CSP Smart Horizontal Drilling 1

CSP Smart Horizontal Drilling

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Page 1: CSP Smart Horizontal Drilling

CSP Smart Horizontal Drilling


Page 2: CSP Smart Horizontal Drilling


Information of pre-existing fracture zone in the Bazhen formation. West perspective area. Case of obvious topology

Quantitative estimation of Diffractivity Density (DD). DD along the horizontal section of wellbore versus Gas

Diffractivity Density

Correlation between average value of DD and average value of Gas along the horizontal section of wellbore

Page 3: CSP Smart Horizontal Drilling

Optimal design trajectory of horizontal section of a wellbore based on the information of pre-existing fracture


CSP Smart Horizontal Drilling roadmap: 1. FractureCSP processing based on 3D CSP-

PSTM. Obtaining the 3D CSP-diffractors cube in SEG-Y format.

2. Design of a set of admissible trajectories of horizontal section of a wellbore

3. Calculation the Diffractivity Density along the each probable trajectory

4. Search the optimal trajectory of wellbore for multistage hydraulic fracturing with the maximum value of Diffractivity Density (yellow color – 467 units of DD sum along the section)

5. Microseismic monitoring multistage fracturing with estimation of ports productivity after fracturing based on MicroseismicCSP Technology Tight oil. Bazhen formation diffractivity map Oilfield Vientoskoe, cluster well #11, well #634G, 2013, Ugra

Horizontal section

Vertical section

Diffractivity density curves

Page 4: CSP Smart Horizontal Drilling

Design horizontal section of wellbore for some multistage hydraulic fracturing along the pre-existing fracture zone





Main strain axes



Y α


Probability of accident when α small

Page 5: CSP Smart Horizontal Drilling


Optimal design based on the information of principal stress axes

Depth - 2766 meters. Grid size - 100х100 meters. Red/blue – maximum/minimum stress axes at the seismic emission points. The curved line - projection of a well borehole. Green triangles - geophones

Max horizontal stress

Min horizontal stress

Page 6: CSP Smart Horizontal Drilling

Design horizontal section of wellbore for some multistage hydraulic fracturing along the minimum strain





Main strain axes



X 6


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Page 8: CSP Smart Horizontal Drilling

1. Optimal tight oil and shale gas development based on CSP-Approach assumes simultaneous use of the following two methods :

FractureCSP - for mapping pre-existing fracture

MicroseismicCSP- for obtaining the principal stress axes during microseismic monitoring of hydraulic fracturing

2. Models of pre-existing fracture zone and principal stress axes are used to design the optimal well trajectory with the purpose to increase drainage area and to decrease probability of accident

3. Application of suggested CSP Approach can significantly reduce cost of development of tight oil and shale gas and will increase safety of works


CSP Smart Horizontal Drilling Conclusions