26 Reasons You’ll Love the Future (from A to Z) David Berkowitz Chief Marketing Officer, MRY @dberkowitz / @MRY [email protected]

MRY Presentation - The Future Call

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26 Reasons You’ll Love the Future

(from A to Z)

David Berkowitz Chief Marketing Officer, MRY

@dberkowitz / @MRY [email protected]

Lou Kerner Presents� “The Social Internet” Conference Call Series   Topic  �The Future �     of   �Consumer & Advertising  Technology    �Featuring � �Robert Scoble Renowned Blogger, Tech Evangelist��David Berkowitz�Chief Marketing Officer at Ad Agency MRY��When - Tuesday, July 30th, 1PM-2PM EST Where - Conference Call�RSVP to  [email protected] to get dial in information�  Click here to get the slides for the presentation on the 30th  �Please join us for a conference call featuring two renowned thought leaders on the future of consumer and advertising technology.    � �The pace of technology innovation continues to accelerate.  Everyone wants to know what’s next.  What’s the impact on our lives going to be of wearable technology (e.g. Google Glasses, the Pebble Watch), big data, internet everywhere, ubiquitous sSensors.  What is the anticipatory world of the future look like? What happens when advertisers know everything about you, including where you are and where you're going.  From autos to health care to education, every industry is going to be upended.   Both our renowned speaker will share a compelling presentation with their views on the macro trends in technology and how the world is being reshaped.    ��Speaker Bios��Robert Scoble – Startup Liason, Rackspace, video blogger and tech evangelist.  Robert's best known for his blog, Scobleizer, which came to prominence during his tenure as a technology evangelist at Microsoft. He currently works for Rackspace and the Rackspace sponsored community site Building 43, trotting the globe in search of cutting edge companies and technologies. Robert’s global following includes 3.9 million people on Google+, 340,000 followers on Twitter, 540,000 subscribers on Facebook, and 44,000 people on Quora (where he’s answered over 750 questions).� �David Berkowitz - Chief Marketing Officer of MRY.  David spearheads marketing operations, directs the agency's communication strategy, and gains visibility for its clients such as Coca-Cola, Visa, and Bayer. Previously, David spent seven years at agency 360i, ultimately serving as Vice President of Emerging Media, having founded the agency’s social media practice in 2006 and led the Startup Outlook initiative. He served as a strategic advisor to Kraft, Bravo, H&R Block, Smirnoff, and other world class brands. David has written more than 500 bylines, and has authored his own MarketersStudio blog since 2005. He has spoken at more than 200 events globally.��RSVP to [email protected] to get dial in information��The content of this broadcast/presentation does not involve the rendering of personalized investment advice and should not be construed as an offer to buy or sell, or a solicitation of any offer to buy or sell the securities mentioned herein. It is for informational or discussion purposes only. Nor does it reflect the adoption or endorsement of the views of the individual presenters.  This background information contains only news, facts, and commentary on information previously reported from a news source believed to be accurate and reliable by the author.
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http://www.flickr.com/photos/84617593@N00/112036766 Apple TV, whatever it is, will push things forward on the hardware front – though Google’s $35 Chromecast could potentially make huge trouble for Apple on the lower end
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http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2414078,00.asp A new form of control – including weird stuff like brain controlled cat ears
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www.kiva.org It often leads to a lot of frivolous stuff on sites like Kickstarter & Indiegogo but it’s also a way to fund the next generation of entrepreneurs, as well as fund people’s careers
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http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidberkowitz/8380717721/ Google’s self-driving car is the best known, but state laws are changing, and major automakers like Toyota are building vehicles here. And self-driving features already exist, like automated parking
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http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/17/Elon_Musk.jpg The entrepreneur of the century? Dreaming big, baby!
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http://instagram.com/p/azJXw6mPBf/ TV no longer the first screen. It’s all about mobile
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http://www.google.com/loon/how/ Google has never been more ambitious. Just look at Project Loon – providing internet access via balloons floating overhead
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http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/kite-patch/x/738503 Health tech is such a massive area that can improve people’s lives, increase access to care, lower costs, etc. Note Kite here, a crowdfunded idea that can get rid of mosquitos – now getting ready for a pilot in Uganda. Huge potential impact on avoiding malaria especially if it can be mass produced
