“A Chosen Generation” GD NT Lesson 43: 1 & 2 Peter, Jude

GD NT Lesson 43: MeckMom LDS Gospel Doctrine Lesson 43

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“A Chosen Generation”GD NT Lesson 43: 1 & 2 Peter, Jude

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IntroductionATOT: Compare cutting ripe apples to finding the rotten apple in the basement. The seeds were identical and had the same potential.

When Heavenly Father sees us - he sees far beyond the flesh. He sees the orchard we are intended to become.

How does our divine potential influence the way we live and look at our circumstances?

The epistles of Peter and Jude help us live worthily as children of God and inspire us to see our true potential

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Who was Peter?Remembering Peter

Where did he begin?

What did he see?

What was his role?

How would his perspective on Christ be distinct?

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HistoryMost likely written from “Babylon” (Rome)

Nero’s persecutions began around 64 A.D. The epistles were probably written between 62 & 64 A.D.

Written to the ‘elect of God”

Written in preparation for the coming trials

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Live in faith and holiness as a chosen generation

1 Peter 1:3-4

What is a lively hope? Where does it come from? Footnote b.

How is our inheritance incorruptible?

1 Peter 1:18-21

Redeemed = to purchase back, rescue

ATOT: The gold commercials on TV, why is it so valued above all other stocks?

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Live in faith and holiness as a chosen generation

1 Peter 1:7-9

Why is faith more precious than gold?

Why does it need to be ‘tried with fire’?

What is the ultimate purpose of our faith?

‘end of your faith’ - means goal or outcome

1 Peter 2:9

‘peculiar’ = special possession, treasured

Who is the ‘chosen generation?’

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Bruce R. McConkie…defined a chosen generation as “not those living in a particular period or age, but … the house of Israel both anciently, in the meridian of time, and now in these latter-days. … [It includes] faithful members of the Church who have taken upon themselves the name of Christ and been adopted into his family” (Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, 3 vols. [1966–73], 3:294).

What is our responsibility as the chosen generation? Matthew 5:16

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Follow the Savior’s example in enduring trials and persecution

1 Peter 2:19-20

‘buffeted’ = struck with fists

What’s the difference between struggles brought on by our own faults and struggles brought on through no fault of our own?

ATOT: Sam cleaning Vi’s room after she had dumped all her clothes on the floor. He paid the price for her mistakes. I appreciated his sacrifice all the more.

1 Peter 2:21-24

How did Peter’s first hand account affect his testimony?

‘stripes’ = bruises, cuts and welts created after Roman scourging

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Follow the Savior’s example in enduring trials and persecution

Think of the kindest, most Christ-like person you have known.

ATOT: Melissa H. in Ohio, Mindy H. in Utah

Now think of the biggest trial they endured?

Why is true kindness linked with overcoming unfair struggle?

If we know they are connected, why do we push back when struggles hit us?

1 Peter 3:14-17

How should we respond in such circumstances?

‘an answer’ = apologia = defense

1 Peter 4:12-14, how can we rejoice in our reproach?

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Partake of the divine nature and strive to make your calling and election made sure

2 Peter 1:4-7, attributes of divine nature (how do they build on each other?)

Faith > Virtue (obedience) > Knowledge >

How does obedience build knowledge?

Temperance (self-control) >

President Ezra Taft Benson taught, 'When we put God first, all other things fall into their proper place or drop out of our lives. Our love of the Lord will govern our claims of affection, the demands of our time, the interests we pursue, and the order of our priorities.’"

Patience > Godliness

Camille Fronk Olsen taught, [With godly patience] we forget about checking our preconceived agenda for life while losing ourselves in helping others progress along the trail. This patient response grows out of a willingness to have patience first with God...We don't know all that he has in store for us, but we are at peace knowing that it will be vastly superior to our myopically designed plan. Such patience ripens into eternal perspective."

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Partake of the divine nature and strive to make your calling and election made sure

Godliness (eternal sight) > brotherly kindness >

When we see as he does, our instinct to help and serve becomes automatic

Charity (pure love of Christ)

Camille Fronk Olson, "The progression from brotherly kindness to charity is not a giant leap...[But] Peter teaches us that we cannot simply jump to charity. Charity is given only after we receive the perfecting influence from all the other virtues...Paul taught that without charity any of the other attributes can become self-serving or self-lauditory, 'as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal.’ With God's gift of charity, the Lord stretches, strengthens and solidifies all the other virtues he has given to us.”

JST, Mark 8:37–38, whosoever shall be willing to lose his life for my sake…

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Partake of the divine nature and strive to make your calling and election made sure

2 Peter 1:10

What does it mean to make your calling and election sure?

To receive from the lord the issuance or promise of exaltation in the celestial kingdom.

D&C 131:5

Joseph Smith received his D&C 132:49

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Joseph Smith“After a person has faith in Christ, repents of his sins, and is baptized for the remission of his sins and receives the Holy Ghost (by the laying on of hands), … then let him continue to humble himself before God, hungering and thirsting after righteousness, and living by every word of God, and the Lord will soon say unto him, Son, thou shalt be exalted. When the Lord has thoroughly proved him, and finds that the man is determined to serve Him at all hazards, then the man will find his calling and his election made sure” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, sel. Joseph Fielding Smith [1976], 150).

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ConclusionWhat does our divine nature compel us to do?

Rosemary Wixom: Discovering the Divinity Within (General Women’s Session Oct 2015)

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf said, “God sent you here to prepare for a future greater than anything you can imagine.”9 That future, a day at a time, comes alive when you do more than just exist; it comes alive when you live your life to fill the measure of your creation. This invites the Lord into your life, and you begin to let His will become yours.

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Rosemary Wixom“Because you are His child, He knows who you can become. He knows your fears and your dreams. He relishes your potential. He waits for you to come to Him in prayer. Because you are His child, you not only need Him, but He also needs you. Those sitting around you right now in this meeting need you. The world needs you, and your divine nature allows you to be His trusted disciple to all His children. Once we begin to see the divinity in ourselves, we can see it in others.”

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Jeffrey R. Holland“Don’t give up. … Don’t you quit. You keep walking. You keep trying. There is help and happiness ahead. … It will be all right in the end. Trust God and believe in good things to come.”10