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Online Backend Architectures. Through Words. Not Images

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Some big backend architectures described through words rather that blocks-and-arrows.

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Page 1: Online Backend Architectures. Through Words. Not Images

Online Backend Architecture. Through Words.

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Through Words. Not Images.

Patrik Svensson, Digital Lead, 2013

Page 2: Online Backend Architectures. Through Words. Not Images

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Twitter Architecture. Through Words.

ror, scala, jetty, erlang, thrift, mongrel, comet server, my-sql, memchached, varnish, kestrel(mq), starling, gizzard, cassandra, hadoop, vertica, munin, nagios, awstats

Page 3: Online Backend Architectures. Through Words. Not Images

php (with hiphop compiler), thrift, java(tomcat, jetty, minor), epoll, erlang, tornado, nodejs my-sql, memcached, hadoop, hbase, hive, scribe(-hdfs), bigpipe, varnish, haystack, cassandra

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Facebook Architecture. Through Words.

Page 4: Online Backend Architectures. Through Words. Not Images

centos, sciapache, apache, nginx, (move out of)php, scala(selection), ruby, thrift, my-sql, redis, hbase, memcached, gearman, kafka, kestrel, finagle, varnish, ha-proxy, func, capistrano, puppet, jenkins

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Tumblr Architecture. Through Words.

Page 5: Online Backend Architectures. Through Words. Not Images

aws(ec2, s3), ubuntu, cloudfront, python, pylons, paste, tornado, thrift, comet server, memcached, haproxy, nginx

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Quora Architecture. Through Words.

Page 6: Online Backend Architectures. Through Words. Not Images

python, django, tornado, node.js, rabbitmq, nginx, haproxy, varnish, memcached, membase, redis, my-sql, mrjob, hadoop (elastic map reduce)

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Pinterest Architecture. Through Words.

Page 7: Online Backend Architectures. Through Words. Not Images

aws(s3, ebs), cloudfront, ubuntu, django(high-cpu extra-large), gunicorn, fabric, gearman, pyapns, twisted, postgre-sql(quadruple extra-large), mdadm(software raid with ebs), repmgr, pgbouncer, redis, memcached, node2dm, munin, pingdom, pagerduty, sentry

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Instagram Architecture. Through Words.

Page 8: Online Backend Architectures. Through Words. Not Images

aws(ec2, s3, ebs, rds, dynamodb, sdb, sqs, sns, emr, elb, eip, vpc, direct-connect, iam), java(tomcat), mongodb, my-sql, casandra, hadoop, zookeeper, evcache, asgard, groovy, grails, zuul, priam

Slide 8

Netflix Architecture. Through Words.