you-have-dominion-over-time Kirk And Brends Robinson

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Kirk and Brenda Robinson

You Have

Dominion Over


Time is Your Servant



Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture

quotations are taken from the Holy Bible,

King James Version, Cambridge, 1769 of the


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Front cover photo by Sundials by Carmichael -www.sundialscuptures.com

Back cover photo by graymalkn via flickr.com

Copyright © 2010 by Spiritual 911

Spiritual 911 Publications 1950 Butler PK Suite 263 Conshohocken, PA 19428 www.spiritual911.com



13Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that the plowman shall overtake the

reaper, and the treader of grapes him that soweth seed; and the mountains shall drop

sweet wine, and all the hills shall melt. Amos 9:13


Time. Is there ever enough? Do you feel as if you are running out of time… to pay the rent, to find a job, to beat cancer, to find a husband or wife, to avoid repossession? How much easier would life be without the pressure of time?

First we must ask, what is time and why does it appear to have the power to cause pressure and anxiety in the lives of so many?

A dictionary definition of time is “a nonspatial continuum that is measured in terms of events which succeed one another


from past through present to future.” The bible records GOD’s creation of time in Genesis 1:14:

And GOD said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:


As we go about our everyday lives, we hear complaints that there are not enough hours in the day to accomplish all that we set forth to do, be it shuttling the kids to and from practice, making dinner or meeting a deadline at work. The current state of the US economy has millions of Americans racing against time to avoid foreclosure or eviction. People throughout the world who are suffering from incurable diseases are hoping and praying for a cure to be discovered before their time runs out. Each and every one of these people is hoping for more time. Just a little more time please. Time is exerting extreme pressure on people because time is a cruel dictator. These


people are operating under time when they don’t have to. The body of Christ is to operate above time!

Time is moving faster today than 4,000 years ago. In the news recently, there has been extensive coverage of the 8.8 magnitude earthquake that devastated Chile. The force was so strong that it shook the entire Earth on its axis . A prominent geophysicist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory reported that this shaking has caused the length of the Earth day to shorten by 1.26 microseconds.

The same thing happened during the 9.1 magnitude earthquake in 2004 off of the coast of Indonesia. That quake shortened the Earth day by 6.9 microseconds.

Without getting too technical, in both of these instances, the Earth shook so violently that the Earth’s mass was redistributed by a few inches. If you change the distribution of mass, the rotation rate changes. The shape of the earth changed, so the speed at which it rotates increased, thereby altering the


length of a day. Time was forever changed by the force of an earthquake.

We have access to a force stronger than any earthquake and that force is FAITH! With faith you can overrule time. You can cause time to move forward, backward, even pause. We will point out many instances in the bible where GOD does exactly that, and we are made in His image, Glory to GOD!


GOD created time, but He is not bound by time. He transcends time, and exists outside of it. He is the beginning and the end (Revelation 22:13.) Time only exists in the earth for a duration. GOD gave time a beginning point and an end point. Time only occupies space within the earth’s realm. Time doesn’t exist in heaven. GOD created time as a tool to be used by man. The Bible tells of this in the Book of Psalms:

When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which

thou hast ordained; What is man, that


thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? For thou hast

made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and

honour. Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou

hast put all things under his feet: Psalm 8:3-6

We have dominion over the works of GOD’s hands and this includes time. Our heavenly Father has put all things under our feet! Now, that right there is a reason to shout!

The enemy, with his low-down self, uses the very tool that GOD created for us, against us. He uses it to put pressure on us in order to make believers lose hope. Since hope undergirds our faith, Satan knows that without it our faith is diminished.

Without the pressure of time, Satan’s threats aren’t quite as threatening. When a person receives a bad report from their doctor, it’s the amount of time left that the doctor says is to be expected that can stir up feelings of hopelessness for the patient. If


the doctor said that the patient has an incurable form of cancer, but the survival rate and life expectancy were unknown, the patient is more likely to have hope than if the doctor said that the patient would live four to six weeks.

If you are behind on your car payments and bill collectors are calling, they won’t say, “We need you to make a payment soon or one day we’ll have to repossess the car.” No, they’ll say, “You must pay by Wednesday or we’ll repossess that car on Friday.” They are trained in using time to apply pressure.

