INTRODUCTION TO FORENSIC MEDICINE Dr. Soe Min Min Nyunt M.B,B.S(Mdy) M.Med.Sc (Med.Juris) June 6, 2022 1 dr.smmn's lecture

A. introduction to forensic medicine

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Dr. Soe Min Min NyuntM.B,B.S(Mdy)

M.Med.Sc (Med.Juris)April 8, 2023 1dr.smmn's lecture

Page 2: A. introduction to forensic medicine


Founding Scientists• Mathieu Orfila (1787-1853)– Father of toxicology.– First to detect poisons in animals.

• Alphonse Bertillon (1853-1914)– Developed the science of anthropometry, the taking of body measurements as a

means of distinguishing people. (This was replaced later by fingerprinting).• Francis Galton (1822-1911)

– First to look into fingerprinting.– 1892 wrote “Finger Prints” which talked about the science of fingerprinting.

• Leone Lattes (1887-1954)– Developed the technique for determining the blood type of a sample of dried

blood.• Calvin Goddard (1891-1955)

– First to refine the science of bullet comparison.• Albert Osborn (1858-1946)

– Authority on authenticating documents.• Walter McCrone (1916-2002)

– Perfected the use of the microscope in investigation.• Edmond Locard (1877-1966)

– Perfected the use of scientific method in today’s labs. – Locard’s Excange Principle McCrone

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Synonyms: • Forensic Medicine (U.K.)• Legal Medicine (U.S.A.)• Medical Jurisprudence (India)

• Oya'a&;&maq;ynm/rSKUcif;qdkif&maq;ynm (Myanmar)

• Forensic medicine = the medicine of forum or law courts (Forum = Roman law court)

• Legal medicine = the branch of medicine that deals with the law

• Medical Jurisprudence (Jurisprudence = laws)April 8, 2023 3dr.smmn's lecture

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Definition • Forensic medicine is a branch of medicine where the

principles and knowledge of medicine is used for purposes of the law, both civil and criminal.

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Branches of Forensic Medicine • A. Forensic Pathology• This knowledge is used in:• (a) Finding the cause of death as a result of trauma• (b) Finding of the cause of death in sudden unexpected

death. • (c) Interpreting the mechanism of injuries and giving

medicolegal opinions. e.g., amount of force; position of victim and assailant

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• B. Clinical Forensic Medicine• (a) Medicolegal examination of rape cases• (b) Determination of age for medicolegal purposes• (c) Assessment of degree of permanent disabilities,

following a factory accident of a workman for compensation

• (d) Psychiatric assessment of a person for: -• - insanity in a case of murder• - competency as a witness• - testamentary capacity in executing a will• - validity of consent

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• C. Forensic Toxicology• D. Forensic Thanatology• E. Forensic Psychiatry• F. Forensic Odontology• G. Forensic Anthropology• H. Forensic Entomology• I. Medical Ethics• J. Medical Negligence• K. Forensic Serology• L. Forensic Science

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List The Role of Forensic Medicine• 1. To prove a point of law• 2. Used as a piece of circumstantial evidence• 3. To check the correctness or relevancy of the

statement of a witness• 4. To help in differentiating Accident, Suicide and

Homicide• 5. Personal identification of unknown cases• 6. To aid law enforcement forces• 7. Other related roles of Forensic Medicine.

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Discuss how forensic medicine can help in a case of murder.

• 1. To prove a point of law• Oya'qkdonfrSm wkdif;jynftwGuf

jynfolhtusdK;twGuf tcsdeftcgtavQmuf a'o tavQmuf vlwkdhu jyKpkoGm;onfh pnf;rsOf;jzpfonf/xkdjyXmef;csufuav;eSifhjidpGef;onfh jypfrSKrsdK;ukd jyKvkyfvQif jypfrSKusL;vGef&m a&mufonf/

• vlwOD;'gPfjyKí aooGm;onfhwkdif vlowfrSKrajrmufyg/ Oyrm-rlBudK ausmif;q&monf wynfhtm; pmar;&m wynfhu rajzekdifbJ tvGefnHhzsif;ae ojzifh 8½kPm a'goeSifh wynfhtm; ½dkufvkduf&muav;rSm congenital berry's aneurysm and intracranial haemorrhage jzifh aovQif xkdq&mtm; vlowfrSKjzifh zrf;rnfavm/April 8, 2023 9dr.smmn's lecture

