An Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols As Portfolio Architect for Ping Identity, Brian Campbell aspires to one day know what a Portfolio Architect actually does for a living. In the meantime, he tries to make himself useful by building software systems such as Ping’s flagship product PingFederate. When not making himself useful, he contributes to various identity and security standards including a two-year stint as co-chair of the OASIS Security Services Technical Committee (SAML) and a current focus on OAuth 2.0, JOSE and OpenID Connect. He holds a B.A., magna cum laude, in Computer Science from Amherst College in Massachusetts. Despite spending four years in the state, he has to look up how to spell "Massachusetts" every time he writes it. Brian Campbell @weeUnquietMind presents Glue Conference 2013 slides: http://is.gd/1qoMXG

Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols

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A quick(ish) technical introduction, presented at Gluecon 2013, to some aspects of JOSE (JWS, JWE, JWK) and JSON Web Token (JWT), OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect.

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Page 1: Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols

An Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols

As Portfolio Architect for Ping Identity, Brian Campbell aspires to one day know what a

Portfolio Architect actually does for a living. In the meantime, he tries to make himself

useful by building software systems such as Ping’s flagship product PingFederate.

When not making himself useful, he contributes to various identity and security

standards including a two-year stint as co-chair of the OASIS Security Services

Technical Committee (SAML) and a current focus on OAuth 2.0, JOSE and OpenID

Connect.  He holds a B.A., magna cum laude, in Computer Science from Amherst

College in Massachusetts. Despite spending four years in the state, he has to look up

how to spell "Massachusetts" every time he writes it.

Brian Campbell

@weeUnquietMind presents

Glue Conference 2013slides: http://is.gd/1qoMXG

Page 2: Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols

• Backstory – With a Quick SAML Intro/Refresher

• Technical Overview of the new(ish) JSON-Based Protocols– URL Safe Base 64 Encoding – JOSE Intro

• JWS• JWE (just a wee bit)


– A slice of OAuth 2.0– A bit of OpenID Connect





Page 3: Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols

• Security Assertion Markup Language • XML-based framework that allows identity

and security information to be shared across security domains

• Primarily used for cross domain Web browser single sign-on

• Assertion is a (usually signed, sometimes encrypted) security token

• Enterprisy Reputation • Paying my bills for nearly a decade

Quick SAML Refresher

Page 4: Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols


“one of the leading visionaries and analysts in the computer industry” declared that…



Craig Burton

Last July at


Page 5: Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols


WTF “SAML is dead”? I’ve got a mortgage to


Beer is still alive



at the

*Disclaimer: I work with these guys

Page 6: Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols


The News Traveled Fast Beyond the Conference Walls


Page 7: Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols


Death isn’t So Bad"on your deathbed, you will receive total



Some Qualification / Clarification was OfferedBurton said: “SAML is the Windows XP of Identity. No funding. No innovation. People still use it. But it has no future.” And added, “There is no future for SAML. No one is putting money into SAML development. NO ONE is writing new SAML code. SAML is dead.”

And then he reiterated for the hard of understanding: “SAML is dead does not mean SAML is bad. SAML is dead does not mean SAML isn’t useful. SAML is dead means SAML is not the future.”

and I’ve got 29 ½ years of mortgage payments left and kids in private school so

maybe I should find out what *is* the future…

Page 8: Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols


The Future

European Identity and Cloud Conference:

‘“Best Innovation/New Standard in Information Security” went to OpenID Connect for “Providing the Consumerization of SAML. Driving the adoption of federation and making this much simpler.”’

‘OpenID Connect is a simple JSON/REST-based interoperable identity protocol built on top of the OAuth 2.0 family of specifications. Its design philosophy is “make simple things simple and make complicated things possible.”’

three nerds holding a blurry piece of paper...

