Crea%ng Mobile Marke%ng Interac%ons to Build Las%ng Customer Loyalty

Creating Mobile Marketing Interactions to Build Lasting Customer Loyalty

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Crea%ng  Mobile  Marke%ng  Interac%ons  to  Build  Las%ng  Customer  Loyalty  

© 2014 Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved.

Today’s  Speakers  

Lindsay  Frazier  Mobile  Marke+ng  Offer  Lead  [email protected]    

Dan  Morris  Mobile  Solu+ons  Marke+ng  Manager  [email protected]    

© 2014 Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved.

Goals  for  Today  

Reinforce  why  you  can’t  ignore  mobile  as  a  cri+cal  channel  between  your  brand  &  consumers    Show  how  crea+ng  great  mobile  customer  experiences  leads  to  long-­‐term  customer  loyalty    Share  specific  ideas  for  mobile  programs  that  engage,  convert,  and  reward  your  customers  




The  Connec%on  Between  CX  &  Loyalty  

© 2014 Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved.

“Touchpoints  maJer,  but  it’s  the  full  journey  that  really  counts.”    

Harvard  Business  Review  The  Truth  About  Customer  Experience  

© 2014 Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved.

Revenue  Impact  of  Customer  Sa%sfac%on  

“Transform  the  Contact  Center  for  Customer  Service  Excellence”  Forrester,  June  2012  

The  revenue  impact  from  a    10-­‐percentage-­‐point  improvement  in  a  company’s  customer  experience  score  can  translate  into  more  than    $1  billion.    

© 2014 Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved.

The  Link  Between  Experience  &  Loyalty  

Customer  Experience  MaBer  Blog,  CX  Insights  from  MarrioB  and  JetBlue,  Nov  2011  

JetBlue  found  that  a  customer  who  is  a  PROMOTER  is  worth  $33  above  the  average  value  of  its  customers,  while  a  DETRACTOR  is  worth  $104  below  average  value.  

© 2014 Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2014 Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved.

Genesys’  Experience  w/Customer  Experience  

BeJer  Marke%ng  

Improved  Reten%on  

Increased  Sales  

DelighZul  Care  

© 2014 Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved.

What  Makes  Great  CX?  

ü  Ease  of  interac%on  ü  Mul%-­‐channel  availability  ü  Customer  control  ü  Timeliness      ü  Content  in  context  ü  Personaliza%on  ü  Follow  up  ü  Rewards  

…the  mobile  channel  can  enable  all  of  these!  

© 2014 Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved.

Your  Consumers  Are  Mobile…Are  You?  

Mobile  internet  access  to  overtake  fixed  internet  access  by  2014.    Consumers  spend  15+  hours  a  week  researching  products  on  their  smartphones.    80%  of  smartphone  owners  want  more  mobile-­‐op%mized  product  informa%on  while  they’re  shopping  in  stores.    55%  of  consumers  express  an  interest  in  mobile  coupons  but  only  10%  have  actually  received  one  from  a  merchant.  

Global  Entertainment  and  Media  Outlook,  PwC,  2013  Mobile  Path  to  Purchase,  Google/Nielsen,  Nov  2013  

Mercator  Advisory  Group,  2012  

Building  Your  Mobile  Fan  Base  

© 2014 Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved.

Why  Use  the  Text  Channel?  

Wider  reach  than  smartphone  apps  

Less  expensive  than  direct  mail  

Higher  open  rate    than  email  

© 2014 Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved.

Build  Your  Mobile  Fan  Base  

Exis+ng  Loyalty    Programs  

Website  &    Web  Forms    


Direct  Mail    &  Email  

mSites    &  Apps    

Social    Media  

Live  Events  

In-­‐Store  Signage    &  POS  Displays  

On-­‐Package    Promo+on  

© 2014 Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved.

Don’t  Overlook  Compliance  Rules  

•  You  can’t  buy  a  mobile  database;  consumers  must  give  express  consent  

•  Abide  by  your  messaging  terms  and  condi+ons  

•  Messaging  regula+ons  change  frequently  

•  Pick  your  mobile  vendor  with  care  

© 2014 Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved.

Offer  Channel  Preferences  

Mobile  Web  SMS   Voice/IVR  Email  

© 2014 Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved.

