E u r o p e a n C o m m i s s i o n Community Research Global Change and Ecosystems 1 Outcome Evals May2003_TI.ptt Annual Baltic and Nordic NCP – IRC Annual Baltic and Nordic NCP – IRC meeting, 26-28 May 2005 meeting, 26-28 May 2005 Technology Platforms in FP7, with Technology Platforms in FP7, with special emphasis on Sustainable special emphasis on Sustainable Chemistry Chemistry Per Backe-Hansen Environment Directorate European Commission – DG RTD

Annual Baltic And Nordic Ncp

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Annual Baltic and Nordic NCP – IRC Annual Baltic and Nordic NCP – IRC meeting, 26-28 May 2005meeting, 26-28 May 2005

Technology Platforms in FP7, with special Technology Platforms in FP7, with special emphasis on Sustainable Chemistry emphasis on Sustainable Chemistry

Per Backe-HansenEnvironment Directorate

European Commission – DG RTD

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Technology PlatformsTechnology Platforms Industry-Driven, Competitiveness-Focused European Technology Platforms – Concept: Stakeholders, led by industry, get together to define

a Strategic Research Agenda on a number of strategically important issues with high societal relevance where achieving Europe’s future growth, competitiveness and sustainable objectives is dependent upon major research and technological advances in the medium to long term.

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Technology PlatformsTechnology Platforms

Three stages of development: STAGE 1: Stakeholders getting together in order to

establish their “vision” for the future development of the field concerned and to set up the technology platform;

STAGE 2: Stakeholders define a Strategic Research Agenda setting out their common views on the necessary medium to long term research, development and demonstration needs for this technology;

STAGE 3: Implementation of the Strategic Research Agenda - for which, in many instances, it is anticipated that significant public and private investments will need to be mobilised.

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Technology Platforms Technology Platforms Bottom-Up Approach with Industry in Lead Wide Stakeholder Involvement Flexibility: No “One Size Fits All” EU Role: Facilitating and Guiding but not Leading or

Owning Majority of Strategic Research Agendas, where

Appropriate, Taken into Account in Thematic Priorities of FP7

Minority of Strategic Research Agendas Identified through Dialogue with Industry as Potential “Joint Technology Initiatives”

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Technology Platforms: Commission roleTechnology Platforms: Commission role

The Commission is not the “owner” of technology platforms, nor is it directing how they undertake their activities

The Commission is, however, encouraging through: Its active participation as an observer; Playing a guiding role where necessary; Providing limited Community financial support for operational

entities (for example a Secretariat) to some of the platforms Continued funding, where appropriate, of collaborative research

projects in many of the areas concerned.

Where appropriate, using their deliverables (SRAs) in the course of developing research policy

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Joint Technology InitiativesJoint Technology Initiatives

May Take the Form of Joint Undertakings – Article 171 of the Treaty “The Community may set up joint undertakings or any other

structure necessary for the efficient execution of Community research, technological development and demonstration programmes”

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Joint Technology InitiativesJoint Technology InitiativesIdentification criteria include: Added value of European-level intervention Degree and clarity of definition of objective Strength of commitment from industry Scale of impact on industrial competitiveness and growth Importance of contribution to broader policy objectives Capacity to attract additional national support and leverage

industry funding Inability of existing instruments to achieve objective

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Joint Technology InitiativesJoint Technology Initiatives Firmly Anchored in Thematic Areas of the Cooperation

Programme In Fields of Major European Public Interest Six Fields Envisaged at this Stage

Innovative medicines Nanoelectronics Embedded systems Aeronautics and air traffic management Hydrogen and fuel cells Global monitoring for environment and security

Other Fields Possible Subsequently

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Technology Platforms ITechnology Platforms I1. The European Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Platform (HFP) 2. ENIAC - European Nanoelectronics Initiative Advisory Council 3. NanoMedicine - Nanotechnologies for Medical Applications4. The Gas Cooled Reactors Technology Platform 5. Plants for the Future 6. Water Supply and Sanitation Technology Platform (WSSTP) 7. The European Technology Platform on Photovoltaics 8. Technology Platform for Sustainable Chemistry 9. Innovative and Sustainable Use of Forest Resources 10.European Technology Platform for Global Animal Health (GAH) 11.ERTRAC European Road Transport Research Advisory Council 12.ERRAC European Rail Research Advisory Council 13.WATERBORNE Technology Platform

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Technology Platforms IITechnology Platforms II14.The Mobile and Wireless Communications Technology Platform

(eMobility) 15.Innovative Medicines for Europe 16.Embedded Systems (ARTEMIS) 17.ACARE - Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research in Europe 18.The European Space Technology Platform (ESTP) 19.The European Steel Technology Platform 20.The European Technology Platform for the Future of: Textiles and

