kaskaderc @kaskaderc +Kasia Derc-Fenske // Google Kasia Derc-Fenske Google Maps Mobile APIs 1 Friday, March 22, 13

Google Maps Mobile APIs by Kasia Derc-Fenske

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A quick guide on how to get started with Google Maps Android API v2 and Google Maps SDK for iOS with some GIS fun facts that can be learnt along the way. Starting with a quick overview of the key features of both SDK. followed by setup instructions, code snippets and some tips on utilizing geotagged information. Maps Rock!

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Page 1: Google Maps Mobile APIs by Kasia Derc-Fenske


@kaskaderc +Kasia Derc-Fenske // Google

Kasia Derc-Fenske

Google Maps Mobile APIs

1Friday, March 22, 13

Page 2: Google Maps Mobile APIs by Kasia Derc-Fenske

kaskaderc Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

Google Maps Mobile APIs

Google MapsAndroid API v2

Google MapsSDK for iOS

2Friday, March 22, 13

Page 3: Google Maps Mobile APIs by Kasia Derc-Fenske

3Friday, March 22, 13

Page 4: Google Maps Mobile APIs by Kasia Derc-Fenske

Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

Goal of this presto kaskaderc

4Friday, March 22, 13

Page 5: Google Maps Mobile APIs by Kasia Derc-Fenske

Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

Key features kaskaderc

Android iOS


Vector Maps

Camera Positioning

Markers & Info Windows




API level 12 (level 4 w/Support Library), GLES 2

Development: Xcode 4.5+, iOS SDK 6.+.Target platform: iOS 5.1

3D Buildings, Roadmap, Hybrid Map, Satellite Imagery, Terrain Map3D Buildings, Roadmap, Hybrid Map, Satellite Imagery, Terrain Map

Zoom, Pan, Tilt, Bearing, AnimationZoom, Pan, Tilt, Bearing, Animation

Custom Icons, Anchoring, Dragging (Android), Custom Info WindowsCustom Icons, Anchoring, Dragging (Android), Custom Info Windows

Polylines (geodesic), Polygons, and Circles Polylines (geodesic)

Ground and Tile Ground

Traffic and Indoor (Android)Traffic and Indoor (Android)

5Friday, March 22, 13

Page 6: Google Maps Mobile APIs by Kasia Derc-Fenske

Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

Before you start kaskaderc

Things you need to do to use the APIs.

6Friday, March 22, 13

Page 7: Google Maps Mobile APIs by Kasia Derc-Fenske

Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

Getting started kaskaderc

Services Section

API Access section

7Friday, March 22, 13

Page 8: Google Maps Mobile APIs by Kasia Derc-Fenske

Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

Getting started kaskaderc

API Access section


◦ OS X and Linux: ~/.android/◦ Windows Vista and Windows 7: C:\Users\your_user_name\.android\



%> keytool -list -v -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android

Getting the fingerprint

8Friday, March 22, 13

Page 9: Google Maps Mobile APIs by Kasia Derc-Fenske

• MapView v1 keys will NOT work with the new v2 API

• The key is generated in the Google APIs Console, NOT the Google Play Developer Console

Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

The important NOT s kaskaderc

9Friday, March 22, 13

Page 10: Google Maps Mobile APIs by Kasia Derc-Fenske

iOS demo

Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske kaskaderc

10Friday, March 22, 13

Page 11: Google Maps Mobile APIs by Kasia Derc-Fenske

Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

Demo time ! kaskaderc

11Friday, March 22, 13

Page 12: Google Maps Mobile APIs by Kasia Derc-Fenske

Run it!

Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

iOS demo code kaskaderc

12Friday, March 22, 13

Page 13: Google Maps Mobile APIs by Kasia Derc-Fenske

Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

GIS Trivia 1 kaskaderc

Designed by Ben King (http://thenounproject.com/Kinger/)

13Friday, March 22, 13

Page 14: Google Maps Mobile APIs by Kasia Derc-Fenske

Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

GIS Trivia 1 kaskaderc

The earth is not flat!

