CLASS 2 Introduction to Computers

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Introduction to Computers

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Let’s review

What do the following chat acronyms mean?CUL8R AFAIK b4 AFK BCNU BRB BTW

What’s a GUI?a)Good Understanding Internetb)Graphics Used Insidec)Graphical User Interfaced)Goodies Under Ice

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Let’s review

What are these? Work together.

a. b. c.

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Let’s review

What are these? Work together.

scrollbar window(s) menu

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Let’s review

What are these? Work together.

a. b. c.

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Let’s review

What are these? Work together.

Start button taskbar system tray

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Let’s review

What are these? Work together.

a b c

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Let’s review

What are these? Work together.

desktop submenu icons

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Let’s review

What are these? Work together.

start button taskbar system tray

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How can I find out?

I really like the band Far East Movement. They have a song called Like a G6My problem is that I don’t know what a G6 is.

What website could I go to to find out what a G6 is?

a) Tealit (www.tealit.com)b) Yahoo dictionary (http://tw.dictionary.yahoo.com)

c) The Urban Dictionary (www.urbandictionary.com)d) eBay auctions (www.ebay.com.tw)

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Meme review

What are the 4 phases of a meme?

a) Introduction, Overexposure, Parody, Equilibrium

b) Introduce, Overtime, Parrot, Equal

c) Internet, Overseas, Potty, Equator

d) Intern, Overnight, Plenty, Equity

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Meme review

Match the terms with what you’d likely hear during a particular phase of a meme.

a. Introduction ___ OMG! Have seen this cute/funny thing online?

b. Overexposure ___ That’s pretty good, but look at this new version!

c. Parody ___ Oh, I remember that. It was popular - last year.

d. Equilibrium ___ Yeah, everyone’s been talking about that one.

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Meme review

Match the terms with what you’d likely hear during a particular phase of a meme.

a. Introduction _a_ OMG! Have seen this cute/funny thing online?

b. Overexposure _c_ That’s pretty good, but look at this new version!

c. Parody _d_ Oh, I remember that. It was popular - last year.

d. Equilibrium _b_ Yeah, everyone’s been talking about that one.

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Chat acronyms

Chat acronyms411 -BFF -DL -FYI -GTG -HTH -IDK -JK -

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Chat acronyms

Chat acronyms411 - Information (I’ll give you the 411 on that boy…)

BFF - Best Friends Forever (We’re BFFs!)

DL - DownLoad (I DL’d the latest 白冰冰 video yesterday)

FYI - For Your Information (FYI, I’m from Puli!)

GTG - Got To Go (Class is over - GTG!)

HTH - Hope That Helps (I’ll call the teacher for you, HTH)

IDK - I Don’t Know (What’s a meme? IDK)

JK - Just Kidding ( I love you… JK! JK! JK!)

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Graphic User Interfaces

Graphic User Interfaces (GUIs) help users interact with their computers.

If you use a mouse to click on something, it’s probably a GUI

Take a look at the following GUI items:

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URL Breakdown - as seen on commonjoedesigns.com

URL means Uniform Resource Locator. It can be thought of as the "address" of any

part of a website. It is comprised of many parts, so lets break it

down and look at each part individually.

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Break it Down

ProtocolSubdomainDomain nameTop level domainFolderFile NameFile Extension


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Break it Down

PROTOCOLThe protocol enables the browser and server to

communicate with each other. Since the server can handle many programming languages we must identify what what we are saying.

Common protocols include:http: - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol - common websiteshttps: - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol - secured websitesftp: - File Transfer Protocol - used for servers who

handle file uploads and downloadsmailto: - mailservers

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Break it Down

SUBDOMAINThe subdomain identifies which section of server

space you want to work with for the given domain. An example of this would be if I wanted to group all my client pages in their own section. I could then put them in a subdomain that could be accessed with 'clients.commonjoedesigns.com'.

If 'www' or sometimes no subdomain is given then the server will give you the available files at the root level for the domain.