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• Oya'wGiftjypf½Sdaom pdwfeSihf tjypf&SdaomvkyfaqmifrSKwhkd aygif;pyfrSom jypfrSKusL;vGef&m a&mufonf/ rlNudk q&monf wynfhaoaomfvnf; (0g) vkyfaqmifrSK &Sdaomfvnf; tjypf&Sdaompdwfr&Sdí vlowfrSK yk'freSifh rzrf;ekdif/

• vlowfrSKyk'frwGif tjypf&Sdaom pdwf&SdaBumif; w&m;&Hk;wGif ppfaq;&mü ay:vGifatmif ppfaq; &ygonf/

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• vlowfrSK Oya'yk'frwGif aoapvkdaom tBuHeSifh jyKíaovQif (intention to kill) [lí jyXmef; xm; ygonf/ xkdjyXmef;csufeSifh jidpGef;rS omvWif w&m;cHonf vlowfrSK usL;vGef&m ajrmufonf/ w&m;cGifwGif aoapvkdaom tBuH&Sdovm;[k ar;r&onfhtcg tBuH&SdaBumif; ay:vGifap&ef aq;ynmukd w&m;½Hk;rsm;u tm; ukd; &ygonf/

• aq;ynmtaejzifh 'Pf&m\ obm0 (nature of injury) ukd Bunfhí ajymjcif;tm;jzifh 'PfjyKaom vufeuftrsdK; tpm; (nature of weapon) ukdajymekdifygonf/

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• w&m;cGifwGif vlaotavmif;ay:ü aoeyf'Pf&mawGh aBumif; oufaoxGufvQifyif w&m;cHonf aoeyfukdtoHk;jyKaBumif; od&í xkdaoeyf ukdifolwGif aoapvkdaom tBuH&Sdonf[k qHk;jzwfekdifygonf/ iSufBuD;awmif'g;eSifh ckwfí acgif;jywfoGm;onfh 'Pf&mwGif 'g;ukdtoHk;jyKaBumif; od½kkHkrQjzifh aoapvkdaom tBuH&SdaBumif; qHk;jzwfekdifygonf/

• Site of election vlce¨mukd,faouGif; (choice of vital area) ukda&G;í 'PfjyKaBumif; w&m;cGifwGif q&m0efu oufaoxGufygu w&m;cHrSm aoapvkdaom tBuH½SdaBumif; ay:vGifygonf/

• Oyrm - 'g;jzifh acgif;ukd ckwfjcif;? aoeyfjzif h0J&iftHk ukd ypfjcif;/ April 8, 2023 12dr.smmn's lecture

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• Number of wounds ('Pf&mta&twGuf)• jypfrSKqkdif&m Oya'wGif

rdrdtoufukdaomf¤if;? olwyg; toufukdaomf¤if;? rdrd\ ypönf;ukd aomf4if; ckcHykdifcGifh Oya'&Sdygonf/ tu,fí w&m;cGifwGif q&m0efu xGufqkd&mü aouGif;ukd a&G;íxkd;jcif; r[kwfbJ xkd;rdxkd;&mxkd;jcif;? 'Pf&mta&twGufrSmvnf; wckwnf;om&Sdjcif; ponfwkdhukd q&m0efu xGufqkdí w&m;cHa&Shaeuvnf; tjcm; rsufjrifoufaorsm;\ taxmuftulukd ,lí w&m;cHrSm rvSGJra&Smifomí rdrdukd,fukd ckcHcGifoHk;í 'g;jzifh wcsufomxkd;jcif; oufaoxlekdifvQif w&m;cHonf vlowfrSK rS{uefkrkcs uif;vGwfrnf jzpfonf/April 8, 2023 13dr.smmn's lecture

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• Amount of force used• · slight force…… nil…………….. in murder• · moderate force and considerable force….. 99%........ in

murder• · great force ……..1%............ in murder• • Intention to kill• · nature of injury• · nature of weapon used • · site of election--choice of vital area• · number of wounds--private defence/vengeful

homicide• · amount of force

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• In Rape cases• w&m;cGifü vljydef;rsm;

rqHk;jzwfekdifaom Oya' jyXmef;csufrSm umrpyf,SufrSK qkdaompum;jzpfonf/ ¤if;\ t"dygÜ,frSm a,mufsm; wefqmxdyfonf rdef;rukd,f t0 eSKwfcrf;om;twGif;okdh oGif;0ifrd&HkrQeSifh umrpyf,Suf&m a&mufonf/ ¤if;xkd;oGif;jcif; ^oGwfoGif;jcif;vu©Pm (Physical signs of penetration) &Sd r&Sd q&m0efu Bunfhay;&rnf/April 8, 2023 15dr.smmn's lecture

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• The finding of spermatozoa in the female vaginal tract is indicative of recent sexual intercourse and this can be determined only by medical examination.