Clothing (ETP-FTC) 21.MANUFUTURE - Platform on Future Manufacturing Technologies 22.The European Construction Technology Platform (ECTP) 23.EuMaT - European Technology Platform for Advanced Engineering

Materials and Technologies 24.The European Technology Platform on Industrial Safety 25.The NEM Initiative - European Initiative on NETWORKED and


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Technology Platforms infoTechnology Platforms info

CORDIS TP-website: http://www.cordis.lu/technology-platforms/home.html

Status report on the development of the TPs (Feb 2005): ftp://ftp.cordis.lu/pub/technology-platforms/docs/tps_status_report_final_090305.pdf

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FP7 and CIP* FP7 and CIP*

Technological innovation: a shared objective Complementary and mutual reinforcing actions Designed to operate side by side in support of

Lisbon objectives Close coordination

* Competitiveness and Innovation FP (2007-2013), published 6 April 2005, DG ENTR

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Complementarities between FP7 Complementarities between FP7 and CIP and CIP


• Funding of projects

• Research, technological

development and demonstration

• Take-up of proven technologies: environmental, ICT and Energy-efficiency

• SMEs participation in Research

• Simplification

• Definition of thematic content

• Specific schemes for SMEs

• Actions promoting SMEs participation in FP7

• Access to finance • « Risk Sharing Finance Facility » for large European RTD projects and infrastructures (with EIB)

• Risk capital (start-up and expansion)

• SMEs Guarantee facility

• SMEs loan securitisation

• Dissemination of knowledge

• Within projects

• In thematic areas

• Networks providing innovation support services

• Regions • Research driven clusters • Innovation clusters

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In January 2004, the Commission adopted the Environmental Technologies Action Plan (DG ENV and DG RTD)

An ambitious plan to further environmental technologies within the EU and globally. It seeks to exploit their potential to improve both the environment and competitiveness, thus contributing to growth and possibly creating jobs

First report on its implementation adopted in January 2005

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ETAP implementation - actionsETAP implementation - actions Strengthening research on environmental technologies, supporting

demonstration and replication of promising techniques, co-ordinating EC programmes in this field (2004-2005) (Action 1)

Establishing technology platforms for some complex technologies, so as to co-ordinate research and improve partnerships and funding (2004-2007) (Action 2)

Networking testing centres able to assess the performances of new technologies; making sure that new or revised technical standards refer to the performances of these techniques (from 2004 on) (Action 3, 5)

Drafting a catalogue of existing directories and databases in the field (2005) (Action 4) 

Defining performance targets (2004-2007) (Action 6)  Improving the financing of environmental technologies by introducing

enhanced funding and risk sharing mechanisms (2004-2007) (Action 7) Preparing for the future cohesion policy; developing market-based

instruments; reviewing state aid guidelines and environmentally-harmful subsidies (2004-2007) (Action 15, 16, 17, 18) 


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A European Technology Platform for A European Technology Platform for Sustainable Chemistry – facts and reasonsSustainable Chemistry – facts and reasons

The chemical industry is Europe’s third largest manufacturing industry, employing 1.7 million people directly and up to 3 million jobs dependent on it. Comprises 25.000 companies in Europe of which 96% SMEs

EU is world leading in chemicals production, accounting for 28% of world chemicals production. Largest single contributor to the EU’s GDP (amounts 2.4%, which is larger than that of any other manufacturing industry sector)

The chemicals sector produces some 70.000 different products, and supplies them to almost all other sectors of the economy

EU chemical industry spends 1.9% of sales on R&D. Industry-academia research collaboration increasingly important. However,

biggest gap between the US and Europe is resources available for private research

Research a major source of innovation, but R&D expenditures are lower in Europe than in competing regions. US and Japan are spending respectively 2.5% to 3.0% of their GDP on R&D in this sector. Moreover, they have developed national chemical technology strategies.

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Importance of Chemistryas Innovation Source


Source:Mannheim Innovation Panel, ZEW
















0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70


Electrical MachineryMachinery

Other VehiclesFood/Beverages

ElectronicsFurniture/Sport Goods


Metal ProductionMetal Working

Wood/PaperR&D Services

Rubber/Plastics ProcessingPharmaceuticals


Petroleum Products

Share of Chemistry in total supply-side

innovation impulses (percent)

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European Technology Platform for European Technology Platform for Sustainable ChemistrySustainable Chemistry

The SusChem seeks to boost chemistry and chemical engineering research, development and innovation in Europe

The main objective is to improve industry competitiveness in the context of sustainable development, i.e. including economic, societal and environmental benefits

i.e. both Lisbon and Gothenburg agendas

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European Technology Platform for European Technology Platform for Sustainable ChemistrySustainable Chemistry

