Domantas Stukas MSc Urbanism thesis report

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In the master thesis ‘A Project for Valencia’ I observed the strategic spatial planning changes and a vast development of Valencian large urban projects in the last 20 years. Subsequently I estimated the effects of such processes in the current times of economy recession and real estate development stagnation and from my findings and observations I identified two main problems, which I have researched in my thesis: - Unequal distribution of public gains from the large urban projects in Valencia. - Emerging spatial problems of social vulnerability. In order to cope with the mentioned main problems, I developed a strategy which reveals the possibilities of stimulating the stagnant real estate development and proposes intervention projects in order to capture the synergy of the existing and future large urban projects. In addition, these interventions improve the spatial conditions of socially vulnerable areas and directly benefit the locals and their living quality. Two key intervention projects were studied in more detail and a design proposal for them was proposed. This made it possible to open up a discussion of the actual development possibilities even in the times of the economic scarcity and real estate market stagnation. Participation and cooperation of the local public authorities, third party investors and local inhabitants was engaged towards the processes of urban growth.

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2. Contacts:Domantas [email protected]@student.tudelft.nl+316295563151st mentor:Roberto Rocco, dr.ir. R.CAssistant ProfessorUrbanismChair of Spatial Planning & StrategyBouwkunde; TU [email protected]+31 (0)15 27 8127 42nd mentor:Willem Hermans, Ir. W.J.A.UrbanismAssistant ProfessorChair of Urban [email protected]+31 (0)6 22422181External Committee Member:Martijn Stellingwerff, Dr. ir.ArchitectureForm & Modelling [email protected]+31 (0)15 27 84683 3. MSc Urbanism Thesis ReportJune 2012A Project For ValenciaSTRATEGY FOR REVITALIZING SOCIALLY VULNERABLE AREAS,CAPTURING THE BENEFITS OF LARGE URBAN PROJECTS DOMANTAS STUKAS4116267Delft University of Technology, Department of Urbanism, Chair of Spatial Planning & Strategy, Studio Complex Cities 4. AcknowledgmentsThis is a report of the graduation thesis project in the study track of MSc Urbanism. It has been carried out at the TUDelft University, faculty of architecture, department of urbanism together with a Complex Cities studio.I would like to thank my main mentor Roberto Rocco, second mentor Willem Hermans and the external committeemember Martijn Stellingwerf for the supervision, critique, advices and encouragement which guided me a lotthroughout my graduation year and which I really appreciate.My exceptional gratitude goes to my loving family, mother Vaida, father Albertas and brother Dovydas. Thank youvery much for the support you gave me through the study years. Thank you for celebrating together the moments ofsuccess and cheering me up in the times of difficulty. Ai!I would also like to thank people outside the university of TU Delft who provided me with the data, information andcontacts to carry out my project work:Dr. Fernando Gaja i Daz Professor at Polytechnic University of Valencia, Department of UrbanismM Luisa Peydro Aznar Centre of Strategy and Development of ValenciaJose Ricardo Martinez Alzamora Department of Urban Planning, Municipality of ValenciaM Jos Garca ParreoPublic Relations, Association Valencia Parque Central Alta VelocidadJ. Salvador Martnez Ciscar CEO of the association Valencia Parque Central Alta VelocidadAgustn Hernndez Aja Director of the department of Urbanism and Spatial planning, Superior Technical School of Architecture of MadridBeln Miravalles Prez Institute of Economic Investigations of ValenciaJuan Miralles General Directorate of Strategic Projects, Regional Government of ValenciaCsar Jimnez Alcaiz Office of Integral Rehabilitation of ValenciaM. Jess FelipeResearch and Planning Department, Municipality of ValenciaSusana Babiloni Alumni of Politecnic University of Valencia 5. Introduction Problem Statement11 Research Question15 Methodology17Project Context General info about Valencia23 Urban Planning model of Valencia 27 Strategic Planning in Valencia 33Theoretical Framework Large Urban Project integration41 Urban Vulnerability45Project site Context & Analysis The choice of intervention area & surrounding LUPs 51 Social Analysis63 Economic Analysis65 Spatial conditions 67 Sections of main site typologies 69 Infrastructure analysis73 6. Table of ContentsStrategyEvaluation of planned city & existing situation 77Identification of stagnating development79Approach & aims of the strategy 81Redevelopment Strategic layer 87Employment Strategic layer91Green Strategic Layer 97Secondary Strategic projects 103Project references 105Stakeholder analysis & Project trade-off study 109DesignCalmed traffic areas 121Young Entrepreneur Centre123Project New Market 129ConclusionsProposed development strategy145Predictable area vocation & Strategy in the existing context 146Strategy in the municipality planned context 147Bibliography149 7. IntroductionProblem Statement / Research Questions / Methodology 8. A picture on the right illustrates a moment from the Even though some of the projects and mega events have Formula 1 Grand Prix of Europe mega event in Valenciagenerated revenues at the end and they were used to (Fig. 1). The newly renovated marina with Norman. Foster finance infrastructure projects such as regional highways designed venue is full of yachts, beach is occupied by a to Spanish biggest cities and high speed train connection crowd of people, waterfront luxurious hotels and spas areto Madrid, practically very little amount of project income full of tourists. City of Arts and Science complex towerswas dedicated to benefit the locals. Therefore a series of in the skyline as the new modern symbol of the city (Fig.urban conflicts emerged due to municipalitys or regional 2). It looks as if Valencia is thriving and experiencing governments favouring the interests of isolated interest its golden age. However, people living right behind this groups rather than distributing the public gains from the luxurious waterfront development are barely a part ofprojects to improve local societies (Renau & Trudelle these seasonal festivities (Fig. 3). 2011). Therefore, two main problems of Valencia can beSocial Vulnerability identified:-- Unequal distribution of public gains from largeCentral Spanish Government has conducted a researchurban projects (abbreviation - LUP) throughout the county on urban vulnerability to identifyproblematic areas in the biggest cities of Spain. Using-- Social vulnerability a set of criteria a national database of vulnerability wascreated showing neighbourhoods suffering from the Integration of large urban projects into relatively highest levels of unemployment, bad physical the local societieshousing condition and illiteracy of people. Analysisshows a growing number of these vulnerable areas in the During the last 25 years the city of Valencia hascity of Valencia since the year 1991. However the local undergone spatial and economic changes which municipality has neither concise plan nor strategy on how completely transformed the city. Formerly industry and to tackle this issue (Martinez 2011). agriculture oriented capital of the Valencian province shifted towards culture and tourism oriented economy.Project aims In order to leave the period of stagnation and turn to tertiary economy, regional and municipal governmentAfter considering the previously described main problems proposed a strategy implemented a set of large urban of the city I derived the following aims of this graduation projects and mega events. One of the main goals of the thesis project: strategy was to put Valencia on the map (Gaja i Daz 2011). Architectural landmarks, museum complexes and-- Improve the conditions of socially vulnerable areas huge investments to transform post industrial harbour in Valencia sites has certainly attracted a lot of visitors, global events-- Use the Potentials of LUPs in order to make the and publicity. However such public money expenditureneighbouring areas more successful has two sides of the coin.10 9. Problem StatementFig. 1: Valencia during the Formula 1 Grand Prix of Europe 2011Source: www.flickr.com : Rafa Cartagena 11 10. Fig. 2: Architect S. Calatrava and resigned president of the regional government F. Camps12 Source: www.calatravatelaclava.com 11. Clash of the interests Fig. 3: Local citizens living in the nearby neighbourhood of CabanyalSource: www.maps.google.com13 12. 14 13. Research QuestionMain Research QuestionsI derived two main research questions in order to copewith the emerging problems of social vulnerability andthe lack of LUP benefit distribution: -- What are the possible and necessary strategic spatial interventions in order to deal with the problems of socially vulnerable areas in Valencia? -- What are the existing possibilities of strategic spatial planning to improve the benefits of LUPs for local communities in Valencia?Sub-research questionsBased on these two main research questions I formulateda series of sub research question which helped me toaddress the problem in a more thorough and broad way: -- What is social vulnerability? What indicators define it? -- What is the given socio-economic condition in the country, the city and the local intervention area? -- What is the current municipal strategy to cope with social vulnerability? -- What are the effects of the existing Large Urban Projects in Valencia and what are the predictable outcomes of the future ones? -- How successful are the LUPs in Valencia? On what criteria is this success measured? -- What conditions make LUPs more beneficial and integrative into local communities? 