*Disclaimer: I also work with this guy

Page 9: Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols


Page 10: Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols


• It’s like regular base64 but better!– Both are a means of encoding binary data in an

ASCII string format– Each 6 bits -> 1 character– 3 bytes -> 4 characters

• Uses a URL safe alphabet rather than the almost URL safe alphabet of regular base64 – “-” rather than “+”– “_” rather than “/”– Padding “=” is typically omitted

• A remaining unreserved URI character: “.”– This will be important later

Page 11: Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols

• Javascript Object Signing and Encryption• IETF Working Group



Page 12: Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols

• JSON Web Signature• A way of representing content secured with a

digital signature or MAC using JSON data structures and base64url encoding– Encoded segment are concatenated with a “.”

• Intended for space constrained environments such as HTTP Authorization headers and URI query parameters

• Conceptually Simple:– Header.Payload.Signature


Page 13: Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols

• JWS Header– A bit of JSON that describes the digital signature or MAC operation applied to create the

JWS Signature value

• Reserved Header Parameter Names– “alg”: Algorithm

• HMAC using SHA-XXX: HS256, HS384, HS512• RSA using SHA-XXX: RS256, RS384, RS512• ECDSA using P-XXX and SHA-XXX: ES256, ES384, ES512 (P-521)• None• Also extensible

– “kid”: Key ID– “jku”: JWK Set URL– “jwk”: JSON Web Key– “x5u”: X.509 URL– “x5t”: X.509 Certificate Thumbprint– “x5c”: X.509 Certificate Chain– “typ”: Type– “cty”: Content Type

• Header Example

“I signed this thing with RSA-SHA256 using key ID of 9er and you can find the corresponding public key at https://www.example.com/jwk”

{"alg":"RS256", "kid":”9er", "jwk”:"https://www.example.com/jwk"}

JWS Header

Page 14: Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols

JWS Example

Payload -> USA #1!base64url encoded payload -> VVNBICMxIQ

Header (going to sign with ECDSA P-256 SHA-256) -> {"alg":"ES256"}base64url encoded header -> eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiJ9

Secured Input -> eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiJ9.VVNBICMxIQ

base64url encoded signature over the Secured Input -> Y3xOwO2E99asvYvmAB-r37ikzgIzC6Kgu04_kBVrPizicWZ4lYTk3b7g5uHz0r6bi1U0Tg4eFwZWPAelrMMzk

JWS Compact Serialization ->eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiJ9.VVNBICMxIQ.Y3xOwO2E99asvYvmAB-r37ikzgIzC6Kgu04_kBVrPizicWZ4lYTk3b7g5uHz0r6bi1U0Tg4eFwZWPAelrMMzkw

Which you can think of sort of like:{"alg":"ES256"}.USA #1!.<SIGNATURE>


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• Simple [Relatively] • Compact• No canonicalization• Entirely Web Safe Alphabet

Some Strengths of JWS

Page 16: Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols

• JSON Web Encryption• Similar in motivation and design to JWS but for encrypting

content – Header.EncryptedKey.InitializationVector.Ciphertext.AuthenticationTag

• More complicated– More headers

• “alg”: Algorithm (key wrap or agreement)• “enc”: Encryption Method (Authenticated Encryption only)• “zip”: Compression Algorithm• And more

– More options and variations– More parts


Page 17: Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols

• JSON Web Token• Suggested pronunciation: "jot”• Compact URL-safe means of representing

claims to be transferred between two parties• A JWT is a JWS and/or JWE

– With JSON claims as the payload


Page 18: Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols

• A piece of information asserted about a subject (or the JWT itself). Here, Claims are represented name/value pairs, consisting of a Claim Name and a Claim Value (which can be any JSON object).

• Reserved Claim Names– “iss”: Issuer – “sub”: Subject – “aud”: Audience– “exp”: Expiration Time – “nbf”: Not Before – “iat”: Issued At– “jti”: JWT ID– “typ”: Type

JWT Claims

Page 19: Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols

JWT ExampleThe JSON claims of a JWT saying that the subject is Brian, the JWT was issued by https://idp.example.com, expires at such and such a time, and is intended for consumption by https://sp.example.org (+ a few other things) would look like this:

{ "iss":"https:\/\/idp.example.com", "exp":1357255788, "aud":"https:\/\/sp.example.org", "jti":"tmYvYVU2x8LvN72B5Q_EacH._5A”, "acr":"2", "sub":"Brian”}

Which becomes the JWS payload.

