Stakeholder Engagement Workshop Pack A practical guide to organize and conduct stakeholder workshops for country offices and (co-) facilitators involved in the MFSII [email protected] programme.

[email protected] Stakeholder Workshops

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Stakeholder Engagement Workshop Pack

A practical guide to organize and conduct stakeholder workshops for country

offices and (co-) facilitators involved in the MFSII [email protected] programme.

Stakeholder Engagement Workshop Pack – [email protected] 1

Table of Contents

Chapter Page

1. Introduction to the Stakeholder Engagement Workshop Pack 2

2. Background information about [email protected] 3

3. Objectives & Goals of the Workshop and the Deliverables 6

4. Participants (stakeholders) 7

5. Logistics & Check List 8

6. Stakeholder Engagement Workshop- Session Outline 10

7. Budget Specifications 27


Annex A1-A3 Invitation Letter Samples (NGO, Media, Companies)

Annex B Child Consultation Methodology

Annex B1 Child Consultation ICT & MEDIA tools icons

Annex B2 Reporting format Child Consultation Meetings

Annex C Required Stationary for Workshop

Annex D Initial Project Concepts [email protected]

Annex E Workshop Program (PowerPoint)

Annex F [email protected] Presentation (PowerPoint)

Annex G [email protected] Video

Annex H Participation List

Annex I Assignment: From Concept to Project Ideas

Annex J English Registration Form

Annex K MFSII Program Outline [email protected]

Annex L Method for Evaluation of Workshop Days (ORID)

Annex M Assignment: From Project Idea to Proposal

Annex N Video: IT_Pro

Annex O CHI Film (on CD)

Annex P Video One Laptop Per Child

Annex T Evaluation form MFS2 Stakeholder Engagement workshop

Annex Z MFSII Program Requirements Phase 2

Stakeholder Engagement Workshop Pack – [email protected] 2

1. Introduction to the Stakeholder Engagement Workshop Pack

This document is meant for people that are about to get involved in the [email protected] MFS2


The main target group will be staff and partners of War Child Holland, Child Helpline

International and Radio Netherlands Training Centre.

The Workshop Pack is developed in order to standardize the 7 Stakeholder Engagement

Workshops that will be conducted in light of the MFS-2 application for the Dutch Ministry of

Foreign Affairs (MoFA). The first workshop in Colombia, held in October 2009, has been received

positively and provided significant insides for the development of the programme

[email protected]. After this workshop, a number of lessons learnt and recommendations from

various participants, facilitators and the stakeholders were collected. These lessons learnt have

been taken into consideration in developing this pack.

This pack will ensure clarity and support to the organising team in a respective country as well as

provides an insight in the workshop goals, corresponding outputs, approach and methods and

time frame for (co-) facilitators.

We expect this pack to help in organising the Stakeholder Engagement Workshop in terms of

logistics and as well provides sufficient information and tools for (co)-facilitators to conduct the

workshop successfully.

Unfortunately we will not have time to translate the pack to your preferred language. We advice

you to read the document carefully and make yourself familiar with the terms/words used in

advance to the workshop.

Happy reading, happy workshop and stay Conn@cted!

The MFS2 – [email protected] – Working Group

For more information, please contact War Child Holland:

T: +31 (0) 20 626 1273

E: [email protected] of [email protected]

W: www.warchildholland.org

© MFSII – [email protected] coalition

February 2010

Stakeholder Engagement Workshop Pack – [email protected] 3

2. Background information about [email protected] What is [email protected]?

[email protected] is an approach to working in conflict areas that aims to increase programmatic

reach and improve quality. It is unique in two respects:

• It incorporates ICTs and media into everyday programming to reach greater numbers of

children in a more exciting and interactive way and to reach children that normally are

not reached due to different barriers (security, social etc). The approach can include

things like radio phone-in programmes on topics important to children and youth,

setting up a toll-free child helpline in a country, opening resource centres where young

people can learn how to use computers and connect with their peers in other countries,

or SMS campaigns to raise awareness about important child rights issues;

• It involves a group of partners with head office in The Netherlands, all of whom have

very different expertise and strengths. This mix of non-profit and business partners will

broaden the range of methodologies used, helping to ensure that programmes are

sustainable in the long-term.

[email protected] is therefore more of a methodology than a programme in its own right. Funding

has been requested from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA), the majority of which

will be allocated to reach set goals and objectives of WCH and its country programmes.

See Annex K: MFS-2 Programme Outline [email protected] and paragraph “What does it mean for

our Country Programmes?” below in this text).

Why [email protected]?

Working in (post) conflict areas is becoming increasingly difficult. Civilians are commonly

targeted by those seeking to terrorize and destabilize communities and children, as the most

vulnerable members of society, frequently bear the brunt of this. Organisations working in these

contexts therefore need to constantly develop new and innovative approaches to ensure that

help reaches those who need it most.

