© Copyright 2013 Open Source Search FTW! Grant Ingersoll Lucene/Solr Committer, Apache Soft. Found. CTO, LucidWorks @gsingers

Open Source Search FTW

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http://sigir2013.ie/industry_track.html#GrantIngersoll Abstract: Apache Lucene and Solr are the most widely deployed search technology on the planet, powering sites like Twitter, Wikipedia, Zappos and countless applications across a large array of domains. They are also free, open source, extensible and extremely scalable. Lucene and Solr also contain a large number of features for solving common information retrieval problems ranging from pluggable posting list compression and scoring algorithms to faceting and spell checking. Increasingly, Lucene and Solr also are being (ab)used to power applications going way beyond the search box. In this talk, we'll explore the features and capabilities of Lucene and Solr 4.x, as well as look at how to (ab)use your search engine technology for fun and profit.

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© Copyright 2013

Open Source Search FTW!

Grant IngersollLucene/Solr Committer, Apache Soft. Found.CTO, LucidWorks


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© 2013 LucidWorks2

Preaching to the Converted!

• Embrace fuzziness!

• Search is a system building block

• If the algorithms fit,

use them!

• Search use leads to search abuse

• Scoring features are everywhere


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© 2013 LucidWorks3


• Quick Intro to Lucene and Solr

• What’s new in Lucene and Solr 4.x?- Lucene/Solr for Info Retrieval

• (Ab)Using Search Engine Tech. for Fun and Profit

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© 2013 LucidWorks4

Quick Intro to Lucene and Solr

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© 2013 LucidWorks

Relax, You’re Among Friends

• Large, diverse search community with many non-traditional search engine usages- Object stores, Record linkage, Social, mobile -> web

• Open Dev. > Open Source

• “The Apache Way”- Meritocracy – Those who do, decide!

• Always Be Testing- Randomized system tests are all the rage- http://vimeo.com/32087114

• Patches Welcome!

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© 2013 LucidWorks

Lucene: Speed and Memory

• Native Near Real Time (NRT) support- Per segment- FieldCache can be controlled to only load new segments- Soft commit -- faster without fsync, allows quicker update


• DWPT (Document Writer per Thread)- Faster more consistent index speed

• Faster fuzzy & wildcard query processing

• String -> BytesRef- Much improved data structure- … means less memory and less garbage collection effort

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© 2013 LucidWorks

Up and to the Right

• http://people.apache.org/~mikemccand/lucenebench/indexing.html


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© 2013 LucidWorks

Lucene: Flexibility

• Flexible Index Formats- New posting list codecs: Block, Simple Text, Append (HDFS..),

etc- Pulsing codec: improves performance of primary key searches,

inlining docs, positions, and payloads, saves disk seeks

• Pluggable Scoring- Decoupled from TF/IDF- Built in alternatives include BM25 & DFR, and others

» http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Okapi_BM25

» http://terrier.org/docs/v3.5/dfr_description.html

- Add your own

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© 2013 LucidWorks


• Keys:- byte[] – write-once

- Linear time build of min. automata (nlogn if not sorted)

- Compression

- Reverse lookups

- Weights (used for auto-suggest)

- Pluggable Algebra

• Uses:- Term Dictionary, TokenStreams, Japanese, synonyms, spelling, others

- FuzzyQuery is 100x faster -- http://bit.ly/hgO65c

• More: - http://slidesha.re/vKtpVA

- http://bit.ly/Pkjyu0

- “Smaller Representation of Finite State Automata” » Proc. of the 16th Inter. Conf. on Implementation and Application of Automata,

CIAA'2011, vol. 6807, 2011, pp. 118—192.