JWS Header saying it’s signed with ECDSA P-256 SHA-256 -> {"alg":"ES256"}

And the whole JWT->eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvaWRwLmV4YW1wbGUuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxMzU3MjU1Nzg4LCJhdWQiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvc3AuZXhhbXBsZS5vcmciLCJqdGkiOiJ0bVl2WVZVMng4THZONzJCNVFfRWFjSC5fNUEiLCJhY3IiOiIyIiwic3ViIjoiQnJpYW4ifQ.2htJZOHbuk2kpQUnfwcLrfqtKuhY8vJP8KU4O9pFBiea4fvpUHQK68M_yQj74EiBHruaarDGnpwaFrOtdbN06A


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JWT alongside a comparable SAML AssertioneyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvaWRwLmV4YW1wbGUuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxMzU3MjU1Nzg4LCJhdWQiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvc3AuZXhhbXBsZS5vcmciLCJqdGkiOiJ0bVl2WVZVMng4THZONzJCNVFfRWFjSC5fNUEiLCJhY3IiOiIyIiwic3ViIjoiQnJpYW4ifQ.2htJZOHbuk2kpQUnfwcLrfqtKuhY8vJP8KU4O9pFBiea4fvpUHQK68M_yQj74EiBHruaarDGnpwaFrOtdbN06A

<Assertion Version="2.0" IssueInstant="2013-01-03T23:34:38.546Z” ID="oPm.DxOqT3ZZi83IwuVr3x83xlr" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion” xmlns:ds="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#"> <Issuer>https://idp.example.com</Issuer> <ds:Signature> <ds:SignedInfo> <ds:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#"/> <ds:SignatureMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#ecdsa-sha256"/> <ds:Reference URI="#oPm.DxOqT3ZZi83IwuVr3x83xlr"> <ds:Transforms> <ds:Transform Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#enveloped-signature"/> <ds:Transform Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#"/> </ds:Transforms> <ds:DigestMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha256"/> <ds:DigestValue>8JT03jjlsqBgXhStxmDhs2zlCPsgMkMTC1lIK9g7e0o=</ds:DigestValue> </ds:Reference> </ds:SignedInfo> <ds:SignatureValue>SAXf8eCmTjuhV742blyvLvVumZJ+TqiG3eMsRDUQU8RnNSspZzNJ8MOUwffkT6kvAR3BXeVzob5p08jsb99UJQ==</ds:SignatureValue> </ds:Signature> <Subject> <NameID Format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified">Brian</NameID> <SubjectConfirmation Method="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:cm:bearer"> <SubjectConfirmationData NotOnOrAfter="2013-01-03T23:39:38.552Z" Recipient="https://sp.example.org"/> </SubjectConfirmation> </Subject> <Conditions NotOnOrAfter="2013-01-03T23:39:38.552Z" NotBefore="2013-01-03T23:29:38.552Z"> <AudienceRestriction> <Audience>https://sp.example.org</Audience> </AudienceRestriction> </Conditions> <AuthnStatement AuthnInstant="2013-01-03T23:34:38.483Z" SessionIndex="oPm.DxOqT3ZZi83IwuVr3x83xlr"> <AuthnContext> <AuthnContextClassRef>2</AuthnContextClassRef> </AuthnContext> </AuthnStatement></Assertion>