15 14. In order to critically answer main research questions and tools were used: mapping, statistics, municipal document to tackle the emerging problems of Valencia, analysis overview and interviews with staff from municipalitys was done in three main categories:urban planning department and coordinators of the central park large urban project. Such analysis helped better-- Spanish / Valencian strategic and spatial planning understand generic and specific data of Valencia. Such as:model and history urban typologies, connectivity to functions and facilities,-- Spatial and social and economic analysis depictingconcentration of economies and identification of theirthe current conditions of the city types, social composition of residents, physical condition of living environment, situation of real estate market-- Theoretical framework on benefit distribution of and level of integration of large urban projects to locallarge urban projects and social vulnerability societies. The conclusions of this data were then used to answer the research questions. To get acquainted with the Spanish and Valencian strategic and spatial planning models and history, a Study of neighbourhood association websites, their series of literature study and interviews was done. declarations of needs for better living environment and It includes a number of academic articles, municipal personal interviews gave a more precise insight upon the documents and interviews with professors of Valencias needs and wishes of local society. Polytechnic University, staff from municipalitys planning department and department of strategy and development of Valencia. This step is very important to understand theA site visit provided a quick exploratory overview of local processes of urban planning and to get familiar withthe existing project area conditions and its strong parts the available planning tools. and weaknesses. A design proposal was then made according to the information about the context. Theoretical framework upon Large urban Project public gain distribution and social vulnerability problems was Case studies provided a quick compare and overlook of built using professional academic articles and documentssimilar projects revealing the strong and successful parts from the national ministry of development, observatory of of taken decisions and gives critics on the problematic urban vulnerability. This study helped to get familiar with solutions. the existing body of knowledge on the theme which is relevant for the thesis and provided an insight to build up Evaluating the outcomes of each method used for the a set of recommendations for the project. analysis lead to an argumented and critical strategy aimed to tackle the identified problems. Consequently To get familiar with the spatial and socio-economic a design proposal was made to test the strategy on a conditions of the site, a series of research methods andparticular site of the project and it gave conditions to evaluate possible impacts and effects that the proposal16 15. Methodology PROBLEM Undistributed gains of LUPs Social vulnerability DESIGNRESEARCHQUESTIONSWhat are the possibilitiesto tackle the outcomes ofSTRATEGYLUP benefit inequity andsocial vulnerability viaspatial planning? THEORETICAL FRAMEROWKRESEARCH & ANALYSISLUP integrationSocial vulnerabilityCurrent economic contextUrban planning model of Valencia and SpainStrategic spatial planning of ValenciaEffects of the exsiting and future LUPs of the citySocial & spatial local conditionsReal estate market analysisStakeholder & collaboration analysisSite visit & interviewsFig. 4: The methodology scheme of the master thesis17 16. 18 17. RelevanceACADEMIC RELEVANCESOCIAL RELEVANCELarge Urban Projects and Mega Events are widely used as Difficult local and national economic situation placesspin off effect generators in urban planning. Such strategy Valencia into state full of financial cuts and austerity.does not always guarantee a successful redistribution ofSuch situation even more highlights the issues of socialeconomic resources and spatial opportunities. Only a fewvulnerability of the local citizens who are already affecteddecades ago an example of combining strategic spatial by huge spenditure of public money on particular interestplanning with a big event (Barcelona 1992 Olympic group benefiting LUPs.games) turned out as a worldwide recognised example.After this a number of Spanish cities tried following a soThe proposed strategy of the this project highlights thecalled Barcelona Model to generate urban development. still existing and requisite possibilities of developmentSome cases were successful some were less.in the times of real estate overproduction, economy anddevelopment stagnation. Such highlighted possibilitiesIn the last two decades the city of Valencia followed of interventions are directly aimed to benefit the locala strategy to become a globally known city and boostsociety and tackle the emerging social, economic andstagnating economy. As a driving force for such a plan, spatial problems.a number of mega-events and large Urban Projectshave been used. However, as time has showed, theseETHICSdecisions did not turn out to be a complete success.These relatively isolationist projects brought a series In this graduation project I will try to look critically atof economic and spatial troubles for the city. To makethe issues of large urban project development andmatters worse, these difficulties are now highlighted by aconsecutive problems of elite power seek for privatecurrent national economic recession and brings the city gains versus equal distribution of public benefits toof Valencia to a near bankruptcy state. local societies. Thesis end product is not a solution toall the economic and spatial problems of the city, butIn this master thesis I propose a strategy which drawsan indication of possibilities which creates space for aattention to an academic body of knowledge aboutdiscussion about a possible city development aimed atpossible ways to redistribute private gains of large urbanthe local society and not at a private group of interests.project and contribute them to a neighbouring localcommunities. 19 18. Project ContextGeneral Information / Urban Planning Model / Strategic Planning 19. FROM INDUSTRIAL TO CULTURE / KNOWLEDGE ORIENTED CITY Valencia is a third largest city in Spain. It is situated on the coast of the Mediterranean sea, 400km east from Madrid (Fig. 5). It is originally not a coastal town, originating as a Roman empire settlement at the former banks of the river Turia. In time City expanded towards its port which is now the most busy logistic port of Spain. As a city in a very fertile soil area of the river delta, Valencia has a very strong agricultural background with its typical irrigated agricultural landscape called Huerta. Barcelona 4hMadrid 4hVALENCIAMalaga6h Alicante 2h Barcelona Zaragoza 4,5h 4hMadrid1,5hVALENCIA Alicante 2h Fig. 5: Main transportation links to Valencia22 20. General info about Valencia Municipal Population 810 000 Municipal Area 134.65km Density 6 010/kmOld townMain RodsRailwayFormer River BedNew River BedFig. 6: Aerial view of ValenciaSource: www.maps.bing.com 23 21. Unique Valencian Huerta landscape, which produces materials reaching the peak of its production in the post crops 3 times a year, is the reason behind agricultureWWII industrial period. And during the last two decades economy based history of the region. It was the service economy, logistics and construction became the dominating source of export till the beginning of the XXthdriving force of economy (Fig. 8). Yet agriculture is still century, when later in time it gave the leading positiona considerable source of exports in the region which for the production of ceramics, furniture and metal highlights the value of the local landscape type.Autonomous Community of Valencia The Netherlands23 255 km / 5 111 700 inhabitants / 220 inh/km 41 543 km / 16,847,007 inhabitants / 404 inh/kmCastellonAmsterdam The Hague ValenciaRotterdamAlicante100Fig. 7: 0Comparison of Valencias100Autonomous Community & Raandstaad, The Netherlands 0 10024 22. Agriculture Regions main economyPeriodSilkRiceCitrusIndustrialperiodCeramicsFurniture MetalService economy periodLogistics ConstructionService & Tourism Fig. 8: Changes in the economy of ValenciaSource: www.flickr.com : DonaLG, Oselfa Faber, www.sabore.es, Brisky Fingers, Feria Habitat Valencia, Manyez, John Burke, Metro Centric; www.f1-site.com 25 23. Decentralization & Emergence of Urban economic planning, legislation on forced expropriation, planningproperty rights, registry system, etc. (Gonzlez 2007). In general, master plans drafted by municipalities in the During practically the entire 20th century the central1980s and 1990s became more participative, democratic government regulated urban planning in Spain. However and sensitive to the rehabilitation of historic centres prior since the constitution of 1978, the country have tended to the expansionist zoning plans of totalitarian regime to lean towards decentralization and distributing powersbased on predicted population growth (Fig. 9). between regions (basic spatial planning guidelines) and municipalities (physical municipal planning). ThisThe hierarchy ofurban planning devolution of power to 17 autonomous communitiesinstruments lead to a quasi-federal country model which gives municipalities more authority in the area of urban planning Democratization and decentralization in the Spanish than in any other area of governance (Gonzlez 2007). governance has also considerably affected its urban planning system. As the decentralized model of Spanish The very first general plan of Valencia was made in government works on 3 levels: national, regional and 1946. However at that time it was merely a vision for local each of these levels have a specific regulatory the expansion of the city and it was never implementedpower, consequently creating a hierarchy of urban because that plan did not have any legislativeplanning instruments. National government bears the power; there was no urban law in the country then.responsibility of the national land use law, according Nevertheless, the situation changed in 1956 when theto which all the regional and municipal plans have to first national land use legislation was established. Theclassify land into urban, developable or not developable Land Use and Urban Planning Act of 1956 (Ley sobreland. Regional government forms a regional strategy Rgimen del Suelo y Ordenacin Urbana) became the and a directional framework for provinces. Local basis of current national regulation defining 3 types ofgovernment takes regional strategy into an account but land use: urban land (Suelo Urbano), developable land independently creates General Development Plans on (Suelo Urbanizable) and land not developable land municipal or in some cases supra-municipal level. This (Suelo no Urbanizable) (Burns 2010). Creation of this General Development Plan (Plan General de Ordenacin act had a purpose to fight real estate speculations and Urbana PGOU) is the most important and complex create a planning instrument which did not allow anylocal planning instrument in Spain. This plan is usually unregulated space (Gonzlez 2007). However the true accompanied with certain development plans: Urban democratic changes happened in 1978 when the 148.1.3Development Action Programs and Partial Plans which article of new constitution transferred the authority ofdelimit and control the developable land. These special territorial regulations, urban planning and housing to theplans directly influence the spatial form of cities as they set respective governments of 17 autonomous communities.the conditions for new development or transformations in These changes consolidated with the 1992 Spanish land the consolidated city centres and for the land designated use legislation letting autonomous communities to havefor development (Gonzlez 2007). Special Plans, which exclusive planning authority with some of the planningin some occasions not corresponding to the General powers left for central government such as general26 24. Urban Planning model of ValenciaFig. 