You Can Move Time Forward

The good news is that we can override time and eliminate the pressure that Satan tries to place on our lives. Faith dominates time. We mentioned that we can cause time to move forward, backward, even pause. One of many examples in the bible of time being moved forward is John 11:1-44, which tells of the resurrection of Lazarus.


Jesus had been sent a message by two sisters, Mary and Martha that their brother Lazarus, whom Jesus loved, was sick. Jesus didn’t rush off to see Lazarus, instead He stayed where He was for two days and then went to Bethany where Lazarus was. When Jesus got there, Lazarus had already been buried four days.

When Jesus arrived, Martha told Jesus that had He been there sooner her brother wouldn’t have died. Jesus replied that her brother would rise again and Martha agreed that he would indeed rise again, but not until the resurrection at the last day. Jesus declared that He IS the resurrection and the life. Jesus superseded time and brought the last day to the present. There was no need to wait for the last day, Lazarus was to live again now. Glory to God!

So how was Jesus able to supersede time in this instance? By faith. He spoke words of faith. First, He thanked GOD for hearing His prayers then spoke to the problem at hand by saying what He wanted to see, which was Lazarus coming forth from the


grave. Just as important is what Jesus did not do. He did not pray a prayer of weakness. He did not say, “Oh Father, Lazarus is dead. What are we to do? Could you please do something… anything? LORD help your humble servant.” In other words, Jesus did not pray the problem nor did he pray a prayer of weakness. He thanked GOD for hearing His prayer.

And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to

his will, he heareth us:

And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions

that we desired of him. 1 John 5:14-15

Then Jesus spoke what He desired to see. Jesus knows who He is as the Son of GOD and the authority that He possesses because of His sonship. Well guess what, we are GOD’s children too and have the same authority to speak what we want to see and have it manifest. You see, the law of faith overrides the law of time.


At the time of this writing, there is constant talk in the media about how long it will take for the US economy to turn around. Economists and other “experts” give estimates that range from months to years. Not one has publicly said that the economy can be turned around overnight, but it is possible. I don’t mean that figuratively, the economy can be turned around by this time tomorrow! How do we know this? Take a look at II Kings 6:25:

And there was a great famine in Samaria: and, behold, they besieged it, until an ass's head was sold for fourscore pieces of silver, and the fourth part of a cab of dove's dung

for five pieces of silver.

The famine in Samaria was so severe that people were buying donkey heads for food and paying a terribly inflated price for them as well. The level of famine was almost incomprehensible, so bad that people were eating their own children as shown in verses 28-29.


28And the king said unto her, What aileth thee? And she answered, This woman said

unto me, Give thy son, that we may eat him to day, and we will eat my son to morrow.

29So we boiled my son, and did eat him: and I said unto her on the next day, Give

thy son, that we may eat him: and she hath hid her son.

Just imagine the feelings of hopelessness and despair that the people of Samaria must have felt. The story continues into II Kings 7:1:

Then Elisha said, Hear ye the word of the LORD; Thus saith the LORD, To morrow

about this time shall a measure of fine flour be sold for a shekel, and two measures of

barley for a shekel, in the gate of Samaria.

The prophet Elisha spoke a prophetic word that the very next day there would be an abundance of food and it was going to be cheap too! Elisha was saying that they would go from famine to feasting within 24 hours.


Keep reading and you will see that on that same day, four lepers were at the city gate. They said to each other that they were going to die if they stayed at the gate and they were going to die if they went into the city where the famine was. They decided that on that evening they were to go into the camp of the Syrians figuring that although the enemy might kill them, there was a possibility that they would save the lepers. They figured they had a 50 / 50 chance with the Syrians and zero chance at the gate or in the city.

The lepers went into the enemy’s camp and found it abandoned. The LORD had made the Syrians to believe they heard chariots, so they became fearful and fled, leaving all of their possessions behind! Tents, horses, silver, gold, food and clothing were all there for the lepers taking. The lepers sent word of their find to the king of Samaria and all of Samaria went into the camp and gathered up the spoil. 2 Kings 7:16:

And the people went out, and spoiled the tents of the Syrians. So a measure of fine


flour was sold for a shekel, and two measures of barley for a shekel, according

to the word of the LORD.

