HOW COULD YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN YOUR GOD? Gospel Doctrine Book of Mormon Lesson 34 Helaman 6-12

LDS Gospel Doctrine Book of Mormon Lesson 34

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Gospel Doctrine Book of Mormon Lesson 34 Helaman 6-12

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“No other written testament so clearly illustrates the fact that when men and nations walk in the fear of God and in obedience to his commandments, they prosper and grow, but when they disregard him and his word, there comes a decay that, unless arrested by righteousness, leads to impotence and death.”

-Gordon B. Hinckley (Ensign, Nov 1979, 8)

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➤ Pride Cycle

➤ We all know it. Why do we talk about it so often?

➤ How can we approach it differently?

➤ Where are the potential breaking points in the cycle?

➤ How do some succeed in truth despite prosperity?

➤ How can we learn from Nephi’s experience?

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➤ Nephi & Lehi (brothers, sons of Helaman) preach to the Lamanites

➤ They are saved from the prison and the people are surrounded by fire and converted

➤ The bloodthirsty, rebellious Lamanites were changing their hearts.

➤ Helaman 6:1, what’s the difference between firm and steady? Why does he cite both?

➤ What’s happening to the Nephites?

➤ Helaman 6:2, they are hardened, impenitent and grossly wicked. They reject teaching.

➤ How do the newly-converted Lamanites react?

➤ Helaman 6:3-5, the power of a true convert is remarkable!

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THE NEPHITES BECOME PROUD AND WICKED➤ Helaman 6:9, 12, 16, 17 - they grow in wickedness

➤ 17: We are free from bloodshed, and wars, are we ripe for this type of problem?

➤ Helaman 6:21-22, Satan’s covenant counterfeit

➤ Helaman 6:29, 31, How does Satan “get hold of our heart”?

➤ 2 Nephi 9:30, Wo unto the rich

➤ What can we do to defend against it?

➤ The Lamanites push out the Gadianton Robbers but the Nephites give them refuge. They overtake the government.

➤ They didn’t mutiny or use guerrilla warfare. They were elected. Value of voting.

➤ Hugh Nibley: “If the reader has imagined to himself the Gadianton band as abandoned wretches or street Arabs lurking in dark alleys and fleeing from the light of day in dingy and noisome hideouts, let him disabuse his mind of such a concept. They were a highly respected concern that made their handsome profits by operating strictly within the letter of the law, as they interpreted and controlled it. They were the government, the well-to-do, the respectable, and the law-abiding citizens.” (An Approach to the Book of Mormon, p. 385)

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➤ Nephi returns to Zarahemla and finds it riddled with corruption. He’s frustrated

➤ ATOT: Cleaning Jack’s room over and over again. I start to question if it’s worth it.

➤ Helaman 7:6-7

➤ “I have come to believe that this is worth knowing, not only for teachers, but for everyone. If you get a little depressed during those dreary days, do not begin to think that you're psycho-something-or-other. For missionaries, this was well worth knowing… We know from the Book of Mormon that there must be opposition…It helps a great deal if we realize that there is a certain healthy element in getting the blues occasionally. It is quite in order to schedule a good, discouraging, depressing day every now and again just for contrast.” (Teach Ye Diligently, p. 101–2)

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➤ Nephi goes up on his garden tower and prays for direction, pouring out his soul (11).

➤ Others hear him and gather to listen

➤ Helaman 7:16,20

➤ These were his people, his mission, his converts. He’s frustrated and sad.

➤ What does it mean to ‘give way’?

➤ Lehonti principle (come down just a little bit, Alma 47)

➤ In what areas of your life have you ‘given way’?

➤ How can we get back on track? Helaman 7:17, Turn!

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➤ Nephi teaches, Gadianton members get angry. They don’t throw stones they are smarter than that.

➤ Helaman 8:7, They ‘stir up’ the people against him.

➤ ATOT: Cooking coconut cream pie filling.

➤ Stirring is different than mixing or whisking. It implies a slow, methodical change from one state to the next. Imperceptible.

➤ Are you being ‘stirred’? How can we remain steady?

