Go for the Money Introduction to JSR 354 2014 March 2014 Go for the money - JSR 354 - http://java.net/projects/javamoney

Go for the Money - JSR 354

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The presentation introduces JSR 354 (Currency and Money). It will discuss the API from a user perspective, and gives details on the design decisions done. The presentation will demonstrate how the JSR models monetary capabilities, monetary amounts, currencies, roundings, financial arithmetics as well as formatting and currency conversion in a platform independent and flexible way. The presentation is targeting more advanced developers being interested in modeling financial concerns in Java and advanced API design in general.

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Page 1: Go for the Money - JSR 354

Go for the Money

Introduction to JSR 354


March 2014

Go for the money - JSR 354 - http://java.net/projects/javamoney

Page 2: Go for the Money - JSR 354

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Anatole Tresch

Consultant, Coach

Credit Suisse

Technical Coordinator & Architect

Specification Lead JSR 354

Regular Conference Speaker

Driving Java EE Config

Twitter/Google+: @atsticks

[email protected]

[email protected]

Java Config Discussion https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/java-config

Java Config Blog: http://javaeeconfig.blogspot.ch

Zurich Java Community (Google Community)

Zurich Hackergarten


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History and Motivation


Currencies and Monetary Amounts

Extension Points

Currency Conversion

Formatting & Parsing

JavaMoney OSS Project

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History and Motivation


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Earlier Approaches


Martin Fowler: A large proportion of the computers in this world manipulate money, so it’s

always puzzled me that money isn’t

actually a first class data type in any

mainstream programming language.

The lack of a type causes problems,

the most obvious surrounding currencies…

see http://martinfowler.com/eaaCatalog/money.html

Eric Evans – Time and Money: On project after project, software developers have to reinvent the wheel, creating objects for

simple recurring concepts such as “money”

and “currency”. Although most languages have

a “date” or “time” object, these are

rudimentary, and do not cover many needs,

such as recurring sequences of time, durations of time, or intervals of time. …

To be quite frank, their code isn’t more than an academic POC, factories called dollars() or euros() are useless in real globally deployed

frameworks, but he made a good point.

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Monetary values are a key feature

Existing java.util.Currency class is strictly representing

ISO-4217 standard currencies.

No standard value type for monetary amounts

No support for monetary arithmetic or currency conversion

No support for historic currencies

JDK Formatting features lack of flexibility


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Scope & Schedule

Standalone scope, minimum Java Version: 7

Targeting possible later platform inclusion

Started in 2012 by Victor Grazi

Early Draft Review May 2013

Public Review finished January 2013!

2nd Public Review on the way!

Final until end of 2014


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General Considerations

Minimal extendible API

Support Value Types, interfaces for interop

Design for the JDK, but stay flexible

Naming and some design aspects similar to ThreeTen

Suitable for SE, ME and EE!

Compatibility with JodaMoney would be a benefit


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Overview of JSR 354 and Javamoney

API (javax.money):

CurrencyUnit, MonetaryAmount, MonetaryOperator,

MonetaryQuery, CurrencyConversion, ExchangeRate,

MonetaryAmountFormat, MonetaryException;

MonetaryCurrencies, MonetaryAmounts, MonetaryRoundings,

MonetaryConversions, MonetaryFormats

RI (org.javamoney.moneta): BuildableCurrencyUnit, Money, FastMoney, MonetaryFunctions

TCK (org.javamoney.tck):

Javamoney (GitHub OSS project): org.javamoney…

format (extended API)

currencies (mapping)





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Currencies and Monetary Amounts



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Some Details about ISO 4217


Special Codes




Minor units

Precious Metals (XAU, XAG) Testing (XTS) No Currency (XXX) Supranational currencies, e.g. East Caribbean dollar, the CFP franc, the CFA franc.

CFA franc: West African CFA franc und Central African

CFA franc = denotes 2 effectively interchangeable (!). Switzerland: CHF, CHE (WIR-EURO), CHW (WIR) USA: USD, USN (next day), USS (same day) Reassignments of Codes

Legal acceptance, e.g. Indian Rupees are legally accepted in Buthan/Nepal, but not vice versa. multiple minors, supermajors

Typically 1/100, rarely 1/1000, but also 1/5 (Mauritania, Madagaskar), 0.00000001 (BitCoin)

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Currencies (continued)

”Virtual” Currencies


Video Game Currencies Gold, Gil, Rupees, Credits, Gold Rings, Hearts, Zenny, Potch, Munny, Nuyen…

Facebook Credits Virtual currency you can use to buy virtual goods in any games or apps of the Facebook platform that accept payments. You can purchase Facebook Credits directly from within an app using your credit card, PayPal, mobile phone and many other local payment methods.

Bitcoin (sign: BTC) Bittcoin is a decentralized digital currency based on an open-source, peer-to-peer internet protocol. It was introduced by a pseudonymous developer named Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009.

