In the spirit of the psalmist who said, “My heart and my In the spirit of the psalmist who said, “My heart and my In the spirit of the psalmist who said, “My heart and my In the spirit of the psalmist who said, “My heart and my flesh sing for joy to the living God” (Psalm 84:2, flesh sing for joy to the living God” (Psalm 84:2, flesh sing for joy to the living God” (Psalm 84:2, flesh sing for joy to the living God” (Psalm 84:2, NRSV), we joyfully welcome you to worship. NRSV), we joyfully welcome you to worship. NRSV), we joyfully welcome you to worship. NRSV), we joyfully welcome you to worship.

Knightdale Baptist Church Aug 17 2014 Worship Bulletin

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Knightdale Baptist Church Aug 17 2014 Worship Bulletin

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Page 1: Knightdale Baptist Church Aug 17 2014 Worship Bulletin

In the spirit of the psalmist who said, “My heart and my In the spirit of the psalmist who said, “My heart and my In the spirit of the psalmist who said, “My heart and my In the spirit of the psalmist who said, “My heart and my flesh sing for joy to the living God” (Psalm 84:2, flesh sing for joy to the living God” (Psalm 84:2, flesh sing for joy to the living God” (Psalm 84:2, flesh sing for joy to the living God” (Psalm 84:2, NRSV), we joyfully welcome you to worship.NRSV), we joyfully welcome you to worship.NRSV), we joyfully welcome you to worship.NRSV), we joyfully welcome you to worship.

Page 2: Knightdale Baptist Church Aug 17 2014 Worship Bulletin

The Worship of God

Tenth Sunday after Pentecost August 17th, 2014

11:00 am Please take this time to complete our “Welcome Guests!” section of the bulletin if you are visiting with

us today, would like more information about KBC, or have prayer concerns.


Yours is the glory, loving Creator. Help us be humble before You as we worship

and praise Your name.


Prelude .................................................................................Dana Coleman

Words of Adoration......................Psalm 86:5-9.................... Congregation

Call to Praise............ There is None Like You........... Choir and Congregation There is none like You, no one else can touch my heart like You do

I could search for all eternity long and find, there is none like You.

Your mercy flows like a river wide and healing comes from Your hands

Suffering children are safe in Your arms, there is none like you.

Prayer of Invocation........................................................ Rev. Joe Johnston

Fellowship Greeting ..............................................................Rev. Johnston

Medley of Praise .......................10,000 Reasons

Bless the Lord, O my soul, oh, my soul; worship His holy name;

Sing like never before, Oh, my soul; I’ll worship His holy name.

Holy, Holy, Holy ................... No. 2(1,2,4)


Prayer of Thanksgiving and Adoration............................... Jeff Maynard

Page 3: Knightdale Baptist Church Aug 17 2014 Worship Bulletin

Offertory................................................................................ Ann Coleman

Pastoral Prayer ............................................................. Rev. Trent Sessoms

A Time for Children ........................................................ Monique Mackey

Song of Dedication......................Seek Ye First.............................. No. 478


Scripture Reading ............Matthew 6:25-34 (pg. 685) ............Rev. Johnston

Message ..........The Binary Language of the Spiritual Life .......... Rev. Sessoms


Song of Response ..........................I Surrender All ........................ No. 275

Benediction ............................................................................Rev. Sessoms

All hymn and chorus texts are copyrighted and used by permission under CCLI#775853.

All videotapes are copyrighted and used by permission under CVLI#501943570.

Thank You

A thank you card was received from Ernie Harrell. She says, “I am so grateful to all of you for remembering me with calls, cards, visits and especially prayers - not only during my recent hospitalization but also during my many trips to the hospital in the past several years when I was not well. Your kind acts of love and support have been comforting - helping me cope in difficult times. Thank you and God bless! The card is on the bulletin board in the Education Building.

