Glimpses from Swami Chinmayanandaji ’s life and teachings for busy people Select readings from biography of Swami Chinmayananda written by Nancy Patchen

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Glimpses from Swami Chinmayanandaji’s life and teachings for busy people

Select readings from biography of Swami Chinmayananda written by Nancy Patchen

About the book – slide 1• For over forty years Swami

Chinmayanandaji was one of the leading interpreters and teachers of the Hindu philosophical system of Advaita Vedanta, which establishes with exact logic the identity of the self (Atman) with the infinite (Brahman).Through a variety of institutions and methods particularly the Gyana yagnas, he worked to rejuvenate Hinduism by making hitherto inaccesssible insights of the Upanishads and the Bhagavadgita available to one and all. Thereby, he was instrumental in bringing the wisdom of the Hindu heritage to everyone, regardless of caste, creed, gender or nationality.

About the book – slide 2• This is the first biography of Swami

Chinmayanandaji and retraces his journey from the boyhood in Kerala, through his carefree college days and rebellion against British imperialism then his spiritual tutelage under Swami Shivananda and Swami Tapovan. An account is given detailing the growth of a worldwide movement under his guidance. He is undoubtedly one of the outstanding and influential figures in the modern history of India The book was first published in the year 989 in USA and subsequently published and 12,000 copies were re-printed in India five times.

Availability of this book in amazon.com

• Journey of a Master/Swami Chinmayananda/The Man, the Path, the Teaching (Paperback)

• by Nancy Patchen (Author)• http://www.amazon.com/Journey-Master-Swa


• Price $6.30 (US) and Rs 130 in India.

BIOGRAPHICAL INCIDENTSSome of the accounts told in the aforesaid book.

During the freedom struggle days

Balakrishnan Menon, the future Swami Chinmayananda left Lucknow University to join others who were writing and distributing leaflets to stir public opinion against the British for India’s freedom struggle.

He spent significant time under hiding and incognito to avoid incarceration but he was eventually jailed in this freedom struggle. Later he was thrown out of jail, due to having contracted a dangerous fever. Thrown into streets young and ailing Mr. Menon was revived by an kind motherly Indian lady and he slowly returned to normalcy.

A gentle pondering...

A self-proclaimed agnostic, Balan’s only concerns were political, economic and social reforms in India. He has no interest in religion.

One day he encountered an article by Swami Sivananda Saraswati of Divine life society. Reading of the article reminded him of his religious environment in his family during his childhood days. He pondered, could there be any possibility of divinity within, now obscured by worldly cares?

The philosophical wandering of his mind were checked by the practical realities of life - his career for instance.

Journalistic CareerHe later shifted his base to Delhi and there he thrived in

the busy political environment of Delhi, as a journalist.

Worked in National Herald, with focus on the soldiers, poor, postmen, etc. Articles like “Honor to Released INA men”, “In praise of postmen”, “The Mochi - Symbol of Craftsmanship”, issued forth from him.

In 1947 a new series, “The View from the footpath” by Mr. Tramp (Mr. Menon), was started for the Commonweal. He would take up the viewpoint of the underprivileged person in the society and pen the article, drawing from his personal observations and experiences.

“This we call a day” by Mr. Tramp

This is the title of the news article that Balakrishnan Menon wrote in Feb 13th 1947. This is a chilling article relating the story of the beggar’s son as he watched his mother die because there was no money to pay for medical care. Here Mr. Menon writes from the standpoint of the son, who witnesses his Mother’s slow and painful death & concludes the article with the titular phrase.

“Shivering in the cold we lie nestled together, a stinking mass of humanity, disinherited by society, condemned by the rich, neglected by the government, exiled from every respect that is due to Man. As we lie thus under our rags, this we call a DAY!”

Rejecting the “Palace of Life”With the combination of his journalist credentials, extroverted

personality and skill on the tennis court, he was soon able to accomplish his goal of entrance into the social world of the privileged wealthy. He observed first hand the “good life”. That experience was one that would direct his future course.

He later said “A roaring welter of unnatural values! Impossible behaviors. In their subdued smiles were dormant tears; in their insincere, made-to-order laughter were signs of voiceless, deep regrets. Each suffered and contributed lavishly to the suffering of others”.

This was sufficient for Mr. Balakrishnan Menon. He saw what a godless animal life could be, even at the level that most considered to be the best. He thus decided to quit this “Palace of life” for good.

