Indian conqu

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  • 1. Indian Conquistadors Daniel May

2. Conquista de Mexico por Cortes

  • The fall of Tenochtitlan

3. An epic battle 4. Spanish troops vs. Mexica defenders 5. Hernando Cortes 6. Superiority Spanish military resources 7. Providential intervention of God 8. Perspective on theconquest

  • 1680 - Antonio de Solis's text & Kislak images

9. Rooted the accounts of the spanish invaders 10. Depicted as an epic battle of spanish troops and Mexica defenders 11. How were such Feats Possible?

  • The Genius of Hernando Cortes

12. Superiority of Spanish militant resources 13. moral decadence structural weakness of the empire 14. Failings of Moctezuma's belief of Cortes was Deity 15. Combination of 3 Factors.

  • Epidemic disease impact

16. Native Disunity or micro patriotism 17. Metal weapons 18. (not Certainly Guns and horses ) 19. Sufferings of War

  • The conquest is widely known and accepted by the existence of allies

20. The casualties of these campaigns came at heavy native costs 21. A letter to the King the authorities of Xochimilco claim 1,100 warriors left though none returned 22. Tlaxcala provided large numbers of warriors to assist the Spaniards in their siege and destruction of Tenochtitlan; 23. This is no longer an observation