Production Techniques Evaluation Your Name

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Production Techniques Evaluation

Your Name

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Graphic Design Experiments

Page 3: 2. production techniques evaluation pro forma(1)

Graphic Design Production

• Advantages of working in this medium– Allows for the user to work creatively, and uses

technological tools to expand the user’s capabilities, increasing their chances of fully actualising their ideas outside of normal reality.

• Disadvantages of working in this medium– Can be extremely convoluted and stressful at times,

taking time to acclimate to the system and committing the knowledge of it’s functions to heart.

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Graphic Design Production

Similarities: Both use models as a focus, both are predominantly red, and are geared towards those who appreciate glamour, beauty and sophistication.Differences: The real Coca Cola advertisement is more casual and informal, designed to appeal to casual drinkers; my poster is made for those who are attracted to pomp and opulence, appealing to a person’s sense of superiority and self-importance.

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Graphic Design Production

Slogan used to bolster the target’s sense of self-worth, likening them to deities above the rest of humanity.

The woman on the throne is presented as a regal and imposing figure, using the throne to bolster her superiority. This creates an image for the consumer to aspire to, increasing the desire for the product.

I used red for the background of the poster due it’s connotations with intensity, passion and excitement, something that nearly everyone desires in their life.

Added shadows to the logo so that it stood out against the other parts of the poster.

IMPROVEMENTS- Make the background red

deeper to match the colour of the Coca Cola logo.

- Change the colour of the slogan so it stands out more.

- Increase the amount of shadow behind the throne so that the area around the image is less contrasting.

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Radio Production

• Advantages of working in this medium– Allows the user to manipulate and alter sound, giving them the freedom to

create whatever audial products they wish. Similar to Photoshop, it provides a variety of functions that assist in the development of the product, lending the user power over an arsenal of editing tools.

• Disadvantages of working in this medium– Another similarity to Photoshop, the berth of tools and functions can be

overwhelming to those unfamiliar with the program, frustrating and intimidating those new to Adobe Audition. This can have adverse effects on the quality of the product, decreasing chances of making the product a success.

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Radio ProductionMy advertisement is a small, eleven second audio file created using assorted audio clips from the Internet. While it does serve its’ purpose, actual Coca Cola advertisements trump it in comparison. Due to the funding Coca Cola subscribes to their advertisements, they often are of an impeccably high standard, extremely hard to measure up to in the grand scheme of things.Real Coca Cola advertisements often contain uniquely recorded sounds and images, recorded using high-end recording equipment in contrast to the hand-held microphones we used.

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Radio ProductionStrengths – It flows together well despite the shoddiness of the sound clips, ending in a way that I am satisfied with. Said sound clips are of an acceptable volume and have served me well in the composition of the product.

Weaknesses – The sound stalls in a few places, an unfortunate side effect of inexperienced editing, and the sound clips clash slightly when the tracks switch, effecting the overall quality of the file.

Improvements – Further editing is required to refine the audio, focusing on the improving the overall flow of the tracks, melding them together so that the dissonance caused by their clashing is unnoticeable.

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Video Game ExperimentsThe sketches to the left are the prototype models of the original AdverGame I had planned. These ideas were cut from the final product due to the amount of time needed to construct and animate them, detracting from the overall quality of the product.

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Video Game Production

• Advantages of working in this medium– Gives the user the opportunity to animate their designs and allows for greater

freedom of creativity with introspect for future plans. The capability to string together separate frames and form them into a cohesive animation is enticing to many, birthing many prospective animators in the process.

• Disadvantages of working in this medium– Due to the constant maintenance and overview the animation needs,

combined with the tricky mechanics of building said animation, it can easily become frustrating and overwhelming. This can turn people off of animation, the confusion leading to mounting frustration and hatred of the topic.

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Video Game Production

My amateur attempt at creating a space invaders-style advergame for Coca Cola in pixel art. Due to my lack of skill in animation, I opted for minimalism in terms of design, in order to focus on the animation instead and not worry over the aesthetics of the piece.

This is the professionally made Space Invaders game, which is now one of the most iconic games in the world. Constructed by skilled programmers and designed by professional graphic artists, Space Invaders is renowned for it’s simplistic concept and addictive gameplay.

Both of these are rooted in the same concept of simplicity and functionality over complexity and appeal to the common market. Space Invaders, while very well-renowned, is not necessarily a mainstream game, somewhat overlooked due to lacking in glamour or notoriety compared to other modern gaming genres and franchises.

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Video Game Production

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• Which product do you believe advertises the product the best? Why?

The poster, which is noticeable to anybody with the capability to see and advertises Coca Cola’s superiority within the market. It’s colouration and imagery make it a bold standout in any environment, drawing the attention of any onlooker.

• Which of your products is the most professional? Why?

The radio advert, which can be perceived by anyone capable of hearing, and is lacking in any personal bias that the poster might convey. The only sounds used in the ad are realistic sound recordings of coca cola consumption, being based on factual data and observations.