Executable Model

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Executable Model



Executable Model

1. Outline

2. System Configuration Map

3. Workflow Chart

4. Execution example

5. Expected Effect


Based on the model that guaranteed traceability, 'Excutable model' provides the environment that can be tested before implementation through execution

Configuration Map

Use Case #1




Source Code


Implementation Plan

Tool• StarUML NS (UML modeling tool)

• Prototyper (User UI drawing tool)• Tool for a system Analyst

• Simulator (Tool that can be tested before development)

• Verify (Test automation tool)

Model• Web App Profile

• Simulation Profile

• Test Profile

Executable scenario


Derive Use Case Draw Use Case Scenario

• Derive user screen, business logic, data

• Derive business performance step

With deduced user screen, utilizing 'Enki proto', design user screen• Define required data while configuring user screen

• Define about action with button or screen

• Draw sample data set

Draw Sequence Diagram• Map 'Message of Sequence Diagram' onto 'Step of Scenario'

• Map 'Message' onto action with button or screen

• Map earlier derived screen onto 'Boundary'

Utilization Example

Implementation Plan

Based on user requirement, after requirement analysis, utilize the executable

model when business manager demonstrates.• Except implementation(Message) of Sequence, demonstrating screen unit movement

• To demonstrate, configure demonstrating data input remains as record

In the phase before development, overall scenario review and design verifica-

tion before implementation when the design completed• Based on inputted data for demonstration, review implementation through message

linking of sequence

Generate test scenario based on the inputted data and Use Case scenario• Leaving scenario and demonstration data, generate test scenario based on them

• Based on user screen design and correct test data, test automation is also available • Need to configure an extra solution

Expected Benefit

Before implementation, software quality improved and pro-ductivity increased through simulation from screen unit of user to code

Business understanding of developer improved through the flow of screen unit and description

Productivity increased through analysis / Design information and traceability based test scenario management

The foundation of test automation based on screen defini-tion, the input information of screen, etc. is prepared