The book is not about religion, theology or church, but it takes you into a deeper understandi ng of


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The book is not

about religion,

theology or

church, but it

takes you into a



of spirituality


The day will come when after we have mastered the

winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall

harness for God the energies of love.

Then for the second time in the history of the world,

man will have discovered fire.Teilhard de Chardin

Our lives are not static and stationary. There is constant

change. We are on a journey of growth, change and hopefully

transformation, growing into who we were created to be.

Go out into the wild … and open your heart and mind to

the mystery, magic and majesty of the natural world.

Satish Kumar

“This book is the outcome of decades of spiritual searching and itself the fruit of a pastoral practice rooted in ecological awareness. With painful honesty and a shining integrity Carolyn Reinhart guides us through the steps of her spiritual praxis and discovery, continually encouraging us by the excitement she has experienced and shares. Many will resonate with the obstacles she has overcome – like institutional religion and theology’s attempts to downgrade spirituality, or at least to fail to recognize its crucial significance; as well as the obtuse and off-putting nature of much technical jargon associated with theology. The vision of spirituality is here one that can be embraced by many world religious traditions.” Professor Mary Grey

Green economics needs to be an authentic green. It cannot be the

brown of desertification and deforestation. It cannot be the red of

violence against nature and people, or the unnecessary conflicts

over natural resources—the land and water, seeds and food.

As Gandhi said, “the Earth has enough for everyone’s needs, but

not for some people’s greed.” Dr Vandana Shiva



"A Fruit-Bearing Spirituality” includes a

consideration of our humanity and spirituality; our

spiritual journey; transformation and growth;

relationships; integrating the personal and social;

how to change; the context/organization and the

relationship of Spirituality with Quantum Physics. Carolyn Reinhart

A Fruit-Bearing Spirituality connects any sort of inward journey with

an outward movement toward community and justice. Second, it uses

quantum physics to undergird the efficaciousness of spirituality. Carolyn Reinhart

Every one who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a

spirit is manifest in the laws of the Universe-a spirit vastly superior to that of man, and

one in the face of which we with our modest powers must feel humble Einstein

Throughout my whole life, during every minute

of it, the world has been gradually lighting

up and blazing before my eyes until it has

come to surround me, entirely lit up from


-- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin


Our journey of change and transformation really affects the whole of our

lives: our bodies, minds and spirits; how we spend our time, money, and

resources; our friendships and relationships; our politics, sexuality, energy,

family and so on. There is not one aspect of our lives that is untouched. Carolyn Reinhart

The whole earth is our home and yet we develop a sense of place and a spiritual connection with the place where we actually live. Satish Kumar

Our lives are journeys which we live alone and also share with others. Our spirituality

evolves as we choose our responses to what is happening in us and around us each

moment. It comes from inside us and is evolving constantly as we interact with our

world around us. We are in a process of living life – a process that

is not me or you, but forms and informs and makes us. Carolyn Reinhart

Many persons who study spirituality grow in knowledge and perhaps good feelings. Yet nothing emerges into the world because growth is not obtained or realised. The reason is that Fruits from the Bottom Up they have approached spirituality as though it is a theory. It has theoretical components, but it also is a practice.

“Spirituality is no longer a luxury of life ... But appears as an

absolute imperative for human sanity and survival.

Spirituality is essential to all human flourishing, wherever we

live, whether in religious or secular surroundings.” Ursula King

In your light I learn how to


In your beauty, how to make


You dance inside my chest,

Where no one sees you,

But sometimes I do,

And that sight becomes this

art. Rumi


• Earth, God and humans are profoundly interconnected.

• The environment can inspire us to experience and feel connected with the Divine through:its beautyconcern for our planet and survival

© C Reinhart



• action and contemplation

• social and personal worlds

• outward and inward

• permeating personal and political Carolyn Reinhart© C Reinhart


KEY HALLMARKS of living spirituality

• people “are” what they are talking about

• Not power “over” people

• But “with” people

• Not discriminating

• Excluding no one

© C Reinhart



• personal and social, • ourselves, others, sacred and our world • widest possible range human experience • body, mind and spirit • personal growth • inner potential• growing into fullness created to be • recognising interdependence “with”– one another and world Carolyn Reinhart

© C Reinhart

Reinhart‘s book provides the most comprehensive guide that I have seen to a practical

spirituality for humanity’s current situation … embodied, transformative of both individual and

community, trans-doctrinal and open to all dimensions of the cosmos … she draws detailed

guidelines for communities of enquiry striving for this transformation … analyses the different

dimensions of the emerging spiritual paradigm, drawing on science, social theory and

spiritual teaching. The hub of her conception is praxis: integrating being and doing …

theory and practice …

intertwined, informing each

other. Many insights emerge:

… oppressors and oppressed

need to change … “the real

journey takes place in the

depths of our souls …

psychological, social,

cultural, political, economic,

ecological and cosmological

”... an important book for

understanding and

engaging with

contemporary spirituality.

Chris Clarke, Formerly Professor of Applied Mathematics at the University of Southampton, UK

Anyone not shocked by Quantum Theory has not understood it.—Neils Bohr

The day will come when after we have mastered the winds, thewaves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energiesof love. Then for the second time in the history of the world, manwill have discovered fire.—Teilhard de Chardin

We are One

Some dimensions of spirituality are very broad. Spirituality is both

personal and social, and has to do with the uniqueness of our being.

It is non-material and is also a process in which we follow our own path,

on our own journey.

It gives us life. It is something a reflective person knows and is aware of

in varying degrees. It is different from humanitarianism. Our spirituality

informs and forms all aspects of our lives.

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