14Friday, March 22, 13

Page 15: Google Maps Mobile APIs by Kasia Derc-Fenske

Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

What is a geodesic ? kaskaderc

•the path followed by an object with not forces acting on it

• the “straightest” you can get in curved space

•it’s about pinning a string to two points on earth and making it as short as possible

15Friday, March 22, 13

Page 16: Google Maps Mobile APIs by Kasia Derc-Fenske

Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

Going from New York to Rome kaskaderc

16Friday, March 22, 13

Page 17: Google Maps Mobile APIs by Kasia Derc-Fenske

Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske kaskaderc

Android demo

17Friday, March 22, 13

Page 18: Google Maps Mobile APIs by Kasia Derc-Fenske

Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

How does it work: Google Play .apk kaskaderc

18Friday, March 22, 13

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What we need:Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

Setting up ADT kaskaderc

• ADT: http://developer.android.com/sdk/• Google Play Services• Android Support Library

Note: Sample code is also bundled with Google Play Services SDK

19Friday, March 22, 13

Page 20: Google Maps Mobile APIs by Kasia Derc-Fenske

Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

Android Support Library kaskaderc

• Use SupportMapFragment is targeting API 11 or below• Also required for example app

20Friday, March 22, 13

Page 21: Google Maps Mobile APIs by Kasia Derc-Fenske

Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

Setting up ADT kaskaderc

• import sdk/extras/google/google_play_services/libproject/google-play-services_libsdk/extras/google/google_play_services/samples/maps

• add android/compatibility/v4/android-support-v4.jar as an external jar

21Friday, March 22, 13

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Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

AndroidManifest.xml kaskaderc

22Friday, March 22, 13

Page 23: Google Maps Mobile APIs by Kasia Derc-Fenske

Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

Become a developer kaskaderc

Plug in a physical phone

Enable debugging and Run!

23Friday, March 22, 13

Page 24: Google Maps Mobile APIs by Kasia Derc-Fenske

Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

GIS Trivia 2: Projections kaskaderc

Designed by Ben King (http://thenounproject.com/Kinger/)

24Friday, March 22, 13

Page 25: Google Maps Mobile APIs by Kasia Derc-Fenske

Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

GIS Trivia 2: XKCD Mercator kaskaderc

source: http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/map_projections.png

25Friday, March 22, 13

Page 27: Google Maps Mobile APIs by Kasia Derc-Fenske

Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

What’s available kaskaderc

Android Maps Api Features

27Friday, March 22, 13

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<fragment xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" xmlns:map="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res-auto" android:id="@+id/map" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" class="com.google.android.gms.maps.MapFragment" map:cameraBearing="12.5" map:cameraTargetLat="53.012098" map:cameraTargetLng="18.593674" map:cameraTilt="45" map:cameraZoom="14" map:mapType="normal" map:uiCompass="false" map:uiRotateGestures="true" map:uiScrollGestures="true" map:uiTiltGestures="true" map:uiZoomControls="true" map:uiZoomGestures="true" />

Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

The simplest implementation kaskaderc

public class MainActivity extends Activity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); }}

28Friday, March 22, 13

Page 29: Google Maps Mobile APIs by Kasia Derc-Fenske

Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

Android Maps API: deeper dive kaskaderc

public class MainActivity extends android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity { private GoogleMap map; protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);

map = ((SupportMapFragment) getSupportFragmentManager() .findFragmentById(R.id.map)).getMap(); }...



29Friday, March 22, 13

Page 30: Google Maps Mobile APIs by Kasia Derc-Fenske

Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

1. Base Maps in 3D kaskaderc

30Friday, March 22, 13

Page 31: Google Maps Mobile APIs by Kasia Derc-Fenske

Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

Camera positioning kaskaderc

static final CameraPosition BONDI = new CameraPosition.Builder().target(new LatLng(-33.891614, 151.276417)) .zoom(15.5f) .bearing(300) .tilt(50) .build();