Page 21: Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols

• JSON Web Key• JSON representation of public keys with

some metadata– RSA & Elliptic Curve– JWK & JWK Set


Page 22: Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols

JWK Parameters and Example

{"keys": [ {"kty":"EC", "crv":"P-256", "x":"MKBCTNIcKUSDii11ySs3526iDZ8AiTo7Tu6KPAqv7D4", "y":"4Etl6SRW2YiLUrN5vfvVHuhp7x8PxltmWWlbbM4IFyM", "kid":”9er"}, {"kty":"RSA", "n": "0vx7agoebGcQSuuPiLJXZptN9nndrQmbXEps2aiAFbWhM78LhWx 4cbbfAAtVT86zwu1RK7aPFFxuhDR1L6tSoc_BJECPebWKRXjBZCiFV4n3oknjhMs tn64tZ_2W-5JsGY4Hc5n9yBXArwl93lqt7_RN5w6Cf0h4QyQ5v-65YGjQR0_FDW2 QvzqY368QQMicAtaSqzs8KJZgnYb9c7d0zgdAZHzu6qMQvRL5hajrn1n91CbOpbI SD08qNLyrdkt-bFTWhAI4vMQFh6WeZu0fM4lFd2NcRwr3XPksINHaQ-G_xBniIqb w0Ls1jF44-csFCur-kEgU8awapJzKnqDKgw", "e":"AQAB", "kid":”7ish"} ] }

• Common Parameters: "kty”: Key Type, "use”: Key Use, "alg”: Algorithm, "kid”: Key ID

• RSA: “n”: Modulus, “e”: Exponent• EC: “crv”: Curve (P-256, P-384, P-521), “x”: X Coordinate, “y”: Y Coordinate


Page 23: Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols

Side by Side JWK & X509 Certificate: Data: Version: 3 (0x2) Serial Number: 01:3c:05:fe:51:4b Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption Issuer: C=AU, O=Skull and Bones, CN=Brian's Key Validity Not Before: Jan 4 14:36:58 2013 GMT Not After : Jan 6 14:36:58 2013 GMT Subject: C=AU, O=Skull and Bones, CN=Brian's Key Subject Public Key Info: Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption RSA Public Key: (2048 bit) Modulus (2048 bit): 00:83:aa:49:64:72:a1:0d:a6:93:ee:e8:6a:3a:94: 26:6e:3d:1d:8a:3a:5f:2e:31:b8:78:76:4f:58:6d: 92:4a:a1:e0:40:1f:ce:d5:8c:b7:1b:93:03:c5:65: 79:98:89:41:c5:2e:73:e4:b8:81:1f:d6:ae:74:0e: 29:0f:04:f9:80:45:23:e9:38:bf:b6:79:c5:3e:cd: 53:8f:59:e7:82:b8:cb:4f:73:0e:6d:84:13:b3:67: e0:f0:94:d6:95:ef:f0:3d:ec:cc:21:82:a2:64:cc: e8:d9:37:b6:e9:ac:10:2a:ef:d0:52:e2:5f:c4:67: f1:fb:88:35:9d:39:ae:5d:45:27:d1:21:9f:33:18: f3:a5:6f:13:20:b4:b9:58:dd:8e:93:82:9c:28:6a: 65:a0:a4:46:0a:72:5e:e5:93:0e:21:50:a8:4e:1b: c2:15:e6:b7:77:23:de:9a:b8:63:a2:53:3e:a3:e5: 6f:6a:dd:f4:57:c4:c4:8d:d3:84:e7:3f:44:f3:66: 5c:66:59:0e:df:bf:88:d6:3d:ba:a5:dd:6e:c7:29: cb:ac:94:b0:c9:9f:7e:41:f4:d3:ea:cf:bd:8a:13: c2:a5:ad:67:96:9e:60:3c:a1:19:eb:29:14:18:a6: cc:e6:9b:8f:f2:49:c1:bb:ab:bb:d2:a0:d1:96:ad: 92:2f Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption 24:50:50:de:c3:94:f0:e8:32:88:a4:6c:36:c3:f3:b0:59:dc: 56:39:dd:36:0d:68:2b:3f:4d:4c:de:ef:f4:ff:23:ba:a9:a3: 3c:c8:29:41:21:0e:d3:94:89:a8:de:c8:f2:1f:10:4e:57:16: 5c:7a:36:2c:5c:df:2e:ff:cf:7e:9e:1e:6b:26:7b:ee:b2:8a: 68:29:cb:7a:b1:86:a8:a8:ba:94:b4:6d:ab:79:52:6e:84:39: 1f:28:35:b9:ee:ec:51:7d:22:33:82:e7:6c:a8:9c:45:8e:a7: ab:93:79:39:9f:83:62:c1:9a:1d:64:bc:b3:39:c9:50:e4:78: b3:8c:c4:ea:d5:d3:d7:41:c3:61:60:55:4e:20:a5:f2:56:30: 6c:f0:b5:58:45:88:c1:79:31:f4:ed:ab:2d:1e:3e:21:c5:2f: a3:3b:8c:5b:38:04:d8:a7:02:4c:09:b3:18:1c:a3:49:50:5a: 96:a8:24:38:80:ee:c0:87:3c:c4:69:1d:10:cb:32:b6:61:9b: a1:73:1a:f2:53:8f:29:e1:7a:42:14:57:77:1c:59:37:fb:99: f9:c6:c6:88:c0:67:59:c7:eb:ac:e0:2c:bd:87:7c:27:a6:f5: 40:b3:e1:96:77:40:ec:2e:ca:ed:2b:54:fb:91:0c:68:07:16: 01:96:9e:fa