At the same time the world of technology is developing with incredible speed. Even in the most

remote places where running water and electricity is often in short supply, mobile phones and

other technology are a common sight.

[email protected] seeks to use these new technologies to enable more children to be reached,

including those who have not been involved in programme activities before, perhaps because

they live in very remote or very insecure areas where War Child and its partners have not been

able to work.

We already know that this approach works. Evidence-based research conducted by War Child

and TNO examining ‘How Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Multimedia

tools can safely increase the number of change agents activated in WCH programmes’. This led

to the development of a one-year pilot in Northern Uganda on ICTs in Education for Peace

Building. We therefore have valuable lessons learnt that can feed into future programming.

Stakeholder Engagement Workshop Pack – [email protected] 4

With the involvement of partners in The Netherlands we gain the benefit of experience and

global contacts that are complementary in addition to technical expertise in the fields of ICTs

and media that War Child alone does not have.

Who is involved?

There are five [email protected] partners in The Netherlands: War Child Holland WCH), Child

Helpline International (CHI), Radio Netherlands Training Centre (RNTC), TNO, and T-Mobile.

WCH: strong background in working with children affected by conflict, with programming

expertise in psychosocial assistance, education, and child rights/advocacy. (www.warchild.nl);

CHI: expertise in establishing and supporting child helplines worldwide. These allow children to

express their fears, often result in their referral to social services, police, etc, and use the

information gathered to advocate for improved child protection systems


RNTC: global expertise in using media as a tool for development, for instance in a radio project

in Nigeria where training was provided in how use radio as more than just a tool to get a

message across but also to make it a two-way process, enabling and encouraging listeners to

participate (www.rntc.nl);

TNO: Knowledge for Business: provides innovative solutions for a wide range of current issues

including environmentally-friendly construction, use of space in an increasingly crowded world,

or systems that use energy and water more efficiently. The organisation has broad expertise in

using ICTs in new and interesting ways and is also very knowledgeable about monitoring and

evaluation methods (www.tno.nl);

T-Mobile: a major mobile phone provider in The Netherlands with broad practical technical

expertise and telecommunications partners worldwide (www.t-mobile.nl).

Using the concept originally developed by WCH, this group submitted a funding application to

the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs in December 2009. Due to the way the Ministry allocates

funding the application had to be submitted by two ‘main’ partners: WCH and CHI – the

consortium members. This means that if the MoFA funding is granted, these two organisations

will administer it. However, all five Coalition partners are key to the overall success of

[email protected] as all have very different and complementary strengths. For the purpose of the

MFS-2 application, 7 countries have been selected for [email protected], however the aim is to use

the approach over time in all War Child country programmes. For more information on MFS 2

process and requirements see Annex XXX

What does it mean for our country programmes?

[email protected] does not mean changing a country strategy or that we need to find different

types of partners in a country. Most of the funding requested will support the continuation of

current programmes with no change required. Moreover, many country programmes already

are using ICTs and Media and so the approach is not new at all.

Stakeholder Engagement Workshop Pack – [email protected] 5

New activities involving ICTs and Media will be carefully developed with a view to the local

context to ensure that they contribute to the overall country strategy and are possible to

implement successfully in that location. Examples of this might include the use of radio to

expand educational activities to children in very remote areas or involving greater numbers of

people in an advocacy campaign by sending SMS messages and encouraging them to respond. In

some instances new projects involving ICTs and Media will be initiated where these both

complement and significantly contribute to programme impact. An example of such a project

could be the establishment of a network of ICT resources centres where young people can

access information and training about their rights and related issues or the setting up of a toll-

free helpline offering confidential advice and assistance to children and young people who need

some form of protection, for instance those victim of abuse. Not all projects will be

implemented by the War Child offices, the partners in the coalition can also take the lead on

some of the ideas generated and implement in close consultation with the other stakeholders in

the country.

See Annex D Initial Project Concepts [email protected] for more information on how ICT and Media

tools are and (or) could be used in our work.

See Annex G [email protected] Video

Stakeholder Engagement Workshop Pack – [email protected] 6

3. Objective, Goals and Deliverables of the Workshop

Overall Objective of the Workshop

To create a [email protected] “coalition” in-country in which all stakeholders engage, actively

participate and envision their roles.

Goals of workshop

o To introduce and generate interest in the [email protected] program to all stakeholders.

o To identify interests and relations between stakeholders by:

� Mapping interests, needs and existing initiatives in the use of ICT and media

to ‘reach, support and socially activate children to exercise their rights’ in

the relevant country.

� Agree on next steps towards the development and implementation of the

programme [email protected]!