CameraUpdate cameraUpdate = CameraUpdateFactory.newCameraPosition(BONDI)); CameraUpdate cameraUpdate = CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLng(new LatLng(-33.89, 151.27)); CameraUpdate cameraUpdate = CameraUpdateFactory.scrollBy(50, 0); CameraUpdate cameraUpdate = CameraUpdateFactory.zoomTo(10); // Or In/Out/By

map.moveCamera(cameraUpdate); map.animateCamera(cameraUpdate);

sample code from CameraDemoActivity.java

31Friday, March 22, 13

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Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

2. Indoor floor plans kaskaderc


32Friday, March 22, 13

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Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

3. Traffic and My Location kaskaderc

mMap. setTrafficEnabled(true);


33Friday, March 22, 13

Page 34: Google Maps Mobile APIs by Kasia Derc-Fenske

Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

4. Custom Overlays kaskaderc


mGroundOverlay = mMap.addGroundOverlay(new GroundOverlayOptions() .image(BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromResource(R.drawable.newark_nj_1922)) .anchor(0, 1) .position(NEWARK, 8600f, 6500f));

sample code from GroundOverlayDemoActivity.java

34Friday, March 22, 13

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Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

5. Markers & InfoWindows kaskaderc

35Friday, March 22, 13

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Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

5. Markers and Info Windows kaskaderc

map.addMarker(new MarkerOptions().position(new LatLng(37.5, 122.5)).title("Title") // optional.snippet("And a Snippet!") // optional.draggable(true) // optional.visible(true)); // optional

36Friday, March 22, 13

Page 37: Google Maps Mobile APIs by Kasia Derc-Fenske

Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

5. Markers and Info Windows kaskaderc

map.addMarker(new MarkerOptions() .position(new LatLng(40, 40)) .icon(BitmapDescriptorFactory.defaultMarker( BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_AZURE))); // float hue 0-359

map.addMarker(new MarkerOptions() .position(new LatLng(50, 50)) .icon(BitmapDescriptorFactory .fromResource(R.drawable.marker)));// or fromAsset(String), fromBitmap(Bitmap), fromFile(String)

map.addMarker(new MarkerOptions() .position(new LatLng(60, 60)) .icon(BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromResource(R.drawable.marker_shadow)) .anchor(.23f, 1)); // ratio of width & height from top-left corner

37Friday, March 22, 13

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Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

5. Markers and Info Windows kaskaderc





← u →

← v

38Friday, March 22, 13

Page 39: Google Maps Mobile APIs by Kasia Derc-Fenske

Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

Custom info windows kaskaderc

• Create a InfoWindowAdapter

• Attach the adapter to the map

class CustomInfoWindowAdapter implements InfoWindowAdapter { @Override public View getInfoContents(Marker marker) { return null; // return null for default InfoWindow }

@Override public View getInfoWindow(Marker marker) { return null; // call getInfoContents }}

39Friday, March 22, 13

Page 40: Google Maps Mobile APIs by Kasia Derc-Fenske

Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

Marker and Info Window Events! kaskaderc

• Defining Listeners

• Registering Listeners

• Receiving Events

public class MarkerActivity extends android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivityimplements OnMarkerClickListener, OnInfoWindowClickListener, OnMarkerDragListener {...


public void onMarkerDrag(Marker marker) {}public void onMarkerDragEnd(Marker marker) {}public void onMarkerDragStart(Marker marker) {}public void onInfoWindowClick(Marker marker) {}public boolean onMarkerClick(Marker marker) {}

40Friday, March 22, 13

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Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

6. Polylines & Polygons kaskaderc

41Friday, March 22, 13

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Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

Slide’s title kaskaderc

• Polyline

• Polygon

map.addPolyline(new PolylineOptions() .add(LHR, AKL, LAX, JFK, LHR) // LatLng... or addAll(List<LatLng>) .width(5) .color(Color.BLUE) .geodesic(true));

map.addPolygon(new PolygonOptions() .addAll(coords) // List<LatLng> .addHole(hole) // List<LatLng> .fillColor(Color.CYAN) .strokeColor(Color.BLUE) .strokeWidth(5) .geodesic(true));

42Friday, March 22, 13

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Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

6. Fragment Support kaskaderc

43Friday, March 22, 13

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Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

6. Fragment Support kaskaderc

MultiMapDemoActivity.javapublic class MultiMapDemoActivity extends android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.multimap_demo); }} <LinearLayout xmlns:android=...

xmlns:map=... android:id="@+id/map_container" ...