You see, within 24 hours the economy turned completely. We should all have what Elisha had, 24 hour faith! This is the kind of faith that can shrink time from months or years down to hours minutes or seconds. What Elisha did here was speak only what GOD said about the situation. We are to do the same thing. Declare what GOD declares despite what you see with your natural eyes. Your spiritual eyes see the truth. Your natural eyes can only see circumstances.

You Can Move Time Backward

We’ve seen time moved forward, but can time be moved backward? 2 Kings 20:1-11 tells us of King Hezekiah who was sick unto death. GOD spoke through the prophet Isaiah and said that Hezekiah was going to die. Hezekiah cried and prayed that the LORD remember that he lived his life to please GOD. The LORD again spoke through Isaiah and told Hezekiah that his


prayers were heard, he was healed, and in three days would walk on his own two legs into the Temple of GOD. The LORD said that Hezekiah would live fifteen more years, and his city would be protected from the attacks of the King of Assyria.

This word from GOD wasn’t quite enough to satisfy the King. He asked Isaiah what would be the sign to let him know that GOD had truly healed him. Now, you may be thinking, “My goodness, if GOD, Himself said that He would do a thing, shouldn’t that be all that you need to hear?” It should be enough, but many of us are guilty of this very same thing every day. We have written record of GOD’s Word telling us that we are healed, we are wealthy, we have perfect peace and so on. Still many Christians will not believe that they are healed until their symptoms disappear. They won’t believe that they are wealthy until their bank statement shows a high balance. Is this not the same thing that Hezekiah was doing? When the Pharisees had Jesus in the flesh, standing in front of them, they tempted Him by asking for a sign from heaven.


11And the Pharisees came forth, and began to question with him, seeking of him a sign

from heaven, tempting him.

12And he sighed deeply in his spirit, and saith, Why doth this generation seek after a sign? verily I say unto you, There shall no

sign be given unto this generation. Mark 8:11-12

Now, continuing with Hezekiah, Isaiah said that Hezekiah had a choice of what the sign would be. GOD would either make the shadow on the sundial move forward by 10 degrees or backward by 10 degrees. Hezekiah said that the shadow always moves forward and that would be easy. So, he chose to have the shadow move backward. Let’s take a look at 2 Kings 20:11:

So Isaiah called out in prayer to GOD, and the shadow went back ten degrees on Ahaz's sundial.


You Can Pause Time

Then spake Joshua to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in

the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley

of Ajalon. And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun

stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day.

Joshua 10:12-13

In this scripture we find Joshua and the army of Israel fighting the Amorite kings who were attacking the city of Gibeon. The LORD fought with Israel and killed many of the enemy with hailstones and Israel killed many with their swords. Joshua stood in front of Israel and told the sun and moon to stand still in order for there to be daylight long enough to defeat the enemy. The sun and moon obeyed and it was light for the entire day.


Truly, time is moving faster today than 4,000 years ago, but the method to control it is still the same. Time is controlled in one way, by faith. Time can’t be controlled by fear. If you fail to exercise dominion over time, which was given to you by GOD, you will find yourself running out of time. Now is the season to use this divine mechanism. Believers, use your faith to control time. Keep filling the atmosphere with faith by opening your mouth and speaking aloud. Faith is always now, so tell time what to do!

When Satan tries to put time pressure on you, speak to it. Say, “Satan I bind you in the Name of Jesus. Psalm 8:6 says that GOD has given me rule over everything He has created and that includes time. There is no time in heaven and I call heaven to earth now, in Jesus’ Name!”

Now continue to thank GOD and praise Him for His goodness and mercy and watch as the things that GOD has purposed for your life begin to manifest.


Prayer for Salvation and Baptism in the Holy Spirit

And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be

saved. Acts 2:21

Heavenly Father, Your word says, “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” (Romans 10:9) I now confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord. I believe in my heart that that GOD has raised Him from the dead. I am asking that Jesus come into my heart and be the Lord over my life.

I am now born anew! I am saved! I am a child of Almighty GOD! Father, I ask that you fill me with Your Holy Spirit. Your Word says, “If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?” As I praise You Father, let your Holy Spirit move within me and perfect my praise. Just


as in Acts 2:4, I fully expect to receive my heavenly language and speak with other tongues as the Holy Spirit gives me the utterance.