Hebrew Words

perichoresis - God’s Love, specifically love among the Trinity

zoe (coupled with aeon) - eternal life

psyche - physical life

neshamah (Hebrew) / pneuma (Greek) - breath; spirit

Page 4: Knightdale Baptist Church Aug 17 2014 Worship Bulletin


Cemetery Committee Meeting - Monday, August 18th at 7:00 pm in the Conference Room. Finance Committee Meeting - Tuesday, August 19th at 7:00 pm in the Conference Room. Weathers/Knight Circle Meeting - Thursday, August 21st at 10:45 am in the Conference Room. Operation Christmas Child - KBC is collecting items for the Samaritan’s Purse shoebox ministry every month. For the month of August we are collecting school supplies: Pens, pencils, sharpeners, crayons, markers, stamps and ink pad sets, writing pads or paper, solar calculators, coloring and picture books, and Bibles. The collection boxes are at the bottom of the stairs in the Education Building and in the hallway at the back of the Sanctuary. Thank you for your contributions! Backpack Buddies - Thank you ALL for the ongoing food donations you provide for Backpack Buddies. The weekend meals are going to children at Knightdale Elementary School who might otherwise have little or no food from Friday until they return to school Monday morning. We need lots of kid-friendly non-perishable food items to maintain this ministry (a grocery list can be found in the vestibule for you to take home). Currently we have an urgent need of all items on the grocery list. The food collection bins are located in the Education Building and the vestibule of the Sanctuary. Thank you again for supporting this ministry. Food Pantry Sunday - August 31st is Food Pantry Sunday, so don’t forget your food pantry donations! Supporting our local Food Pantry is an on-going mission project of the Angelic Ministers. This ministry works best when everyone donates to the food pantry and then the Angelic Ministers will make arrangements to have the food delivered to the local pantry. Food collection barrels are located in the education building for you to place your food donations. Our local food pantry is very specific in what they give out, so please make sure you purchase only what is on the list (a grocery list can be found in the vestibule for you to take home), and please be mindful of expiration dates. They will not accept expired foods.

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Prayer Vigil - We will be having a 16 hour prayer vigil on Saturday, September 13th beginning at 7:00 am and ending at 11:00 pm. You will never be alone in the Sanctuary. A deacon or pastor will be present at all times. There will be a poster available soon for you to sign up for a time slot for you and your family to come to the church and pray. There will be boxes throughout the church buildings where you can add your prayer requests to the list of general concerns we as a church have. There will be a church-wide covered dish breakfast Sunday, September 14th at 8:30 am. Bring your favorites to the fellowship hall and share in a good breakfast and a time of fellowship. Drinks will be provided by the church. Bible study will follow in your own classrooms. If you don’t have a class, we will share with you what options are available. Hope to see a packed room!

New Bible Study

“If your enemy is hungry, give him bread to

eat, and if he is thirsty, give him water to

drink,” (Proverbs 25:21).

Forgiveness is not always easy. At times, it feels more painful

than the wound suffered, to forgive the one that inflicted it.

And yet, there can be no peace without forgiveness. When

carried too long, residual anger becomes crippling, consuming

time, energy, and, ultimately, our relationships. Forgiveness is

letting go of the weight that holds us down, finding freedom

to truly live. It is a gift we give to ourselves, more than the

other person. This September, join us on Wednesday nights

as we discuss the challenges that come with learning to

forgive, asking forgiveness, and finding peace through letting


Page 6: Knightdale Baptist Church Aug 17 2014 Worship Bulletin

This week’s Deacon Greeter: Marsha Spivey

This week’s Deacon of the Week:

Jeff Maynard

Deacon Greeter for 08/24/14: Don Holmes

Deacon of the Week for 08/24/14:

Marsha Spivey

Baptist Knight of the Week: Jesse Ward

August Ushers:


Class sponsoring Koffee Before Church for


Watson Memorial

Sunday’s Schedule 9:15 am Koffee Before Church

9:45 am Bible Study

11:00 am Morning Worship

6:30 pm Snack-n-YAK

Monday Schedule

7:00 pm Cemetery Committee Mtg. - C.Rm.

7:30 pm Open Basketball - FLC

Tuesday Schedule

10:00 am BALL Club

7:00 pm Finance Committee Mtg. - C.Rm.

Wednesday Schedule

6:30 pm Adult Bible Study - FH

6:30 pm YAK 360

7:30 pm Worship Choir Practice

Thursday Schedule

10:45 am Weathers/Knight Circle - C.Rm.

6:30 pm Men’s Basketball

Friday Schedule

8:00 am FLC Reserved

Weekly Calendar Reminders

Next Sunday’s Schedule 9:15 am Koffee Before Church

9:45 am Bible Study

11:00 am Morning Worship

6:30 pm Snack-n-YAK

Page 7: Knightdale Baptist Church Aug 17 2014 Worship Bulletin


Welcome Guests! Please fill out the following to let us know how we may

be of service to you. Please place in the offering plate

or give to an usher.