Bhagavan Shri Ramana Maharishi

First trip to ArunachalaIn the summer of 1936 he took a student pass and randomly boarded and got

of trains to visit different places in India. During one such sojourns, he walked right into Thiruvannamalai and landed right in front of Bhagawan Shri Ramana Maharishi.

“As I was sitting, feeling relief of being out of that blistering heat, I looked up...my eyes traveled up, they reached his face, then the eyes, they seemed closed...suddenly opened up and they looked straight into mine. I knew in that one look, he knew everything about me - even things that I did not know myself….When I was again aware of my body I forced myself to get up saying to myself ‘nothing has happened to me, this man is a hypnotist’”.

After thought on his visit to Shri Ramana Maharishi

Later Menon realized upon further thinking and discussions with his Uncle that he had not valued his experience in the presence of the Master.

Something had happened but his mind had not been pure enough to grasp its significance.

Rationalizations and doubts had come in to cover over the impact of the encounter with “a true master”.

Swami Sivanandaji

Summer visit to RishikeshIn the summer of 1947 Mr. Menon set out for Rishikesh in a bid

to “expose the whole racket” and “find out how these holy men are keeping up the bluff!”.

At that point the true question in his mind was whether it was possible to find peace and tranquillity by going to an ashram and leading a spiritual life.

Menon soon observed that Swami Sivanandaji was no hermit sitting in retirement of solitude; he was busy 7 days/week. Inspite of his busy schedule he was a humble servant of all. He always exuded dynamic peace through all his activities.

A few day visit, grew into weeks. During the visit swamiji said to Menon “God has blessed you with such intelligence, why dont you use it to analyze that life is only misery. Observe. Think and draw your own conclusion”

How others viewed Menon?There did not appear a spiritual bone in his body - he was an

extrovert, always on the move, forever talking, constantly drilling everyone like a reporter that he was.

His main interest seemed the ever-present cigarette and a cup of tea.

“If our swami is interested in Menon, it is definitely the result of karma phala”

Once when he was asked to speak in a function, Menon found he could not say anything more that “Well I came up from Delhi”. Swami Sivanandaji came to his rescue by saying “Its okay you will get another chance”.

Hunger for Vedanta

“These trips to Rishikesh did not have much effect on my actions. It was my thoughts and ideas, my concepts, visions, values and principles that were changing by the relentless logic of the great books of Hinduism.”

He started devouring books (esp the ones by Swami Sivanandaji). He became the book reviewer of Anada Kutir’s publications. His reviews appeared in National Herald and Champion Magazine. He also reviewed Shri Aurobindo Gosh’s “The World Crisis - Sri Aurobindo’s Vision of the Future”.

While in Swami’s company

Swami Sivananda once organized a short play from the life of Buddha. It was based on the story of a weeping mother who held the dead child in her arms and went to the Lord. It was then the Lord instructed her to get mustard from an house in which no death had taken place. By undertaking the advice the mother came to realize the eventuality of physical life in the form of death.

The Swami selected Menon to play the role of the mother! With a scarf draped around his head and bundle baby in his arms, he made such a caricature of the lady with elaborate wailing that whole audience exploded in laughter. Tears rolled down Swami Sivananda’s eyes. “Its the best Ive seen” said the Swami.

Meanwhile ...suffering of his friend Shroff

Meanwhile his friend Shroff was suffering from terminal illness. Menon felt helpless in the confrontation.

“Each time I ran down to the bedside of my dear friend the more I grew confirmed in my present, growing conviction that wealth, position, parents, wife, child - all of these might be there but nothing of the world can really console, comfort and stand by one, when one is suffering. Life is empty and shallow without inner expansion. This inner wealth alone can reinforce against the sledgehammer stroked of destiny, the conspiracy woven by the circumstances in life”

Swami Tapovan Maharaj

Meeting Swami Tapovanam and Himalayan Pilgrimage

Accompanying his cousin (turned swami) Bhaskaran (Swami Jnanadananda) Menon went on pilgrimage to Himalayas, with the blessing of Swami Sivanandaji.

The route to Gangotri passes through Uttarkasi wherein dwelt the Vedanta Guru and great Tapavin - Swami Tapovanam. They met thus and while later seeking his permission to leave, Menon was told by the Master “During the journey keep an unbroken Brahma Vichar, just as even while one is walking, he remembers a loved one who is far away”. Swami knew about Menon from his writings and also knew from this encounter this young man would be a promising student of Vedanta. “God Shines everywhere - in stone, plants, water, sky - but those who have not overcome their ego fail to find God everywhere” said Swami Tapovan.