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https://www.facebook.com/IFeakingLoveScience?hc_location=stream Yes, celebrating science is cool – to the tune of 6 million likes so far
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https://plus.google.com/+Scobleizer/posts/TcaqNeYJWXo Nuff said?
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Kinect’s motion controls revolutionized gaming. Now devices like Leap expand on this.
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Enough of big data. What’s far more important is finding the few data points and metrics that matter for your goals and for making business decisions
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Mobile wallets are making progress, like with the Walgreens app in Passbook – it’s something where I can use my device instead of bringing the card.
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http://biz.waze.com How precise is targeting getting? Consider Waze, which lets you target people based on where they’re going and precisely where they are
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http://www.hbogo.com/#home/ TV is getting better than ever, especially for consumers with on-demand access increasingly to whatever they want, either for the same as what they were paying before like with HBO Go or for a bit of an added fee (Netflix) or as a replacement.
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www.taskrabbit.com P2P used to be about file sharing. Now it’s about sharing physical goods, or getting services directly from other people. This collaborative/sharing economy is majorly disruptive. Follow Jeremiah Owyang for more - http://www.web-strategist.com/blog/
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http://www.qq.com/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Tencent_QQ.png http://www.tencent.com/en-us/index.shtml QQ – the flagship internet service in China by Tencent – a big sign of China’s increasing importance in the digital media space. The market’s of course highly coveted, but China’s focus is its homegrown services
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http://www.fastcodesign.com/1664919/how-chipotle-made-this-amazing-stop-motion-film-and-made-us-cry#5 Rapid prototyping is best known for 3D printing. But it’s far bigger than that. In just one use case, see the behind-the-scenes for how Chipotle made its famous Back to the Start commercial
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http://pinterest.com/pin/60235713736073291/ Shapeways is one of the most interesting companies in the 3D printing space – a marketplace where anyone can create their own goods that can be personalized and customized and printed on demand from a wide range of materials. This is more of the future.
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http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:119689 Thingiverse: designed for Makerbot users and others. People can upload their designs that anyone can print from 3D printers – and even adapt in their own way. Major copyright issues ahead.
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http://webapps.easy2.com/cm/flash_ext/lowe_index_nologo.asp?page_id=36431990%C2%ACracking=yes http://www.lowes.com/cd_Services_945017324_ Ubiquitous sensors are making it possible for any object to talk to another. The smart home and smart city are essentially here. Consider what Lowes is doing with its Iris system that can connect a range of smart home devices.
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Images Jetsons: http://www.freedom-mobiles.com/blog/3-uses-for-your-tablet/jetsons/ http://www.freedom-mobiles.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/jetsons.jpg Videophones were attempted for decades, and anticipated in the Jetsons. Huzzah! With FaceTime, Google Hangouts, Skype, new apps like Glide, etc – this element of the future is already here
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And Wireless charging. Great news for power consumption – innovative approaches https://myfc.myshopify.com/ http://mashable.com/2012/01/08/powertrekk-offers-unlimited-water-based-gadget-power/ http://www.powertrekk.com/
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http://www.boomlabs.tv/v2/img/portfolio/voila_2.jpg http://www.boomlabs.tv/v2/portfolio_article_voila.html Cross device targeting – something being pushed forward by Blue Cava, Tapad, etc
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Yahoo weather is amazing, as are others in their lineup – this is a great goal of Yahoo’s and great for mobile users
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Because when you’re having so much fun and you’re so energized, it doesn’t feel like work
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All together now • Apple TV • Brainwave-controlled devices • Crowdfunding • Driverless cars • Elon Musk • First screen inversion • Google’s just getting started • Health tech saving lives • I Fucking Love Science • Joining Scoble in the shower • Kinect 2.0+ • Little data • Mobile wallet

• Nanotargeting • On-demand access to everything • P2P for goods and services • QQ • Rapid prototyping • Shapeways • Thingiverse • Ubiquitous sensors • Videophones are here • Water-powered batteries • X-device targeting • Yahoo apps on every phone • Zero-hour workweek

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David Berkowitz [email protected]

@dberkowitz / @mry about.me/dberkowitz