9: General Plans of Valencia 1946/1966/1988/2010Source: www.valencia.es 27 25. Development Plan, delimit and act upon not-developableThe MODEL OF LRAU `94 and developed land. This is a brief summary how the Valencian planning act INTRODUCTION OF 1994 VALENCIAS PLANNINGof 1994 works: ACT-- Urbanizing agents have to propose a public worksplan (new infrastructure, sewage, gas, water and The case of private land ownership and development inelectricity installations, new greeneries) with the total the early 1990`s is also quite noteworthy. Up until 1994 urbanization cost to municipality including an offer of landlords or a joint group of land owners were the onessome public facilities. who could develop their property. Only the municipality could intervene in the case of building new infrastructure or-- The land owner has a period of one month to reject other public facilities via a compulsory property purchase the proposal and provide an alternative. method. However it was not a common case because the -- If there is no proposal of alternative plan or government had to pay a fixed price for the land already objection, then the land owner is obliged to pay including the increased land value even if before it was the price (fixed by the urbanizing agent) of the just an abandoned agricultural area. According to Gielen conducted public works in his land or sell an amount & Korthals this juridical context created a condition when of property for the urbanizing agent (for a fixed Landowners did not organise themselves immediately, priced designated by the same urbanizing agent) to being more inclined to speculate on higher future values cover the expenses of the work. of the development option (Gielen & Korthals 2007, p. 74). However the innovations of 1994 Valencias Planning -- After legally obtaining an amount of private land Act (Ley Reguladora de la Actividad Urbanstica - LRAU)due to the process of urbanization the agent then brought changes. Firstly, all developable land (defined by usually starts a real estate project at the plan the land use law and delimited by municipality) became location. a subject of this new planning act (Fig. 10). Secondly, in -- At the end municipality benefits from a developed addition to the land owner and municipality a third partyinfrastructure and public buildings with a zero (so called Urbanizing Agent Agente Urbanizador)financial investment of its own. was introduced for a competition to develop the private land. Civil engineering, real estate companies and some consultancy firms entered the field of urban development as there was no need to own property in the plan area (Gielen & Korthals 2007). Generally speaking development rights were disassociated from the ownership rights with an intention to tackle speculation and stagnation in the development processes (Muoz 2010).28 26. Valencias Planning actFig. 10: Land use plan 2010Source: www.valencia.es 29 27. 30 28. THE RESULTS OF the MODEL LRAU `94As the designated developable land was in the rural peripheral areas of Valencia, eventually such uncontrolledThe LRAU `94 scheme proved to be very successful tohousing growth attracted inhabitants to move away fromremove stagnant urban processes in the city of Valenciathe city centre. What is more, the real estate boom leftand was widely accepted in all other autonomousa vast number of people unemployed in the sector ofcommunities of Spain except Basque Country and the construction due to the bursting of the real estate bubble.Balearic Islands (Snchez 2005). However this lead toThis is felt most in the case of Valencia region as it showedthe manipulation of real estate property as experiencedrates of urbanization 50% above Spains average (Burrieldevelopers acted upon land owners with no practise inde Orueta 2009). In the period of 1996-2006 amount ofthis field (Gaja i Daz 2011). An amount of housing new housing and new city inhabitants increased with aprojects in Valencia skyrocketed because the increasingratio of 0.85 (National Bureau of Statistics 2011). Thatproperty prices made real estate developmentsmeans that almost one new house per one new personvery profitable (Fig. 11). However such an increase in was built which after the real estate bubble burst resulteddevelopment was not controlled by the municipality and in an approximate of 13% vacant new houses (Nationalwas mostly driven by a developers seek of profit and Bureau of Statistics 2011).only slightly obeyed the effects of the real estate market.Therefore new housing projects kept on appearing untilthe real estate crisis of Spain (Burriel de Orueta 2009).Number of newConstructions LRAU `94 250 242221 200 165 150 100 593740 35425001991 19921993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Fig. 11: Increase in the new real estate project in ValenciaSource: based on Gielen 2007, p. 70 31 29. The effects of strategic Spatial planningBecause of that, new global enterprises started settingat Valencia, tourism has sky-rocketed, abandoned The strategy of Valencia during the previous 20 yearsand degrading industrial neighbourhoods have been was based on a series of large urban projects andtransformed attracting facilities based on luxury leisure mega events which were used by the regional and localand tourism (Renau & Trudelle 2011). As a result, government as a tool to put new strategic plans in actionthis attracted huge amounts of external investment (Prytherch & Boira 2009). The aim was to tackle thegenerating revenue which was later used to finance other problems of stagnant post-industrial city and turn it into large urban projects or to improve the regional highway the tourism and culture thriving capital of the east Iberian connection to the biggest cities of Spain and to establish Peninsula (Fig. 12). These changes became evidenta 20 years promoted high speed train connection Madrid when a city once referred as a provincial capital of anti-- Valencia in 2011. tourism(Yapp 1983, p. 776) turned into a leader of Spain in the tertiary economy and tourism growth and takingTogether with these projects processes of gentrification the lead of new real estate projects in the country around became evident. The premises around new LUPs the year 2000. became luxurious apartments, offices, expensive hotels,spas, restaurants and world-class brand shops. Due to local and regional government strategic spatial planning the lower part of former turia river bed park was Future Strategic Aims completed with now Valencias signature architecture complex of City of Arts and Sciences by Santiago After the large urban projects, conferences and mega Calatrava. Major shipping sports event of Americas Cupevents oriented city development Current strategy of was held in the city in 2007 transforming the old industrial Valencia aims for development consolidation and a shift harbour into luxurious yacht marina with a VIP venue for city orientation towards knowledge, culture and high shipping event observations by David Chipperfield. One technology. However this is quite difficult to achieve year later, redevelopment of an abandoned industrial sitewhen the city is in the state of near bankruptcy and there next to the harbour was turned into a Formula 1 grandare echoes of government corruption, inadequate public prix city circuit (Fig. 13). money expenditure on the pre-settled LUP developments.32 30. Strategic Planning in Valencia1995 1998 2002 2007Start the progress in Valencia Develop a leading city Benefit the most from theHigh technology, culture andAmericas cup mega event knowledge oriented city Start the process of change!City of congresses and meetings High-speed trainImprove regional connection Culture and Tourism orientedAmericas Cup sailing mega-event Open the city to the sea Raise global Identity Culture, high-tech and knowledge orientedPromote Public-private Evaluate last strategic planFocus on Branding and marketingValencia as a R&D city. culture,Cooperation(45/50 successful projects) of Valenciahigh technology and knowledgeoriented developmentImprove Living Environment quality Focus development on education, Promote Valencia as a city of knowledge and culture culture and congresses Consolidate global recognitionStrengthen Cities Regional andNational connectivityPromote Valencia as a City of Focus investments into tourism:Incorporate participatory planning(AVE to Madrid, motorways to Congresses and Meetings hotels, restaurants, service processesBarcelona, Madrid, Sevilla)(construction of a new convention centre) Attract high-tech companiesPromote a stronger nationalEstablish a better City Centre -connectivityWaterfront accessibility Develop the port high speed train to Barcelona and its premisses.Promote foreign and localand South-east France investmentComplete the former river bed ofTuria GardenFinish the second automobile city Put Forward Knowledge economyringFocus on the promoted 50strategic projects Generate funds for high-speedExpand the #1 logistics port of train to MadridSpainFig. 12: Overview of Valencias strategic planning Source: www.ceyd.org 33 31. Polarized LUP DEVELOPMENTTuria Garden (1988)Citys green backbone1 Summarising the effects of the strategic planning of Valencia, it could be said that such transformations Local citizen oriented have greatly improved the overall image of ValenciaSports & leisure activities and provided a number of externalities which stimulateIncrease in living quality further city development. However these project-focused market-led initiatives (Swyngedouw et al. 2002, p. 551) are often associated with particular interest coalitions,Central Park (20??)2Green heart of Valencia private power groups and real estate developers. As a result, relatively little amount of revenue from these Redevelopment of rail infrastructure site LUPs are invested towards local society (Fig. 14). AtLocal citizen oriented this point, the issue of equal distribution of benefitsLeisure, recreation & educative activities becomes questionable as new facilities, public space transformations, alterations in local socio-economic models and changes in living quality are orientedCity of Arts And Science (1998-2011)3Raise Citys identity & attract tourism and gentrification towards global and regional scale or focused on the most profitable target groups, which is illustrated with Culture, education, conference and sport activities Valencias large urban project development in the last Expensive construction & maintenance, loss making two decades (Fig. 15).Limited accessibility & use Consequently such LUP developments on the fringesWealthy class and tourist oriented of poor social class neighbourhoods started generating urban conflicts in local society (Renau & Trudelle 2011).F1 city Circuit (2008)4 For an example the former industrial site transformation Redevelopment of deteriorating industrial area into a Formula 1 track right next to the socially vulnerable Limited periodical use of isolationist facilities neighbourhoods is a case when local tax payers moneyGlobal sports event drawing publicity is spent for a huge facility used only a couple of times per year by a certain interest groups of people andYearly franchise cost of ~35 million euros tourists. This conflict is even more escalated now, when Wealthy class and tourist oriented municipality has to pay a yearly franchise for holding F1 race in the city and maintaining the loss-making complex Americas Cup Port (2007)5 of City of Arts and Science when there is not enough Redevelopment of industrial port and beach money in the budget for the local schools.Sports, tourism & recreation activitiesGlobal event generating revenuePromoting nautical high-tech industryLuxury tourism and wealthy class oriented event34 32. Effects of LUPs15 24 3Fig. 13: Large urban projects of ValenciaSource: Author made, based on www.valencia.es 35 33. Turia Garden Americas Cup waterfrontCentral Park Formula 1 grand PrixCity of Arts And SciencesTourism & wealthy class orientedLocal Citizen oriented Fig. 14: Valencias LUP local integration analysis36 Source: www.valenciaparquecentral.es, www.vistasalegres.blogspot.no, www.f1-site.com, www.flickr.com : Rafa Cartagena, jmhdezhdez 34. LUP Integration1988 1998-20112014 Fig. 15: Valencias LUP development completion years Source: Author made, based on www.valencia.es37 35. Theoretical FrameworkLUP Integration / Social Vulnerability 36. Mediation of Interests Responsibilities of PublicAuthoritiesRegulationllicitudin nisl non mi tempor aliquet. Proin lacinia, sem quisvolutpat tempus, odio urna aliquet risus, eget fermentum orcipurus sit amet quam. Vivamus non orci ut mi volutpat malesuada.Nam semper pellentesque aliquam. Duis interdum, lacus ut iaculisconsectetur, ipsum ligula ultricies mauris, a ultrices sem ligula sedipsum. Quisque sem justo, euismod nec lobortis suscipit, porttitorvel turpis. Integer eu mattis justo. Donec felis mauris, sagittis euiaculis in, porttitor vel justo. Fusce vitae arcu non sapien dignissimvarius. Morbi non lorem justo. Proin id arcu a nibh fermentumfacilisis eu sit amet metus. Donec varius aliquet est sed pulvinar.Etiam vitae mauris quam. Quisque eget purus nisl, sit amet iaculisneque.Nunc quis interdum tortor. Duis id ligula nec dolor convallishendrerit quis sit amet arcu. Cras semper posuere ante. Aenean idnunc eget velit pellentesque congue. Nullam ut faucibus velit.Nunc risus erat, feugiat nec euismod eget, bibendum sit ametdiam. Donec a pulvinar enim.Praesent ac ante ante. Donec molestie tincidunt massa vitaetincidunt. Mauris mi nibh, condimentum id varius non, ultricies euenim. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cum sociis natoquepenatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculusmus. Integer scelerisque pharetra felis at fringilla. Proin ut arcu atsem mattis eleifend. Nulla felis neque, pharetra pellentesquetempus imperdiet, porttitor non massa. Vestibulum volutpatvestibulum lacinia. Vestibulum adipiscing lobortis leo, sit ametaliquam nisi rhoncus sed. Ut ipsum orci, iaculis quis aliquam ac,luctus non ipsum. Nullam nisl sem, blandit et pharetra pharetra,lacinia sit amet ante. Aenean ac lacus ac libero tempor tinciduntquis at nisi. Pellentesque et quam ut massa mattis porta in at -- Provision of impartial institution to mediate-- Regulation of public space and architectural the interests of all stakeholders quality -- Assured inclusion of local participation -- Regulation of social mix (diverse affordability -- Transparency of authority decision processes housing) and identification of the person in charge of -- Ensuring project flexibility and reversibility by the project involving several developers -- Authority regulated prevention of urban-- Creating legal tools to prevent authoritys conflicts favour to private interests only -- Promoting locally painless project funding approach Fig. 16: Recommendations for better LUP integration40 Source: Author, list derived from the literature (p.149) 37. Large Urban Project integrationFrom a number of academic literatures I derived a set Importance of Participationof recommendations on how to ensure the integrationof large urban projects into local societies and how to As a tradition, social acceptability of the large urban projectprevent isolationist LUP development effects driven by ais the weakest link towards the recognition and success ofcertain group of private interest (Fig. 16):the project (Lecroart 2007a). Participation thus is crucial -- Ways to mediate the interests of public and private to obsolete this issue. According to Cuenya: The public needs in order to avoid isolationist LUP results and presentation of the project implies that it is subjected urban conflicts. to judgment and evaluation of agents and institutionsrepresentative of local society. Entrepreneurial logic -- Responsibilities of public authorities to ensure thesupporting large urban projects will be confronted with the quality of large urban projects and the distribution oflogic of neighbours. Basically, two logical approaches are public gains from such developments. confronted: the entrepreneurial and the neighbourhoodviews. (Cuenya 2005, p. 61). Such confrontation isMediation of Interestsa necessary step to prevent the emerge of isolationistprojects and neighbourhood polarization because quiteAs Swyngedouw and others describe: Large-scale urban frequently private elite power actors tend to bypass theprojects are often presented as project-focused market- procedure of extended participation (Gualini & Majoorled initiatives, which have statutory planning as the 2007). As a matter of fact, participation of the locals doesprimary means of interventions in cities (Swyngedouw,not only create conditions to influence the project andMoulaert & Rodriguez 2002, p. 567). This states the make people more aware of the existing transformativefact that contribution from the private sector to LUP processes, but also on a long term, participation changesdevelopment is inevitable. However it should be criticallythe lifestyle of inhabitants and their family, which makesregulated by public authorities in order to prevent conflicts the project deeply integrated into the lifestyle of localsbetween private and public interests (Lecroart 2007a) (Lecroart 2007a).Need of Supervisory Institution Transparency of Decision Taking ProcessThe emerging urban conflicts between global and local According to Lecroart: The transparency of the processinterests occur due to different expectations of two actors;of taking decisions and of identifying the person who is inprivate or public institution standing behind LUP and local charge of implementing them and who is accountable forcitizens (Renau & Trudelle 2011). It is crucial to have anthem to the citizens is essential. (Lecroart 2007a, p. 116).interdisciplinary institution to manage the interests ofPublic private contracts which bear selected hiddenpublic and private sides (Sodupe 2007). More democratic details from the society is a direct sign of selected actorand impartial conditions are created when the dialogueinterest fulfilling, which makes the process of publicitybetween opposing actors is supervised by a neutral partyand idea of equality questionable. A simple yet effectivewhich seeks for a mutual better good. In this mannerway to inform the citizens about the LUP developmentlarge urban projects have better chances to becomeprocesses should always be in practice as it is a neededmore incorporating and less single actor benefiting.step towards drawing local communitys attention. If it41 38. is accurately indicated who is accountable for certain -- Taking account of the character of sites and of their processes of large urban projects it makes it possible history in the project; for society to directly react, thus more empowering local-- Limiting the ecological footprint of the project and inhabitants.of the uses that it implies; and Responsibilities of Public Authorities -- Architectural diversity and urban design thatdetermine the image of the project, the senseof space and its integration in the metropolitan The following chapter will cover the themes of publiclandscapes. (Lecroart 2007a, p. 117). authoritys power and influence on the large urban projects. The potential control of end-result quality, social mix, flexibility and reversibility of development processes Mix of Users and the equal distribution of public gains from the development of LUPs will be discussed.The mix of functions is without any doubt a step towards a fruitful and integrative project. Lots of new developments Criteria by Public Authorities for the Quality of LUPsaround Europe show that a varied balance of function at the ground floor of buildings is desired both by promoters and by developers or the interest is even showed by Integration of the LUP into the local context highly private initiative (Lecroart 2007a). Having a single user depends on the quality which the project reaches upon and a function of the project is a true handicap for the its completion. To meet this quality a certain criteria urban vitality of the area. The mix of uses at the scale should be set by public authorities. In the processes of of urban block, plot or single building is becoming a diplomacy and negotiation, powerful legislative tools successful and common way to ensure the success of become in effect for the supervision of the large urban LUP (Lecroart 2007a). project development course. Lecroart identifies 7 points of such supervisory criteria: Public Space and Architectural Quality-- Balance, diversity, and integration of the variousfunctions, expressed through the programme and Competently chosen places for public spaces, theirthrough the distribution thereof; position in the context of the existing neighbouring network-- Design of the public spaces so as to determineof public spaces and the architectural quality of themhow they blend into neighbouring districts, and good greatly increase the image of LUP and draws additionaldimensioning of the urban blocks on which buildingsusers to the area. It is beneficial both for the adjacentare to be built; inhabitants as it increases their living quality and for the commerce as it draws a wide mix of customers (Lecroart-- Social and generational mix related to the diversity 2007a). As public space is a common discussion objectof the types and shapes of the housing; in the processes of participatory planning, positive-- Possibility of change and reversibility of thedevelopers position towards public accessibility of largedevelopment over time; urban project greatly incorporates it in the surrounding context and boosts credibility among local inhabitants.42 39. Social Mix Distribution of Public GainsIn most cases of the LUP projects, transformations happenSometimes processes of gentrification are a part ofin the run-down areas where the existing habitants are ofstrategy and are not always a negative thing. Howevera lower or middle class. Therefore oftentimes theres aparticular mistakes should be avoided to prevent therisk that private developers aiming towards rich and elite increase of social segregation, polarization and unevenclasses could create conditions for gentrification merelydistribution of benefits. It is crucial that the public gainsbecause of the profit chase. Public private partnershipreceived from private developers of LUPs should bein developing large urban projects creates conditions fordistributed to support other public projects or facilitieslocal authorities to incorporate a social and generational increasing the living quality rather than investing thatmix in the areas of transformation. Private developers are revenue back to the same gentrified location supportingmost likely to orient towards high income social class asthe privileged class (Cuenya 2009). In order to do soit is most profitable, whereas local government can implythere should be a greater democratic control of theconditions for the development of large urban projectproduction and utilization of surpluses that urbanizationto include a program of mixed affordability houses.of the city generates. By creating tools to prevent theMoreover, government can also directly participate inadministrations favour to