The desire for Sanyasa[“I was born on that Shivaratri Day. The past of this body and mind has nothing to

do with me” - said Swami Chinmayanandaji, in 1962 looking back. ]

Menon had to obtain permission from his father with whom he was not in touch for nearly 7 years. He filled the gap by writing a 8 page long epistle outlining his adventures - his political work, jail period, journalist work; his inner feelings and thoughts; all culminating in his meeting with Swami Sivananda and his subsequent desire for Sanyasa.

Sannyasa on 25th Feb 1949, Shivaratri

Balakrishna Menon received permission from his father (“this boy always does what he wants, so its useless for me to try to stand in his way. Go ahead, I give you

permission”) and took initiation into Sannyasa from Swami Sivananda on the auspicious day/night of Shivaratri.

Swami Chinmayananda used to say “The Ochre robe offers the swami the protection. Even if the members of the society don’t respect him, atleast they won’t approach him for making money on black market or

marrying his sister”

Directed to Swami Tapovanam

Swami Sivanandaji sent Swami C to Swami T. “You want to master scriptures. Go to the Swami Tapavoan, the great teacher from

Kerala, your own home state”. Two of his major influences Swami S and Swami

T, to outward inspection are as diverse as nature, yet manifested the same divinity.

Swami T agreed to mentor Swami C. Swami Tapovanam taught in Sanskrit and Hindi. Swami C, who had only basics of Sanskrit had to develop his skill in the language as well.

The teaching begins“You contemplate on what you have already studied. Get those ideas clear before you

add mode!” said Swami Tapovanam. Swami Tapoval made Swami C involved in some physical

chores like laying a garden, arranging water supply, begging extra, etc, to ensure some of the natural energy of Swami C was released.

Teaching started very early in the morning. Their first text was Panchadasi. It was introductory text to Vedanta (i.e Upanishads). Unlike other students, Swami C “would put so many questions to Swami T. He was not willing to move on to the next topic until every doubt on the present subject

was removed by the teacher” reminisced one fellow student.

“Remove the conditioning and realize the self”Often Swami T would end the class with the aforesaid phrase. Swami

C would deeply think about what it means and one day said “Swamiji why not remove the conditioning and explain the pure Brahman? Why do you say that it is the eye of the eye

without the eye conditioning.” The Swami T paused for a brief moment but not did reply, instead

resumed the class as he normally would. Later Swami T said “Chinmaya get me some water to drink”. “What is this?”

C: “This is the water you asked for”; T (roaring): “But did I ask for a pail of water? or water?. Take

that pail away and give me water”. C (sounding confused) “But how..without a pail?”. T (now in a soft and encouraging tone): “Never mind. Nobody can

convey water without vessel, same way as conveying knowledge of Truth. Hence it is that the scriptures as well as the gurus explain only the conditioned truth, instead of the Absolute Truth”.

“Swami Tapovan a pure soul”Swami T always saw God in everything. “Look at those clouds Chinmaya. So beautiful is all of nature. How can anyone not believe in the grace and beauty of the Lord when they see his form manifested in this wonderful world of nature”.

Swami C said “But alas immature, unpoetic and intellectually sophisticated (as I considered myself to be then), in all these instances I must have sadly dissapointed him, with my blindness”

Liar !Once Swami T recd a fabric, which Swami C made it into a robe

for his master. Later Swami T found a tear in it. “Look you tore it. You were careless” said Swami T. Swami C bravely defended his innocence. Yet this continual tirade against Swami C was upheld by his Master.

This was getting to be very heavy blow for Swami C - to be called a liar. Swami T would taunt him repeatedly and directly saying “Liar”. One day Swami C decided he shall leave Swami T and live “without all this Guru nonsense”.

Fortunately an older swami advised Swami C against it and told him “He is only testing you”. Later when Swami T called out “Liar”, Swami C retorted with a smile “Perhaps!”. Immediately Swami T said “Oh, so now you see! This whole creation is a lie Why make a big deal over one little lie!”

The Laddu episodeOnce someone sent Swami T a basket of ladoos which Swami T has set aside (to

be tossed into the river later). But some of the new students who joined Swami T were awaiting the Laddu. Few days passed and with the laddu basket not in plain sight, some of the new students started developing suspicions that their Master after all was a secret laddu eater, who would not share it with his disciples!

The next day the Swami T noted that two students had disappeared from his class. He then ordered Swami C to bring the basket from a specified location. Then to the surprise of a few, Swami T ordered that the basket be thrown into Ganga!