Deliverables of the workshop

(in English and official language of the country if different)

1. A report of the workshop outcomes.

2. A report on the consultation exercise with the children and young people.

3. A [email protected] country specific action plan 2010 (including expectations, coordination

mechanism and follow up moments)

4. Mapping document of existing work of partners and stakeholders using ICTs and Media

using Program Framework

5. Initial localized project ideas and 3 draft proposals documented

Stakeholder Engagement Workshop Pack – [email protected] 7

4. Participants (stakeholders) The total number of participants attending the workshop should not exceed 30. Working with a

group of 25 people is preferred.

The Stakeholder Engagement Workshop will include local partners of War Child Holland (WCH),

Child Helpline International (CHI), Radio Netherlands Training Centre (RNTC), TNO and T-Mobile.

Each organisation will be requested to invite a maximum of 3 local partners.

In addition all organisations will be requested to invite a selection of stakeholders in the

country. War Child Holland is responsible to ensure that the selection of stakeholders represents

a good mix of (I)NGOs, UN bodies, private sector, research institutes / universities and media


HO will provide information from the Dutch coalition partners to the organising country who in

turn is responsible for inviting all the participants and organising accommodation where

required. A registration form will provide information on needed logistics per participant.

The Dutch coalition partners are responsible for the costs of their partners (i.e. booking hotels,

covering costs of transport etc.). WCH will pay for the costs of its own partners and other

general stakeholders.


o Sample invitation letters (Annex A1, A2 & A3)

o Registration form (Annex J)

o Participation list (Annex H)

Stakeholder Engagement Workshop Pack – [email protected] 8

5. Logistics & Check List

Most workshops will be organised in War Child Programme Countries, except Guatemala. The

logistical responsibility for Guatemala therefore will lie with CHI/RNTC, while in the other

countries this will be with the respective War Child Office in country (WPAs).

The main logistical work will be;

1. Sending invitations to all participants and actively follow up, including the receipt of

registration forms

2. Booking of the venue that can accommodate a group of 30 people for 3 days.

3. Catering (food, refreshments etc.) for 3 days workshop

4. Pick up and drop-offs participants from airport

5. Purchase of stationary for workshop (list of required stationary Annex C)

6. Organise translation where required

7. Preparing information packs (hard copy and/or USB sticks) with all relevant

information of the workshop

8. Book accommodation for all participants as per indication on the registration form

9. Organisation of the Child Consultation (details in Annex B)

10. Report writing (HO support can be provided) / translation of report

11. Organisation of a social event

12. Send out report of the workshop and other related materials after completion of the


This checklist might help;

# To do √ Remark

Decide on participants and prepare participation list:

- information from HO on Dutch participants and partners of the coalition

- suggestions from HO on other stakeholders

- ensure mix of participants from different sectors

3 weeks in

advance to


Send Invitations to participants 3 weeks in

advance to


Book Venue for Workshop (30 people) 3 weeks in

advance to


Arrange Catering for 3 days Workshop 3 weeks in

advance to


Book WCH participants / stakeholders in hotel (if required) 3 weeks in

advance to


Organise translation – if required 3 weeks in

advance to


Call invited guests (where appropriate) to provide additional information on the

workshop that will encourage participation

2 weeks in

advance to


Stakeholder Engagement Workshop Pack – [email protected] 9

Start the organization of the Child Consultation (Annex B) 2 weeks in

advance to


Process registration forms – update participation list with confirmation received continously

Send second letter to participants that have confirmed coming 1 week in

advance to


Follow up on registration forms from those who have not yet responded 1 week in

advance to


Organise a ‘social event’ 1 week in

advance to


Arrange transport from airport to Hotel 1 week in

advance to


Purchase stationary (Annex C) 1 week in

advance to


If required arrange transport to and from Hotel to Workshop Venue (3 days) 1 week in

advance to


Arrange Transport from Hotel to Airport 1 week in

advance to


Preparation finalization day with all facilitators and organisors 1 or 2 days in

advance to


Print agenda’s and other materials for all participants 1 day in advance

to workshop

Organise beamer, laptop, speakers, extension wire, printer and projector at

workshop venue

1 day in advance

to workshop

Logistical and admin support – problem solving etc during workshop During workshop

First draft report ready Within 1 week

after workshop

Final report ready Within 2 weeks

after workshop

Translation of report if needed Within 3 weeks

after workshop

Distribution of Workshop Reports to participants Within 1 monthof

the workshop

Schedule Follow Up moments / updates 2 months after


Stakeholder Engagement Workshop Pack – [email protected] 10

6. Stakeholder Engagement Workshop- Session Outline

Tentative program overview

Day Session Time

Inspire & Share

Day 1 Session 1: Getting started

2 hours and 20 minutes

(140 minutes)

Day 1 Session 2: ICT and media in our work

3 hours (180 minutes)

Consult & Conceptualize

In advance



Session 3a: Consultation with children

Preferably this is done

some days in advance to

the workshop. Outcome is

used in workshop (session


Day 2 Session 3b: Feedback from the consultation with the


1 hour

Day 2 Session 4:From concepts to project idea

4 hours

Day 2 Session5:Making it concrete

2 hours

Agree & Get Started

Day 3 Session 6: [email protected] localized action plan

1,5 hours

Day 3 Session 7: Commitment & Closure

1 hour

* Generally;

Everyday is closed with a wrap up and short evaluation of the day and an introduction into the next day. A

method to use to do evaluation could be found in: Annex L - Method for Evaluation of Workshop Days

(ORID) or use any method you know that could do a quick day evaluation.

