Stephen Was Full Of It! Slides, 9/8/13

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Stephen  was  FULL  of  it!  

And  what  they  said  pleased  the  whole  gathering,  and  they  chose  Stephen,  a  man  full  of  faith  and  of  the  Holy  Spirit,  …  

Acts  6:5  ESV  

And  Stephen,  full  of  grace  and  power,  was  doing  great  wonders  and  signs  among  the  people.    

Acts  6:8  

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And  Stephen,  full  of  grace  and  power,  was  doing  great  wonders  and  signs  among  the  people.  Then  some  of  those  who  belonged  to  the  synagogue  of  the  Freedmen  (as  it  was  called),  and  of  the  Cyrenians,  and  of  the  Alexandrians,  and  of  those  from  Cilicia  and  Asia,  rose  up  and  disputed  with  Stephen.  But  they  could  not  withstand  the  wisdom  and  the  Spirit  with  which  he  was  speaking.  

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Then  they  secretly  insDgated  men  who  said,  “We  have  heard  him  speak  blasphemous  words  against  Moses  and  God.”  And  they  sDrred  up  the  people  and  the  elders  and  the  scribes,  and  they  came  upon  him  and  seized  him  and  brought  him  before  the  council,  and  they  set  up  false  witnesses  who  said,  “This  man  never  ceases  to  speak  words  against  this  holy  place  and  the  law,  for  we  have  heard  him  say  that  this  Jesus  of  Nazareth  will  destroy  this  place  and  will  change  the  customs  that  Moses  delivered  to  us.”  

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And  gazing  at  him,  all  who  sat  in  the  council  saw  that  his  face  was  like  the  face  of  an  angel.  

Acts  6:8-­‐15  ESV  

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3  Trials:  

1.  Ends  in  a  warning  to  Peter  &  John  (4:21),    2.  Ends  with  all  the  apostles  beaten  (5:40),    3.  Ends  in  Stephen’s  death.  

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Tipping  Point  

Jews  in  Jerusalem  

Ends  of  the  Earth  


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People’s  Favor  

•  Acts  2:47  –  immediately  a[er  Pentecost  •  Acts  4:21  –  a[er  lame  beggar  healed    

•  Acts  5:13  –  a[er  death  of  Ananias  &  Saphira  •  Acts  5:26  –  a[er  apostles  are  arrested  

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Why  Stephen?  

1.   Stephen  was  FULL!  

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Stephen  was  FULL  of:  

• Faith  • Holy  Spirit  • Grace  • Power  

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Therefore,  brothers,  pick  out  from  among  you  seven  men  of  good  repute,  full  of  the  Spirit  and  of  wisdom,  whom  we  will  appoint  to  this  duty.  

Acts  6:3  (ESV)  

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Why  Stephen?  

1.   Stephen  was  FULL!  2.   Stephen  was  so  FULL,  he  was  OPPOSED!  

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Fullness  of  God’s  Spirit  in  our  lives  will:  •  Draw  people  to  Jesus  •  AND  will  a^ract  criDcism/opposiDon  

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Why  Stephen?  

1.   Stephen  was  FULL!  2.   Stephen  was  so  FULL,  he  was  OPPOSED!  3.   Stephen  was  so  FULL,  he  SHINED!  

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“And  gazing  at  him,  all  who  sat  in  the  council  saw  that  his  face  was  like  the  face  of  an  angel.”    

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