To foster the development of innovative chemistry and technologies that contribute to sustainability and ongoing competitiveness of the European chemical industry, through:

the development of leading-edge advances in environmentally respectful, energy efficient, resource efficient processes and product technologies in three main technology innovation areas (industrial biotechnology, new materials, reaction and process design)

addressing key aspects of health-safety-environment impacts

identifying and addressing major barriers to innovation

Launched in 2004, webpage: http://www.suschem.org/, including launch document, vision document, etc

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Launch and vision documentsLaunch and vision documents

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Sub-platform Horizontal Issues: Health, Sub-platform Horizontal Issues: Health, Safety & EnvironmentSafety & Environment

Research topics: Chemical safety (risk assessment methodologies) Risk communication (Environment and Health) Alternatives to animal testing (QSARs* and “Intelligent”

testing methods)

• Quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSAR) represent an attempt to correlate structural or property descriptors of compounds with


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Sub-platform Industrial Biotechnology Sub-platform Industrial Biotechnology

Research topics: Life sciences and biotechnology for sustainable non-food

products and processes: Improved crops, feed-stocks and biomass for energy, environment,

materials and chemicals, including novel farming systems, bio-processes and bio-refinery concepts;

bio-catalysis; forestry and forestry related products and processes; environmental remediation and cleaner processing.

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Sub-platform Materials TechnologiesSub-platform Materials Technologies

Research topics: Materials Technologies

to discover via breakthroughs in nanosciences, new relationships between materials properties, performance and multifunctional applications.

to define new industrial materials production paradigms to develop a range of products that can contribute to generate

applications in ICT, Quality of life, health care, national and personal security, transport, electronics

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Sub-platform Reaction and Process Sub-platform Reaction and Process DesignDesign

Research topics: Reaction and Process Design

research in chemical synthesis with novel solvents, catalysis, including biobased routes.

research in process science and knowledge based engineering under domains such as process integration, intensification, products design,

research in life cycle aspects, optimisation and control technologies for safer and more sustainable production systems

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SusChemSusChem Organisation and Governance Organisation and Governance

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EC support for secretariatEC support for secretariat

Provided through 2 FP6 SSAs: ETP-SC, coordinated by CEFIC

Covers the whole TP, except White biotech issues

White Biotech TP, coordinated by EuropaBio Covers only White biotech issues

Both SSAs are closely coordinated

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Member-States Mirror-Group Member-States Mirror-Group

Mirror-Group, consisting of representatives of Member States, allows coordination with national initiatives and projects, ensures a two-way flow of information and acts as an open discussion forum

A MSMG for SusChem is important to place chemistry R&D and innovation support in context of

policy objectives politically support its recommendations for FP7 R&D align R&D and Innovation initiatives on EU and national

levels, and generate governmental commitments.

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SusChemSusChem in the context of FP7 in the context of FP7

Contributes to and bring coherence in EU Public Research relative to: Technology Platforms (ref EC proposal of June 2004) Proposed collaborative research themes, like

Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology Health Nanotechnologies, materials and process technologies Environment (including Climate Change) (Environment and Health)

Also Marie-Curie exchange programmes, R&D infrastructures projects and coordination of national research activities (ERA-NET)

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SusChemSusChem in a future perspective in a future perspective

In the framework of the Lisbon agenda (knowledge-based and innovative competitiveness): To aid industry to move towards the New Factory concept: Moving from a resource based to a knowledge based

economy Moving from a volume based production to a more flexible

and demand-oriented production of specialized chemicals

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Chemistry related ERA-NETsChemistry related ERA-NETs In the ERA-NET scheme national and regional publicly funded

programmes are being coordinated. The themes are proposed by the national funding bodies. The EU contributes to the costs of the coordination while the Member States pay the research.

3 national and regional chemistry programmes so far selected: ERA-CHEMISTRY (Implementation of joint bottom-up European

programmes in chemistry) – Chemistry, pure and applied, coordinated by DE

ACENET ERANET (ERA-NET for applied catalysis in Europe) – Applied catalysis and sustainable chemistry, coordinated by NL

ERA-NET Materials - Materials science and engineering, coordinated by FIN

A proposal on White biotechnology submitted

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SusChem SusChem Roadmap 2005Roadmap 2005 1st stakeholder event 9 November 2004 (Brussels) January 2005: SusChem secretariat established (CEFIC) Spring 2005: Expert Groups to Work on Strategic Research

Agendas 1st MSMG inception meeting 20 January 2005 2nd stakeholder event: 4 march 2005 (Barcelona) – adoption

of the vision document 2nd MSMG meeting 22 March 2005; incl. discussion on SRA

outline and initial inventory of relevant national level initiatives

3rd MSMG meeting July (?) 2005 to discuss SRA status 4th MSMG meeting October 2005 3rd stakeholder event on final SRA, November 2005 (UK) SRA implementation plans in 2006