Stakeholder Engagement Workshop Pack – [email protected] 11

Part I - Inspire & Share

Expected results part I

o Clear understanding of the purpose of consultation amongst participants

o Overview of what is already being done with ICT’s and media for and with

children in the country

o Participants are inspired to be part of [email protected]

Sessions part I: 1 and 2

Session 1 Getting Started


o To introduce the framework and program of the workshop

o To get to know each other and learn more about each other

o To break the ice and set the tone

o To get an overview of the organizations in the room and how they fit in the

[email protected] Programming Framework

o To have expectations and fears expressed prior to the workshop

o To have group rules and a schedule determined.

Output session 1

1. Overview of organization in [email protected] Programming framework

Preparation required: Programming Framework on big flipchart

Resources required: note cards, markers, pens, tape, sheets of paper

Total time: 2 hours and 20 minutes

Facilitator: Country Representative / Main Facilitator (HO)

Proposed Steps & Activities

1. Welcome Speech (10 min)

Notes for the facilitator: A word of welcome on behalf of the respective WPA and the Coalition in the

Netherlands consisting of War Child, Radio Netherlands Training Centre, Child Helpline International, TNO

and T-Mobile.

2. Introduction to the workshop and short video on [email protected] (15 min)

Notes for the facilitator: Show slide 1&2 of PowerPoint: “Workshop Program” (Annex E) and go through

the goals of the workshop. Show slide 3 to give people an insight in what is going to happen in the coming

2,5 days.

Stakeholder Engagement Workshop Pack – [email protected] 12

Tell the participants that you will show a very brief video of 2 minutes that was made as a teaser to make

people enthusiastic about the program [email protected]

Important: the facilitator should be familiar with the [email protected] program, please refer to chapter 2.

Background Information on [email protected] for details.

3. Get to know each other - Walking Billboard (80 min)

Notes for the facilitator: Tell the group that everyone is going to make

a personal billboard in order to be able to tell others more about

themselves and the organisation / company they are working for.

Step 1. Give the people a piece of A3 paper. Divide it into 6 sections,

by drawing lines on the page.

Step 2. Ask them to draw the following per section on their big page:

Section 1: Visualize themselves

Section 2: The thing they like to do the most.

Section 3: The thing they do not like at all

Section 4: Visualize the goals of the organisation / company (what do they do?)

Section 5: Their dream for Uganda

Section 6: How they use ICTs / Media in their work with others

Step 3. After they have finished, get the people to stick their billboard (paper) on their chests with

masking tape.

Step 4. Ask them to form pairs and get them to ask each other about their drawings. This will encourage

interaction. After 10 minutes the pairs introduce each other to the group in 1 minute presentations.

Group talk:

1. Do you now know a bit more about the others in your group?

2. Do you know more about the similarities and differences between you and the other


Step 5. Let the people look at the [email protected] PF

(already in the room on big paper / 6 flipchart

together). Ask the participants to think where there

organisation/company fits in the PF. Ask the

participants to write their name and the name of the

organisation/company on a post-it and place

themselves in the PF, where they fit.

Note: participants can put more post-its in the PF if


Tell the participants that basically everyone works in similar fields, some maybe not yet but this workshop

aims at bringing people from different sectors, with different expertise and interests together to work

towards one goal.

Education Protection Psychosocial







Stakeholder Engagement Workshop Pack – [email protected] 13


4. Hopes & Fears (15 min)

Important: this activity could take longer if prior information wasn’t clear. A good moment to check

whether there is understanding on the purpose of being here. In case of a large group, let participants

form couples and write hopes and fears together.

Step 1. Prepare a flip chart with 2 columns. (happy face and sad face ☺)

Step 2. Ask the participants to write their hopes and fears on small cards with a marker (one hope or fear

per card).

Step 3. Collect all the cards with the hopes and the fears and put them on the flipchart.

Step 4. Read the hopes and fears out loud for the group and ask for clarification if needed.

Step 5. Explain how you think the hopes can be reached and how you or the group can attempt to

mediate the fears. Invite the group to give their input and ideas.

Step 6. Use the hopes to make the connection with the overall goal of workshop. Do this by asking the

question: If these hopes are fulfilled, what will the participants achieve by the end of this workshop?


5. Setting Rules (10 min)

Ask the group: What rules do we need to make this workshop a success?

Common rules are: be on time, don’t interrupt your colleagues, ask for clarification if you don’t understand

something and switch off mobile phones.