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© 2013 LucidWorks

Solr 4: New Features

• Search/Faceting/Relevance- New Relevance Function Queries (tf, df, others)- Pivot Faceting- Pseudo-join- Improved Spatial (more later)- Full support for Lucene Codecs, pluggable scoring

• Indexing- New Update Processors, including scripting option- Near real time

• Codec/Similarity support from Lucene 4• Other

- New Admin UI

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© 2013 LucidWorks

Geospatial improvements

• Index shapes other than points (circles, polygons, etc)• More complex interactions than point in a circle

• Indexing:- "geo”:”43.17614,-90.57341”- “geo”:”Circle(4.56,1.23 d=0.0710)”- “geo”:”POLYGON((-10 30, -40 40, -10 -20, 40 20, 0 0, -10 30))”

• Searching:- fq=geo:"Intersects(-74.093 41.042 -69.347 44.558)"- fq=geo:"Intersects(POLYGON((-10 30, -40 40, -10 -20, 40 20, 0

0, -10 30)))”

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© 2013 LucidWorks

Scaling Solr

• Distributed/sharded indexing & search- Auto distributes updates and queries to appropriate shards- Near Real Time (NRT) indexing capable

• Dynamically scalable- New SolrCloud instances add indexing and query capacity- Supports re-balancing

• Reliable- No single point of failure- Transactions logged- Robust, automatic recover

• http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrCloud

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© 2013 LucidWorks16

New in 4.4 (just released)

• HDFS backed directory for storing index and transaction logs in Apache Hadoop

• New Core discovery capabilities

• Schemaless/External Schema/Field Guessing

• Schema APIs

• Add documents from the Admin UI

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Hacking Search Engines for Fun and Profit


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© 2013 LucidWorks

… Find your Keys, Store Your Content

• Lucene/Solr is a fast key-value store- Bonus: search your values!

• NoSQL before NoSQL was cool

• Solr: distributed key/value- Durable, Isolated, Redundant, Fast,

Real-time- Joins, Column Storage

• Solr or Tika + Lucene can index popular office formats

• Solr can backup/replicate and scale as content grows

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© 2013 LucidWorks

… Find Love! Upsell! Cross-sell!

• Cross recommendation as search- with search used to build cross recommendation!

• Recommend content to people who exhibit certain behaviors (clicks, query terms, other)

• (Ab)use of a search engine- but not as a search engine for content

- more like a search engine for behavior

• See Ted Dunning’s talk from Berlin Buzzwords on Multi-modal Recommendation Algorithms- http://berlinbuzzwords.com/sessions/multi-modal-recommendation


• Go get Mahout/Myrrix or just do it in y(our) search engine

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© 2013 LucidWorks20

… Avoid Delays

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© 2013 LucidWorks21

… Time travel?

• Leverage Solr’s new spatial capabilities to index non-spatial data, such as time ranges- Useful for Open Hours, Shifts,


• Query using rectangle intersections- q = shift:"Intersects(0 19 23



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© 2013 LucidWorks22

Boldly go forth and rank!

• Faster

• More Flexible

• Easier than ever scaling

• More reliable than ever

• Reduced cost of experimentation

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© 2013 LucidWorks

• Lucene/Solr EU Conference:- Dublin, IE, November 4-7:

http://lucenerevolution.org/- CFP Open Now

Where to Next?

• Lucene/Solr- http://lucene.apache.org- {java-user|solr-user}@lucene.apache.org- SIGIR ‘12 Open Source Workshop

» http://opensearchlab.otago.ac.nz/paper_10.pdf

• LucidWorks- http://www.lucidworks.com- Commercial support, products, etc. for


• Me- [email protected] @gsingers on Twitter- “Taming Text” – Engineer’s guide to open

source search and NLP» http:///www.manning.com/ingersoll


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© 2013 LucidWorks24


• All of the Lucene/Solr committers and contributors

• Polar bear: http://gaijinexplorer.blogspot.ie/2012/12/its-all-just-relaxing.html

• Volunteers: http://www.poconohealthsystem.org/?id=228&sid=1

• Not Hiring: http://naijaguardianjobs.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Not-Hiring-The-American.jpg

• Keys: http://www.flickr.com/photos/crazyneighborlady/355232758/

• Love: http://www.msruntheus.com/above-all-love-each-other-deeply/

• TARDIS: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-ysN8JskY4WM/UEZNhBywQKI/AAAAAAAABdg/gXE0A9OO6Mk/s1600/13881_doctor_who.jpg