<fragment android:id="@+id/map1" <LinearLayout

android:id="@+id/map_container2" <fragment android:id="@+id/map2"

44Friday, March 22, 13

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Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske kaskaderc

7. Tile Overlays

45Friday, March 22, 13

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Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

Hello Map and getting started kaskaderc

Shortcuts: Kick-start Google Maps Android API v2 Development



46Friday, March 22, 13

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Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

GIS Trivia 3: Projections c.d. kaskaderc

Designed by Ben King (http://thenounproject.com/Kinger/)

47Friday, March 22, 13

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Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske kaskaderc

source: http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/map_projections.png

GIS Trivia 3: XKCD Gall-Peters

48Friday, March 22, 13

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Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

GIS Trivia 3: Gall - Peters projection kaskaderc


49Friday, March 22, 13

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Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

GIS Trivia 3: XKCD and Projections kaskaderc


source: http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/map_projections.png

50Friday, March 22, 13

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Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

Maps SDK for iOS Features and Sample kaskaderc

Maps SDK for iOS Features

51Friday, March 22, 13

Page 52: Google Maps Mobile APIs by Kasia Derc-Fenske

Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

1. Basic Maps in 3D, map types, traffic layer kaskaderc

52Friday, March 22, 13

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Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

2. Polylines, Custom Markers, Ground Overlay... kaskaderc

53Friday, March 22, 13

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Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

Let’s check sample projects! kaskaderc

Instead or reiterating sample code let’s see how to use storyboards and look at the event model.

54Friday, March 22, 13

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getting started project

Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

Getting started iOS project kaskaderc

55Friday, March 22, 13

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Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

Using storyboards kaskaderc

56Friday, March 22, 13

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Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske kaskaderc

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>#import <GoogleMaps/GoogleMaps.h>

@interface googleMainController : UIViewController<GMSMapViewDelegate>@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UILabel *mapLabel;@property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet GMSMapView *googleMap;...@end

- (void)viewDidLoad{ [super viewDidLoad]; self.googleMap.camera = [GMSCameraPosition cameraWithLatitude:41.9015141 longitude:12.4607737 zoom:15 bearing:10.f viewingAngle:37.5f]; self.googleMap.delegate = self; }

Protocols and Delegates

57Friday, March 22, 13

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Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

From the Controller’s perspective kaskaderc

@interface googleMainController : UIViewController<GMSMapViewDelegate>

declared in GMSMapView.h

self.googleMap.delegate = self;

We will implement some of the Map delegate functions

We will tell the map we will be it’s delegate

58Friday, March 22, 13

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@protocol GMSMapViewDelegate <NSObject>

Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

GMS Map View Delegate methods kaskaderc

(void)mapView:(GMSMapView *)mapView didChangeCameraPosition:(GMSCameraPosition *)position;

- (void)mapView:(GMSMapView *)mapView didTapAtCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)coordinate;

- (void)mapView:(GMSMapView *)mapView didLongPressAtCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)coordinate;

(BOOL)mapView:(GMSMapView *)mapView didTapMarker:(id<GMSMarker>)marker;

- (void)mapView:(GMSMapView *)mapView didTapInfoWindowOfMarker:(id<GMSMarker>)marker;

59Friday, March 22, 13

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Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

Logging activity kaskaderc

- (void)mapView:(GMSMapView *)mapView didChangeCameraPosition:(GMSCameraPosition *)position { NSLog(@"You changed camera position to zoom %f, target: %f, %f ", position.zoom, position.targetAsCoordinate.latitude, position.targetAsCoordinate.longitude);


- (void)mapView:(GMSMapView *)mapView didTapAtCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)coordinate { NSLog(@"You tapped at %f,%f", coordinate.latitude, coordinate.longitude);}