support corporate capital anddeveloping social and affordable housing (Lecroart the upper classes with bigger money power, enable2007a).conditions for benefit distribution of public revenues to all social classes, especially the most vulnerable onesFlexibility and Reversibility(Harvey 2008).Majority of LUPs are planned to function on a long termLocally Painless Project Fundingbasis. To start functioning properly those projects need tomature and pass several economic and political cycles. The most successful case of public large urban projectA single developer of the project ensures project identity funding which does not harm the local tax payers is whento mature quicker. However in the case of changes in the the project appears to be costless to the great majoritystrategic plans due to dynamic processes in the city as aof adjacent inhabitants (Altshuler & Luberoff 2003). Thewhole it is more favourable if large urban project is split up easiest way to do so is to rely the funding on the higherinto several smaller-scale projects of different operators level governments and spread the cost among more taxwho can react to the changes in stages (Lecroart 2007a). suppliers. However there are also ways to attain fundsSuch conditions to attract multiple actors are directlyin a more sophisticated way. Authorities can attributeavailable if the land is of the public ownership. Then the funding from future revenues of directly project relatedgovernment can restructure large singular urban lots activities. For example new airport terminal constructioninto smaller ones giving them the shape and the size tocan be partly funded by increased landing fees, leasemeet the existing real estate market. This prevents thepayments, etc. In such manner, equity factor of projectapproach when the city is conceived as a constructionpayer and user is maintained.site of a huge private or public investor which directs thewhole process of transformations (Cuenya 2005). 43 40. Socio-demographic Socio-economic HousingSubjectivevulnerabilityvulnerabilityvulnerability vulnerability $ $ ! #$ $! ! # #!# -- Percentage of single >64-- Unemployment rate -- Percentage of housing of -- Percentage of inhabitants year old inhabitantsless than 30mcomplaining for noise-- Unemployment rate of pollution -- Rate of elderly dependencyyouth 16-29 years-- Average household area to the rest of population in m per inhabitant-- Percentage of inhabitants-- Percentage of unqualified complaining for air polluted -- Percentage of immigrant workers-- Percentage of households environment to local children (0-15 years)without a bathroom and-- Levelofeducation toilet in the house -- Percentage of inhabitants -- Percentage of immigrants(illiteracy, no education) considering to have bad to total inhabitants-- Bad quality of house infrastructure connectivity -- Number of single parent-- Percentage of houses -- Access to the green space familiesconstructed earlier than per inhabitant 1951 -- Feel of security and delinquencyFig. 17: Criteria for urban vulnerability measurement44 Source: Author made, based on www.siu.vivienda.es 41. Urban VulnerabilityMethodology of vulnerability researchSingle Parent families - specific problems of such families rise related to independency, availability to find work, dayNational ministry of development periodically conducts care, emotional vulnerability.a research on urban vulnerability and summarizes thefindings in a database which bears information per eachImmigration - even though this element decreases themunicipality and examines the national census data. At aging index, however it generates problems in the areathe end, the biggest disparities between district statisticalof social integration, access of housing, social servicedata and municipalitys or countrys average are indicated.help, education, etc.Such research is categorised into four groups and subSocio-Economic vulnerabilityelements which describe the criteria in a greater detail(Fig. 17). This category forms a direct relationship with satisfactory emotional and material wellbeing of families.By knowing the methodology of the research and recurring Consequently, indicators of unemployment, availability ofindicators of vulnerability it is easier to quickly locate the long term jobs and level of education and school drop-most problematic areas of the city and investigate the outs are the primary focus points of this category.possibilities to better the situation. Residential VulnerabilityAs it is stated in the analysis document about thevulnerability (Secretary of Urban Development 2009)Physical quality of the living environment is a verysuch research is of observatory measures, it then allows strong element limiting the personal development ofto indicate the weakest areas in the city and to takethe inhabitant and his social life habits. Main problemsstrategic actions to improve it. affecting the opportunities to fully enjoy the living environment are the physical state of the house, averageThe research on urban vulnerability is carried out in four size of the living area and square meter of space percategories:inhabitant, lack of basic installations inside the household (such as running water, bathroom and shower, elevator).Socio-demographic Vulnerability Subjective VulnerabilityThis group is based on a few demographic elements,which are identified as the most risky:This category evaluates a subjective inhabitant opinion about a series of elements affecting the environmentalAging - this element depicts the decrease of productivequality of the neighbourhood. Problems of noise level,population and increase in the dependant one. Thereforecontamination or bad smell (due to industry or traffic),it creates problems in relation to a higher demand of social bad accessibility via means of transport, lack of greencare and services, health facilities, housing deterioration, spaces and delinquency.humble income and mobility difficulties.45 42. Indicators used to measure vulnerability for the years 1991 and 2001UnemploymentAreas with the unemployment higher than 21% ofpopulation, which is two times bigger than nationallevel in 2001 (10.5%)Level of EducationAreas with 23% or more illiterate population or withno education, which is two times higher than thenational level at 2001 (11.5%)State of housing qualityNeighbourhoods having 2% or more bad qualityhousing, which is double the national average in2001.Bad quality housing index consists of the homes withno running water, or no toilet, or no shower inside ofthe household. Indicators used to measure vulnerability for the year 2006Immigration1*Areas with the immigrant population higher than 20%of the city average, which was 10% in 2006. 2012 urban vulnerabilityDuring the thesis project process, the latest nationalcensus data of 2011 was not available nor was thelatest national report on vulnerability. Therefore, Iused the data of previous studies and looked up intothe local relevant most up to date data available. 1* Only immigration indicator was used, because the national survey data of housing quality, education and unemployment is con- ducted every 10 years.46 43. Vulnerable neighbourhoods of Valencia 1991 2001 2006 2012?0 1 2km 0 1 2km0 1 2kmFig. 18: Areas of social vulnerability 1991/2001/2006/2012Source: Author made, based on siu.vivienda.es47 44. project site Context &AnalysisIntervention Area Choice / Surrounding LUPs / Site Analysis 45. According to the statistic data of 2012 provided byHowever there are 3 zones in Valencia predefined by municipalitys section of social wellbeing, there are twomunicipality where projects of urban regeneration are largest concentration of bad condition housing in Valencia assigned (Fig. 21). The so called program of Integral (bad physical state of household, no basic installations Rehabilitation of Valencia (proyecto RIVA - Rehabilitacin inside home (running water, toilet, shower)). Those areIntegral de Valencia) aims to prevent housing deterioration the 414 indicated households in the former fisherman and improve the living conditions in the historical centres neighbourhood of Cabanyal and the 292 households of the city. (Jimnez Alcaiz 2012) at the worker class area of Quatre Carreres (Fig. 19).The amount of these bad housings has been the same for a Project Area several consecutive years (Felipe 2012).This master thesis focuses on the district of Quatre If compared the 2012 data on poor condition households Carreres. It has the second largest concentration of bad to the urban Vulnerability map of Valencia based oncondition housing and has been on the list of vulnerable the 2001 national census (Fig. 20), it is visible that these areas of Valencia for two consecutive researches. What map have correlation and that problem of poor housingis more, neither urban projects of regeneration are condition has not been solved yet throughout the lastassigned for the chosen location nor there is a municipal 10 years. Particularly speaking, the municipality of strategy to tackle the social vulnerability. It also has two Valencia has no specific strategy towards tackling the large urban projects on the premises: the already built central government identified areas of urban vulnerability complex of City of Arts and Science and the Central Park (Martinez Alzamora 2011).project, which is under construction.50 46. The Choice of Intervention areaFig. 19: People living in badFig. 20: Social condition housingvulnerability areas3951 5414 16414 14693129233Fig. 21: Project RIVAFig. 22: Project siteregeneration program areas Central Park Project area City of Arts01 2km0 1 2km and ScienceSource: Author made, based on siu.vivienda.es, cartoweb.cma.gva.es, Felipe 2012, 51 47. The existing complex of City of Arts and Science began running up till these days (El Pas 2012). Whereas the as an aim to compete with the redevelopment processesGuggenheim museum in Bilbao had a total cost of 166 of Barcelona Olympic events and 1992 Sevilla World million Euros which was recovered in 6 years of operation Expo. In 1989 following the emerging strategy to time. (Plaza et al. 2009) transform Valencia into a culture and tourism oriented city, president of the Generalitat Valenciana (regionalRegional Government contracted the Valencian Institute government of Valencia) Joan Lerma proposed an idea of of Economic Investigations to conduct a research on the City of Science and Technology. Consequently in 1991 feasibility of the City of Arts and Sciences. The results regional government commissioned a local born architectof the research state that by the year 2009 construction Santiago Calatrava to propose a project for the last partworks for the complex have generated a 1.285 million of the Turia park, which at that time was surrounded byeuros income for the region. What is more it indicates croplands and natural landscape (Fig. 23). And after 20that the complex attracts a yearly income of 152.5 million years, the whole complex with a few alterations 1 from the euros to Valencia via tourism (Generalitat Valenciana, local government was completed (Fig. 24):2008).