EPM-311: Cobra 5.0 – Advanced Report Writing Delivered by: Tambra Craven

Deltek Insight 2010: Cobra 5.0 – Advanced Report Writing

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EPM-311: Cobra 5.0 – Advanced Report Writing

Delivered by:

Tambra Craven

Copyright © 2010 Deltek, Inc. 2


• Report Types and Uses

• Report Definitions/Parameters

• Report Sections—Header, Detail, and Footer Sections

• Report Tags

• Q&A

Report Types and Uses


Report Types

• Access

• Change Management

• CPR*

• CPR3*

• Cross Tab*

• CrossTabCriteria*

• Graph*

• Model

• Project Planning Statistics

• Summary*

• Pivot Table*

Copyright © 2010 Deltek, Inc.

* Aggregated: time-phased data summarized based on report criteria before generating the report—require one or more Criteria and one or more Cost Sets

Report Uses

• Access

– Dedicated report type for the “Access” report

• Identifies the File (i.e. Project, Calendar, Codes, Resources, Rates)

• Identifies the Owner

• Identifies individual Users with access

• Identifies Groups with access

• Identifies Roles with access

• Change Management

– Dedicated report type for the “Change Management” report

• Identifies key change related information (i.e. number, comment, amount, account, date, user responsible for change)

• Identifies Negotiated Cost, Authorized Unpriced Work, and Contract Budget Base

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Report Uses (cont.)


– Time-phased data

– Rows grouped by criteria

– Columns grouped by cost sets

– Sort Code and subtotal options available in report footer

• CPR3

– Baseline data reporting

• CrossTab

– Used for CAP reporting

– Time-phased data

– Rows grouped by criteria and cost sets

Copyright © 2010 Deltek, Inc. 6

Report Uses (cont.)

• CrossTabCriteria

– Time-phased data

– Rows grouped by criteriaN-1

– Columns grouped by CriteriaN

– Used for 1921-1 report

• Graph

– Graphic reports

– Time-phased data

– Rows grouped by criteria and cost sets

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Report Uses (cont.)

• Model– Reports based directly on underlying data structures

• Cost Accounts

• Code Files

• Resources

• Rates, etc.

– Report Table Type indicates the main table

• Project Planning Statistics– Dedicated report for the “Project Planning Statistics” report

• Summarized statistics by control account for EVT, Duration, and Value

• Summary– Rows grouped by criteria

– Columns grouped by cost sets

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Report Uses (cont.)

• Pivot Table

– Time-phased data grouped by criteria and cost sets on the “Data” worksheet

– Data presented in the “Report’ worksheet in a pivot table

• Exactly two criteria

– Row Label 1: Criteria 1. No Subtotals

– Row Label 2: Cost Set, Summed Subtotals

– Column Label 1: Criteria 2

– Values: Summed Value

• More than two criteria

– Blank Pivot Table

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Report Definitions/Parameters

Report Definitions/Parameters

• XML Document Stored within Report Definitions

• Parameter Syntax Pitfalls

– Parameter begins with <x > and ends with </x>

– Boolean values: false(0), true(1)

– Lists separated with comma, no spaces

• Three Main Areas

– Report Content Parameters

– Report Criterion Parameters

– Report Wizard Parameters

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Report Content Parameters

• AggregationResults*

• ApplyThresholdFilter*

• CalendarPeriods*

• CalendarSet”

• CellFormatCurrencyPattern

• CellFormatDatePattern

• CostSets*

• CreateBlankNotes*

• DisplayDataWorksheets*

• DisplayDataWorksheetsCriteria Description*

• DisplayReportOptions

• ExcludeSortCodesFromBody (CPR)

• FirstCalendarPeriodCumulative*

• HighlightVariances”

• IncludeHistoryCostSets*

• IncludeNarrative*

• IncludeNoteCategories*

• IncludeOnlyNonZeroCostSets*

• IncludeOnlyNonZeroResults*

• IncludeSortCode (CPR)

• Results*

• RollupResults*

• ScaleFactor

• ScaleFactorCaption

• TemplateFile

• ThresholdFilterCompareType*

• UseSelectedCalendarPeriods*

* Valid for aggregated report types

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Report Content Parameters (cont.)

• Report Content via the Report Definitions

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Copyright © 2010 Deltek, Inc. 14

Report Content Parameters (cont.)

• Report Calendar Content

via the Report Wizard

• Report Style Content

via the Report Wizard

Report Criterion Parameters

• Fields*– Comma separated list of additional fields displayed for specified criterion

– Parameter updated via report layout engine, no manual changes

• Id*– Identifies the criterion

– Select criterion ID via Report Wizard to ensure accuracy

• Level*– Hierarchical level roll up

• NewPage*– Page Break on criteria change

• Subtotal (CAP)– Displays subtotal line for criteria

* Valid for aggregated report types

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Report Criterion Parameters (cont.)