60Friday, March 22, 13

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Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

Zoom in out buttons kaskaderc

- (IBAction)tappedZoomOut:(UIButton *)sender { CGFloat currentZoom = self.googleMap.camera.zoom; if (currentZoom > kGMSMinZoomLevel) { self.googleMap.camera = [GMSCameraPosition cameraWithLatitude:self.googleMap.camera.target.latitude longitude:self.googleMap.camera.target.longitude zoom:currentZoom-1 bearing:self.googleMap.camera.bearing viewingAngle:self.googleMap.camera.viewingAngle]; }}


61Friday, March 22, 13

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Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

Visualizing JSON data kaskaderc

Earthquakes on the Move

62Friday, March 22, 13

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Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

Earthquakes on the Move storyboard kaskaderc

63Friday, March 22, 13

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Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

Earthquakes on the Move code kaskaderc

#define kUSGSEarthQuakes [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/feed/geojson/all/hour"]

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface EQTableViewController : UITableViewController@property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet UILabel *quakeLabel;@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *quakeName;@property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet UITableView *tableView;@property (nonatomic, strong) NSData* data;@property (nonatomic, strong) NSDictionary* json;


@interface EQTableViewController (){ NSMutableArray *quakeArray; NSMutableArray *markerArray;}@end

- (void)viewDidLoad{ [super viewDidLoad]; [self fetchData];}

64Friday, March 22, 13

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Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

iOS Demo App : Earthquakes on the Move kaskaderc

Shortcuts: Earthquakes on the Movehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZt5ZIWWUd0

Find out by watching Maps Developer Shortcuts!

65Friday, March 22, 13

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Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

Launching native Google Maps app kaskaderc

[[UIApplication sharedApplication] canOpenURL:    [NSURL URLWithString:@"comgooglemaps://"]];


Uri uri = Uri.parse("http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=FROM_LOCATION&daddr=TO_LOCATION");Uri uri = Uri.parse("geo:13.070984,80.253639");Intent in = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uri);startActivity(in);

Android intents

iOS URL Scheme

66Friday, March 22, 13

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Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

Google Maps Web Services - Server side kaskaderc

2500 requests per dayDirections API: Directions for several modes of transportation (transit, driving, walking or cycling) between locations, including waypoints.

Distance Matrix API: Travel distance and time for a matrix of locations.

Elevation API: Elevation data for all locations on the surface of the earth, including depth locations on the ocean floor.

Geocoding API: Forward and reverse geocoding.

Time Zone API: Time offset data for locations on Earth.

Places API: Detailed information about (80M+) places across a wide range of categories.

100K requests per 24 hour period ( if billing is enabled )

67Friday, March 22, 13

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Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

GIS Trivia 4: Maps Surprises kaskaderc

Designed by Ben King (http://thenounproject.com/Kinger/)

68Friday, March 22, 13

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Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske kaskaderc

GIS Trivia 4: be surprised

69Friday, March 22, 13

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Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

GIS Trivia 4: True size of Africa by Kai Krause kaskaderc

full image: http://www.learnnc.org/lp/multimedia/16023

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Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

Getting in touch kaskaderc


71Friday, March 22, 13

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Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

Issue tracker kaskaderc

code.google.comIssue tracker

72Friday, March 22, 13

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Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

Asking questions kaskaderc

73Friday, March 22, 13

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Staying tuned kaskaderc


Google Maps API (G+ & Twitter)

Google Geo Developers Blog

Google Maps API Developers Live

74Friday, March 22, 13

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Add <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>

Kasia Derc-Fenske | Google+Kasia Derc-Fenske

Extra tips kaskaderc

into AndroidManifest.xml to ensure correct behavior under poor connectivity conditions

75Friday, March 22, 13

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kaskaderc@kdf +Kasia Derc-Fenske // Google

Kasia Derc-Fenske

Thank you!

@ +alfredomorresi Alfredo Morresi // Google Italy rainbowbreeze

76Friday, March 22, 13