Important Mobile Trends for 2012 Handheld Librarian 2/1/12

Important Mobile Trends for 2012

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"Important Mobile Trends for 2012." The sixth online Handheld Librarian conference. Feb 1, 2012. http://bit.ly/hhlibsixtrends

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Important Mobile Trends for 2012

Handheld Librarian 2/1/12

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Start with right attitude

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Heavy D’slast Tweet

before his death

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2012 Trend Concepts





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‘If you stay ready, you don’t have to get ready’

The importance of staying current on tech trends

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Infographic by http://www.statista.com/ http://www.statista.com/topics/751/facebook/ via Mashable

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“Rethinking Information Diversity in Networks”https://www.facebook.com/notes/facebook-data-team/rethinking-information-diversity-in-networks/10150503499618859

“The research suggests that Facebook isn’t the echo chamber that some might expect – online social networks actually increase the spread of novel information and diverse viewpoints.”

“The information we consume and share on Facebook is actually much more diverse in nature than conventional wisdom might suggest. We are exposed to and spread more information from our distant contacts than our close friends. Since these distant contacts tend to be different from us, the bulk of information we consume and share comes from people with different perspectives.”

Facebook increases information exposure

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Infographic by Cartridge Save http://www.cartridgesave.co.uk/ Via http://mashable.com/2012/01/31/if-you-printed-facebook/

New era of massive social data

Archives data management records publishing costs models print history

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“The Future of History Is on Facebook”

We often learn about people through social networks - this can apply to historical figures too.

Librarians as community managers: Libraries as the brand, and these archives as the campaign in this instance.

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iTunes Match dropped:Revolutionizing content access

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“Spotify has now hit three million paying subscribers. That’s up from 2.5 million in November, when Spotify said it had 10 million active users and a 15 percent premium conversion ratio. Now Spotify says it is converting 20 percent to paid; it did not update the active-users count, though mathematics suggests it is 15 million.”

People are willing to pay for streaming content to mobile

“Users who are exposing their listening on Facebook are three times as likely to become paid subscribers.

“The vast majority of customers are paying 120 dollars, pounds or Euros every year, which is around twice the amount the average user purchases on a download service every year.”


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“Tablet and E-book reader Ownership Nearly Double Over the Holiday Gift-Giving Period.” -Pew Internet And American Life Project http://www.pewinternet.org/Reports/2012/E-readers-and-tablets/Findings.aspx

“The number of Americans owning at least one of these digital reading devices jumped from 18% in December to 29% in January.”

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Kindle Fire sales estimates raised to six million units. “We believe the lower hardware price will correlate with high e-book and video content attach rates.”“software attach rates correlate inversely with the hardware price” - analyst Jordan Rohan.http://allthingsd.com/20120130/wheres-the-fire-kindle-sales-pushing-six-million-for-the-quarter/#

1 million Kindle Fires sold each week in December - http://mashable.com/2011/12/16/amazon-kindle-fire-1-million-sold-each-week/

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•record quarterly revenue of $46.33 billion •record quarterly net profit of $13.06 billion •International sales accounted for 58 percent of the quarter’s revenue. •sold 37.04 million iPhones (128 % unit growth)•sold 15.43 million iPads (111% unit increase

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Pilot program compared learning by iPad vs. print textbooks


Middle School students given new way to access the curriculum were compared to control group using traditional textbooks in areas of achievement and attitudes about learning.

“..students using the HMH Fuse app were more motivated, more attentive in class, and more engaged with Algebra content relative to students using textbooks. This change in student behavior also resulted in markedly improved student test scores at the end of the school year.”



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iBooks Author for publishing on the iPad

iPad iBooks textbooks http://www.apple.com/education/ibooks-textbooks/

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There is no accounting

for the unexpected

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iBooks 2

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From meme to book

The piece’s unique benefits, Randall’s voice, would benefit form an interactive eBook.

