AdoTube Q4 2010 Format Index

AdoTube Q4 '10 Format Index

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AdoTube Q4 2010Format Index

Page 2: AdoTube Q4 '10 Format Index

Q4 2010 Key Takeaways

Interactive Ads Accounted for 50% of Ads Served in Q4: As the overall pie grew, Interactive Overlays and Polite Pre-Rolls® benefitted the most, combining to account for 50% of ads served in Q4, while Pre-Roll fell to 30%.

In-Video Brand Engagement Rates Over 7X Display Benchmarks: In-Video Engagement Rates remain solid at around 21%, over 7 times higher than leading rich media display benchmarks.*

The rich media banner-like Overlay’s CTRs dwarf display counterparts: Interactive CTRs are 8 times higher than rich media display benchmarks.*

Nearly 50% of Polite Pre-Roll®s served are 30+ seconds, delivering a more detailed message. Standard Pre-Rolls are still dominated primarily by 15 second spots.

Despite longer ads, the Polite Pre-Roll® view-thru rate continues to rise, and is comparable to the Standard Pre-Roll.

2010 Video Audience Broadens; Courts CPG, Fashion, Travel and Finance Advertisers: In 2010 the audience for Online Video broadened immensely, and with the audience came a concerted push from new advertisers.

2*Source: DoubleClick for Advertisers, U.S. Advertisers, DoubleClick Rich Media formats (video only), January – December 2009

Interactive Continues to Grow & CPG Makes Big Push

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2010: Year of Huge GrowthAds Served Grew 191% & Number of Campaigns Grew 281%

From 2009-2010, the number of ads served grew 191% to 3.5 billion ads total. The number of campaigns served in 2010 grew 281%. This growth was propelled by both returning advertisers, as well as a large influx of new advertisers. Advertisers leveraged AdoTube’s engaging formats, along with targeting and optimization tools to lower the overall number of ads needed to be served per campaign by targeting.

2008 2009 20100









Ads Served (in Millions)

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Ad Formats Even Out2010: The Year Pre-Roll Lost Its Dominance

As the overall pie grew, Pre-Rolls lost their dominance falling in Q4 to 30% of ads served. In their wake, newer Interactive Formats have grown explosively, and now account for 50% of ads served. The most surprising story to come out of Q4 is the bounce back of the Branded Overlays, which rose back up to a healthy 20% of ads served.


Polite Pre-Roll® 23%

Interactive Overlay


Branded Overlay7%


Q3 2010

Polite Pre-Roll® 11% Interac-

tive Over-lay


Branded Overlay



Q1 2010

Polite Pre-Roll24%

Interactive Overlay


Branded Overlay



Q4 2010Polite Pre-


Interac-tive Over-


Branded Overlay



Q2 2010

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Average CTR Growth

Growth Slowed, but Still Steady

CTR Growth slowed a little in Q4. Growth attributed to continued growth of high-impact interactive formats.

2009 Q1 2010 Q2 2010 Q3 2010 Q4 20100.00%0.20%0.40%0.60%0.80%1.00%1.20%1.40%1.60%1.80%

Average CTR

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Average Engagement Rates

While interactive formats continue to grow in prominence, engagement rates have tended to stay steady at a phenomenal 21.6%. Even as they have saturated inventory, 1 in 5 viewers still seem ready to engage. By simply being in the video stream, engagement rates are 7 times higher than similar rich media display benchmarks.


2009 Q1 2010 Q2 2010 Q3 2010 Q4 20100.00%







Average Engagement RateRich Media Display vs. In-Video

Rich Media (Video)* - 2009 In-Video

*Source: DoubleClick for Advertisers, U.S. Advertisers, January – December 2009

Engagement Stays Steady, 7X higher than Display

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Interaction vs. Branded Overlay vs. Display


2009 Q1 2010 Q2 2010 Q3 2010 Q4 20100.00%







CTR Rich Media Display vs. Branded vs. Interactive Overlay

Rich Media (Video)* - 2009 BrandedInteractive

*Source: DoubleClick for Advertisers, U.S. Advertisers, January – December 2009

Overlays Dwarf Display. Interactive 8X Higher than Display

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Pre-Roll Length Breakdown

In Q4, 48% of the Polite Pre-Rolls served were 30 seconds or longer. This is opposed to Standard Pre-Rolls, where 15 second spots filled 60% of Pre-Rolls served.

Length has been known to greatly effect View-Thru Rates and abandonment rates. But, the Polite Pre-Roll®, by giving viewers the ability to view the ad anytime during the video or to opt out completely, allows advertisers to deliver their full message to those who wish to receive it, without publishers sacrificing viewership to higher abandonment rates.