Page 24: Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols

• JWKs can be– included in a JWS/JWE/JWT header– saved in a file– published at an HTTPS endpoint– used in place of self signed certificates

JSON Web Key

Page 25: Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols

• Java– https://bitbucket.org/b_c/jose4j

• Ruby– https://github.com/nov/json-jwt

• JavaScript – http://kjur.github.com/jsjws/

• Perl– https://metacpan.org/module/JSON::WebToken

Some JOSE/JWT Implementations

*Disclaimer: I’m writing this one

Page 26: Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols

OAuth Basic Abstract Flow

• client: An application obtaining authorization and making protected resource requests.

– Native app on mobile device

• resource server (RS): A server capable of accepting and responding to protected resource requests.

– Protected APIs

• authorization server (AS): A server capable of issuing tokens after successfully authenticating the resource owner and obtaining authorization.



Get a token

Use a token

A few other protocol terms• Access token (AT) – Presented by client when

accessed protected resources at the RS • Refresh token (RT) - Allows clients to obtain a fresh

access token without re-obtaining authorization • Scope – A permission (or set of permissions) defined

by the AS/RS• Authorization endpoint – used by the client to obtain

authorization from the resource owner via user-agent redirection

• Token endpoint – used for direct client to AS communication

• Authorization Code – One time code issued by an AS to be exchanged for an AT.


Page 27: Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols


The OAuth 2.0 (RFC 6749)

Code Flowa.k.a.

Authorization Code Grant Typea.k.a.

Authorization Code Flowa.k.a.


Page 28: Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols


Authorization Server

Authorization Endpoint

Token Endpoint


Resource Server

Protected Resource(s)

Resource Owner

OAuth 2.0

*Disclaimer: I also work with this guy

Page 29: Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols


Authorization Server

Authorization Endpoint

Token Endpoint


Resource Owner

Authorization Request with response_type=code

OAuth 2.0

Resource Server

Protected Resource(s)

Page 30: Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols


Authorization Server

Authorization Endpoint

Token Endpoint


Resource Server

Protected Resource(s)

Resource Owner

Authenticate and Approve

OAuth 2.0

Resource Server

Protected Resource(s)

Page 31: Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols


Authorization Server

Authorization Endpoint

Token Endpoint


Resource Owner

Authorization Response + code

OAuth 2.0

Resource Server

Protected Resource(s)

Page 32: Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols


Authorization Server

Authorization Endpoint

Token Endpoint


Resource Server

Protected Resource(s)

Resource Owner

Access Token Request withauthorization_code grant type

+ code

OAuth 2.0

Resource Server

Protected Resource(s)

Page 33: Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols


Authorization Server

Authorization Endpoint

Token Endpoint


Resource Server

Protected Resource(s)

Resource Owner

Access Token Response withAccess Token (and maybe


OAuth 2.0

Resource Server

Protected Resource(s)

Page 34: Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols


Authorization Server

Authorization Endpoint

Token Endpoint


Resource Server

Protected Resource(s)

Resource Owner

Use Access Token to access Protected Resources

OAuth 2.0

Resource Server

Protected Resource(s)

Page 35: Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols


OpenID Connect is a simple identity layer on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol.