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Currencies (continued)



Allow currencies with arbitrary other currency codes

Register additional Currency Units using an flexible SPI Fluent API using a Builder (RI only)

Historic Validity of currencies related to regions/countries and vice

versa (not part of JSR, but javamoney OSS project)

public interface CurrencyUnit{

public String getCurrencyCode();

public int getNumericCode();

public int getDefaultFractionDigits();


public final class MonetaryCurrencies{

public CurrencyUnit getCurrency(String currencyCode);

public CurrencyUnit getCurrency(Locale locale);

public boolean isCurrencyAvailable(String currencyCode);

public boolean isCurrencyAvailable(String locale);


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Currencies (continued)

API Samples

CurrencyUnit currency1 = MonetaryCurrencies.getCurrency("USD");

CurrencyUnit currency2 = MonetaryCurrencies.getCurrency(


CurrencyUnit bitcoin = new BuildableCurrencyUnit.Builder("BTC")





Access a CurrencyUnit

Build a CurrencyUnit (RI only)

Register a CurrencyUnit

CurrencyUnit bitcoin = ….create(true);

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Monetary Amounts

General Aspects


Amount = Currency + Numeric Value

+ Capabilities

Arithmetic Functions, Comparison

Fluent API

Financial Calculations and Functions

Rounding, non standard Rounding

Performance vs. Precision and scale

Wide Numeric Range

ME Compatibility

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Monetary Amounts (continued)

Key Decisions


Support Several Numeric Representations (instead of one

single fixed value type)

Use functional design for extendible functionality (MonetaryOperator, MonetaryQuery)

Define Implementation Recommendations

• Rounding should to be modelled as separate concern (a MonetaryOperator)

• Ensure Interoperability by the MonetaryAmount


• Precision/scale capabilities should be inherited to its

operational results.

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Monetary Amounts (continued)

The API public interface MonetaryAmount{

public CurrencyUnit getCurrency();

public NumberValue getNumber();

public MonetaryContext getMonetaryContext();

public MonetaryAmount with(MonetaryOperator operator);

public <R> R query(MonetaryQuery<R> query);

public MonetaryAmountFactory<? extends MonetaryAmount> getFactory();

public boolean isLessThanOrEqualTo(MonetaryAmount amt);

public boolean isLessThan(MonetaryAmount amt);

public boolean isEqualTo(MonetaryAmount amt);

public int signum();

public MonetaryAmount add(MonetaryAmount amount);

public MonetaryAmount subtract(MonetaryAmount amount);

public MonetaryAmount divide(long number);

public MonetaryAmount multiply(Number number);

public MonetaryAmount remainder(double number);

public MonetaryAmount stripTrailingZeros();



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Monetary Context

Model Amount Capabilities


Describes the capabilities of a MonetaryAmount.

Accessible from each MonetaryAmount instance.

Allows querying a feasible implementation type from



common aspects

Max precision, max scale, amount flavor

Arbitrary attributes

E.g. RoundingMode, MathContext, …

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Monetary Context (continued)


public final class MonetaryContext extends AbstractContext

implements Serializable {

public static enum AmountFlavor{ PRECISION, PERFORMANCE, UNDEFINED }

public int getPrecision();

public int getMaxScale();

public AmountFlavor getAmountFlavor();

public Class<? extends MonetaryAmount> getAmountType();

public static final class Builder{…}


public abstract class AbstractContext implements Serializable{

public <T> T getNamedAttribute(Class<T> type, Object key,

T defaultValue);

public <T> T getNamedAttribute(Class<T> type, Object key);

public <T> T getAttribute(Class<T> type, T defaultValue);

public <T> T getAttribute(Class<T> type);

public Set<Class<?>> getAttributeTypes();



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Creating Monetary Amounts

Monetary Amount Factory


Creates new instances of MonetaryAmount.


The concrete MonetaryAmount implementation type


The min/max MonetaryContext supported.

Can be configured with a target


A numeric value


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Creating Monetary Amounts (continued)

Monetary Amount Factory

public interface MonetaryAmountFactory<T extends MonetaryAmount> {

Class<? extends MonetaryAmount> getAmountType();

MonetaryAmountFactory<T> setCurrency(String currencyCode);

MonetaryAmountFactory<T> setCurrency(CurrencyUnit currency);

MonetaryAmountFactory<T> setNumber(double number);

MonetaryAmountFactory<T> setNumber(long number);

MonetaryAmountFactory<T> setNumber(Number number);

MonetaryAmountFactory<T> setContext(MonetaryContext monetaryContext);

MonetaryAmountFactory<T> setAmount(MonetaryAmount amount);

T create();

MonetaryContext getDefaultMonetaryContext();

MonetaryContext getMaximalMonetaryContext();



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Creating Monetary Amounts

Usage Samples

// Using the default type

MonetaryAmount amount1 = MonetaryAmounts.getAmountFactory()




// Using an explicit type

Money amount2 = MonetaryAmounts.getAmountFactory(Money.class)




// Query a matching implementation type

Class<? extends MonetaryAmount> type = MonetaryAmounts.queryAmontType(

new MonetaryContext.Builder()




MonetaryAmount amount3 = MonetaryAmounts.getAmountFactory(type)





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Extension Points



cmp Components






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Extension Points


Takes an amount and procudes some other amount.

