Acts 21 - 23 Paul’s Arrest It’s Painful Outside of God’s Will God’s Will Prevails Ephesians, Colossians , Philippians, Philemon

Paul's arrest

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  • 1. Acts 21 - 23 Pauls Arrest Its Painful Outside of Gods Will Gods Will Prevails Ephesians, Colossians , Philippians, Philemon
  • 2. Should Paul have gone to Jerusalem? Read Act 21:4,5 4 We sought out the disciples there and stayed with them seven days. Through the Spirit they urged Paul not to go on to Jerusalem. 5But when our time was up, we left and continued on our way. All the disciples and their wives and children accompanied us out of the city, and there on the beach we knelt to pray.
  • 3. It appears it was not Gods desire for Paul to go to Jerusalem But he did. Why? Paul was given a second warning by Agabus. 21: 10
  • 4. A decision and desire can grow on you. Beware what you wish and hope for!! Is it in Gods will? He really wanted to go to Jerusalem. Why? The clue - Romans 9:1-5 He already decided to go to Jerusalem sometime back. Acts 19:21 We can have strong and noble desires BUT .. is it Gods will?
  • 5. There were other occasions when Paul was prevented from going to a place (Acts 16:6,7) and Paul obeyed; but not this time. His own desire ( the flesh) took hold The last attempt to prevent him by Agabus failed. So we read : 21: 14 When he would not be dissuaded, we gave up and said, "The Lord's will be done."
  • 6. Paul really love Israel, his people, his culture, the rituals, etc His desire was to reach out to them We can have strong and noble desires to do certain things BUT .. It may not be Gods will for us. Paul wanted to minister to the Jews exclusively in Jerusalem but his calling and ministry was primarily to the Gentiles - Acts 9:15
  • 7. Paul really love Israel, his people, his culture, the rituals, etc His desire was to reach out to them
  • 8. Did Paul sees himself as following the steps of Jesus on his final journey to Jerusalem, as a sacrifice for the Jews perhaps? Jesus had the full will of God for what He did. Did Paul? What is the difference between Paul and Jesus?
  • 9. Acts 21:17-26 Paul arrives in Jerusalem. He was a Jew so he observed all the customs. So why are we not practicing the Law inspite of what Jesus said in Matt 5? Who are the Laws made for? So what Jesus said in Matt 5 applies to whom? Are the Jewish customs to be abolished today in this age of the Church? Matt 5:17-20.
  • 10. Acts 21:17-26 Paul arrives in Jerusalem. He wants to do things so he can gain favor with the Jews BUT .. .. when you are out of Gods will, there some futility in what we do.
  • 11. There are consequences for being outside of Gods will. Chap 21:27 Chap 23 Things goes downhill for Paul in Jerusalem 21:27-35 He got himself arrested 23:1-11 His trial took a wrong turn 22:1-21 His testimony was rejected
  • 12. We can learn from another person who wanted to hurry Gods will - Abraham Acts 23:11 Love of Christ brings Paul back on track but his ministry is made more difficult .. as a prisoner in chains There are consequences when we move out of Gods will and the road back will be painful for us but His Will always prevails.