Managing the content of web pages Test and ensure any changes.

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Managing the content of web pages

Test and ensure any changes.

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Test and ensure any changes.

Test and ensure the changes

Tests conducted on the web site is not the same as testing an application program even if the website can also be made with web programming.

– In general, the things that must be tested are as follows– Code Quality– Compatibility– Navigasii– User Interaction– Usability and Accessbility– Scalability– Reliability

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Test and ensure any changes.

1. Code QualityPengujian terhadap code quality maksudnya adalah

pengujian terhadap kualitas kode HTML yang digunakan untuk membangun halaman-halaman situs web.

Yang termasuk kedalam kategori ini adalah sebagai berikut :

Validasi HTML Validasi Gambar dan huruf yang digunakan

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Test and ensure any changes.

2.Compatibility testing of web sites means test conducted on a web site about how compatible with various operating systems, browsers and hardware.

Testing with the operating system will prove how the ability of the various operating systems used, such as Windows, Unix, OS / 2, Macintos.

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Test and ensure any changes.

3.NavigationTests conducted to test navigation skills inpresenting the website links contained in thewebsite pages.The test is conducted for importantaspects of the website navigatorWhich include testing for web sitenavigation are: link, frame, site organization.

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Test and ensure that any changes

4.User InteractionTesting user interaction means that the web site

so far tested which can interact with visitors who visit the web site.

Which included into the user interaction are: testing in the form facilities, validation CGI script, validation process, interface, cookies, session etc.

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Test and ensure that any changes

5. Usability and AccessbilityUsability testing and website is accesbility testingconducted on the web site to see how your site visitors canmeet the desire or the target user's website.Examples The following questions can be used to test thelevel of usability and accesbility website: Web pages that use the script or applet must still be

displayed in browsers that do not support the function of the applet and the script.

If using image maps, the site pages should also provide a link that is used as an alternative

Web site should also be understood when opened using a text based browser

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Test and ensure that any changes

6. PerformanceTesting of the performance or the performanceof web sites means test conducted on the website to see how your website performance in avariety of circumstances.

Examples of standards that must be owned by a site that has a good performance:

95% web pages can be downloaded in less than 10 seconds at 28.8 kbps modem

Ordering process can be done in 2 minutes Confirmation of a transaction is sent to the

user in 30 seconds

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Test and ensure that any changes

7. Scalability Scalability testing means testing of the

extent to which web site / system could be developed, built in anticipation of technological changes in the future.

Evaluation of scalability can be done by testing how far the web site:

The maximum number of transactions / second which is still within the limit-time response requirements

The average number of transactions during normal

The amount of memory needed for each transaction

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Test and ensure that any changes

8. ReliabilityWebsite reliability testing means testing the extent to which web site can still do its work in harsh conditions.

That falls into this test are: Low-resource testing: if the application can still run on

the reduced system resources. Endurance testing: testing the stress level of the

system in a long time Volume testing: testing the performance of the

system with large data Peak testing: testing the system during the busiest

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Affecting Web Page

Accessing Web Pages Quickly

1.Note the clock access. Usually computer access speed daytime, approximately at 09.00 s / d 15:00, telephone communication lines are very busy. This course will greatly affect the access speed in which a single narrow lane, entered by a lot of data (bottlenecks). It is better to access the internet at night or even early morning, when many people are resting

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Accessing Web Pages Quickly

2. Disable auto load the image. For those who just want to read the news or just write and send emails, it would be prudent if the facility Auto Load Image - or Auto Load Multimedia for IE 4 - disabled. This is important because it's no secret that most affect domiman slow internet access is the number of graphic (image) in a homepage.

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Accessing Web Pages Quickly

3. Consider indicators. Sometimes a website will look a long time to be accessed. There are two reasons that make it so. First, may have full lines of communication resulting in the data queue, or data that has been sent and will be accepted "lost" in the middle of the road. The solution, it would be better if you press the "reload" (or "refresh") to load the data back.

