Project HOMER Hadley Beeman @HadleyBeeman Harmonising? What's the point? Chair, W3C Government LInked Data Working Group

OpenDataWeek Marseille 2013 : Hadley Beeman -- Harmonising? What's the point?

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Page 1: OpenDataWeek Marseille 2013 : Hadley Beeman -- Harmonising? What's the point?

Project HOMER

Hadley Beeman@HadleyBeeman

Harmonising? What's the point?

Chair, W3C Government LInked Data Working Group

Page 2: OpenDataWeek Marseille 2013 : Hadley Beeman -- Harmonising? What's the point?

Changing daily life

Page 3: OpenDataWeek Marseille 2013 : Hadley Beeman -- Harmonising? What's the point?

The role of governments and public administrations

Page 4: OpenDataWeek Marseille 2013 : Hadley Beeman -- Harmonising? What's the point?

The tools

Page 5: OpenDataWeek Marseille 2013 : Hadley Beeman -- Harmonising? What's the point?

Data discovery on the Web

Early lists of sites on the Web Current (early) lists of data on the Web

Page 6: OpenDataWeek Marseille 2013 : Hadley Beeman -- Harmonising? What's the point?

Linking and data modelling

Page 7: OpenDataWeek Marseille 2013 : Hadley Beeman -- Harmonising? What's the point?

URI persistence and naming

Page 8: OpenDataWeek Marseille 2013 : Hadley Beeman -- Harmonising? What's the point?

Data standards – used in different governments

Page 9: OpenDataWeek Marseille 2013 : Hadley Beeman -- Harmonising? What's the point?


https://www.flickr.com/photos/sudhanshukaul/8660576438/https://www.flickr.com/photos/zongo/8600003603/Senate House - secpilhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/umdrums/4113274705/sizes/l/in/photostream/

Thank you! Questions?

Hadley BeemanCabinet Office, UKW3C Gov Linked Data WG@hadleybeeman