-- Hemispheric - 1999The large urban project of the City of Arts and Sciences-- Science Museum - 2000achieved its strategic goal to attract tourism, put-- Aquarium - lOceanografic - 2002 (designed byValencia on the map and provide facilities for cultureFelix Candela)and conferences. It also created new job places in thefields of construction and service and it attracted new-- Opera Hall - 2005real estate development at the site proximity. However,-- New suspension bridge - 2008 considering the availability and quite pricy accessibilityof these facilities to the locals, it becomes questionable-- Multifunction centre, Agora - 2011whether the 1.3 billion Euros spent from the tax payerspocket was a provident decision of the authorities. What A noteworthy fact is that the estimated total cost of this is more, in the recent years there are an increasing complete project seeks 1,3 billion Euros which werenumber of news and articles about the corruption of paid by regional government of Valencia. The final costpoliticians, resignation of compromised president of exceeds the preliminary project proposal estimate by regional government (one of the main project supporters), 500%. What is more, the annual balance of the complexCalatravas contract of 94 million euros which compared for the year 2007 is -63 million euros therefore requiring to the initial project costs has doubled in time (El Pas additional public fund injections to keep the facilities 2012). 1 Local conservative government of Partido Popular criticized then PSOE Socialist regional government proposal as Pharaonic Development and proposed an opera house (434 million euros) instead of the Communications tower (94 million Euros) (El Pas 2011).52 48. City of arts and scienceFig. 23: Original 1991 project of the City of Arts and SciencesSource: www.skyscrapercity.com/ 53 49. Hemisfric Palau de las Arts Reina Sofia-- Cinema hall-- Operas-- Souvenir shop-- Ballets-- Cinemas-- Exhibitions-- Conferences, etc.Umbracle -- Parking -- Exhibition of flora and astronomy Agora -- Sport / culture events -- Conferences -- Show venue54 Source: Author made, based on www.maps.bing.com, www.ceyd.org 50. Facilities of the City of arts and sciencesScience Museum-- Interactive science exposition-- Souvenir/book shop-- Restaurant Oceanografic -- Marine museum, aquarium -- Restaurants -- Souvenir shops -- Marine researchFig. 24: The City of Arts and Science55 51. The biggest urban project under construction right now in end streets will be eliminated. Elimination of the railway the city of Valencia is the Central Park (Parque Central) infrastructure, old terminals and deteriorating industrial project (Fig. 25). It takes place at the central area of thebuildings will increase the living quality of the area. A lot city where the old railway infrastructure is concentrated of new residential, tertiary, and public oriented facilities (Fig. 26). Parque Central project itself is composed of 25% are planned to be facilitated at the now unattractive area municipal, 25% regional, and 50% national investmentof this LUP. and right now is the only large urban project in the city of Valencia which still has local government fundingThis project is done in three separate phases and the first (Martnez Ciscar 2011). phase of the project is already halfway through (Fig. 29). Temporary high speed train station has been constructed Conversion of this area into a green heart of the cityand in 2011 a link between Madrid and Valencia has has been already proposed by the 1988 general planbeen opened shortening the travelling time twice, making of Valencia. It took 20 years for the project to show the it a 95 minute ride. Private property is being purchased first signs of transformation. However, it is very difficult to and reparcelated according to the project proposal. predict how many decades it will take to reach the finalEastern park side area is undergoing processes of land image of the project. preparation for the park (Garca Parreo 2012). Unlike the large urban projects of the previous 20 yearsHowever it is very unclear when the stage 2 and stage in Valencia, the aim of this one is primarily to benefit3 works will be initiated, because nowadays state of the citizens and the neighbours living next to it. A vast municipal and national economy cannot afford creating amount of green public space will be created. New a 9 km tunnelled railway running through the old town of educational and recreational facilities are planned onthe of the city (Martnez Ciscar 2011). Which leaves the the site (Martnez Ciscar 2011) (Fig. 27). According to premises of the train tacks unattractive to the planned the project, railway separated neighbourhoods will be development. As a result, neighbouring undeveloped linked due to a tunnelling of the existing train tracks (Fig. land and open spaces are abandoned, deteriorating and 28). As a result, this will improve the local economy ofinaccessible (Fig. 30), (Fig. 31). the now separated neighbourhoods as a lot of dead-56 52. Project Central ParkFig. 25: Kathryn Gustafson winning design for the Central ParkSource: www.valenciaparquecentral.es/57 53. Fig. 26: Existing Situation Fig. 27: Project Proposal58 54. Provisioned transformations and phasing-- Phase 1 covers private land andrailways land immediately available forreparcelization and development-- Phase 2 corresponds to the land wherethe tunnelling works will be carried out.-- Phase 3 is the site of the temporary highspeed train station Joaqun Sorolla andthe provisional railway access.Fig. 28: Planned railway infrastructure transformationsFig. 29: Project PhasingSource: www.valenciaparquecentral.es/ 59 55. 60 Source: Author 56. Areas around the RailwayFig. 30: View towards provisioned central park areaFig. 31: View towards future real estate development 61 57. According to the data of the statistics and interviews with Average neighbourhood data local people it is possible to describe an average person living in the project area as a middle class worker living in a slightly cheaper household with his 2.61 person family.14 000 hab/km This person lives in the area with a density almost twice*(8200 hab/km) as dense as Valencias average where 24% of active Land Price 240/m neighbours are unemployed. To make matters more*(Land Price 260/m) complicated, half of young population are jobless and there are around 18% immigrants from non-EU countries2.61 Persons/family (National Statistics Bureau 2011). *(2.45 person/family)20% Unemployed Mapping available specific social information (Fig. 32) made it possible to better evaluate the current local50% Youth Unemployed social conditions and propose adequate interventions. 72.6% Families Without Kids Data layers were chosen according to the previously *(29.9% families without kids) described indicators on vulnerability. 18% Immigrants*(13% Immigrants) Such data is important because it particularly shows which areas in the selected site have the biggest concentration of specific problematic groups of people and it allows proposing more argumented next steps for the strategy based on this information. For example proposing a *Valencias average household regeneration project at the south-western site luxurious housing neighbourhood would not be the most adequate decision. However, such intervention would be more welcome at the previous historical nucleus of the site.62 Source: www.ine.es, www.valencia.es 58. Social AnalysisOlder >64 living aloneUnemploymentYouth 16-30 UnemploymentImmigrantsBad Housing Condition DensityFig. 32: Social indicators of the areaSource: Author made, based on www.atlasvulnerabilidadurbana.vivienda.es63 59. Using the available data from municipality I mapped the economic activity in the project site. Consequently, I could identify predominant local job market throughout the area (Fig. 33). The dominant economy in the neighbourhoods is commerce and service. Majority of economic activity is located in the most dense populated areas of the site. Consultancy and knowledge based service economy (such as Architecture, Insurance, Broker, Engineer companies, etc.) is more concentrated closer to the City of Arts and Science and prestigious premises of old town and Turia garden. Using the public facility location analysis (Fig. 34), it was possible to identify a few local areas where there is a lack of availability of public functions. Considering the chronology of the city development, it is clear that the areas of city expansion after the 1970-ies have a greater mix of facilities. During that period of real estate development and construction of the new residential quarters it was possible to position facilities together with newly constructed buildings. Due to this fact the historic parts of the area which also bears a lower density did not attract these new public facilities.According to the General Plan of Valencia 2010, the southern site of the project area is planned to be developed with a delimited areas for the mixed type housing, tertiary use and public buildings, however due to the difficult economic times and stagnating development processes these new facilities are not being positioned into the area. Reflecting on this, the proposed strategy focuses to activate the identified areas of little economic activity and propose more public facilities in the already built environment in order to make the local neighbourhoods more successful.64 60. Economic Analysis SERVICE, COMMERCE & SALES MANUFACTURE production of metal products production of oce materials and computes production of other electronic poducts production of precision and optical machinery food and drink industries footware clothes and textile wood cork and furniture paper, printing and publishing Other 1 Other 2 Wholesale Groceries and Tabaco Non Groceries and Tabaco Cafe, Restaurant Repairs of cars Automobiles Insurance and Real Estate Service for Business Rental, Real Estate Personal Service OtherFig. 33: Economic activity typeArchitects and Civil Engineers Construction Engineers Brokers, Salesman HoReCa Insurance Managers Other Professionals Rent, Insurance and Law Teaching Health. Na Rovella 6. La Punta 7. Ciutat Arts i les Cincies Other Museums/Theatres/ Cinemas Municipal Organization Education Youth Centre Sports Social Centres Health Libraries Absence of FacilitiesFig. 34: Public facilitiesSource: Author made, based on www.valencia.es, www.emtvalencia.es 65 61. TURIA GARDEN (old river bed)19c PR T LUPOOLD T OWN 1944- 1972 S,19th cIS TICEXPAN .OG STRY L USIONINDRIA 1972-PROJEC T AREA2010TUMAINROAER DS R IVw riverb ed) (ne0 1km Fig. 35: Site morphology 62. Spatial conditionsProject area is enclosed by easily identifiable city Old historic nucleus neighbourhood has a very attractiveelements of Valencia such as main roads, railway and human scale streetscape which gives a feeling to the sitedifferent typology built and open spaces (Fig. 35). On of a dynamic old town pattern. However, small propertythe north of the site there is a Cerdas Barcelona typelots and big amount of owners makes the processes ofrectangular old town grid expansion, west is bordered by urban transformation complicated, also there is a lack ofthe railway leading to the main station of the city, to thegreeneries and open spaces and the built environmentsouth there is a strip of traditional agriculture landscaperequires refurbishing.of Valencia and on the east there is a Turia Garden andCity of Arts and Science complex. Within the Project Block type neighbourhoods have a quality of a formedsite predominantly three type of urban typologies arestreet level and the human scale street scape is stillidentifiable:preserved, however since it is a construction at the -- 1900-1944 Compact street type historic nucleus ofborder of and unattractive railway and agricultural the site (Fig. 37)landscape there are undeveloped gaps in these blocks which creates a chaotic feeling of the site. Measures -- Closed block typology expansion of the 1970-iesof improving these unattractive areas and promotion of (Fig. 38) abandoned places need to be taken. -- Free standing high-rise development of the post 1970-ies (Fig. 39)Free standing high-rises have a quality of the open space in between, however the ground floor level is notAll these three typologies have their own strengthsalways developed and attractive for a local scale publicand weaknesses which are described in the followingactivity. Proximity to the farmland landscape also createsparagraphs.contradictions of two opposite scales. Therefore a better defined street space would make these areas more urban life friendly. Fig. 36: Problematic site areas Source: www.maps.google.com 67 63. 