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Accessing Web Pages Quickly

3. Consider indicators. Sometimes a website will look a long time to be accessed. There are two reasons that make it so. First, may have full lines of communication resulting in the data queue, or data that has been sent and will be accepted "lost" in the middle of the road. The solution, it would be better if you press the "reload" (or "refresh") to load the data back.

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Accessing Web Pages Quickly

5. Close the window that is not necessary. This is the reverse of the above points. At times, we are so excited that we have a browser window open so much, so the web address that we would not lose access to many. Of course this greatly affects the speed of Internet access, because the number of data that must be sent and received. For that, close the browser window is not necessary.

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Displaying tips on writing web pages

Web as a brochure or a resume of the report written in full detail. So, to display the text on Web pages should be easy and quick for the scan to guide a hyperlink to direct visitors. Then you must have a goal:

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Displaying tips on writing web pages

Write an essay like a pyramid Write down the things that the subject of prior thinking on the text.

Reduce the number of kataTulisan short and sharp is easier to read than the page length

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Tips Menampilkan Tulisan di halaman Web

Use one main idea per paragrafIde the "buried" in the paragraphs that many often are not digested properly.

Use bullet lists, bold text, and headings to mark important passages.

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Tips Menampilkan Tulisan di halaman Web

Use the word / title that is easy on the hyperlink to dimengertiHyperlink easy to understand and gives an overview what the purpose of the page when he clicks on the hyperlink.

KekacauanHalaman Avoid crowded Web can create "visual noise"

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Displaying tips on writing web pages

The main key is impatient visitors to read each line in your writing, so web pages should be designed to provide guidance to the eyes of visitors to the most important information in the text

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RANGKING Search Engine

Having a nice web page the eyes, yet tentumemberikan good results in search engines. There are things you notice yangharus for this optimization. You need mengetahuibagaimana how to optimize web pages with the tags HTMLkhusus, and things that affect anything padaSearch Engine rankings.

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RANGKING Search Engine

1. Keyword in domain nameIf you have a website yangberisi collection mp3 songs or if situsanda sell the books it would be nice if you use a name containing the word ebook. This method still terbilangefektif for now.

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RANGKING Search Engine

2. Keyword on the file nameSuppose you have halamanweb which contains information about how to campaign online, should be stored with the name promosi.html or marketing.html, this will also affect the ranking.

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RANGKING Search Engine

3. Keyword in page title<title> Tag on the HTML page is very important to be optimized. Try to use titles that contain keywords relevant to the content of web pages.

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RANGKING Search Engine

4. Keyword in the headlineFor those of you who have mastered the HTML tags would know <H1>, <H2>, and so on. Very good headline tag used for the title of a paragraph, for example: <H1> TokoBuku Online </ H1>. Headline was calculated by the SearchEngine.

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RANGKING Search Engine

5. Relevant keywords in meta tagDo not use keywords that have nothing hubungannyadengan your web page content. This can be detected by search engines and will be considered spamming

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RANGKING Search Engine

6. Keywords in page contentkeyword is expected to have on the content of web pages. Also use phrases or other words related to the main keyword.

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RANGKING Search Engine

7. Meta tagsIs the tag-specific HTML tags that are used to describe the whole of your web content. Meta tags will be discussed specifically in the next section

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RANGKING Search Engine

8. Link PopularityIs the number of other web pages link to yangmemasang your web site. Some of the major search engines is very concerned about this. The bigger the link popularity of a web site, the higher rangkingnya. If the site you want to appear in the top position in Google's much-multiply exchanging links with other website.

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Designing Web Navigation

Navigation on a website that appear on the menus and links are guidelines for visitors to the page - the page contained in this website. Visitors will be increasingly easy to find the page - pages in your website if the menu - menus and links that have appeared in a structured. No doubt visitors will not get upset if the website page that he was looking for because - because of the intricate navigation.

