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Character schedule

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Page 1: Character schedule

L3 CMP Games Design SIMS Concept Schedule

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

w/b 30.04.12 Start production Log, take any needed photographs or textures.

Start work on the head

Finish the head Update production log

w/b 07.05.12 Start the body of the character

Work on body

Update production log

Work on character if possible

w/b 14.05.12 Finish the body

Start adding on clothing’s, accessories ect.

Update production log, finish modelling

Work on character if possible

w/b 21.05.12 Apply surfaces to character

Put character into layout and render

Overview character. Update production log

Work on character if possible

w/b 28.05.12 Evaluate the project

Finish evaluation

Look over project finish anything unfinished and finish production log

Page 2: Character schedule

w/b 04.06.12 Half-Term

w/b 11.06.12

Harry’s Sessions


Other Sessions

Task 1

Review your design pack, digitise the relevant elements and make sure that it is posted to your blog. Produce an outline schedule for the assignment that demonstrates that you have understood the requirements

of this formal live brief. Break it down into each of its elements, work out what will be needed to complete each task and take into consideration the timescale, particularly as this is an external brief. You will need to

build in review sessions and produce a production log to ensure that you are on track throughout the project. This production log will also help you to identify your strengths and weaknesses as you work, allowing

you to plan for self-development and the acquisition of new skills.

Task 2

Shoot any additional reference imagery and textures, make measurements and draw diagrams to provide you with the information you need to model your character and any context you wish to place it in. Your

design pack will evolve as the modelling develops.


You will draw together the skills you have developed in building the LightBot and SIMS College Concept Art and build your character from your design pack using Newtek’s LightWave, both Modeler and Layout.

Remember to assign surfaces to your character as you create each element. Ensure that you save your work by date and incrementally. Remember to review your progress against your plan regularly and update as

necessary. Screenshots will be a useful form of evidence showing the development of your character and your working process.


Load your character object into Layout, and then shoot a range of virtual photographs and render them out as high resolution Jpegs. These will be combined with your design back to form the basis of your

competition entry.

Task 5

Write an evaluation of your project. Use your plan, production log and blog posts to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your design process. Try to establish whether or not your finished product has achieved

the aim of the project. Take into consideration anything said by interested parties.