EXAM PART TWO Diana Daveiga

Exam part two

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Diana Daveiga

Red Eye

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Smart Erase

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Before After

Achieve 3000

Organized folder

Picture Format

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Custom animation

Before After

Word press blog

This is my favorite word press blog entry because black Friday is a day that I look forward to after thanksgiving. Black Friday is when EVERYTHING, but I mean EVERYTHING in stores areon sale, going from clothes to products to electronics.


Ever note

Ever note is a website that you go to a you type in all your notes and save it onlinewhen ever you need access to it will always be available no matter where you are.

Slide share

I uploaded my cropping assignment on slide share and what slide share is, is you up load different power point slide and the post it any where you’d like. When I upload my power point I then add it to my blog.