Stick the flipchart with rules somewhere in the room in order for everyone to see it.

Stakeholder Engagement Workshop Pack – [email protected] 14

Session 2 ICT and media in our work


o To inform and inspire participants about how ICTs are used in our work

o To further introduce [email protected] , its history and goals

o To create an overview of ICT & Multimedia initiatives existing [country]

Output session 2

1. Map of current ICT and Media projects / activities related to children / youth

2. Overview of gaps and challenges are identified

Preparation required: Presentation based on Evidence Based Research &

[email protected]

Resources required: Laptop, beamer, flipchart, many colored markers, dots, VIPP

cards (colored A5 papers)

Total time: 3 hours

Facilitator: Head Office / Main Facilitators

Proposed Steps & Activities

1. Presentation based on Evidence Based Research & [email protected] (60minutes)

Note for facilitator: Open the Power Point: [email protected] (Annex F) and talk about the following;

Slide 1. no text

Film. Annex N – IT Pro

Slide 2. we have come a long way, [email protected] is not ‘just’ developed its goes back to 2007

Slide 3. In 2007 WCH started a pilot project – ICT in Education for Peace Building – a project ….

Slide 4. other initiatives where taken adhoc in different countries using ICT and Media tools to….

Slide 5. based on the project in Uganda and initiatives elsewhere WCH decided to conduct a

comprehensive Evidence Based Research…

Slide 6 computer, voice service

Film. Annex P – One Laptop Per Child

Slide 7 radio, serious gaming

Film Annex O – CHI Film X:XX minutes till X:XX minutes (on CD)

Slide 8. entertainment gaming, video / photo

Slide 9. citizen journalism, online communities

Stakeholder Engagement Workshop Pack – [email protected] 15

Slide 10. crowdsourcing volunteerinig / distance services, SMS services

Slide 11. the selected ICT/Media tools, because of…..

Slide 12. The Dream (benefits of ICT and Media use)

Slide 13. wrap up

FOR ERNST / Facilitators

Note for facilitator: use examples on how ICT resolved a programmatic challenge (i.e. recorded training /

education to reach out to more people). Go deeper in on the challenges (not reaching enough people,

hard to reach thouse cut-off etc.) to avoid challenges in the area of hardware/funding. And how do ICT

and Media help to overcome programmatic challenges. First the challenge than the salutation.

Stakeholder Engagement Workshop Pack – [email protected] 16

2. What’s done here? (120)

And what are the challenges / gaps?

Step 1.

Stick flipcharts together and draw a web (see picture) without


Step 2.

Put Children and Youth in the middle of the web and ask the

participants to mention different kinds of ICT and Media tools

which can be used in the work with and for children and youth

in Uganda (refer to the [email protected] presentation). Write the

ideas on the lines of the web (see example picture).

Step 3.

Give all participants sets of post-its in different colors (green,

yellow, pink, red). Tell the participants that they have to individually write on the pink post-its all the

projects they (their organization) implements using ICT and Media tools. They can write as many

projects/activities as they want as long as they are implemented by the organization. They do not stick the

post its yet, only after having finished all the post its

Step 4.

Ask the participants to write on the green post-its the target group that the different projects/activities

are focussed on and connect it to the pink post it.

Step 5.

Ask the participants to write on the yellow post-it’s the location where the project takes place (covers)

and connect it to the pink and green post its.

Step 6.

Ask the participants to write on the red post-it’s the programmatic challenges you face in this project (in

short) and connect it to the pink, green and yellow post its in order to make the 4 post-its one paper.

Important: The promatatic challenge does not mean the lack of funding or hardware, but the challenges

in regards to reach, quality of the intervention, expertise or capacity etc.

Step 7.

Stick those papers (projects) on the web-lines (so radio projects on the RADIO line etc.)

Step 8.

Ask participants to present their post-its one by one in 60 seconds. Focus on the programmatic challenges

of the projects and how ICT and Media could resolve those problems / challenges.

Note to the facilitator: a format is developed for the report writer to note down the info of this exercise

logically and systematically.

Stakeholder Engagement Workshop Pack – [email protected] 17

Part II - Consult & Conceptualize

Expected results part II

o Concrete, realistic, inspiring project ideas to implement [email protected], based

on input from children and other stakeholders

Sessions part I: 3a, 3c, 4 and 5

Session 3a Consultation with Children


- To enable children to share their views on how ICT and Media tools (can)

impact their lives. (in the field of education, psychosocial, child protection and


Output session 3a

1. Consultation report

2. Recommendations, input for the workshop

Preparation required: (see Annex B)

Resources required: Excellent facilitators (see Annex B)

Total time: 1 day

Facilitator: PDA / PDM in country and Ernst (HO)

Proposed Steps & Activities

1. Let’s ask the children (1 day)

See separate document: “Child Consultation Methodology” (Annex B)