• Rape---sexual intercourse / penetration / signs of struggle / age 13-14

• AGE• rk'def;rSKrSm yifw&m;cGifü

vljydef;rsm; oufaorxlekdifaom jyXmef;csufrSm - rdef;ru tvkdwl onf jzpfap - rwlonfjzpfap xkdrdef;ronf touf (14) eSpfatmuf jzpfvQif? touf (13) eSpf atmuf r[kwfaom rdrdr,m;eSifh umrpyf,SufvQif rk'def;rSK rajrmuf[k qkd&mü touf eSifh ywfoufvmvQif aq;ynmuom tqHk;tjzwf ay;ekdifonf/

• (signs of struggle-she must struggle to the uttermost and to the last)

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• In Criminal abortion (w&m;r0if uav;zsufcsrSK)• jyXmef;csufwGif ukd,f0ef&Sdaom

rdef;ronf (w&m;cHrdef;r) [kqkd&mü ukd,f0ef &Sd - r&Sd od &ef aq;ynmu taxmuftul ay;&onf/

• (1) ukd,f0ef&Sd&rnf/ (2) ukd,fxdvufa&muf zsufcsrSK&Sd&rnf/ (3) wu,fyif uav;ysuf us &rnf/ (signs of pregnancy, signs of recent delivery, signs of interference)

• vSKyf&Sm;aomuav;r[kwfvQif axmif(3)eSpf

• vSKyf&Sm;aomuav;jzpfvQif axmif(7)eSpf• uav;pwifvSKyfcsdef (quickening - 16 - 18 weeks

of gestation, primip - 18 weeks, multip - 16weeks)•

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• In Grievous hurt (Section 320) • It is grievous hurt if there is a fracture or dislocation of a

bone or tooth. Medical examination will be required for the diagnosis of fracture or dislocation.

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• 2. Used as a piece of circumstantial evidence• Circumstantial evidence (oG,f0dkufaom

ywf0ef;usif oufao)• It is not a fact actually in issue but it is relevant to a fact

actually in issue.• Circumstantial evidence must form an unbroken chain.

To be of legal value, medical or forensic knowledge has to be used, for instance, in determining the blood stains on the clothing or on the weapon. In a case where there is no eyewitness, circumstantial evidence becomes the missing link along the chain of events in incriminating the accused.

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• Oyrm - (A) u vrf;avQmufvmpOf (B)u (C)\tdrfukd "g;&SnfukdifjyD; 0ifoGm;onf ukdawGhonf/ (A)u rouFmí qufavQmufoGm;jyD; &Jpcef;okdh taBumif;Bum;onf/ xkdtwGif; tdrfeD;csif; (D)u nae3;10rdepftcsdefwGif &Hk;&if;qefcwf jzpfoHqlqlnHnH Bum;&onf/ (A)u taBumif;Bum;í &Jom;(E) (F) (G)eSifh twl (C)tdrfokdh qufvm&m nae 3;20em&DwGif(B)ukd vrf;xdyfwGif awGh&m tusÐwGif aoG;rsm;pGef;aeí &Jrsm;u zrf;í &SmazG&m vG,ftdwfxJwGif aoG;pGef;aeaom "g;ukd awGh&í aoG;pGef;tusÐeSifh vufeufwkdhukd "gwkaA'0ef (H) vufxJodkh tyfeSHonf/ (H)u ol\"gwfcGJcef; uWrf;usifol ( I ) ukdppfaq;ckdif;&m vlaoG;jzpfaBumif;eSifh Blood Group - AB jzpfaBumif;awGh&Sd&onf/

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• (C)\tavmif;ukd q&m0ef (J) xHoGm;a&muf ppfaq;&m "g;xkd;'Pf&m (5) csuf awGh&aBumif; xGufqkdonf/ xkdhjyif'Pf&m jyif;xefí q&m0efu w&m;½Hk;wGif ½Hk;uefjcif;? xGufajy;ekdifjcif; r&SdaBumif;? trsm;qHk; nD;nLoHomBum;EkdifaBumif; xGufqkdonf/ (A, D, E, F, G, H, I, J) wkdhonf oG,f0kdufaom ywf0ef;usif oufaorsm;jzpfonf/ tu,fí w&m;cH tusÐay:wGif aoG;rawGh? "g;rSmvnf; vlaoG;rawGhqkdvQif tjcm; ywf0efusifoufaorsm;onf uGif;qufnDaomfvnf; (B) u (C) ukd wu,fowf aBumif; rnfolrQ rjrif&í xkdae&mwGif uGif;qufjywfaeonf/ vkdtyfaom uGif;qufukd (H) eSifh (I) uay;onf/

