Slow Dance

Slow dance

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  • 1. Slow Dance

2. Have you ever watched kidsOn a merry-go-round? 3. Or listened to the rainSlapping on the ground? 4. Ever followed a butterflys erratic flight? 5. Or gazed at the sun into the fading night? 6. You better slow down. Dont dance too fast. 7. Time is shortThe music wont last. 8. Do you run through each dayOn the fly? 9. When you ask How are you?Do you hear the reply? 10. When the day is done Do you lie in your bedWith the next hundred choresRunning through your head? 11. You better slow down. Dont dance too fast. 12. Time is shortThe music wont last. 13. Ever told your child,Well do it tomorrow? 14. And in your haste,Not see his sorow? 15. Ever lost touch,Let a good friendship dieCause you never had time To call and say Hi? 16. You better slow down. Dont dance too fast. 17. Time is shortThe music wont last. 18. When you run so fast to get somewhere,You miss half the fun to get there. 19. When you worry and hurry through your day,It is like an unopened gift Thrown away. 20. Life is not a race.Do take it slower. 21. Hear the musicBefore the song is over. 22. The above poem was written by a terminally ill young girl in a New York Hospital. It was sent by a medical doctor. The little girl has 6 months to live. As her dyingwish, she wished to send a letter telling everyone to live their lives to the fullest,since she never will. She will never make it to prom, graduate from high school, orget married and have a family of her own