68 64. Sections of main site typologiesFig. 37: Pre 1945 site nucleus Fig. 38: Block type 1970-ies expansionFig. 39: Free standing post 1970-ies expansion 69 65. 70 66. Context of the project areaFig. 40: Built and open spaces of the project siteSource: www.maps.google.com71 67. Project site is located at one of the busiest entrances to the city form the south. It is bordered by a second inner ring of the city on the north and by a third partly completed inner ring on the north. Average traffic intensity map (Fig. 41) indicates that these bordering routes provide a considerable amount of flow on the edges of the site and on the south-north avenue of Ausas March. Rail public transportation map (Fig. 42) shows that right now the nearest metro or train station is on the other side of the railway. However new metro line running straight through the site is under construction since the summer of 2011, yet due to local economic capacities the opening date of this line is unknown (previously estimated 2012- 2013). Bus transportation map (Fig. 43) shows bus lines running through the project site and the areas of the city it reaches within these bus routes. It is visible that there is no direct accessibility via bus to the Americas Cup beach and technology park on the south-western part of the city. According to the subjective opinion data about the accessibility of the neighbourhood (Fig. 44) it is visible that the area needs infrastructure improvements. New metro line is highly expected to significantly improve the situation. Tunnelling the railway running on the west side of the project would also greatly increase the accessibility of the site, however public works of such scale are not possible anytime soon doe to financial situation. Therefore it is crucial to establish new pedestrian bridges linking both sides of the railway and activating the isolated local economies.72 68. Infrastructure analysisBus lines running through the project siteOther Bus linesTraffic intensityLack of direct accessibilityBridges and tunnelsFig. 41: Traffic intensity analysisFig. 43: Bus Reachability analysisTram/Metro lineFuture Metro lineTrain Station>45% Population 15%thinking they haveCargo Train Station bad transportBus Station5% availabilityFig. 42: Rail transport analysis Fig. 44: Subjective transport evaluation analysis Source: Author made, based on www.valencia.es, www.emtvalencia.es, www.atlasvulnerabilidadurbana.vivienda.es 73 69. StrategyExisting Plan Evaluation / Strategy Concept & Implementation/ Main Strategic Layers / Secondary Strategic Layers / Stakeholder Analysis / LUP trade-offs 70. According to the general plan of Valencia 2010, The indicated zone of the central park project area is municipality has delimited quite an extensive urban in process (Fig. 47). A temporary high speed train station development in the project site area (Fig. 45). Comparing is functioning already for a year, private property land to the existing situation (Fig. 46) it looks quite ambitious, is being purchased and reparcelated. Preparations to yet it is a framework for urbanization which provides construct the east part of the park are happening. developers an image of what the area is planned to turn into. However, this plan only does not guarantee that itHowever, taking the existing context into an account, it will be developed into this image any time soon due to alooks like the rest of the project is going to stall at this few very serious reasons. stage for a very long time. Due to national and local01kmFig. 45: PGOU 2010 delimited urbanization76 71. Planned city & Existing situation evaluationeconomic difficulties the city of Valencia just cannot affordSecondly, processes of urbanization and especiallythe tunnelling of all the railway infrastructure. This bringsedification are considerably slowed down due to thea series of trouble for the project. presence of the railway lines. Construction of attractive apartments and new facilities in the area becomeFirst of all, the winning design of Cathryn Gustafson forquestionable for the coming 20 years or even longer.the central park can only be partly completed. This meansWhat is more the so called Spanish economic crunchthat not all of the proposed program can be implementedand real estate market over supply does not make it anin the park and the existing railway and elevated highwayattractive environment for the developers to invest intowould considerably block the access to this public facility. new constructions (Parreo 2012). 01kmFig. 46: Existing spatial situationSource: Author made, based on www.valencia.es 77 72. Another problem area in the site is a portion of land Therefore the resulting picture of the area is the existing delimited by the general plan of 2010 for development condition which consists of the following elements: (Fig. 48) known as Malilla Nord. It is now undergoing the deteriorating historical low-rise nucleus, 1970-ies high- public processes of compulsory land purchase andrise free standing apartment building city expansion, reparcelization. (Martinez 2011). Yet again, the processgentrified land on the premises of Centre of Arts and of land development and actual construction of newScience large urban project, neighbourhood separating buildings and facilities is greatly slowed down due torailway infrastructure, urbanized empty fields without the already mentioned economic troubles and current a developer and agricultural land under the process of conditions of the real estate market. compulsory purchase.0 1kmFig. 47: Central Park project area78 73. Identification of stagnating developmentAs a result, proposed strategy thoughtfully indicatesWhat is more, the strategy focuses on the previouslypossible sites for redevelopments and transformations at identified main local problems of unemployment andthe site and proposes new activities which are requisite atespecially youth unemployment, fragmentation, badthe current local socio-economic and spatial conditions. physical conditions of the public environment, declining living quality and the scarce availability of public money for new investments and development. 01km Fig. 48: PGOU 2010 Delimited areas of development Source: Author made, based on www.valencia.es, www.valenciaparquecentral.es 79 74. Large urban projects of Valencia are very strong points of The strategy aims to use the identified flows of people attraction for tourism and mega-events in the city. Due to and to attract their routes inside of the project area using tourism and flagship development oriented strategy it is strategic key-project interventions. As a result, these new mostly foreign tourists or Spanish people from the rest of flows would create conditions to activate the inner parts the country who come to visit the expensive facilities. Theof the neighbourhoods and engage the development of centre of Arts and Sciences alone attracted 3,4 millionlocal economic activities (Fig. 50). visitors in the year 2009 (Valencian Institute of Economic Investigations 2009). It is 4 times the local population ofIn order for this to happen these strategic key-projects Valencia. There are other main attraction points in the city need to be aimed for the public interest to attract the such as the Americas Cup redeveloped port, Formula 1broadest gamut of users causing an increase in local grand prix circuit, old town, centre of conferences andeconomic activity and other externalities such as a conventions, and the future projects of central park housing redevelopment, improvement of a public space, and new FC Valencia Stadium Nou Mestalla. All of the increase of a living quality. Therefore such projects should mentioned LUPs generate a certain patterns of flowsalso have some of the flagship development properties of which also attract economy around these paths. attracting attention, economy and redevelopment towardthem and their premises. For this reason I identified the main routes leading to these large urban projects from the neighbouringWhat is more, Valencian municipality should take a biggest cities and highway entrances to Valencia. I used position to raise the publicity of the key-projects and to municipal documents on the average traffic intensity and promote these strategic new routes linking LUPs via the used a Google maps route calculator to indicate the most problematic neighbourhoods. This can be done by using favourable driving directions (Fig. 49). simple indicative methods such as signs, symbols androutes on the touristic maps or by a physical improvementof the pathways leading to the key interventions.80 75. Strategy - Capturing the FlowsProject AreaExisting LUPConnectionsMain LUPs Fig. 49: Main flows to the LUPs of ValenciaProject AreaExisting LUPConnectionsMain LUPsKey ProjectInterventionsNew LUPConnections Fig. 50: An intervention to attract flows into the site areaSource: Author made, based on www.valencia.es, www.maps.google.com81 76. Project area is surrounded by a number of routes promote an autonomous upgrade of physical quality connecting main large urban projects of Valencia and or intensification of floor area by the neighbouring only one of these routes go through the area. Aim of landowners. Simply speaking, smart local interventions this strategy is to attract the previously identified flowsare expected to engage a series of local developments of people inside the project area by the proposed key- by the property owners themselves. projects and new routes (Fig. 51). In order for this to happen these key projects need to be popular vital and have anAs a result, this strategy (Fig. 53) shows possibilities of appealing quality public spaces. development for the municipality and local and externalinvestors therefore engaging city growth in the frames However, the proposed projects are not only the touristof general plan of 2010 even in the difficult economic points of attraction by themselves but have an important situation and stagnating real estate market. role to activate the economy of the areas around them, to benefit the local society with a carefully chosen function This strategy does not aim to propose another master plan and to capture the synergy of the neighbouring large of Valencia showing a complete picture of the site after urban projects.50 years. The strategy shows opportunities of investmentand development at the current conditions and engages Additionally to these key-projects, the strategy proposes alocal growth in the near future of 5-15 years. range of secondary permanent or temporary interventions directly related to the key projects. These secondaryA more detailed concept of this strategy is explained in projects are aimed to activate the current abandoned the following chapters categorizing the interventions into buildings or empty private land (Fig. 52). Such interventions3 layers: would upgrade the physical quality of the public space as a result highlighting the possibilities of development to -- Redevelopment layer the current land owners or external stakeholders. What-- Employment layer is more re-use of abandoned buildings would provide a local awareness of development and therefore would-- Green layer82 77. Approach of the strategy Start-upCentreNew MarketDesign Huerta Info Centreworkshop area0 1km Fig. 51: Strategy key interventions to capture the synergy of LUPs83 78. Abandoned / Empty property Empty land lot Abandoned Property0 1km Fig. 52: Empty or abandoned property84Source: Author made, based on www.valencia.es, www.maps.google.com 79. Aims of the strategy Existing LUP connectionNew BridgesSecondary Projects Existing Greeneries Existing LUP New LUP connection Secondary Connection New Greeneries Existing Bridges Key intervention projectsNew Bicycle RouteFuture MetroFig. 