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• Circumstantial evidence oufaoxl&mwGif ta&;BuD;aom tcsufrSm vkdtyfaom uGif;qufrsm; tm;vHk; jidwG,fae&rnf/ wae&mwGif uGif;qufjywfaevQif oHo, \ tusdK; (benefit of doubt) ukdw&m;cHtm; cHpm;cGifhay;&rnf/ Oya'ynm&SifBuD; wcsdKhu wkduf&kduf oufaoonf taumif;qHk;[kqkdonf/ tcsdKhuuGif;qufrsm; tm;vHk; &SdjyD; wckeSifhwck qufoG,faeygvQif oG,f0kdufaom ywf0ef;usifoufaoonf taumif;qHk; [kqkdBuonf/ aiGrsm;w&m;ekdifqkdwm &Sdygonf/ vlowfrSKwGif wkduf&kduf oufao wOD;xJom &Sdygu xkdvltm; aiGay;í jrifwmukd rjrifaBumif; ajymqkdckdif;vQif &ygonf/

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• okdhaomf A, D, E, F, G, H, I & J oufao tm;vHk;ukd w&m;cHu rnfolrnf0g jzpfaeaBumif; odcsifrS odrnf A rS pí G txd odonfhwkdif H eSifh I wkhdygvmrnfudk odekdif&ef cJ&if;onf/ xkdhaBumifh A rSpí G txd aiGay;ekdifaomfvnf; vlrsm; aeí xkdtxJrS oDvorm"d&Sdol wOD;wavygvmrnf/ Oyrm - E, F eSifh G &Jom; (3)OD; xJu wOD;u vbfpm;jcif;ukd vHk;0vufrcHbJ usef (2) OD; vufcH onfukdvnf; txufokdh wkdifwef;onfh tajctae &Sdvmekdifonf/ H eSifh I ukdvnf; w&m;cHu aiGay;&rSef; rodí aemufqHk; w&m;&Hk;wGif uGif;qufjid aewwfygonf/ xkdhaBumifh ywf0ef;usif oufaoxl&mwGif aiGrsm;w&m;ekdif r&Sdyg/

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• wkduf&kduf oufaorSmvnf; om"u&Sdygonf/ wkduf&kduf oufao ajymorQukdvnf; rrSef[k ,lq&ef cJ&if;ygonf/ Oyrm-awmvkduform; (3) OD;onf awmodkh 0ifonfhtcg jcHKuG,frS wd&dpämefwaumif ckefxGufajy;oGm;aBumif; (3) OD; pvHk; jrifvkdufBuaomfvnf; vefhjzefhjyD; wOD;uusm;BuD;? aemufwOD;u awm0uf? aemufwOD;u orif[k ajymojzifh? ¤if;wkdhukdac:í ajc&moGm;Bunfh&m uWJ&kdif; ajc&mawG&onfh tjyif ywf0ef;usif opfyifrsm; rSmvnf; uWJ&kdif; pm;wwfaom opfyifrsm; awGh&onf/ xkdhaBumifh vlwkdhonf aoG;vefhaepOf aoG;&l;aoG;wef;jzifh jrifcsif&mukd jrif? trSefukd jrifcsifrS jrifekdifonf/ xkdhaBumifh vlowfrSKrsm;wGif aoG;vefhaecsdefjzpfí wkduf&kduf oufao\ xGufqkdcsufrSm rSefcsifrS rSefrnfjzpfonf/April 8, 2023 24dr.smmn's lecture

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• 3. To check the correctness or relevancy of the statement of a witness

• • In law courts, there is always conflicting statements

from the witness of opposing parties. The opinion of the medical officer will be required by the law courts with regards to: -

• (a) Reconstruction of a road traffic accident• An imprint abrasion will indicate the direction of

the car hitting a pedestrian• (b) Time of infliction of a wound• Changes in colour and appearance in a bruise

following an injury will indicate when the blow was inflicted

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• (c) Signs of struggle in a case of alleged rape• Scratches, bruises and other injuries on the face,

breasts, back and inner side of the thigh of a woman will support the statement that the sexual act was done against her will.

