K n o w ! How Google Major Algorithm Updates Impact SEO

How Google's Major Algorithm Updates Impact SEO

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Page 1: How Google's Major Algorithm Updates Impact SEO

Know!How Google Major Algorithm

Updates Impact SEO

Page 2: How Google's Major Algorithm Updates Impact SEO

Before jumping into the pool…

Google introduces new algorithm updates from time to time and makes changes to its result pages which has very great impact on search results.

Here in this presentation we will discuss Google main search ranking algorithms that how these updates are impactful for SEO results and how we can safe from their penalties. Lets discussed them one by one…

Page 3: How Google's Major Algorithm Updates Impact SEO

1. Panda

Google panda update for the first time was launched in Feb 2011, the purpose of this algo is to lower the rank of low quality website having thin, copied content and practices keyword stuffing while return high ranking to quality content site in SERPs.

In January 2016 it was incorporated in core algorithms. Before included into core algo, it was just a filter not a ranking algorithm update.

Launch Date: Feb 24, 2011Last Updated: January, 2016

Purpose: Duplicate, Copied or Thin Content; User-generated Spam; Keyword stuffing

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2. Penguin

Google launched Penguin update in April 24, 2012 to treat those site who is manipulating Google webmaster guidelines and are tend to generate unnatural, spammy and irrelevant links to their websites.

Just like Panda update, penguin was also included to the Google core algorithms. The purpose is to monitor the links profile with real time algorithm.

Launch Date: April 24, 2012 Last Updated: September 23, 2016

Purpose: Unnatural, Spammy, Irrelevant and Over optimized anchor text Links

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3. Hummingbird

Based on semantic search focusing on user intent, Hummingbird algorithm update aims at improving search results for conversational queries such as questions, How, How, Why, When, What etc.

Launch Date: August 22, 2013

Purpose: Keyword stuffing; low-quality content, focus on keyword only

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5. Mobile

The purpose of this algo update is to rank high mobile friendly pages in search engine result pages and the pages having not optimized or not mobile friendly are down ranked or filter out from searches.

To rank high in searches go mobile friendly and optimized for mobile users, focus on speed and usability.

Launch Date: April 21, 2015

Purpose: Lack of a mobile version of the page; poor mobile usability

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For more SEO geeks…

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Website: https://spiralclick.com/seo

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