SaaSCast Ep.3 - Admin Automa3on 30 SEPTEMBRE 2016 - #SAASCAST W/ Florent Galland (Co-founder @ Dougs)

Livestorm SaaSCast - Admin Automation - Florent Dougs (Dougs)

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SaaSCast Ep.3 - Admin Automa3on


W/ Florent Galland (Co-founder @ Dougs)

DougsEasy, automated accoun/ng for freelancers, small businesses and startups.

Dougs is linked to your bank account. All your spendings are categorised automa/cally.

Automa3ng your accoun3ng? Ge#ng your spendings in real-2me

+ Implement fiscal rules automa2cally

Today to get all the spendings you have to crawl your bank account.

We’re Livestorm. We do browser-based webinars for sales and user training.

Click to learn more.

Huge change coming in Europe! DSP2 norm: all banks will have to offer an API to fetch transac2ons

and make payments.

But implemen3ng the fiscal rules is hell. It took Dougs 1.5 year to


Bundle Stripe + Dougs API + Zapier could allow to fetch all

invoices and Stripe fees automa3cally.

Once it’s automated. It just works. You don’t even need to have to

check it out all the 3me.

Is Baremetrics enough? Yes.. And no.

Baremetrics brings the data from the cash coming in. However, you

need the big picture.

You also need to get all the cash coming out to eventually get in

real-3me the current net result of your company.

This way, you can get a reliable snapshot of your company’s

health in real-3me.

This is a huge benefit for any CEOs and investors…

…But also for your employees.

Everyone is on the same level of informa3on && knowing why you work.

= Mo3va3on++ and cohesion++.

Automa3ng and showing your admin stuff is cri2cal for your company culture.

How to implement an admin dasboard? SaaS Tools : Geckboard + keen.io

MVP/no-code: Spreadsheet + Zapier

Other tools to automate your admin: Payroll: https://payfit.com

Office management: https://hivyapp.com/ Department budgets: https://www.spendesk.com/

We’re Livestorm. We do browser-based webinars for sales and user training.

Click to learn more.

Q: Can I have the slides?

A: [email protected]

Q: Who were you again?

• Florent Galland (@dougscompta) - Co-founder @ Dougs • Gilles Bertaux (@gillesbertaux) - CEO @ Livestorm

• Dougs : https//dougs.fr

• Livestorm : https://livestorm.co