• (d) The kind of weapon used• A lacerated wound is inflicted by a blunt weapon, while

an incised wound is inflicted by a sharp edged weapon.• (e) The position of victim and assailant• Wounds on the back showed that the victim was

attacked from behind and a defence wound will indicate that the victim was aware of an attack.

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• 4. To help in differentiating Accident, Suicide and Homicide

• • In cases of deaths where there is no eye witness, as in a

dead body found in a field, or in a room, or on a railway track, or recovered from the river, detailed examination of a body and the scene of crime is required in differentiating between accident, suicide and homicide.

• The opinion of the medical officer will be very helpful for the investigating police officer and it may serve as a starting point for police investigation.

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• A dead body, with multiple crushed injuries, found on the railway track, will be first assumed to be an accident. On post-mortem examination, fatal stab wounds may be found indicating a homicide.

• Persons killed are sometimes thrown into the river to conceal the crime. Detailed post-mortem examination will reveal the actual cause of death. The presence of a classical suicidal cutthroat wound indicates death by suicide.

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• 5. Personal identification of unknown cases• • Personal identification is difficult in cases of: -• Skeletal remains – An old fracture or a deformity will

be helpful in identifying the body.• Decomposed bodies – A scar, a tattoo mark on an

amputated stump will be of considerable help in identifying the body.

• Dismembered body – where the murderer wants to conceal the identity and cause of death of the victim.

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• Severely burnt body – where dental data is very helpful in identification.

• Victims of mass disaster – in air-crash, earthquake, burn conflagration

• In personal identification of an unknown dead body, the knowledge of anatomy odontology, pathology, medicine, surgery, radiology, fingerprint (dactylography) anthropology, become very useful.

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• 6. To aid law enforcement forces• e.g., decomposition changes can be mistaken for assault

and murder.• In sudden and unexplained deaths, a post-mortem

examination may find out the medical cause of death and rule out any foul play.

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• 7. Other related roles of Forensic Medicine

• Assessment of injuries for Third party insurance purpose, following an accident while using a motorised vehicle

• Notification of industrial diseases accidents such as lead poisoning, arsenic poisoning, aniline poisoning, carbon tetra-chloride poisoning, and electrocutions for preventive measures.

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Departmental Objectives

• At the end of the course of instruction, the learner should be able to: -

• • KNOWLEDGE• 1. Have the knowledge of common medicolegal cases

in Myanmar, and the principles of management of such cases

• 2. Correlate between the clinical manifestations and the autopsy findings.

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• SKILL• 1. Serve as a competent medical witness in the law


• ATTITUDE• 1. Have the knowledge and attitude to abide by the

moral and legal codes of the ethical medical practice.• 2. Have the awareness that it is one of the duties of a

medical officer to assist law enforcement agencies and thereby help in the management of medicolegal problems of the community.

• 3. Be aware of the importance of consultation / referral to Specialist whenever necessary.

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Specific Instructional Objectives

• ROLE OF FORENSIC MEDICINE– * Define Forensic Medicine.– * State the various branches of Forensic Medicine.– * Describe the role of Forensic Medicine in criminal

investigation and in the law

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Some Some

careers in…

careers in…

Scene of Crime Officer/ Crime Scene Investigator

Fingerprint Examiner

State Pathologist/ Forensic Pathologist/Medical Examiner

Forensic Toxicologist

Forensic Pathology


Medical Transcriber

Forensic Document Examiner

Forensic Anthropologist

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Some Some

careers in…

careers in…

Scene of Crime Officer/ Crime Scene Investigator

Fingerprint Examiner

State Pathologist/ Forensic Pathologist/Medical Examiner

Forensic Toxicologist

Forensic Pathology


Medical Transcriber

Forensic Document Examiner

Forensic Anthropologist

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COLLECT EVIDENCEApril 8, 2023 38dr.smmn's lecture

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PRESERVE EVIDENCEApril 8, 2023 39dr.smmn's lecture

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TRANSPORT EVIDENCEApril 8, 2023 40dr.smmn's lecture

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MAINTAIN CHAIN OF CUSTODYApril 8, 2023 41dr.smmn's lecture

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HANDLE THE BODYApril 8, 2023 42dr.smmn's lecture

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COLLECT PERSONAL BELONGINGSApril 8, 2023 43dr.smmn's lecture

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IDENTIFY THE VICTIMApril 8, 2023 44dr.smmn's lecture

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IDENTIFY THE VICTIMApril 8, 2023 45dr.smmn's lecture