Address ____________________________

City __________________ State________

Zip _____________ Phone _____________

Email ______________________________

□ Current Church Membership & City



□ A Student at ______________________

□ Single □ Married

Adult Age Group Please Circle

18-25 26-35 36-45

46-50 51-59 60+

School Grade of Each Child Please Circle

K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12

Age of Preschooler(s) Please Circle

Infant 1 2 3 4 5

I learned of Knightdale Baptist Church





Children’s Time for: 08/24/14: Bill Scanlon 08/31/14: James Lucas

Children’s Worship Leaders Today ...

Crib Babies: Monique Mackey

Toddlers/2-3 yr.: Bill Scanlon Volunteers Needed

Children’s Church: James Lucas Assistants: Courtney Glover,

Valerie and Mark Beasley

Next Sunday’s Leaders ...

Crib Babies: Bobbie Earnhart, Peggy

Altice Toddlers/2-3 yr.: Kim Cameron

Bridgett and Jesse Ward

Children’s Church: James Lucas Assistants: Brian and Holly Martin

Nursery Coordinator for August: Terry Johnson (919) 217-2765

Please note: If for some reason you are not available to help on the day that you volunteered to work, we ask that you please don’t forget to find a replacement for yourself so there is adequate coverage during the worship service. Also, if you have a change in the schedule for the children’s nursery or children’s church, please contact the monthly coordinator so that the change can be made prior to the printing of the worship bulletin. However, any permanent changes in the schedule should continue to be handled by the lead coordinator.

Thank you for all your help.

Attention KBC Parents: If you have a child participating in children’s worship, please make sure they are picked up at the end of the church service by a parent or adult. The children’s worship leaders will only allow children to be picked up by a parent or adult from the nursery, toddler, 2-3 year old, 4-5 year old, or 6-7 year old classrooms. We love our children at KBC and want to ensure their safety!

Thank you

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Name _____________________________



Phone _____________________________

Email _____________________________

I am interested in...

□ Becoming a Christian

□ Becoming a member

□ Being baptized

□ Preschool/Children’s Ministries

□ Youth Ministries

□ College Ministries

□ Singles Ministries

□ Adult Bible Study

□ Music Ministries

□ Missions Organizations

□ Wednesday Evening Activities

□ Receiving the KBC Newsletter

_____ by mail _____ by email

(please list name, address, or email address above)

Sign up for the Wednesday Night Fellowship


Number Attending: ______ Adult

______ Children 4-9

______ Children 3 and Under

Members and Guests:

Please use this space for prayer requests...


Rev. Trent Sessoms ....................... (919) 604-2950 ...........................Senior Pastor

Rev. Hal Roach ............................... (919) 217-1764 ..................Minister of Worship

Rev. Joe Johnston .......................... (252) 531-6812 ............................Youth Pastor

Rev. George W. Pullium, Jr. ............................................................. Pastor Emeritus

Mrs. Dana Coleman .................................................................................Keyboardist

Mrs. Ann Coleman ........................................................................................ Organist

Mrs. Patty Jones .................................................................. Administrative Assistant

Mrs. Christi Boggs.........................................................................Preschool Director

Knightdale Baptist Church • 15 Main Street, Knightdale, NC 27545 (919) 266-2471 • fax (919) 266-0984 • www.knightdalebaptist.org

2014 2015 2016

Don Holmes Christie Hatch Sam Maise Philip Humphries David Hinton Carolyn Martinson Preston Peterson Monique Mackey Jeff Maynard

Cindy Russell Bill Scanlon Marsha Spivey Stephen Tew (Chair)

KBC Mission Statement The Mission of Knightdale Baptist Church, as a loving, unified body, is to worship God and share Christ through various Christian ministries, teaching, service, prayer and fellowship.

Budget Report for 8/10/2014:

YTD Budget Requirement: $255,692.54 YTD Budget Giving Received: $213,424.53 Restore the Money Market: $30,000.00 YTD Non-Budget Giving Received: $14,516.86

YTD Total Giving: $257,941.39

Contributions this week are in memory of: Mrs. Mae Golia Barnes and Mrs. Bessie Lewis

and in honor of: Sue Puryear

Attendance: Morning Worship 133 Sunday School 65

Flower Ministry

The flowers in the Sanctuary today are given by Don and Hilda Holmes to the glory of God and in appreciation of the KBC Staff and KBC Saints that serve this church.