GM food

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Ricardo Vargas
Pablo Ortiz



What are transgenic foods?

Transgenic plants and crops.

The transgenic animals.

Obtaining transgenic animals.

Improvements in GM food.

GM foods are a risk?

Situation in USA

Situation Europe

Situation in Spain

Situation in Catalonia

What are transgenic foods?

A transgenic or genetically modified food is that which, through genetic engineering, has introduced a gene, called transgene or has been deleted or changed gene itself.

Plants and GM crops.

Genetic modification of plants and crops currently occurs in a very usual. Thus we attempt to achieve greater productivity and improved food crops produced. Also used in the production of medicines, vaccines, etc..


The corn is more resistant to insect attack thanks to carrying a gene from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis.


The transgenic potato containing starch rather take a golden color and without much oil when frying.


The transgenic rice is capable of producing vitamin A: required to view, to prevent vision problems associated with diets of the vitamin.

The transgenic animals

A genetically modified animal containing one or more genes that do not belong to the animal is any product of interest.


Some fishes, with the idea that they grow faster, companies make that it workers introduce the hormone of growing, it's the case of salmon.

Animals producers of milk

Companies want that some cows, goats and sheep produce milk with less lactose, with the idea that poeple is allergic to it, can drink that.

How to have a modified genetically a animal

1. Create an ADN recombinant that has the gene of interest 2. Introduce the ADN modified to mammalian cell3. Find the proteine of intereste made

Improvements in genetically modified food

-The maturation is slower. -Improvement of quality. -Production of substances. -Resistance to herbicides and pesticides.

Are the MG a danger?


-Possibility to eat food with a bigger valor of nutrition and less grase. -Production of fatty acids for specific use, nutritional or industrial. -More time of conservation of the products. -More production. -The plantations give more products.


-Can be hibridation. The gene can be developed how it wasn't provided.-The floor and the water can be contaminated by the excess of the toxine. -Can appear virus or weeds more violent. -The genetically modification is contagious. -With that, companies have the power in food, sometimes the GMO is more expensive than conventional food. -The biodiversity is lost. -They aren't labeled in the trade.

Situation in USA

The goods are for USAs farmers

Usa introduced MGs in trade without announcement

USAs farmers likes MG, so they don't use a lot of chemics

The little contries that doesn't accep MG, are threaten by USA

USA forced farmers to use MG

USA companies of food, say that their MG are healthy

USA says that MG are gonna save world hunger

Situation in Europe and the rest of the world

Europe no recieves good from GM

The movement no-GM started in Germany

Europe attacked hard big companies, and they stop to sell GM products in Europe

In 2001 Europe aproved GM products with big controls of them

They say that the nutrition wolrd problem, is a problem of distribution

The fishes modified genetally are extremly dangerous

We will depend of GM products

Situation in Spain

The European Union is against the planting of transgenic seeds and in general. Spain is the first country to use the method of cultivation

Aragon and Catalonia are the regions with highest number of plantations.

Currently there are more genetically modified plants animals corn, soybeans and cotton are major crops modified by man.

Situation in Catalonia

Nowadays Catalonia is the community that has more transgenic plantations of Spain,

Catalonia is the second European territory where more GMOs are grown in Europe, especially corn, with 26,000 hectares.

Currently, a project being proposed against transgenic foods in Catalonia.


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