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Some Some

careers in…

careers in…

Scene of Crime Officer/ Crime Scene Investigator

Fingerprint Examiner

State Pathologist/ Forensic Pathologist/Medical Examiner

Forensic Toxicologist

Forensic Pathology


Medical Transcriber

Forensic Document Examiner

Forensic Anthropologist

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EXPOSE FINGERPRINTSApril 8, 2023 47dr.smmn's lecture

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LIFT FINGERPRINTSApril 8, 2023 48dr.smmn's lecture

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Some Some

careers in…

careers in…

Scene of Crime Officer/ Crime Scene Investigator

Fingerprint Examiner

State Pathologist/ Forensic Pathologist/Medical Examiner

Forensic Toxicologist

Forensic Pathology


Medical Transcriber

Forensic Document Examiner

Forensic Anthropologist

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“click” title to

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INFORM THE PUBLICApril 8, 2023 51dr.smmn's lecture

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TESTIFY IN COURTApril 8, 2023 52dr.smmn's lecture

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Some Some

careers in…

careers in…

Scene of Crime Officer/ Crime Scene Investigator

Fingerprint Examiner

State Pathologist/ Forensic Pathologist/Medical Examiner

Forensic Toxicologist

Forensic Pathology


Medical Transcriber

Forensic Document Examiner

Forensic Anthropologist

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STUDY CHEMISTRY AND BIOLOGYApril 8, 2023 54dr.smmn's lecture

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CHEMICAL TESTINGApril 8, 2023 55dr.smmn's lecture

Page 56: A. introduction to forensic medicine


SAMPLE COLLECTION AND TESTINGApril 8, 2023 56dr.smmn's lecture

Page 57: A. introduction to forensic medicine

Some Some

careers in…

careers in…

Scene of Crime Officer/ Crime Scene Investigator

Fingerprint Examiner

State Pathologist/ Forensic Pathologist/Medical Examiner

Forensic Toxicologist

Forensic Pathology


Medical Transcriber

Forensic Document Examiner

Forensic Anthropologist

April 8, 2023 57dr.smmn's lecture

Page 58: A. introduction to forensic medicine


ASSIST THE FORENSIC PATHOLOGISTApril 8, 2023 58dr.smmn's lecture

Page 59: A. introduction to forensic medicine


XRAY BODIESApril 8, 2023 59dr.smmn's lecture

Page 60: A. introduction to forensic medicine

Some Some

careers in…

careers in…

Scene of Crime Officer/ Crime Scene Investigator

Fingerprint Examiner

State Pathologist/ Forensic Pathologist/Medical Examiner

Forensic Toxicologist

Forensic Pathology


Medical Transcriber

Forensic Document Examiner

Forensic Anthropologist

April 8, 2023 60dr.smmn's lecture

Page 61: A. introduction to forensic medicine


TRANSCRIBE FORENSIC INFORMATIONApril 8, 2023 61dr.smmn's lecture

Page 62: A. introduction to forensic medicine

Some Some

careers in…

careers in…

Scene of Crime Officer/ Crime Scene Investigator

Fingerprint Examiner

State Pathologist/ Forensic Pathologist/Medical Examiner

Forensic Toxicologist

Forensic Pathology


Medical Transcriber

Forensic Document Examiner

Forensic Anthropologist

April 8, 2023 62dr.smmn's lecture

Page 63: A. introduction to forensic medicine


EXAMINE PRINT MATERIALApril 8, 2023 63dr.smmn's lecture

Page 64: A. introduction to forensic medicine


ANALYSE HANDWRITINGApril 8, 2023 64dr.smmn's lecture

Page 65: A. introduction to forensic medicine

Some Some

careers in…

careers in…

Scene of Crime Officer/ Crime Scene Investigator

Fingerprint Examiner

State Pathologist/ Forensic Pathologist/Medical Examiner

Forensic Toxicologist

Forensic Pathology


Medical Transcriber

Forensic Document Examiner

Forensic Anthropologist

April 8, 2023 65dr.smmn's lecture

Page 66: A. introduction to forensic medicine



“click” title to

view video

“click” title to

view video

April 8, 2023 66dr.smmn's lecture

Page 67: A. introduction to forensic medicine


SUGGEST CAUSE OF INJURYApril 8, 2023 67dr.smmn's lecture

Page 68: A. introduction to forensic medicine

April 8, 2023 68dr.smmn's lecture

Page 69: A. introduction to forensic medicine

Thank you

April 8, 2023 69dr.smmn's lecture