• With different value

• With different currency

• Or both

// @FunctionalInterface

public interface MonetaryOperator {

public MonetaryAmount apply(MonetaryAmount amount);


• Operators then can be applied on every MonetaryAmount:

public interface MonetaryAmount{

public MonetaryAmount with (MonetaryOperator operator);



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Extension Points (continued)

MonetaryOperator: Use Cases

Extend the algorithmic capabilities

• Percentages

• Permil

• Different Minor Units

• Different Major Units

• Rounding

• Currency Conversion

• Financial Calculations

• …


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Extension Points (continued)

MonetaryOperator Example: Rounding and Percentage


// round an amount

MonetaryOperator rounding =



Money amount = Money.of(“USD”, 12.345567);

Money rounded = amount.with(rounding); // USD 12.35

// MonetaryFunctions, e.g. calculate 3% of it

Money threePercent = rounded.with(


// USD 0.3705

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Extension Points (continued)


A MonetaryQuery takes an amount and procuces an arbitrary


// @FunctionalInterface

public interface MonetaryQuery<T> {

public T queryFrom(MonetaryAmount amount);


Queries then can be applied on every MonetaryAmount:

public interface MonetaryAmount {

public <T> T query (MonetaryQuary<T> query);



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Currency Conversion



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Currency Conversion


A ExchangeRate models a conversion between two currencies:

• Base CurrencyUnit

• Terminating/target CurrencyUnit

• Provider

• Conversion Factor, where M(term) = M(base) * f

• Additional attributes (ConversionContext)

• Rate chain (composite rates)

Rates may be direct or derived (composite rates)


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Currency Conversion


// access default provider (chain)

ExchangeRateProvider prov =


// access a provider explicitly

prov = MonetaryConversions.getExchangeRateProvider("IMF");

// access explicit provider chain

prov = MonetaryConversions.getExchangeRateProvider("ECB", "IMF");

// access Exchange rates

ExchangeRate rate = provider.getExchangeRate("EUR", "CHF");

// Passing additional parameters

ExchangeRate rate = provider.getExchangeRate("EUR", "CHF",


System.currentTimeMillis() + 2000L) );

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Currency Conversion (continued)

Performing Conversion

Accessing a CurrencyConversion (always targeted to a terminating CurrencyUnit):

// access from a ExchangeRateProvider

ExchangeRateProvider prov = …;

CurrencyConversion conv = prov.getCurrencyConversion("INR");

// access it directly (using default rate chain)

conv = MonetaryConversions.getConversion("INR");

// access it, using explicit provider chain

conv = MonetaryConversions.getConversion("INR", "ECB", "IMF");

Performing conversion:

MonetaryAmount chfAmount = MonetaryAmounts.of("CHF",10.50);

MonetaryAmount inrAmount = chfAmount.with(conv); // around EUR 8.75


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Formatting and Parsing



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Formatting and Parsing


Similar to java.text.DecimalFormat, but also ME


Configured by AmountStyle, CurrencyStyle,


Supports also custom formats

Building AmountStyle using a fluent API

Preconfigured format access is also possible

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Formatting and Parsing (continued)

MonetaryAmountFormat: Usage Example

// Access a provided format

MonetaryAmountFormat format = MonetaryFormats.getAmountFormat(

new Locale(“”, “in”));


Money.of("INR", 39101112.123456))));

output> INR 3,91,01,112.10

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JavaMoney OSS Project



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JavaMoney OSS Project


During the JSR additional features were discussed…

… and implemented!

This ensured the design is working

Helped to consolidate discussions


exceeeds the JSR’s scope

So we created an OSS project!


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JavaMoney OSS Project

Extended Currency Services

Currency namespaces (e.g. ISO, VIRTUAL, …)

Currency namespace mapping

Validity Services (Historization API)

• access of historic currency data related to regions

Region Services

Region Forest

• Unicode CLDR region tree

• ISO 2-, 3-letter countries

• Custom Trees

Extendible token-based Formatting API

Financial Calculations & Formulas


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Umbrella Page: http://javamoney.org JSR 354: http://jcp.org

Java.net Project: http://java.net/projects/javamoney GitHub Project (JSR and JavaMoney):

https://github.com/JavaMoney/javamoney JUG Chennai Adoption (TrakStok): https://github.com/jugchennaiadoptjava/TrakStok

Twitter: @jsr354 Cash Rounding: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swedish_rounding


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Q & A


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The End