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Personalized visual based mobile magazines


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Named Apple's iPad App of the year

iPhone app released in December, 2011 “has been downloaded more than one million times in its first week” - http://mashable.com/2011/12/14/flipboard-iphone-1-million/

Developed for the iPad, Flipboard Creates a visual magazine like experience for custom curated content

Key points:• Visual browsing

• Personal choice in content•Social and proprietary content

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Opportunities won’t always stop to pose

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“We’re in the media business, but we’re not necessarily a media company,” Costolo elaborated. “We don’t create our own content; we’re a distributor of content and traffic. We’re one of the largest drivers of traffic to other media properties, [namely] to other online web properties, even to films.”


“Twitter Is Not a Media Company, CEO Says”

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“I really think 2012 is going to be the Twitter election,” Twitter CEO Dick Costolo


“Twitter has already changed the nature of political discussion in the U.S. The news cycle, already pretty fast, has sped up another notch.”


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Music album recorded entirely with iPhone apps

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Short film shot entirely on phones

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“T-rays technology could help develop Star Trek-style hand-held medical scanners”



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Mobile payments spreading

“In 2012, mobile payments could be the transformational technology…”

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Why Pinterest is Important:We experience and consume so much visually and Pinterest gives us a way to share and make note of goals, plans, experiences, desires, with images from online or from our own lives

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My boards

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Experiment part 1: PinBoard for Professional projects

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Experiment part 2: PinBoard for sharing news stories

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Pinterest and infographics

Attribution ?

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From same board - What better way to describe Pinterest than an infographic?

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“Pinteresting Trend in Social Media”

By http://www.monetate.com/ http://mashable.com/2012/01/29/pinterest-retail-infographic/

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By http://www.monetate.com/ http://mashable.com/2012/01/29/pinterest-retail-infographic/

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Invest time in planning

before setting out

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Some suggestions:•Bookmark resources •Books and collections•Contributions from community•As a visual resource guide•Facilitate collaboration•As a teaching tool•Pin pictures of staff to up the human element.•Track metrics •Pin pictures already in use for various social media projects

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Repinned from Books / Libros by Sahaa http://www.modcloth.com/shop/books/all-my-friends-are-dead

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… or what you aspire to be

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Inspire though beauty

or through uniqueness

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Remember that -

“through hardships to the stars”

I repinned from Holly Tomren

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Comedy Board

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“Making fun of Pinterest is the new Pinterest”http://www.dailydot.com/culture/pinterest-wtf-you-are-drunk-pintester/


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Google+ now has 90 million users globally - http://investor.google.com/earnings/2011/Q4_google_earnings.html

Adding over 600 thousand every day and might reach 300 million users with in a year

- http://mashable.com/2011/12/27/google-plus-62m-users/

bit.ly/googleplusforlibsPresident Obama to host State of the Union questions on Google+ Hangout

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Foursquare: 2 years along

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Leveling up in badges

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Partnership brings menus to Foursquare venues


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“Displays friends recent checkins on a clock similar to the "Weasleys' family clock" found in the "Harry Potter" book series. The hands automagically move as your friends checkin to different venues.”


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QR Codes are still spreading

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Location and content

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More and revised location engagement and discovery

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Path 2 demo

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http://www.engadget.com/2011/08/18/nokia-gifts-museum-of-london-with-nfc-tags-makes-you-tap-for-mo/ NFC

Transfer info by tapping smart phone.Easier than QR Codes etc?



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Save notes to real world with NFC via Touchanote


Delivering content through NFC?

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Access to power for our mobile devices is upmost in space capital.

Possible solution to a contemporary challenge facing physical libraries?

Possible revenue source: patrons would be willing to pay. More importantly – advertising and branding as viable space

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Tattoo-like electronic chips to monitor the body

To bridge the gap between biological input and electronic synthesis of information

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3D Printing


3D printing inspired by iPhone pics


“British Scientists Make Chocolate Goodies With 3D Printer”

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Getglue updates

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Getglue badges

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Into Now

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Celebrity / brand personal engagement

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How Instagram


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How Instagram


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Instagram cemented in social media


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Instagram & news

The power of image

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Instagram and news

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Instagram for inspiration

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Acknowledging the past

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There is always room for humor,

… and heart


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Choose your

inspiration carefully

The negativity economy always carries a negative balance

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Technology Trend Spotter for Libraries Twitter: @libraryfuture [email protected] http://www.facebook.com/joemurphy3 http://www.linkedin.com/in/libraryfuture http://joemurphylibraryfuture.com