Page 36: Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols


OpenID Connect

Basic Client Profileor

Code Flow

Page 37: Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols


Authorization Server / Identity Provider / OpenID Provider

Authorization Endpoint

Token Endpoint

Client / Relying Party

Resource Owner /

OAuth 2.0

Resource Server

Protected Resource(s)

OpenID Connect

Resource Server

User Info Endpoint


Page 38: Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols


Authorization Server / Identity Provider / OpenID Provider

Authorization Endpoint

Token Endpoint

Client / Relying Party

Resource Owner /

OAuth 2.0

Resource Server

Protected Resource(s)

OpenID Connect

Resource Server

User Info Endpoint


Authorization Request with response_type=code &

scope=openid profile email address phone& maybe other new stuff, request[_uri], prompt,

nonce, etc.

Page 39: Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols


Authorization Server / Identity Provider / OpenID Provider

Authorization Endpoint

Token Endpoint

Client / Relying Party

Resource Owner /

OAuth 2.0

Resource Server

Protected Resource(s)

OpenID Connect

Resource Server

User Info Endpoint


Authenticate and Approve

Page 40: Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols


Authorization Server / Identity Provider / OpenID Provider

Authorization Endpoint

Token Endpoint

Client / Relying Party

Resource Owner /

OAuth 2.0

Resource Server

Protected Resource(s)

OpenID Connect

Resource Server

User Info Endpoint


Authorization Response + code

Page 41: Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols


Authorization Server / Identity Provider / OpenID Provider

Authorization Endpoint

Token Endpoint

Client / Relying Party

Resource Owner /

OAuth 2.0

Resource Server

Protected Resource(s)

OpenID Connect

Resource Server

User Info Endpoint


Access Token Request withauthorization_code grant type

+ code

Page 42: Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols


Authorization Server / Identity Provider / OpenID Provider

Authorization Endpoint

Token Endpoint

Client / Relying Party

Resource Owner /

OAuth 2.0

Resource Server

Protected Resource(s)

OpenID Connect

Resource Server

User Info Endpoint


Access Token Response withAccess Token

+ ID Token (JWT)

Page 43: Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols


Authorization Server / Identity Provider / OpenID Provider

Authorization Endpoint

Token Endpoint

Client / Relying Party

Resource Owner /

OAuth 2.0

Resource Server

Protected Resource(s)

OpenID Connect

Resource Server

User Info Endpoint


Use Access Token to access User Info Endpoint

Page 44: Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols


Authorization Server / Identity Provider / OpenID Provider

Authorization Endpoint

Token Endpoint

Client / Relying Party

Resource Owner /

OAuth 2.0

Resource Server

Protected Resource(s)

OpenID Connect

Resource Server

User Info Endpoint


User Info Endpoint returns additional claims about (aboot) the authenticated End-User.

Page 45: Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols


Authorization Server / Identity Provider / OpenID Provider

Authorization Endpoint

Token Endpoint

Client / Relying Party

Resource Owner /

OAuth 2.0

Resource Server

Protected Resource(s)

OpenID Connect

Resource Server

User Info Endpoint


End-User is logged into the Client/RP

Page 46: Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols


Authorization Server / Identity Provider / OpenID Provider

Authorization Endpoint

Token Endpoint

Client / Relying Party

Resource Owner /

OAuth 2.0

Resource Server

Protected Resource(s)

OpenID Connect

Resource Server

User Info Endpoint


[Maybe] Use Access Token to access additional Protected


Page 47: Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols


Simple, ri


Page 48: Introduction to the Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols

You’ve just been Introduced to some Emerging JSON-Based Identity and Security Protocols

Brian Campbell


Gluecon 2013


SAMLAny Questions?