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Break it Down

DOMAIN NAMEYou would probably agree that every house in the world

has a different address. The same is true for computers. They must have their own address to distinguish themselves from other computers. This is done by something called an Internet Protocol (IP) which is a series of numbers and dots. For this website the server it is on has an I.P. address of

These numbers are difficult to remember however so something was created called domain names. These are given words that make sense to the reader and are linked to the I.P. address. This way the user has something easier to remember.

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Break it Down

TOP LEVEL DOMAINThe top level domain (TLD) is a way of identifying the

purpose of a website. Here are several examples of generic top level domains. Take note that the public at large cannot use certain domains such as '.edu' or '.mil'. This list comprises the original list of top-level-domains but there are several more today such as '.tv' or '.us' which is known as a Country Code TLD

.com - generic or commercially oriented sites.edu - educational institution websites.net - generic or network oriented sites.org - noncommercial (non-profit) organizations

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Break it Down

FOLDERThe slash "/" after the top level domain can be

thought of as a separator. It separates the Internet and the actual computer the file or web page is located on. Once on the actual computer folders can be used to organize files into a sensible manner for easier retrieval or maintenance. Common folders would be 'images', and 'documents'. This could be compared to someone finding your house and then knowing what room to look in for something. What they are looking for does not have to be in that room though as you could put it anywhere you want.

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Break it Down

FILENAMEThis one is easy! This is the actual name of the file you

are viewing. There will always be a file, so there will always be a filename.

FILE EXTENSIONThis has the exact same meaning as the file extensions

on your computer. The extension helps the browser decide how to handle the file. If it is .doc the browser knows you need to download the file for your default text program and prompts you to do so. If it is .xls it looks for your default spreadsheet program. If no filename is given then the server will load a 'default' start page for the folder it is looking in.

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How to Google

Here’s a typical web search results page. What do the numbers below mean?

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1. The title: The first line of any search result is the title of the webpage.2. The snippet: A description of or an excerpt from the webpage.3. The URL: The webpage's address.4. Cached link: A link to an earlier version of this page. Click here if the page you wanted isn't available.

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Better Searches Make Better Results

Here are some modifiers to make Google searching easier…

“ ”





Exact Phrase

Exclude Words


Multiple Words

Numeric Range

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“ ”

Exact PhraseWhat it Does: Searches for an exact phraseWhat to Type: “One small step for man”What You’ll Get: Results that include the exact phrase, “One small step for man”.

Note: Google doesn’t care about UPPERCASE or lowercase letters, or punctuation.

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Exclude WordsWhat it Does: Removes results with words you don’t wantWhat to Type: ice -creamWhat You’ll Get: Results about ice, without results about ice cream.

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SynonymsWhat it Does: Searches for a word and all other words that might mean the same.What to Type: ~ mobile phoneWhat You’ll Get: Results with the word “phone”, such as “cell”, “cellular”, “wireless”, etc.

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Multiple WordsWhat it Does: Searches for results that might include either search term.What to Type: vacation Taipei OR KaohsiungWhat You’ll Get: Results with the word “vacation Taipei” or “vacation Kaohsiung”

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Numeric RangeWhat it Does: Searches for a range of numbersWhat to Type: iPad2 $250..$400What You’ll Get: Results for the iPad2 with prices between $250 and $400.

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You Try.“ ”


~OR ..

On your own, try to:

1.Create a search using only two words to search for food facts

and nutrition and cooking information.

2.Search for an English course in either Harvard or Yale.

3.Search for information on the best-known phrase from

Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”.

4.Search for information on the animal “lion”.

5.Try to find a Harry Potter book from $5 to $10

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You Try.“ ”


~OR ..

On your own, try to:

1.two words for food facts and nutrition and cooking: ~food


2.English course Harvard / Yale. English Harvard OR Yale

3.“Hamlet” best-known phrase: “to be or not to be”

4.animal “lion”: lion -football -os

5.Try to find a Harry Potter book from $5 to $10:

Harry Potter book $5..$10

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Meme of the Day


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What are the 4 phases of a meme?What do you type into Google for the following:

What is LOLspeak? ASCII Artwork? An Image Macro?What are the following parts of a Google search

return page?a. snippet b. title c. cached

What are the following chat acronyms?


Exact Phrase Exclude WordsSynonyms

Multiple WordsNumeric Range