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• Setting Report Criterion

via the Report Wizard

• Setting Report Criterion

via Report Definitions

Report Wizard Parameters

• Allow User to Select Options

– AllowSelectCalendarSet*

– AllowSelectCostSets*

– AllowSelectCriteria*

– AllowSelectFilter* (Model)

– AllowSelectResults*

– AllowSelectSort (Model)

• Maximum and Minimum Settings

– MaxNumberofCostSets*

– MaxNumberofCriteria*

– MinNumberofCostSets*

– MinNumberofCriteria*

* Valid for aggregated report types

Copyright © 2010 Deltek, Inc. 17

Report SectionsHeader, Detail, and Footer Sections

Report Section Tags

• HeaderSheet – Worksheet Page Header on

Every Page

• FooterSheet– Worksheet Page Footer on

Every Page

• HeaderPage– Repeated on Every Page

• HeaderReport– Beginning of Report

• FooterReport– End of Report

Copyright © 2010 Deltek, Inc. 19

• HeaderGroup– Group by criteria and cost sets

for aggregated reports

– Non-aggregated reports group by entity

• FooterGroup– Group by criteria for aggregated


– Non-aggregated reports group by entity

• HeaderGrandTotal (CAP)– Used for CAP report

– Displays after last criteria footer

– Overrides default grand total

Report Section Tags (cont.)

• Report Section Tags Defined in Column A

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Other Tags

• HeaderReport Tags– Down

– Replace

– AutoFit

• HeaderPage Tags– Right

– Insert

– AutoFit

• FooterReport Tags– SortCode

– SubTotal

– PrintIF

Copyright © 2010 Deltek, Inc. 21

• HeaderGroup Tags– Group

– Highlight

– Cumulative

– CumulativeLine

– PrintIF

– PrintIfOtherwise

– VarColor

– RemainingPeriods

– Xseries

– XSeriesEnd

– YSeries1

• NewPage

Report Tags

Report Tags

• Report Tag Key Points

– Each tag should start and end with curled brackets { }

– Use <entityN> for reports with varying numbers of criteria or sub-totals

– Use <entity> for reports with specific criteria

• Four Types of Report Tags

– Parameter Tags

– Information Tags

– Formula Tags

– Property Tags

Copyright © 2010 Deltek, Inc. 23

Copyright © 2010 Deltek, Inc.

Report Parameter Tags

• CriteriaN.Title*– Control Account

– Work Package

• ReportOptions.CalendarSet*– 00, 18, 19

– User defined calendar sets

• ReportOptions.CostSets*– BCWP, ACWP, BCWS, EAC

– User defined cost sets

• ReportOptions.Criteria*– Project Structure: CA, WP,

Resource Assignment, Results

– Key Fields: WBS, OBS, WP, Resource

– Codes: CAM, Location


• ReportOptions.Filter– Displays selected filter

• ReportOptions.Sort– Displays selected sort

• ReportSetting.ScaleFactor– 1

– 1,000

• ReportSetting.ScaleCaption– Dollars

– Thousands of $

* Valid for aggregated report types

Report Parameter Tags (cont.)

• Report Parameter Tag: Report Options

• Defined in FooterReport Section for Delivered Reports

• Displayed if DisplayReportOptions = 1

Copyright © 2010 Deltek, Inc. 25

Report Information Tags

• ReportCreatedDate

– Date the report was generated

• ReportCreatedDateTime

– Includes date and time the report was generated

• Criteria.Level*

– Level of the current criteria data row

– Used in formula to provide level based indenting

• DisplayReportOptions

– Boolean value of the DisplayReportOptions parameter

– False (0); True (1)

* Valid for aggregated report types

Copyright © 2010 Deltek, Inc. 26

Report Formula Tags

• Sum Formula– {SUM(WorkPackage.Bac)}

• Replaces the entity tag with range and sums the values within the range

– {Column.Total}• Sum entire column

• Relative Cell References– {=Cell[R,C-2] – Cell[R,C-1]}

• R denotes current row

• C denotes current column

• + denotes number of columns or rows to shift right or down respectively

• - denotes number of columns or rows to shift left or up respectively

• IF Statements– {IF(statement,true,false)}

– Use entity.property and/or cell references

Copyright © 2010 Deltek, Inc. 27

Report Formula Tags (cont.)

• Schedule Variance

– Cell[R,C-2] - Cell[R,C-3]

– Cell[same row,2 columns prior] – Cell[same row,3 columns prior]


• Cost Variance

– Cell[R,C-3] – Cell[R,C-2]

– Cell[same row,3 columns prior] – Cell[same row,2 columns prior]


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Copyright © 2010 Deltek, Inc.

Report Property Tags

• Aggregated Report Types

– CriteriaN.Id

– CriteriaN.Description

– CriteriaN.Title

– CostSetN.Id

– CostSetN.Description

– <CriteriaN>.<CodeAsg[N]>

– <CriteriaN>.<CodeAsg[N]>.Prompt

– Term.<Term Name>

• CAP & Summary Report Types

– ResultN.Id

• Model Report Types

– <entity>.<property>

– <entity>.<property>.Title

– <entity>.<property>.Id

– <entity>.<CodeAsg[N]>

– <entity>.<CodeAsg[N]>.Prompt

– <entity>.<CodeAsgN>

– <entity>.<CodeAsgN>.Prompt

• All Report Types

– Report.Id

– Report.Description


Questions & Answers