53: Strategic spatial proposal to tackle stagnating development, social vulnerability and to capture the benefits of large urban projects85 80. The redevelopment layer consists of the New Market such type redevelopments (for example: Mercat de la project (Fig. 55) which works as a spin off for the strategy Barceloneta, Mercat de Santa Caterina - Barcelona). and a series of secondary interventions in the surrounding What is more such an intervention provides a possibility area to increase the impact of the redevelopment to establish collaboration with other major projects in the intentions.site: The Central Park, the Huerta Info Centre). Aims and reasons Effects of intervention There are a few main objectives of this project: In order to achieve the aims of this strategic layer anumber of interventions are proposed. The new mixed-- Create the New Market as an attraction point foruse market would greatly improve the now abandonedan alternative route linking the Central Park and thepublic land and its surroundings giving a full attentionCity of Arts and Science.towards the needs of the locals. This project could also-- Capture the flows of people into the neighbourhood facilitate a range of other uses and activities like half anand attract economic vitality.hour cooking school, do your own dinner desk , becomea 60 minute bartender bar, etc. at the end turning this-- Promote the development of privately ownedmarket into a thriving urban life centrality.deteriorating property.-- Promote the development of a big concentration It is also possible to temporary or permanently positionof abandoned property on the site by temporary or some public facilities in the abandoned property or topermanently proposing new facilities and improvingcreate new greeneries and public spaces in the narrowaccessibility.streets of the area (Fig. 56). With an upgraded public-- Create new public spaces and greeneriesenvironment, private investors would be more likely toinvest in the area and upgrade the buildings into small Such aims are directed to tackle the problems of physicaloffices or local points of commerce. Such small but site deteriorating conditions (Fig. 54) and to improve the smart interventions would also promote the existing land social vulnerability problems mentioned in the previousowners to upgrade or densify their property. According chapter (p.63).to the calculations I made, if all the houses of 1-2 floorswould construct and additional floor to their property theamount of effective floor space would increase by a total The market function as for the main intervention wasof 25%. chosen due to several reasons. There is an absence of a market building in this neighbourhood, the public ownership of the land provides a possibility to initiate a At the end this redevelopment layer strategy tackles the society oriented project, market as a function is a very stagnating processes of development, it improves the popular in Spanish culture and there are a numberliving condition of the locals, engages and upgrade of of good practice example throughout the country of bad condition housing and offers economic vitality andnew job places for the area.86 81. Redevelopment Strategic layer New MarketSite Problems:Abandoned & deteriorating property - Lack of greeneries and attractive public spaces - Under used public property - Isolated &inactive street level Fig. 54: Main Spatial problems of the New Market areaSource: www.maps.google.com, www.maps.bing.com 87 82. Project aims: Reuse the abandoned public land - Boost local economy - Strengthen local centrality - Draw activity into the neighbourhood - Promote the redevelopment of the neighbouring properties - Create new attractive public space - Generate spin off effect Fig. 55: Area of effect of the New Market project and the strategic layer of redevelopment88 83. Effects of the redevelopment strategic layerFig. 56: Empty property transformation into a new green square Source: Author made, based on www.maps.google.com 89 84. Employment strategy layer involves two proposed key Local people would have a possibility to work in this projects. I will first describe the Workshop Centre (Fig. 58) workshop centre which provides the facilities for free (A project in general and the detailed design part can bemodel of an old tobacco factory transformation for the found in the chapter of design (p.117). locals - Tabacalera, Madrid). In this manner, conditions for the locals to find a job or to engage one themselves would Aims and reasonsbe established. Such model of tackling unemployment encourages Self-employment, development of new Employment strategy layer with the workshop areaskills, collaboration with others for bigger projects and project has an intention to achieve the following effects:activities, networking and entrepreneurship.-- Redevelop abandoned industrial / residentialMunicipality could also contract this centre to constructquarter into a freely accessible workshop centre small public intervention objects, sculptures and outdoor-- Encourage entrepreneurship and self employmentfurniture in order to use them for the improvement ofof the locals and provide facilities for such activities the abandoned and empty properties (Fig. 59). Such assignments would have several effects. People would-- Use the products of the workshop to temporary see the exhibited real results of self-employment at theor permanently upgrade the abandoned propertiesworkshop centre and contracted people would feel morenearby and increase neighbourhood attractiveness empowered when their products are chosen to improvefor developmentthe neighbourhood contrary to contracting some foreign-- Construct a pedestrian bridge linking separated hallmark designer. Additionally, such improvements,neighbourhoods via the workshop area new public spaces and greeneries would encourage the stagnant development of the Central Park project and the These aims are derived from a number of spatial area of Malilla Nord. problems of the site (Fig. 57) and are intended to cope with the problems of abandoned property (p.84), realTogether with this project a pedestrian bridge is estate development stagnation and social issues ofproposed which formerly stood in the same area but was unemployment and young population unemploymentdemolished during the high speed rail construction works. which are one the main reasons of social vulnerability. This new bridge is important because it directly leads to the workshop centre, links it with other key interventions Effects of intervention and activates a bigger area of LUP benefit distribution. Moreover this link energizes the local economy of the former dead end streets and adds a pedestrian east-west The main intervention reuses a deteriorating residential connection through the railway which is very lacking at quarter in the industrial site of the railway. It benefits from the site. the existing quality of the built space and street pattern, making it possible to create different sectors of activities. What is more, a few bigger warehouses can be used asIn conclusion, this project tackles unemployment, social an area for bigger workshops or social events.vulnerability, stagnating real estate development and fragmentation.90 85. Employment Strategic layer Workshop CentreSite problems:Abandoned industrial / residential quarters - Undeveloped property - Inactive dead end streets - Separated neighbourhoodsFig. 57: Main problems of the Workshop Area interventionSource: www.maps.google.com, www.maps.bing.com 91 86. Project aims: Provide workshop space for young starters - Reuse empty abandoned buildings - Benefit from the existing quality of built space - Promote the vitality of empty and abandoned properties - Tackle fragmentation - Revitalize stagnating local economyFig. 58: Project Workshop Centre and its area of effect92 87. Effects of the Workshop Centre projectFig. 59: Temporary reuse of an empty propertySource: Author made, based on www.maps.google.com 93 88. The young entrepreneur centre is a project which showsproposal for a cheap and quickly constructible office units a sign of solidarity from the municipality of Valencia to which together would form a small entrepreneurship the local societies, where a prestigious location next to centre with a view to Calatravas architecture. Or a more the large urban project of Santiago Calatrava is assigned monumental design of an entire building complex could for the direct needs of the locals. A more detailed be dedicated to permanently position young local start- description of this project can be found in the chapter ofups at this important area of the city. design (p.117). Upon completion of this centre, Valencias young start- Aims and reasonsups and entrepreneurs would have a possibility to rent a very attractive and affordable office space for a period-- Transform the under used parking place of a few years. Such limited contract would maintain-- Capture the benefits of being in a direct proximity rotation and prevent already successful companiesto the LUP and provide such a strategic location for from occupying the young unemployed local populationthe need of the locals oriented project.-- Provide affordable facilities for the local youngentrepreneurs and start-up companies What is more, a 10 minute bicycle connection (Fig. 61) with the workshop centre is established creating collaborative-- Tackle unemployment links between the probable centres of design and-- Create a pedestrian and bike friendly locationproduction. This cycling route goes through the existingattractive for urban lifecity gardens and still present agricultural landscape, therefore a 10 minute ride has a lot of quality while the The site right now is used as a parking place (Fig. 60).scale of the greeneries and typologies