NDL presentation in english

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National Dive League (NDL) — is the

organization which has developed a

large number of unique programs for

training of scuba divers and free diver.

NDL has the branched system of

diving clubs and schools of diving and

a free diving providing training in

scuba diving in Russia, CIS countries,

Baltics, Nord, Kazakhstan, Moldova,

EU, Greece, Thailand, Vietnam,

Malasia, Egypt, Dominican Republic

and other countries of the world.

The purposes and problems of National Dive of League


Preparation and training of scuba divers and free diver,

from fans to high quality professionals.

Development and advance of educational programs,

manuals, video records on training of scuba divers.

Diving promoting (scuba diving with an aqualung).

Increase of level of safety at occupations by diving.

Improvement of quality and service level when

rendering services in the field of diving.

Increase of a level of responsibility of professionals of


Environment protection.

Archaeological, scientific and historical researches.

Help and support of professionals of diving.

Diving or scuba diving with an aqualung is today a

widespread type of active tourism, which in power to


Safety of modern diving and free diving is today at so high

level as training in clubs and NDL schools is carried out

according to the uniform of

international ISO and EN standards.

EN of 14467:2004 and

"Recreational Diving Services – Requirements for

recreational scuba diving service providers"

ISO 24803:2007

"Recreational Diving Services – Requirements for

recreational scuba diving service providers

Certificate number: EUF – CB 2007003

NOVICE DIVER NDL conforms to the EN 14 153/ISO24802-1

"Supervised Diver" standard.

DIVER NDL conforms to the EN 14 153-2/ISO24801-2

"Autonomous Diver" standard.

DIVEMASTER NDL conforms to the EN 14 153-3/ISO24801-

3 "Dive Leader" standard.

INSTRUCTOR 1 RANK conforms to the EN 14413-

1/ISO24802-1 "Scuba Instructor Level 1" standard.

INSTRUCTOR 2 RANK conforms to the EN 14413-

2/ISO24802-2 "Scuba Instructor Level 2" standard.

Experts of National Dive League developed a set of courses of diving and a freediving, both for scuba divers of fans, and for the professionals which set make system of training of NDL.

Systematic approach in training is teaching books in which all stages of the organization and carrying out immersion with an aqualung are in details stated, also there are based necessary for the diver knowledge on physics, diving physiology, equipment, the general oceanology, practical skills, strict methodical sequence in material training, etc. are stated..

System of certification of divers of different levels of preparation.

Certification of the scuba diver, speaks about level preparation, experience and the most admissible depth for this scuba diver. For example, the scuba diver, trained to diving in Moscow or in Riga having arrived to diving club of Sharm el-Sheikh, Hurghada or To Tao and as confirmation of level of the preparation shows the international certificate of the diver – the license.

To check the license of the instructor or the diver always it is possible to check and confirm on a site


Methodical grants for professional instructors. It is an instructor manual – the book in which there is the complete abstract of lectures and scrupulously registered plan of creation of occupations.

Uniform base of the certified divers and freedivers, as fans and professionals.

On a site www.ndl-global.com it is possible to find quickly club or the instructor in your hometown, certified NDL.

Now the agreement between National Dive League and Department of the rescue and fire fighting forces, special fire protection and forces of civil defense of the Ministry of Emergency Situations about use of materials NDL for training of divers-rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is signed.

National Dive League according to this agreement transfers to Emercom of Russia the following materials:

"Diving. Amateur courses"

"Diving. Sub glacial immersions. Rescuer"

"Professional diving. Divemaster"

"First aid in urgent situations"

"Manual of the instructor of NDL"

The first interactive version of the textbook of NDL Diver for Ipad was published. The English and Russian version is laid out in a professional zone for free downloading by professionals of NDL. For nonprofessionals of NDL further the interactive version will be also placed for purchase in everyone in applestore

National Dive League for children:

We attract youth to a healthy lifestyle.

We impart them since the childhood love to the nature and the World Ocean.

We learn to care of environment

National Dive League and ecology:

The divers who were trained by us, constantly participate in actions and actions for environment protection, hydro technical and research works.

Instructors and schools with the certificate of National Dive League train wishing to diving in many countries of the world.

Our instructors and schools work practically at all popular world resorts. National federations in Egypt, Estonia, Vietnam, Malasia and Morocco are created.

So, National Dive League it:

Textbooks in different languages of the world. Among them unique, not having analogs

Programs for tourist diving, carrying out diving works, rescue of people and protection of the World Ocean.

Online training on a site

High-quality training of specialists.

Safety of life and health of underwater tourists and people working under water

Cleaning of reservoirs with attraction of a large number of divers

Interactive training for iPad

Textbooks are accepted for training of swimmers of Emercom of Russia

National federations in the different countries of the world according to the unified programs of training.

Attraction of youth to development and reverent attitude to the World Ocean.

Observance and compliance to the ISO international standards