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Designing Web Navigation

1. Plan with absolute BaikHal done before starting to make a web of course is the design concept of the website itself. The concept will include basic navigation in the form of "tree view" (branching and relay) from the start of a general content to content that is detailed. This is the outline of the navigation of the site will be made.

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Designing Web Navigation

2. Where Navigation diletakkanNavigasi will bring visitors from things - things that are common to things - things that are detailed. The main page (index) of course will contain the menu - main menu of a general nature. Branching from the menu - the menu at the core can be placed on the page - the page index.Alternatif branch of others, you can use javascript to display the menu and sub-menus as well.

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Designing Web Navigation

3.Konsisten do not change the location of the menu on each web page so that visitors more easily find those menus. For example the main menu on top, then thepage - the page contained in the main menu to display the sub-menu on the left or right of the page.

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Designing Web Navigation

4. Spotty! Make a menu with prominent so that your visitors easily recognize. This of course should be combined with aesthetics, so the menu - the menu can be in line with the concept of web design created.

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Designing Web Navigation

5. Short & Descriptive words - words that are in the menu must be able to give clear instructions and a brief web page under the menu.

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Designing Web Navigation

6. Give instructions on PengunjungAkan better if the web page includes a brief structure of the current web page display. For example: About Us>> Vision & Mission>>

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Designing Web Navigation

7. Provide links to the page UtamaJangan forgot to give you a link to the main page or a link to the page in the "parent topic". This will allow visitors if your site is built in menu and submenu structure is quite complex.

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Designing Web Navigation

8. Sitemap sitemap Make a link located on every web page. This will further simplify and shorten the search process pages - web pages by the visitors.

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What Not Influential In HTML

On the web page creator programs such as Frontpage, and Dreamweaver, HTML code, we can see by going to the "html view. HTML code can be edited in notepad. In editing the HTML code on page "code view", please note there are certain ways of writing that does not affect the results.

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What Not Influential In HTML

The things that are not affected to display on web pages:

1. LETTER CAPITAL or small letters the sameReport or the result is the same <p><br> Or <br> or result is the same <br>

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What Not Influential In HTML

2. Spaces or tabulation or enter as much as anything, has no meaning.<p> beautiful roses </ p><p> beautiful roses </ p>Sumbangkan terjemahan yang lebih baik

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What Not Influential In HTML

How do I get different results? We must use a certain HTML code.

That code is &nbsp; the HTML code to create a space. If we want to make a range of 10 spaces between the words for example, then place the code on the 10 between the two words.

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Backlink benefits is to increase visitors or traffic. Backlink will affect and improve pagerank backlink if two or more blogs have a relationship, connection or no similarity in terms of contentnya and backlink on the web / blog that already has a higher pagerank has its own value plus the age of web / blog will also affect.

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Check Web / Blog It DoFollow To determine whether a website or blog is dofollow actually quite easy. Way for posting that already have a comment. Then one block comment with a link name of the author. After that right click select View Selection Source. Window will display the DOM Source of Selection.

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Consider the html code that accompanies commentators link it! You'll find two kinds of possible links.

Possible first link<a href='thom-sharing.blogspot.com'

rel='nofollow'> thom </ a>Possible second link<a href='thom-

sharing.blogspot.com'> thom </ a>

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For blogs that use Wordpress platform, has a different link:

<a href = "http://thom-sharing.blogspot.com" rel = "external

nofollow "> thom </ a><a href="http://thom-

sharing.blogspot.com" rel="external"> thom </ a>

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How to change the nofollow to dofollow: Make sure you've Log in: D Jump down to Layout »» Edit HTML »» [Do

not forget to check the 'Expand Widget Templates']

Find the following code: <a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl'

rel='nofollow'> <data:comment.author/> </ a>

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How to change the nofollow to dofollow: Make sure you've log in: D Jump down to Layout »» Edit HTML »» [Do

not forget to check the 'Expand Widget Templates']

Find the following code: <a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl'

rel='nofollow'> <data:comment.author/> </ a>

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