Energy Systems Figure 2: http://ausfit.net.au/understandi ng-your-body-energy-systems/ Figure 1: https://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en &site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=13 66&bih=662&q=ENERGY+systems&oq=ENERGY +systems&gs_l=img.3..0l10.616.4107.0. 4269. ...0...1ac.1.64. img ..0.14.1190.Ky4cTS8apy8#hl=en& tbm = isch &q=real+ lightning + bolt & imgrc =XyGnpZheEr5zZM%3A

Energy systems

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Page 1: Energy systems

Energy Systems

Figure 2: http://ausfit.net.au/understanding-your-body-energy-systems/

Figure 1: https://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1366&bih=662&q=ENERGY+systems&oq=ENERGY+systems&gs_l=img.3..0l10.616.4107.0.4269.

Page 2: Energy systems

Reference List Figure 1:

https://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1366&bih=662&q=ENERGY+systems&oq=ENERGY+systems&gs_l=img.3..0l10.616.4107.0.4269. ( 9/11/16)

Figure 2: http://ausfit.net.au/understanding-your-body-energy-systems/ (9/11/16) Figure 3: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Animal_mitochondrion_diagram_unlabelled.svg

(9/11/16) Figure 4:

http://www.slideshare.net/sihamgritly/10-response-of-the-skeletal-system-to-exercise-osteoporosis-and-fitness-new (9/11/16)

Figure 5: http://images.slideplayer.com/9/2409827/slides/slide_13.jpg (9/11/16) Figure 6:

http://biology.stackexchange.com/questions/23571/why-is-the-krebs-cycle-considered-a-part-of-aerobic-metabolism-if-molecular-oxyg (9/11/16)

Page 3: Energy systems

Definition of EnergyEnergy is in different objects and it is something which “can be transferred from one

object to another or it can be converted into a different form”( wikipedia 9/11/16).

It is also the “ability of a system to perform work” it’s a common description but it can be mislead as energy isn’t necessarily available to do work ( wikipedia 9/11/16).

Energy in the body does a number of different things. It is used for:•Movement•Respiration•Nutrition•Sensitivity •Excretion •Growth •Reproduction

Page 4: Energy systems

Movement in the body In the body movement is needed for a number of different things. Movement is needed for:•Muscular contractions and movement •Circulation•Transmissions of nerve impulses•Digestion of foods•Repairing and replacing tissues

The first law of thermodynamics:Energy is neither created nor destroyed it is just simply transferred from one form of energy to another form.

Page 5: Energy systems

ATP- Adenosine Triphosphate

•Adenosine triphosphate can be found in almost every cell inside your body •The majority of ATP production is found in the mitochondria




Figure 3: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Animal_mitochondrion_diagram_unlabelled.svg



This is a chemical bond in ATP. When the bonds break they release energy. This then turns into adenosine diphosphate ( ADP) as there is only two phosphate involved.Simplified version:ATP- ADP+ P+energy

Page 6: Energy systems

Immediate Energy System- Creatine Phosphate

Figure 4: http://www.slideshare.net/sihamgritly/10-response-of-the-skeletal-system-to-exercise-osteoporosis-and-fitness-new

•The immediate energy system is also known as the ATP-PCr system•It is stored in the muscle and it is readily available to be used •It is made without oxygen •It is used when energy is required instantaneously•Used when you do high intensity exercise

•Training regularly a good healthy diet increases PCr •If you haven’t got enough creatine or want more than you can take creatine supplements •It reduces your recovery time and also helps to improve your speed

Page 7: Energy systems

Short Term Energy System- Lactic Acid

Figure 5:  http://images.slideplayer.com/9/2409827/slides/slide_13.jpg

•Used for high intensity exercise over long periods of time •Uses glycogen which is stored in your liver and in your muscles •It is made without oxygen

•Training helps to increase the lactic acid tolerance •It takes about 8 minutes for you to fully recover after exercise, although active recovery can help to bring it down•When your resting it goes back.

Page 8: Energy systems

Long Term Energy System- Aerobic Energy

Figure 6: http://biology.stackexchange.com/questions/23571/why-is-the-krebs-cycle-considered-a-part-of-aerobic-metabolism-if-molecular-oxyg










Glycolysis H3C



Kerb’s Cycle






•This is made over a longer period of time for lower intensity exercise •It uses oxygen to be made•It's used when you do exercise for over a minute

•Training increases [ mitochondria] and oxygen supply•It happens in the mitochondria ( kreb’s cycle)•They increase the number of red blood cells •Increase the oxygen supply •They increase by an epo tablet or by training hard

Page 9: Energy systems

System Molecule ATP Made

Immediate Creatine phosphate 1

Short Glucose 2

Short Glycogen 3

Long Glucose 38

Long Fatty Acids 129

Page 10: Energy systems

Duration Classification Energy Supplied By Sport Examples

1 to 4 seconds Anaerobic ATP (In muscles) Shot putt

4 to 10 seconds Anaerobic ATP+ CP Football (whilst on the ball)

10 to 45 seconds Anaerobic ATP+CP+Muscle glycogen


45 to 120 seconds Anaerobic, lactic Muscle glycogen 800m

120 to 240 seconds Aerobic & Anaerobic Muscle glycogen + lactic acid

Boxing ( 1 round)

240 to 600 seconds Aerobic Muscle glycogen+ fatty acids

1 mile run