Instruments ruby on rails

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Instruments of Ruby on Rails

Pavlo Mashchak

July 09, 2011

Common facets and principles of Ruby on Rails model. And additional instruments for rapid development.

Instruments of Ruby on Rails


For last several years we saw significant changes in web frameworks.

Developers strive for: quality of code, speed of development processes, reliable code.

Ruby on Rails in corporate all of these.

Ruby on Rails incorporate all of these. It's modular. With supplied plugins and gems you can build multi-level application. Just add source.

Beside you own gem/plugins can be included into the project. Or even you can contribute to Rails if find some bugs. RVM, gem Bundler.

RVM allows to install several Ruby versions on one machine and switch them by one command.

Bundler allows to manage dependencies within different gems and install them into the system ether freeze into the project.

Instruments of Ruby on Rails

Instruments of Ruby on Rails

rvm list, rvm install

vim Gemfile

bundle install

Instruments of Ruby on Rails

Don't create just generate

With rails generators you can generate any part of application or full fledged web page with integrated CRUD operations:

rails g scaffold articles title:string body:text

Instruments of Ruby on Rails

Data layers

Bunch of different ORMs can expand any popular database you like. (Postgres, MySQL, MongoDB, Redis) and many others.

ORM saves SQL code and allows to retrieve any instance associations from models. (Polymorphic, Single Table Inherited, eager joins etc.)

This association generate 2 level join from Users table

Instruments of Ruby on Rails

Rails console

You can load all project environment and debug application in console

Instruments of Ruby on Rails

Test driven and Behavior driven development

Rails was designed to build your application in test or behavior driven style.

You will always sure that you didn't break anything. And all features work as well.

Rspec Cucumber WebRat

Instruments of Ruby on Rails

Deploy or create featured script tasks.

Rake and Capistrano

Instruments of Ruby on Rails


Ruby is not slow

Rails is agile

Rails is powerful and easy learning framework

Top - 50 Rails sites: [Ruby on Rails, Scala] 190 mln users 65 mln tweeting 600 mln registered 45 mln month 1mln 3.3 million unique visitors per month 12 mln users and 65% market in poland

Instruments of Ruby on Rails

Thanks for attention. If you have any Questions.

Mailto: [email protected] Skype: pavlomashchak

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