How to Force Multiply Your Online Business

How to force multiply your online business

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How to Force Multiply Your Online Business

Page 2: How to force multiply your online business

If you already have any level of traffic, improving this one area of conversions will actually get you a bigger, faster result than all the other stuff that people love to talk about, like traffic, traffic, traffic and all that sort of stuff.

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Well, with our website, what we’re doing is we’re taking people’s websites and we’re giving them more conversions or we’re helping them to get more value out of the existing traffic that they’re getting. And it’s really a service where we’re able to help people become more profitable and a lot more effective and speed up their marketing by you know, once you are able to take the existing traffic that you’re getting and make it more profitable,

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suddenly all these new traffic sources open up to you and you’re able to profitably use Google Adwords, for example, and profitably target keywords that you weren’t able to target previously. And you are able to get a better return on investment from all of these other traffic generation activities at the same time as maximizing the value of the existing leads that you’re getting into the website.

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It’s almost negligible, isn’t it? It’s fascinating. Now how important, if we are going to look at the various elements of a sales funnel: we’ve got traffic, well, I guess we’ve got, we have some sort of content, right? We have to prepare the content, then we drive traffic to it and then we measure what’s happening and make various changes to try and get a conversion, whether it’s an opt-in or a sale. And then of course we have our customer relationship follow-up.

Page 6: How to force multiply your online business

Starting with adwords, you can obviously split test two different variations or multiple variations of an ad and come up with a way to attract more clicks to your website. You can’t do it on SEO. Unfortunately it doesn’t quite work that way with Google. But at that point, once you’re getting the people into your website, so let’s say that you’re sending them into an opt-in offer, the opt-in offer you know you can split test that.

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You can give people two different offers that they can take advantage of. Work out which offer works best. You can also test the information that you’re receiving from them. The buttons, the headlines, the images, whether or not video works better than text. All of these things factor in and you can do on basically any page of your site.

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At that point, people that are in their opt-in offer, you can split test the emails that go out to people and let’s say you’re setting up an autoresponder sequence. You can send out one version of the email to half the people on your list and one version to the other half and see which one results in more sales. Then moving through you got a sales page. You could obviously test whether or not you know, one particular offer, one particular pricing strategy, one particular product image works better than the other one.

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Then obviously upsells cart retention. Whether or not people make it through the shopping cart. Literally and anything, any page on your website, whether there’s some sort of offer can be tested and improved.