Stakeholder Engagement Workshop Pack – [email protected] 18

Session 3b Feedback from the consultation with the children


- To feed back and transform the wishes, dreams and desires of children into

concrete recommendations for programmes/projects

Output session 3b

1. Understanding and appreciation of the views of children amongst participants

2. Summary of Consultation Report with main findings and recommendations

Preparation required: summary of report on consultation with children focused on


Resources required: Laptop, beamer, flipchart, many colored markers, dots, VIPP

cards (colored A5 papers)

Total time: 1 hour

Facilitator: PDM / PDA or other senior staff in country with support Head Office


Proposed Steps & Activities

1. What did the children say? (60 minutes)

Note for the facilitator: After the Child Consultation a summery will be written on what the children have

said. The report will be short and to the point, it should function as a reference document during and after

the workshop. The document will concentrate on:

1. The problem regarding Education/Child Protection and Psychosocial Support according to the

children and Youth.

2. How children and youth use ICT and Media tools in their lives

3. How children and youth think ICT and Media tools can improve the situation concerning

Education, Child Protection and their Psychosocial Support situation.

The main reporter of the workshop will be writing the summery and present the summery to the group (a

powerpoint presentation with the main findings and quotes and maybe some pictures of the children

makes the summery moreinteresting!) After this presentation the participants that joined the

consultation will form a panel. The panel will answer questions of the group (people that did not join for

the consultation).

The facilitator should check with the group whether what they have heard connects to what they ‘know

or assumed’ about the children and youth.

The recommendations of the children will be put on an A3 poster and put in the Workshop Room in order

for everyone to see it and consider it during the formulation of projects.

Stakeholder Engagement Workshop Pack – [email protected] 19

Session 4 From Concepts to Project Idea


- To present examples of concepts to trigger thinking along an ICT and Media


- To generate potential additional concepts / ideas.

- To localize concepts to concrete project ideas for [country]

- To ensure concepts / projects contribute to overall objectives and

organizations programming framework

- To filter down from X number of projects to the 3 ‘best’ projects according to

the participants.

Outputs session 4

1. Overview of project ideas

2. Project ideas plotted in MATRIX

Preparation Required: Ensure that the Programming Framework used in Session 1

is usable again. Print 25 copies of the blue-print (format) from concept to project

idea. Have flip charts from day 1 with mapping of existing projects / activities ready

for use again.

Resources Required: Laminated posters of all concepts (from HQ), 5

cloths/curtains to cover the posters, flip charts, markers, masking tape, old

magazines and newspapers, scissors, glue, Programming Framework (already used

in Session 1), blue-print (format) from concept to project idea (from HQ) post-its,

stickers, (high) hat, optional some dress up stuff for the ‘voting’ exercise.

Total time: 4+ hours

Facilitator: Head office and PDM/PDA

Proposed Steps & Activities

Important - Lessons from Colombia and Uganda Workshop

In some countries the use of ICT and Media tools in the field of psychosocial support, education and child

protection could already be common practice, in this case the explanation of the concepts (poster

campaigning) is a repetition and should be cancelled. To judge this the mapping exercise of existing ICT

and Media projects should give the facilitator enough information.

1. Poster Campaigning (45 min)

The coalition working group at Head Office developed initial concepts on the use of ICT and Media tools

for educative, psychosocial and psychosocial support purposes. The concepts are worked out in a

document (Annex D).

The facilitator should read and understand the concepts described in Annex D

Note for the facilitator: the concepts will be presented as ‘teasers’ to the participants. The posters will

give a first impression of what the concept is about. The different concepts are:

Stakeholder Engagement Workshop Pack – [email protected] 20

o Youth Led Service Centers (ICT centers)

o Helplines

o Radio

o SMS (phone applications)

o …

Step 1

The concepts (posters) will be presented one by one. At the end 1 or 2 empty posters will be shown to

give the participants the opportunity to add concepts that do not fit within the already presented


Step 2.

The participants will be asked what concept they would like to work on more. What concept would they

like to develop further into project ideas? Groups will be formed based on interest. (fingers up if you are

interested in concept X etc.)

Important - Lessons from Colombia and Uganda Workshop

In Colombia we formed groups according to interest, expertise and experience in certain concepts

(technologies and tools). For example there was a group of people brainstorming about projects that use

RADIO another group brainstormed about projects involving SMS or PHONES etc.

In Uganda however we mixed up the groups and gave them an open assignment to come up with project

ideas in regards to Psychosocial Support (PS), Education (EDU) and Child Protection (CP) using whatever

ICT and Media tools they think could add value to reaching the goals of the project.

The second is preferred with a good explanation that the projects should address issues regarding PS, EDU

and CP and incorporate the recommendation from the children and youth and the use of ICT/Media tools

to overcome programmatic challenges like; outreach, quality, frequency etc.

