Operational challenges behind Serverless architectures 16 Mai 2017 - AWS User group

Operational challenges behind Serverless architectures

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Page 1: Operational challenges behind Serverless architectures

Operational challenges behindServerless architectures

16 Mai 2017 - AWS User group

Page 2: Operational challenges behind Serverless architectures

Who am I?

Laurent Bernaille @d2si

• OPS background• Cloud enthousiast• Opensource advocate• Love discovering, building (and breaking…) new things• Passionate about the ongoing IT transformations


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About this talk

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About this talk

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• Observability

• Challenges with event based architecture

• Understanding new services

• Security

• Continuous Delivery

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Monitoring: how do I monitor my functions?

• Are my functions behaving well?

• Where is my New Relic?

• Where is my Datadog?

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Monitoring: for lambda, we can use cloudwatch!


Average duration

• Simple application: <20 lambdas• Is this normal? What about trends? What about scale?• What about user experience?

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Monitoring: What about errors?


Are these errors "normal"?

What kind of errors?• Code errors?• Execution errors (out of memory? out of time?)• Lambda runtime error (can they happen?)

Are they related to retries?

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Logging: what are the cause for errors / latency?

• Lambda logs console/logger outputs• Logs are in Cloudwatch logs

One Log group per function, nice!

One Log stream per?

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Crazy amount of logs (only from lambda engine here)

> Requires careful configuration> AND appropriate tools

Logging: needle in a haystack

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Tracing: where is my function taking time?

• No off-the-shelf APM solution (yet)• Current State-of-the-art: manual tracing

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Challenges with event based architecture

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Snowball effects

Let's write a function that reacts to writes on s3• do a transformation• writes the result on s3

Guess what happens?

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Poison messages

Kinesis streamDynamo DB

Kinesis guarantees in-order delivery

What will happen now?

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Lambdas can be very fast

• < 10ms for simple treatments• What happens when we call many lambdas? Latency sums up• Is this fast enough?

- Paris-London, one-way 4-5ms- redis local latency? < 100us- simple operation on CPU? < 10ns

• Being fast is important, but on the other side, billing is per 100ms

Warm-up times

• First run of a lambda is *much* slower (100s ms)> Even slower in some cases (lambda in a VPC which requires an ENI)

• Lambdas are rescheduled regularly (every few hours) => new cold-start• What about new version of the code?

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Event processing is asynchronous, which can have side-effects

• Race conditions• Inconsistent states

> Applications must take this into account

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Understanding new services

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Warm-up and rescheduling

Limits and throttling

• By default Lambda is limited to 100 concurrent executions (now 1000!)• For a 100ms function, it means 1000 invocations/s (now 10000/s)• No metric for concurrent executions

- Look at throttling- Estimate concurrency based on function duration / number of calls

Event source behavior / configuration

• One event at a time or batching• Retries• Dead-Letter queues

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Other managed services

New services• Serverless applications (usually) don't use RDBMS• Serverless applications (usually) don't use classic messaging technologies

Scalability• Scaling up / down needs to be automated• Not always simple

New services => New expertise• DynamoDB

- table and index design- read / write capacity estimation- optimize performance *and *costs

• Kinesis- sharding for multiplexing and scalability- when to reshard / merge shards?

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SecurityServerless helps with security• No Operating System to manage• No application runtime to manage• Limited attack surface (short function)• Short lifespan (<5mn for function, up to 6h for container)

And others are sometimes trickier• Many external services to secure (SAAS, managed services)• AWS permissions

But some things don't change• Code security• Frameworks• 3rd party dependancies

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Continuous Delivery

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Continous integration

Testing is not easy

• How do I replicate Lambda in my CI environment?• Will I use AWS services for unit testing?• What about mocking?

Local deployment is helpflul to iterate fast

• How do I replicate Lambda locally?• How can I simulate AWS services?

- "Easy" for some (many dynamoDB implementations)- Much harder for some complex integration (DynamoDB streams for instance?)- Several projects working on this (localstack)

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Packaging and versioning

Managing versioning

• Easy for the code• Lambda can be versioned in AWS

Most frameworks are designed to push from local machine

• Build the code, get dependencies, push• Can be duplicated in CI• But no real artifact that can be shared

Deploying the same version across environments?

Is there a deployment "artifact" I can share- across environements- across AWS accounts (Prod / Staging)- with all the dependencies built-in

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What is an application?

Is it a single function?• Deployed independently• Versioned independently> What about shared libraries between functions?

The answer is probably somewhere in the middle• No clear best practice yet• Trial and error

Is it all my functions?• Versioned as a whole• With bundled shared libraries• Same artifact with different handlers• Deployed together or independently?> Functions and dependencies can sum up to a big artifact (Megabytes)

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Serverless is the future (or a big part of it)• Focus on business logic that matters• Much simpler applications• Really pay for what you use

Serverless creates many new challenges• How can we adapt standard code best practices?• How do operate these new applications?

From NoOPS to NewOPS• No longer sysadmins or netadmins• Supervision remains similar but requires new tools• A big focus on new architectures and new backends• Optimize for performance and costs

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Thank you