Nearly 50% of Polite Pre-Roll® Served are 30 Seconds or longer

15 Sec.60%

30 Sec.35%

>30 Sec.5%

Pre-Roll Lengths

15 Sec.52%30 Sec.


>30 Sec.8%

Polite Pre-Roll® Lengths

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Polite Pre-Roll® vs. Standard Pre-Roll


QuarterView-Thru Rate

(25%)View-Thru Rate (100%) Ad Retention Rate

2009 N/A N/A N/A

Q1 2010 48.64% 37.24% 76.56%

Q2 2010 47.60% 34.10% 71.64%

Q3 2010 48.93% 35.77% 73.10%

Q4 2010 53.57% 37.68% 70.34%

Average 2010 49.69% 36.20% 72.91%


QuarterView-Thru Rate

(25%)View-Thru Rate (100%) Ad Retention Rate

2009 59.03% 43.77% 74.15%

Q1 2010 57.57% 41.43% 71.96%

Q2 2010 58.48% 42.65% 72.93%

Q3 2010 56.33% 39.98% 70.97%

Q4 2010 59.66% 46.11% 77.29%

Average 2010 58.21% 42.79% 73.46%


2009 Q1 2010 Q2 2010 Q3 2010 Q4 20100.00%1.00%2.00%3.00%4.00%5.00%


Standard Pre-Roll Polite Pre-Roll®

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The Polite Pre-Roll® view-thru rates rise despite hosting longer ads

Q4’s Polite Pre-Roll CTR fell, but better in line with expectations, just below 3%. Standard Pre-Roll continued to decline.

View-Thru Rates rose as viewers showed a continued acceptance of the Pre-Roll format. Most interestingly, the Polite Pre-Roll® View-Thru Rates have continued to rise despite the fact that the length of the Polite Pre-Roll® is generally longer than Standard Pre-Rolls.

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Campaigns by Vertical

Q4 saw the start of a big shift and a broadened base of verticals investing in Online Video Advertising. CPG made a huge push along with new entrants such as Travel, Fashion, & Finance. Even though Entertainment and Electronics verticals ran more campaigns in 2010 than 2009, their overall percentage fell dramatically year/year due to the addition of newer verticals.

This highlights how Online video itself has broadened its audience base beyond young male techies to a burgeoning ecosystem of viewers with advertisers eagerly following.

Web Services & Products










0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% 35.0%

% of Campaigns by Vertical


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Online Video Broadens Its Base: Big Push from CPG, Solid Entrance by Travel & Fashion

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AboutAdoTube In-Video Ad Format Index

AdoTube serves ads on thousands of publishers sites, serving 65MM to 90MM in-video ad impressions per week.

This format index provides an overview of the effectiveness of our many different in-stream video ad formats over 2009, Q1 2010, Q2 2010, Q3 2010, and Q4 2010.


We collected and analyzed data from a sample of over 3.5 Billion impressions deemed to be statistically relevant, taking advertising verticals, video content, and type of targeting into account. This was then split into four distinct categories:

• Branded Overlay

• Interactive Overlay

• Standard Pre-Roll

• Polite Pre-Roll®

Additionally, we broke these results out over 17 different verticals to analyze performance on an industry by industry basis.

The following numbers are based on results derived from AdoTube’s Network only and do not represent the in-video ad space as whole.

1111© 2011 AdoTube, Inc. – All Rights Reserved

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About AdoTubeAdoTube is a complete in-stream/in-video solution that enables each part of the industry (agencies, advertisers and publishers) to have easy and efficient access to in-stream ads. AdoTube’s platform includes the Adotube Ad Network, Publisher Management Tool (PUMA), In-Stream Ad Exchange (AdEx), Network Partner Console for third party networks media brokers ,and Creative Services. AdoTube’s complete platform helps each part of the industry to deliver high-quality, in-stream advertising solutions through a quick, easy and cost efficient platform. AdoTube is headquartered in New York, with offices in California and Europe. To learn more about AdoTube, become a partner, or see their solutions for agencies, advertisers, publishers and ad networks, visit www.adotube.com.


In-stream video ad: A video ad that is played or viewed from a video player

Branded Overlay: An in-video advertisement that runs on top of the video content (bottom 1/3 of the screen) while the video is playing. Clicks-through to a web-site, pausing the video

Interactive Overlay: Similar to a Branded Overlay with interactive elements such as a game or a video

Standard Pre-Roll: An in-stream video ad that plays before video playback

Polite Pre-Roll®: A dismissible and retractable in-stream video ad. When dismissed during video an overlay ad reminds the viewer to watch the ad

Click-Through Rate(CTR): The percentage of viewers who clicked through an ad to the target link

View-Through Rate: The percentage of viewers who watched through a part or all of a video ad

Engagement Rates: The percentage of people who interact with an ad that has interactive capabilities, such as, playing a game, initiating an in-ad video, social engagement (i.e. Facebook), store locator, or data entry

Questions, Feedback, and Media Inquiries:Ephraim Cohen – [email protected]

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