Understanding & Overcoming Kashay by Sudhir M. Shah Ange r Ego Decei t Gree d Aversion Attachment

Understanding and Overcoming kashay

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Understanding & Overcoming Kashay

by Sudhir M. Shah

Anger EgoDeceit Greed

Aversion Attachment

What is Kashay?

“Anomaly of soul” arising out of passions of the worldly life (Samsar)

What is Kashay?

“A survival mechanism”

to mask our insecurities, fears and inadequacies

What it means to be a Jain?

– Follow a path of JINA, (JINA - the victors of “worldly passions”)

Engage in activities that helps overcome these “passions”(Kashay). These arise out of attachment(rag): leading to greed and ego and aversion(dvesh): leading to deceit and anger.

To overcome Kashay (anger, deceit, ego, greed)

Because Kashay binds karma to soul & prevents its liberation (freedom)

Primary Objective of a Jain

How to Overcome Kashay?

Mahavirswami said

“Conquer anger by forgiveness,

deceit by straight-forwardness,

ego by humility and

greed by contentment” -Uttaradyayan Sutra

With this knowledge, why aren't we any closer to overcoming Kashay?

Society Encourages Kashay

• Comparison

• Competition

• Judgment – Right/Wrong

• Looking Good

• Dominating/Control

Run by Carrot(Greed) & Stick(Fear)

Society Encourages Kashay

• Religious Leaders

• Political Leaders

Establish Norms and Memes in order to maintain their control over the masses.

• In the name of preventing chaos and creating order

Supposed to Happen

Spiritual World




What Happened

Spiritual World


Society(Samsara) Kashay

1. Ignorance: For one reason or the other, Jain householders have refrained from studying scriptures and understanding the philosophy intertwined in it. Masses almost entirely relied on the second hand knowledge from monks. Our blind following of many of our traditional practices have perpetuated our ignorance.

2. Communities got caught-up in ritualistic activities and lost sight of the objective itself. (I define ritualistic activity as any activity carried out without understanding its meaning and/or its purpose)

What Happened

what is the solution? How does one overcome Kashay in a practical sense?

The first step we need to take is to shed delusion (Mithyatva)

The capacity to free ourselves from kashay is within us

and not in the hand of any external source

“We are not human beings

having a spiritual experience.

We are spiritual beings having a human experience”

— Chardin

Anger (Krodh)

Internal anger, which may or may not be manifested externally

External anger, which may or may not have an internal component.

Anger (Krodh)

Reasons for anger:

Arises out of Aversion

1. Old  resentments  

2. Failed expectations

3. Threat – real or perceived / Hunger

Karma Sanskara

(Under the impulse of previous impressions)

I found overcoming anger to be a two step process

1. Stop 'New' anger from developing. The cause of this new anger is unfulfilled expectations usually from others.

2. Getting rid of old anger/resentment.

Bringing closure

Wiping the slate clean

How to overcome anger

Stop New Anger

• Accept others the way they are and the way they are not

• Understand that as human beings we all have “flows”

• Observe/listen without judgment

Getting rid of old anger/resentment

• Antidote – FORGIVENESS

• Forgiveness is not about the other person, it is all about you.

• True forgiveness sets us free, so that we are not continually re-victimized by our wounds.

“Forgiveness isn’t about letting him or her off the hook… it’s about taking the knife out of your own soul”


•First forgive yourself – you can not forgive others if you do not forgive yourself

•It needs to be a genuine one

•It needs to be unconditional

Forgiveness not only makes us whole once again, it energizes us and makes our world more beautiful than ever.

• Another great tool that helps stopping new anger, comes from our traditional greetings. "Jai Jinendra".

• Instead of viewing it as a glory to Jinas (who are already liberated!), view an image of Jina in the other person. You certainly would develop a different level of respect for all individuals you greet this way, melting down your anger as well as your ego.

• We need to bring Jina out of our temples and in to our day to day life!

Other thoughts

Modern behavioral science technique

• 'Neuro-linguistic programming'

• Here, one learns to 'scratch' out old memories and links the triggers of these painful memories to new positive memories.


Reasons for Deceit:

Arises out of Aversions

1.Fear of loss – relationship / material

2.Fear of looking bad

3.Survival – avoiding “punishment”

Karma Sanskara

(Under the impulse of previous impressions)

Straightforwardness 1. Being transparent – what you are inside… you are outside – a liberating experience

2. First step – be straight with yourself

3. Understanding that deceit will not overcome fear – it enslaves you in perpetual fear

Antidote for Deceit


Reasons for Ego:

Arises out of Attachment

1. Desire to look good  

2. Desire to be right / making others wrong

3. Desire to dominate

Karma Sanskara

(Under the impulse of previous impressions)

Humility1.Understand that we are no different than others Inherently perfect and yet in action, “flowed” like others.

2.Trying to “look good” is meaningless exercise.

3.According to Jain scriptures “tap” and “daan” should remain anonymous – we should stop flaunting it.

4.Sharing and contributing is an opportunity for us and not favor to others

Antidote for Ego


Reasons for Greed:

Arises out of Attachments

1. Fear of loss – relationship / material

2. Need to dominate /avoid domination

3. Need to look good / not look bad 

Karma Sanskara

(Under the impulse of previous impressions)

Contentment 1. Abundance mentality v/s scarcity mentality

2. Non-attachment

3. “Persparopgraho Jivanam” – Be present to who you are and the impact your actions make

4. Stop trying to “look good”

Antidote for Greed

My daily practices to live kashay free

• Start the day with GRATITUDE exercise

• Create a day – Who am I going to BE today and let my action and my feelings come from what I create and not the circumstances

• Live in NOW - moment by moment


• Be aware - take an account of my day

Additional thoughts

• Take 100% RESPONSIBILITY of your life – every aspect of your life

• Understand that you are not a “victim”

• You are where you are because of the choices you made.

• Only you have the power to make those choices you can also make different choices

• Do not worry about being perfect

• Just take action

• Research, study, knowledge, understanding, dreaming, even desire …. does not produce results.

• Only ACTION produces RESULTS

What action/s are you taking?

Make a commitment


A poem by Tagore

• Go not to the temple to put flowers upon the feet of God, First fill your own house with the fragrance of Love.• Go not to the temple to light candles before the altar of God, First remove the darkness of sin from your heart.• Go not to the temple to bow down your head in prayer, First learn to bow in humility before your fellowmen.• Go not to the temple to pray on bended knees, First bend down to lift someone who is down trodden.• Go not to the temple to ask for forgiveness for your sins, First forgive from your heart those who have sinned against you.