2. Get it started (from concept to project idea] (120 min)

Note to facilitator: the different groups should work in different rooms / areas. The groups should have

flipcharts and markers to write down their ideas. The group will as well get an instruction paper where the

assignment is described (Annex I).

Important: stress that the project ideas should reflect the recommendations of the children!

3. Presentation of Project Ideas (45 min)

Step 1.

The sub-groups are coming back together. The Programming Framework used in session 1 is used again.

Note to the facilitator: inform the participants that all project ideas are presented and that at the end the

participants are asked to vote for the project idea they see most potential in.

Step 2.

The project ideas will be shortly presented to the group while sticking the ideas in the Programming

Framework to indicate what programming goals it achieves and what type of intervention it is. (i.e.

education / direct services). Presentations should not take longer than 3 minutes per project idea.

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4. Activity: and the winner is…? (vote for ‘best’ concepts) (30 min)

Note to the facilitator: After all the project ideas are presented the group will be asked for the project

idea they believe has highest potential (is best, most relevant, nicest or whatever you want to call it). The

voting should be done in a creative way like;

Step 1

Have a voting committee consisting of facilitators of which one is ‘director’ another one observer and an

assistant. To make it nice and energetic you can transform the characters by giving them a high-head,

jacket, glasses, or whatever dressing clothes that are funny and available.

Step 2.

The ‘director’ asks the group to vote for one of the project ideas and write the vote on a post it.

Step 3.

The ‘assistant’ goes around the group to pick the votes (in the high-head)

Step 4.

The observer counts (symbolic) the votes and opens them one by one (to make it exciting…)

Step 5.

The ‘director’ counts the votes and keeps track on the winning project idea (use flipchart)

Step 6.

The 3 or 4 best project ideas will be chosen for a next round of brainstorms today.

Important: if the facilitators notice that it’s a close count or a fourth project idea should not be left out (is

interesting, has high potential) they could decide to add a fourth ‘best’ project idea! However do not

select more because it will not be possible to work out more than 4 project ideas to project proposal.

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Session 5 Making it concrete (from project idea to proposal)


- To further develop the winning project ideas into draft proposals

Output session 5

1. Draft project proposals (3 or 4)

Preparation Required: HO Coalition partners and War Child country Team need to

agree on 2010 plan. What do we commit ourselves to? Is there budget to start a

project already, can we provide capacity or other support? What can we do in 2010?

- Formulate project objective per project.

- Per project 6 flip charts with headings (1. objective, 2. title, 3. target group, 4.

activities, 5. partners (who do we need?), 6. your role (all participants)?

Resources Required: documents of the 3 winning projects, explanation on the

carousel method/tool, flip charts, markers.

Total time: 2 hours

Facilitator: Head Office and PDM/PDA

Proposed Steps & Activities

1. Project ideas to Project Proposal (120 min)

Note for the facilitator: Tell the group that this activity aims at the further development of the project

ideas into more concrete project proposals (3 or 4).

Step 1.

Divide the group according to the number of project ideas selected (either 3 or 4).

Important: In order to make sure that everyone participate it might be an idea to put all the more

dominant participants in one group (just for this exercise).

Step 2.

Tell the group that the next 2 hours they have time to work in small groups on the selected project ideas.

In order to give everyone a chance to give input on the 3 (or 4) projects we will work according to the

‘Carousel Method’. This means the following;

o The 4 project ideas are in brief written on different flipcharts and those

flipcharts are divided over different rooms / corners of the venue.

o The objective of the project ideas will be written on the flipcharts in

advance those are developed during the previous exercise in session 4)

o Next to the flipchart you hang the assignment. The assignment is described

in Annex M. (different questions to answer)

o Divide the groups over the flipcharts

o Give every group some markers.

Stakeholder Engagement Workshop Pack – [email protected] 23

o Have a sign, like a whistle or something else that makes a sound.

o Give a start sign.

o Give every group 25/30 minutes to answer, discus and give input on the

questions asked in the assignment (Annex M)

Blow the whistle

o Let every group turn to the next sheet (another project idea) apart from 1

person that ‘owns’ the project. This person will stay with the project and

present to the next group what the project is about and incorporates

feedback from that group.

o Give every group again 25/30 minutes to look at the sheet. Let them

consider the answers of the former group, write their reactions if needed,

and give more answers.

Blow the whistle

o Let the groups turn to the next sheet (project idea), and do the same thing.

o Continue until every group returns to its first sheet.

o The person that ‘owned’ the project (stayed with the project) will update

the group on what the other groups have said. The feedback from the

other groups will be incorporated.

o Let each group present the project they started with to the entire group.

Important: again, stress that the project ideas should include the recommendations of the children!