Know  Your  Audience  

•  Send  relevant  content  based  on  past  behavior  

•  Ask  for  key  pieces  of  info  like  birthdays  and  zip  codes  to  enable  segmenta+on  

•  Surprise  and  delight  your  most  loyal  customers  

•  Integrate  mobile  with  exis+ng  loyalty  program  

Name:  Dan              Birthday:  2.26.74  City:  Atlanta,  GA  Hobby:  Cycling    

Happy  birthday,  Dan!    We  would  like  to  give  you  10%  off  your  next  purchase  of  cycling  gear  at  any  Atlanta  area  Outdoor  Sportswear  loca+on.  Offer  expires  on  3/26.    

Get  More  Out  of  Your  Mobile  Strategies    

© 2014 Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved.

•  Add  DEMO  keywords  where  available  •  Blow  out  Passbook  mockups  

© 2014 Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved.

Create  High  ROI  Programs:  Promo%ons  

Mobile  Coupons    &  Offers  

Text-­‐to-­‐Win  &  Sweepstakes  

Helpful  Content  

Up-­‐Sell  &    Cross-­‐Sell  

© 2014 Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved.

Surprise  &  Delight  

Personalized  Content  

Cardless    Loyalty  

Create  High  ROI  Programs:  Loyalty  

Anywhere  Enrollment  

© 2014 Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved.

Use  SMS  to  Build  Your  Email  Database  

•  Grow  your  email  marke+ng  database  in  conjunc+on  with  your  mobile  marke+ng  database  

•  This  method  of  email  capture  saves  +me  at  POS,  increases  accuracy,  and  enables  instant  incen+ve  delivery  


© 2014 Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved.

Don’t  Repeat  the  Same  Messages    

•  Deliver  mobile  coupons  

•  Get  feedback  with  polls  or  surveys  

•  Have  fun  with  text-­‐to-­‐win  contests  

•  Promote  live  or  sponsored  events  

•  Send  product/service  +ps  

•  Use  SMS,  MMS  and  mobile  web  

© 2014 Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved.

Embrace  New  Technologies  like  iBeacon  

Proximity  Marke%ng  at  Store  Entrance  

Check-­‐In  Coupons  &  Offers  

Contactless  Payments  

Interac+on  with  smartphone  app  using  Bluetooth  Low  Energy  

Indoor  Traffic  &  Loca%on  Tracking  

© 2014 Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved.

U%lize  Mobile  Surveys  

•  Survey  customers  via  SMS  or  Mobile  Web  •  Set  expecta+ons  of  length  and  personalize  based  on  interac+on  •  Close  the  loop  with  instant  follow  up  via  Customer  Care  

PROMOTERS  Offer  this  group  a  coupon  for  future  purchase  and  to  subscribe  for  future  messages  

DETRACTORS  Segment  this  group  and  follow  up  immediately  via  phone  call  or  text  chat  to  resolve  issues  

Text GSURVEY to 70650

© 2014 Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved.

Don’t  Run  Programs  Without  Clear  Goals  

•  Make  sure  you’re  tracking  the  success  of  your  mobile  campaigns  with  specific  goals  in  mind    

•  Increased  revenue  is  not  only  measure  of  success  –  focus  on  the  customer  experience  

•  Con+nually  op+mize  your  programs  based  on  data  and  results  

© 2014 Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved.

The  Bigger  Picture  

•  Include  mobile  in  your  overall  marke+ng  strategy:  in-­‐store  signage,  social,  print  ads,  etc.  

•  Integrate  data  between  your  mobile  partner  and  other  vendors  

•  Engage  other  departments  to  understand  how  mobile  marke+ng  affects  their  ability  to  delivery  great  CX  

© 2014 Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved.


© 2014 Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved.

Choose  the  Right  Mobile  Partner  

Mobile  marke%ng  is  a  powerful  and  effec%ve  channel  but  is  fast-­‐moving.  

•  Look  for  a  partner,  not  just  a  vendor  •  Compliance  exper+se  is  cri+cal  •  Strong  technical  plajorm  coupled  

with  mobile  industry  experience  

© 2014 Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved.

Next  Steps    

1.  All  webinar  akendees  will  receive  an  excerpt  from  our  Mobile  Opt-­‐In  Best  Prac+ces  Guide  

2.  Contact  us  at  [email protected]  to  get  a  FREE  evalua+on  of  your  mobile  ac+vi+es  and  recommenda+ons  for  success  

3.  Go  out  and  create  GREAT  mobile  customer  experiences  that  build  las+ng  customer  loyalty!    


thank you

Lindsay  Frazier  Mobile  Marke+ng  Offer  Lead  [email protected]    

Dan  Morris  Mobile  Marke+ng  Solu+ons  Architect  [email protected]