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➤ Most don’t believe Nephi. Nephi announces that the Chief Judge (Seezoram) has been murdered by his brother (Seantum).

➤ Law and Order episode (chapters 8 & 9)

➤ 5 men run and see the Judge murdered. They pass out from being converted to Nephi’s words. (9:5)

➤ Others see them and haul them to prison (9:9)

➤ The non-believers accuse Nephi of conspiracy. They try to bribe him. He doesn’t take the bait (9:21)

➤ He gives them a play-by-play version of the confession of Seantum.

➤ Why does he show them signs? Helaman 9:36-37, 39

➤ Result? Helaman 9:41-10:1

➤ Whether he was a prophet or a God, they should have stayed to hear him.

➤ Why are we commanded to avoid contention? It distracts us.

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➤ Nephi is struggling and ‘much cast down’. He starts to head home (10:2)

➤ Helaman 10:4-5

➤ What does the Lord praise him for? Unwearingness.

➤ Remember he was ‘cast down’. He probably felt pretty weary.

➤ The Lord doesn’t hold that against us. He faith never ‘wearied’.

➤ What does he promise them? I will make thee mighty.

➤ Mighty in word, deed, faith & works

➤ Helaman 10:6-7

➤ He know us by name. He gives Nephi sealing power.

➤ Helaman 10:11-12, 17

➤ He immediately turns and teaches. Pray to be made mighty!

➤ ATOT: Elder Pearson’s message, Adult session, Youth session, Stk Conf

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THE UNREPENTANT NEPHITES FACE WARFARE AND FAMINE➤ The people grow in wickedness, civil war breaks out

➤ Helaman 11:4, Why does he pray for famine instead of war?

➤ He wants to give them time to repent, mercy (yr 72)

➤ ATOT: The blessing of a drawn out adversity

➤ The whole land is cursed (Lamanties and Nephites suffer and die by the thousands)

➤ Helaman 11:7, They turn towards God (and beg Nephi to help them)

➤ Helaman 11:11-12, Nephi prays for relief

➤ Helaman 11: 14, Nephi announces that he brought on the famine. Why would he do that?

➤ Helaman 11:17-18, (yr 76) the Lord starts to heal the land - in it’s season.

➤ This wasn’t manna from heaven, they had to be patient, work and wait

➤ He wanted to teach them to sustain themselves on faith and works

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➤ (yr 80) Nephite dissenters and wicked Lamanites join forces and begin secret bands. They hide in caves and wreak havoc.

➤ Helaman 11:36-37, (yr 85, 7 BC)They ‘ripen’ for destruction.

➤ ATOT: Picking apricots, they are low hanging fruit for Satan

➤ Chapter 12: Editorial from Mormon on the pride cycle

➤ Helaman 12:1-3

➤ How many of us are praying right now for ‘increase’ (vs 2)?

➤ Increase it security, wealth, status, health, etc.? Why does the Lord withhold them from us? Helaman 12:5

➤ He will not try us beyond our capacity. Neal A. Maxwell quote (next slide)

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“Just as no temptations will come to us from which we cannot escape or which we cannot bear, we will not be given more trials than we can sustain…The gospel glow we see radiating from some – amid dark difficulties – comes from illuminated individuals who are of good cheer. To be cheerful when others are in despair, to keep the faith when others falter, to be true even when we feel forsaken – all of these are deeply desired outcomes during the deliberate, divine tutorials which God gives to us – because He loves us. These learning experiences must not be misread as divine indifference. Instead, such tutorials are a part of the divine unfolding.

-Neal A. Maxwell, CR, Oct 1983

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➤ We have two choices

➤ 3 Nephi 9:14, come unto me

➤ Helaman 7:16, give way

➤ What can strengthen us to make the better choice?

➤ Follow Nephi’s lead.

➤ 1. Be obedient despite apparent failure

➤ 2. Pray to be made mighty

➤ 3. Turn and teach with humility

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“ Seek for the real things, not the artificial. Seek for the everlasting truths, not the passing whim. Seek for the eternal things of God, not for that which is here today and gone tomorrow. Look to God and live.

-Gordon B. Hinckley, Teachings of G.B.H., pg 494)