Stakeholder Engagement Workshop Pack – [email protected] 24

Part III - Agree & Get Started

Expected result part III

o A clear and agreed on plan on development and implementation of

[email protected] for 2010

Sessions part I: 6 and 7

Session 6 [email protected] – localized action plan


- To all be at the same page in terms of actions required to get to a successful


- To use the momentum to generate commitment to the program

- To ensure specific, realistic, time bound follow up plans are in place before

the end of the workshop

Output session 6

1. A clear and agreed upon country specific action plan for further development

and implementation of [email protected] in 2010.

2. A national working group to take the lead on further development of

[email protected] in the country?

Preparation required: Need a clear overview of possible commitments, existing

plans and budgets of the coalition partners for the country in 2010, including

available man hours to provide follow up, to fit in the action plan, as well as

agreement on what is feasible from the coalition point of view.

Resources required: n/a

Total time: 2,5 hours

Facilitator: Country Representative / Director with support Head Office

Proposed Steps & Activities:

1. Having said this…. (Who, Does What, When) (90 min)

Note for the facilitator: This session is scheduled to create commitment and agree on next steps after the

workshop. It might take shorter or longer than 90 minutes depending on what the country wants to get

out of this and how much they want to agree on and plan for the next steps.

Important - Lessons from Colombia and Uganda Workshop

In Colombia and Uganda this second last session was done without a creative method and as short as

possible. However if time allows it would be much more participatory and efficient to do the planning

using the below described ‘Hot Air Balloon’ method.

In any case it is important to seek commitment from all participants / stakeholders in the room. A way to

do this is to have the 3 or 4 projects presented to the group and after the 3 or 4 presentations ask the

Stakeholder Engagement Workshop Pack – [email protected] 25

participant to 1 put a yellow post-it on the project they see their organisaiton play a role in (could be 1 or

2 or 4 whatever they think they can contribute to) and a pink post-it on the project their organization is

willing to lead.

The facilitator shortly looks at the result of this exercise and agrees on the lead organization and thanks all

those organizations that are willing to play a role in the projects. In case there is more organizations

willing to take the lead a solution should be found.


Hot Air Balloon

A method for planning a project

Step 1.

Pre-prepare a picture of a balloon for each group.

Step 2.

Explain that the balloon represents a project, etc. to be analysed. The

balloon itself is ‘what needs to be in place’ (for example what

resources, skills etc). The basket is ‘who needs to be on board for the

balloon to take off’ (for example all the stakeholders, partners etc.).

The ropes holding the balloon down are ‘what will stop the project

from taking off / stop it being successful’ (for example the blocks or

constraints).Above the balloon ‘what will help the project to fly’ (all the elements that will enable the

project to be successful).

Step 3.

Allow the groups to fill in the balloons.

Step 4.

Present, compare and discuss.


This method is content-free and can have many applications. For example ‘a successful Child Rights

awareness campaign’ or ‘a good youth radio show can be the subject of the balloon. If the image of a

balloon is not easily related to, other images can be used.


For example the image of a ‘matutu bus’can be used:

o What is needed - the frame of the bus.

o Who is on board – the passengers.

o Constraints – bumps in the road or road blocks.

o Power to move forward – engine or fuel.

Stakeholder Engagement Workshop Pack – [email protected] 26

Session 7 Commitment & Closure


- To evaluate and recap the workshop and agree on outcomes and way forward


1. Report on workshop (general output)

Preparation Required: 30 evaluation formats printed (HQ provides format),

inspiring PowerPoint presentation with pictures of the workshop ready (recap of 3


Resources Required: evaluation formats, PPT

Total time: 1 hour

Facilitator: Country Representative / Director with support Head Office

Proposed Steps & Activities

1. Recap and Overview of the Workshop (60 min)

Note to the facilitator: this is the last session of the workshop, its important to recap the steps that where

taken, the ‘mile-stones’ and achievements. During the workshop its nice to make pictures that visualize

the process. The pictures can be put together in a flashy PowerPoint that also includes the steps taken

achievements. Showing the PowerPoint will ensure a nice and energetic recap of the workshop and is a

good moment to check whether all participants agree on the outcomes.

An example PowerPoint is available (Colombia Workshop) to give the facilitators an idea of how such can

look like.

2. Final comment and evaluation with participants (30)

The workshop has come to an end. Ask all the participants to comment on the workshop in a maximum of

3 words. Give everyone a opportunity to do this. In case you did the session on ‘Expectations’ in the

beginning of the workshop, check whether those are met.

Thanks the participants for their participation, remind them about the fact that they will receive a

workshop report and other agreements you made and hand out the evaluation form (Annex T - Evaluation

form MFS2 Stakeholder Engagement workshop). Ask them to hand in the filled evaluation form before

they leave the workshop venue.


End the workshops with a festive lunch, dinner or drinks or ensure you have a social gather

during the workshop.

Stakeholder Engagement Workshop Pack – [email protected] 27

7. Budget Specifications (format)

Please find included in the pack the excel document: Annex 7. Budget Specifications (format), to

be used for making up the budget of the workshop.