Emma loves swimming One day there lived a girl called Emma and she lived with her mum and cat named skittles. They lived near a lake and didn’t have much money, but they just had enough to pay for Emma to go to school. Every day Emma would come home get the mail and then go for a swim in the lake. Emma loved swimming. She would dream every night about going to a swimming race, and she wished it will come true. One day she came home got the mail and ‘’what’’ she said ‘’ there is a letter for me’’ she dropped all the other mail and ran into her room. She jumped on her bed, she was that excited. She started slowly opening the mail. Then she ripped it open. ‘’congratulations’’ it said’ ’is that it’’ she dropped the letter and started to cry. The letter fell on the floor. She looked up and saw lots of writing on the back.’’ Yes ‘’ she screamed. She ran to her mum and said ‘’mum I’ll read you what it says’’ you have won and you are going to a swimming race, and even better the prize is lots of money’’. ‘’yes’’ mum and Emma screamed together. The next day she went to school and told everyone she got to go to a swimming race. ‘’ wow’’ one girl said. ‘’awesome’’ another girl said. ‘’so cool I love swimming’ ’said a very small and very shy girl. ‘’when is it’’ said a girl said with blood hair. ‘’it says it is 29 th of June’’ ‘’ oh’ ’said the girl.’’ That is tomorrow’’ ‘’ really’’ said Emma’ ’well then I have to get a move on’’. Start after school she did not get the mail or did not go for a swim in the lake she just went to her room and got her swim bag ready for

Emma loves swimming

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Page 1: Emma loves swimming

Emma loves swimmingOne day there lived a girl called Emma and she lived with her mum and cat named skittles. They lived near a lake and didn’t have much money, but they just had enough to pay for Emma to go to school. Every day Emma would come home get the mail and then go for a swim in the lake. Emma loved swimming. She would dream every night about going to a swimming race, and she wished it will come true. One day she came home got the mail and ‘’what’’ she said ‘’ there is a letter for me’’ she dropped all the other mail and ran into her room. She jumped on her bed, she was that excited. She started slowly opening the mail. Then she ripped it open. ‘’congratulations’’ it said’ ’is that it’’ she dropped the letter and started to cry. The letter fell on the floor. She looked up and saw lots of writing on the back.’’ Yes ‘’ she screamed. She ran to her mum and said ‘’mum I’ll read you what it says’’ you have won and you are going to a swimming race, and even better the prize is lots of money’’. ‘’yes’’ mum and Emma screamed together. The next day she went to school and told everyone she got to go to a swimming race. ‘’ wow’’ one girl said. ‘’awesome’’ another girl said. ‘’so cool I love swimming’ ’said a very small and very shy girl. ‘’when is it’’ said a girl said with blood hair. ‘’it says it is 29th of June’’ ‘’ oh’ ’said the girl.’’ That is tomorrow’’ ‘’ really’’ said Emma’ ’well then I have to get a move on’’. Start after school she did not get the mail or did not go for a swim in the lake she just went to her room and got her swim bag ready for tomorrow.

Page 2: Emma loves swimming

The next day Emma had a sleep in and she forgot that it was her big swimming day and just kept sleeping.’’ Emma ‘’ her mum called from the kitchen.’’ It’s time to go to school’ ’Emma woke up and looked at the time.’’ Its only 10 minutes until the bus leaves’’ she screamed. She quickly got dressed and had her breakfast and just got to school in time to get on the bus.’’ Bye mum’’ Emma said ‘’ bye sweaty’’ her mum said her mum. Emma sat down on the bus. Emma had no friends on the bus with her. She started to feel alone because everyone was talking but no one was talking to her.’’ I wish