Prospective of the Liturgy-Part X DIVINE LITURGY OF ST. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM PREPARATION OF THE BREAD Ipodiakonos Zoran j. Bobic

Part 10 historical prospective of the liturgy preparation of the bread

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Page 1: Part 10 historical prospective of the liturgy preparation of the bread

Historical Prospective of the Liturgy-Part X



Ipodiakonos Zoran j. Bobic

Page 2: Part 10 historical prospective of the liturgy preparation of the bread

Preparation of the gifts: BREAD It begins with 3 small bows before the table of preparation;


Hosts from small loaves of fresh leavened bread;

Loaves are called: “prosphory”;

5 used total; = this represents 5 thousand people which Christ fed;

Christ used unleavened bread on the Last Supper (paschal meal);

Until 7th century – no distinction between “unleavened” and “leavened” bread;

We use leavened bread from 6th century;

Page 3: Part 10 historical prospective of the liturgy preparation of the bread

On top IC XC NI KA = Jesus Christ Conquers;

Constantine the Great: “In hoc signo vinces”;

Historically: Pagans often stamped their bread with symbols or inscriptions;

Our first inscription came in 11 century;

Preparation of the bread and wine was the function of the Deacon;

The covering was reserved for priest;

The change came in 15th century;

Page 4: Part 10 historical prospective of the liturgy preparation of the bread

Cut the large host with liturgical lance (“kopia”);

Every time make the sign of the cross with the prayer;

Cuts four sides and lifts out the square;

Place the square on “diskos”;

In “proskomidia” priest acts as prophet;

The above actions remained since 886 A.D.;

Square = “lamb”;

“lamb” borrows from The Book of Revelation;

St. John calls Son of God a “lamb” 27 times;

In OT lamb was offered in the Temple;

The blood of the lamb saved the firstborn of the Israelites;

In Liturgy bread and wine will be changed into body and blood of Christ;

Page 5: Part 10 historical prospective of the liturgy preparation of the bread

“proskomidia” prepares, prophesies and prefigures what will take place in the Eucharist Sacrifice – like in OT;

Cutting of the cross prefigures the un-bloody Sacrifice of the Eucharist Lamb;

The sense of oblation and immolation was present since 8th century;

We do not know when the words were added exactly, but they certainly date back to 10th or 11th century;

Piercing of the bread with liturgical lance symbolize piercing of Christ’s side on Calvary.