home with reading the contents page and can relate to it.

Part of the page features a photo and what looks like a notice board, this also makes the page not look like a page, this maybe because the producer might want their magazine to look unique.

In the bottom right corner the page features a small advertisement , the advertisement is for another issue, this tells me the magazine is doing well and does not need to advertise other products in order to make more money.

Page 6: Presentation1

This content page’s colour scheme is reasonably simple, it features Black, White and Yellow, this colour scheme works well, the writing is a simple sans-serif font and is a good size to read.

The images on the page are clear and feature different people that will feature in the magazine, the images are of Celebs or of people doing stunts , then in the corner of the image it has the page number they will feature in in yellow and black.

The layout of the page is reasonably simple and yet works significantly well ,the page numbers are down the right hand side as a little strip with a short bit of information alongside it. The main feature on the page are the images however, they take up the majority of the page and are a good way of showing what the ,magazine is about and who will feature in it.

Attitude is aggressive and non social, the people I the photo look intimidating and match conventions of a rockstar. Images featured number to show the page the story and photo is featured on, Some images are larger then others to attract attention.

Quote from a band or musician, connotes that the magazine is cool and musicians find the magazine good to read and by adding their quote makes possible customers want to but the magazine knowing that their favourite musicians also purchase the magazine.

Page 7: Presentation1

Dark blue connotes moody or upset or angry, the facial expressions and body language match this colour connotations, the people in the photo look angry or with a blunt expression giving off the vibe that they are cool or anti-social.

A lot of writing this tells me that the stereotype of the magazine is of an older generation and therefore not aimed towards the younger generation who would not or might not necessarily want to read a lot

writing and would prefer to simply look at images.

Few images are transferred into black & white this makes photos look either old and antique like or simply to add style and simply manipulating the photo.

Other colours are vibrant and attract attention to them selves, the photos are of Muse the band featured in the double page spread. The writing is plain and small black and what looks like sans-serif font.

Other parts of the page’s writing is written in red and look good with the white background, it stands out and draws attention to its self, the sub titles are sans-serif however the larger letters that begin the articles are serif fronts and look very traditional and professional.

Page 8: Presentation1

Half of the spread is a whole image that takes up on whole page, it is of Ian Brown, the lead singer of The Stones, His body language tells us he is relaxed , this comes apparent because of who he is sitting and

what he is doing, drinking a cup of tea, he is also reading a book which looks like a book something to do with the magazine thus making the musician look like he reads the magazine regularly .

Similarly to the first one , there is a lot of small writing this connotes that the magazine article is written for an older generation not a younger one, the page looks like an interview which contains a lot of questions and answers, the font looks sans-serif and is plain and easy to read.

The top part of the page looks like a quote by the musician, the font is larger then the rest and this drawing attention to its self, the colour is a plain and boring colour yet it works well in consideration with the background.

The genre of the musician is Rock/Indie Rock, the musician looks stylish and calmed, in this environment he is relaxed and does not look anti-social however with other people the musician looks like he could be intimidating or a bit rough.

Page 9: Presentation1

This double page spread looks different to the other two I the sense that it looks different considering genres and social stance. The page features many images with a musician being the main one drawing a lot of attention to it.

The main image is of Dizzie Rascal a rapper and hip hop musician, the large writing says ‘From rags to riches’ this is a short summary of what the article will be about. In the image Dizzie Rascal is seen graffiting and is next to alcohol and an amp, this connotes what kind of person he is, anti-social , enjoys a good time, and loves and has a passion for music, but is not however the best example or role model for your kids.

The writing is Sans-Serif and is easy to read, the writing matches that of the vibe given of by the musician which is anti social and the writing almost looks like graffiti, there are some more images placed over the right hand side of the pages and they are simply about the musician, what he likes doing and who enjoys doing them it, for example performing on stage and him wearing a costume from one of his music videos.

Similarly to the other page, there is quite a lot of writing however this page looks to be aimed at a lot younger audience, the writing is an interview however which would interest the younger generation, maybe mid twenties or late teens.