Reduce SW Development Time with DAVE™ 3 March, 2012

Dave 3 presentation

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Auto Code Generation SW Tool support the XMC4000 family.

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Reduce SW Development

Time with DAVE™ 3

March, 2012

Page 2: Dave 3 presentation

Why DAVE™ 3 ?

XMC 4500 Offering

• Powerful, SW-configurable peripherals

• Flexible interconnections and pin mapping options

Pressure to Engineer

• Short time to market

• Tough to get familiar with all the HW details



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The DAVE™ 3 Solution

What is DAVE™ 3 ?

DAVE™ 3 is a free toolset for automatic code


… with Plug in / Interface options for commercial solutions

What is DAVE™ 3 good for ?

DAVE™ 3 significantly shortens time and effort

for SW development for XMC 4500 Series

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With DAVE™ 3 we are Merging the Functionalities of earlier DAVE™ Tools into one Tool

Free tool chain

Low level code


High level

Application code


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DAVE ™ 3

DAVE™ 3 is a Free Toolset for Automatic Code Generation


Code Engine


DAVE™Apps Manager

Automatic code generation based on

predefined and tested SW components

(DAVE Apps)

• Configuration via graphical user


• Generated code can be used via well

documented APIs (like a library)

Option for third parties to plug in other

commercial or free tools

SW Components: DAVE Apps


Middle ware



Any free or


solutions from

third parties GNU Compiler

3rd party

3rd party 3rd party

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Concept of DAVE™ Apps

Component based programming

Is a well know methodology to develop SW by re-using existing and tested SW components with a defined programming interface (API)

Application Notes

Reference Code to handle specific uses cases


Applications for a specific use case for a smart phone or a tablet computer

Can be easily downloaded from the web

DAVE™ Apps are flexible use case oriented SW components to generate code

That can be downloaded from the web

That could be a complete embedded solution/ application

That could be used to compose (model) an embedded solution/ application

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Component Based Programming with DAVE™ Apps

e.g. PWM App

User selects and

adds a DAVE App

to his project

Selection can be done

via categories:

• Application use cases

• Supported peripherals


and keyword filter

API to use the

generated code

Configuration via

a graphical UI



•Init parameters



User code call functions.








HW Signals (virtual)

to connect to other


Example for Signals:

• Timer overflow

• Compare match

• PWM output

To be connect to other

Apps to

• Trigger an ADC

• Crete a output signal

A DAVE™ App is well defined and tested SW component that can be used to build

an embedded application on an high, easy to understand abstraction level

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Composition of DAVE™ Apps: Virtual Signal connection

The user or a another App may request the connection of two signals


Timer overflow

Compare match ADC App

ADC start



Interrupt Request

Apps can be freely

composed by the user

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PWM Example -1-

Selecting the


Selected DAVE App

Graphical UI to define

the initial PWM


Additional required

DAVE Apps will be

automatically included

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PWM Example -2-

Signal Connection Pin Constraints

Resource Solving and

Code Generation

DAVE ™ 3 includes a resource solver that automatically assigns the chip resources

considering the available chip resources and connectivity constraints

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PWM Example -3-

Generated Code

API to control

the PWM signal

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Instances of DAVE Apps

Normally a individual DAVE™ App can be instantiated several times (limitation is essentially the available HW)

User want to use a similar functionality on different HW resources : e.g. CAN App

Some DAVE™ Apps can only be instantiated once (singletons)

Those App are normally limited to a resource that is only available once

¬ E.g. Clock-App

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Object Orientation of DAVE™ Apps

The generated code for a DAVE™ App is independent of the instance of the App

Each Instance of a DAVE™ App has a dedicated data structure

Independent of number instance there are two c modules created for each App

<appname>.c contains the API

<appname>Conf.c contains the data structure for each instance

When using the API in the user code the address to the data structure (handle) has to be

but in the parameter list


status_t = CNT001_GetEvtCountValue(&CNT001_Handle0, &variable_for_countvalue);

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How to get DAVE Apps / Selection of DAVE™ Apps

DAVE Apps will be made available as library of DAVE™ Apps from the web or any other media

The user can search for DAVE™ Apps (library of DAVE Apps) from the DAVE™ 3 platform and can download them to his local drive

The user can select the DAVE™ Apps from his local DAVE™ App store and add them to his project

Searching and selection is support by categories and key word filters

Version management is supported

App Lib1

App Lib3

Local App store



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Overview of Planned DAVE™ Apps

Service Apps







Debug Log


Peripherals Specific Apps

Basic Applications




Simple ADC

Complex ADC

Delta Sigma demodulator









Middle Ware

USB stack, class drivers

TCP/IP stack plus HTTP,


SD/MMC, file system,…

GUI lib plus driver for

intel. LCD

FOC motor control

Touch / HMI



Complete Solutions

Web server

Motor control

HMI Demos


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Architecture of the Code Generation Functionality (DAVE™ Apps, Device Description, Code Engine)

Code Engine (Mother System)

Is the device independent interface to the user to manage

all activities

Developed as plug in for an Eclipse platform:


Web Interface to find, download and select Apps

Generate UI to configure, connect and compose Apps

Project mgmt to add Apps based views to the SW project

Resource management to solve resource requests from

Apps with the target MCU modeled in the DAVE Expert

Device description

Data consistency management

Code generation

DAVE™ Apps

Use case oriented SW components

A DAVE Expert App consist of


Required resources (URI)

Provided resources (to other apps or GUI)

GUI definition based on predefined widgets

Code templates


To develop DAVE embedded Apps a dedicated SDK (SW

development kit will be provided)

DAVE™ Device Description

Resource and connection model of the target MCU


SFRs and SFRs bit fields in resource groups

Interconnections (signals) and respective constraints

Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of mapable resource


App Use Case

As alias URI

to HW or to other


Required Resources

Provided Resources For GUI or other Apps

As URI or alias URI

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Device Description and DAVE™ Apps

How to get the device description of specific device ?

Devices are loaded like DAVE™ Apps-Lib (entire devices) from the web

¬ http://dave.infineon.com/Libraries/DAVEApps/XMC4500/v3.0/

Relation of device description and DAVE App

A device description represents a defined SW ID

¬ Different devices can have the same SW ID as long as they are SW compatible

A DAVE App can be assigned to several SW IDs


In the current implementation there is an implicit filter that only the Apps can be selected that are valid for the SW ID of the chosen device

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