He then said “When you have taken sannyasa, you are supposed to have control over your senses. Just look at the quality of your minds, agitated over a paltry basket of sweets. I knew what was going on. We are here to study Upanishads and not eat Laddus”

Drop it !On one occasion a devotee who visited Swami T regularly

came trudging up the hillside carrying two bundles of groceries for the Master, one on each hand. The Swami T spotted him and shouted out “Drop it!”. The poor fellow dropped one bag, thinking he was following the Swami’s order. The Swami repeated “Drop it!”. The other bag was also dropped. The man, now bagless, came near the Swami, who looked him in the eye and emphatically said “Drop it!”.

Since the external baggage was dropped, what was left was the internal baggage, which in a moment of inspiration, the man dropped! The man say down on the spot and entered Samadhi!. Everyone watched this episode dumbfounded.

Meeting his fatherSwami Sivananda had recd a letter from Swami C’s ailing

father requesting permission to send his son to meet him. Immediately upon Swami S’s insistence, Swami C rushed to his father’s side.

Mr. Menon was sitting in verandah catching the rays of the winter sunshine, suddenly a streak of ochre came racing through the gate. Before he knew what was happening, the Swami C was prostrating at his feet. They hugged each other with tears of joy rolling down. Mr. Menon’s son was a different man than what his father reckoned. Mr. Menon later sent a letter to Swami S thanking him for this divine transformation and also adding that “I have no regret at all that I had given free consent to him to be a pupil under you

and serve you for all time”.

“The Wheel of work”

Swami T considered that man should be left to come naturally to the phase of life when he was ready to investigate the true nature of things. He used to say to Swami C “You cant treat this knowledge like your newspaper business”.

But in Swami C this urge to disseminate his learning was growing strong. Swami T who was aware of this, told him “You don't know what you are asking for! You will get permanently caught up in the wheel of work. That is the nature of all activities. We start the action and later the activities themselves take charge of us”

“Rubbing of the ego”

Swami T advised Swami C to take a trip down to the plains, living as a beggar. “This will erase our your ego” said Swami T. “To have the experience of the Divine is not enough, you must be able to keep this vision through all your activities. Go to the plains and keep your mananam”.

Swami C did find that “Swamiji was correct, it was quite an experience in rubbing off the ego. If you ask me this kind of discipline is the best cure for the ego-disease”

The Yagna PlanIn November 1951, Swami Chinmayanandaji completed his

tour and returned to Tapovan Kutir in Uttarkasi. He has witnessed the spiritual and economic degradation throughout India and was resolved to start the Upanishad Jnana Yagna plan in the great cities of India. He had taken the term Jnana Yagna from the Bhagvad gita Chapter XVIII, v.70.

“And he who will study this sacred dialogue of ours, by him I shall have been worshipped by the "sacrifice-of-wisdom, " such is My conviction.

Tireless, Yeoman Service

Swamiji took up his task of teaching Upanishads one by one at different places for varying duration. Earlier it used to be 100 day yagna but later years he reduced them.

The Schools, Hospitals, also rose on account of receiving inspiration from Swami C. Chinmaya Mission was formed.

The book by Nancy Patchen goes on to describe the life, service and other remarkable accomplishments in a very instructive and well written manner. The reader is encouraged to dive deep into the details and not just remain satisfied with this precis writing.

Swami Tapovanam’s ailing healthSwami T’s health deteriorated over time. Several devotees tried

their best to cajole Swami T into accepting elite international medical help but he refused. He said “Are not people in London, New York, Delhi dying inspite of best facilities? Then why should I not end my life here in peace amidst these Himalayas where I have lived for these many years as a yogi?”.

Once when Swami C visited Swami T and broke down into tears seeing his beloved Master’s ailing condition, Swami T said softly “Chinmaya it is easy to learn Vedanta, easier to preach- hard indeed to live the knowledge! Now He, who was waiting for so long, is coming to meet me. You say I must now run to escape Him? How? Here quietly I have lived;now cannot I quietly die, hearing the eternal music of Mother Ganga?Dont weep. You go and continue the work… Come now !”

Swami Tapovanam’s MahasamadhiOn a cold night in January around the Brahma Muhurta, “As he sat peacefully, suddently he uttered the words ‘Thank you, God. Now I take rest’. He expressed these words with such an expression of gratitude that I could see a bright glow in hie eyers. Actually, a crystal clear light radiated from his eyes. Then he slumped over and was gone” said Swami Sundarananda who remained with him through that night.

Swami C who was in Palghat at that time, heard the news and his eyes were filled with tears. “Swamiji are you crying?” ventured one of the ladies. “Yes of course. Do not think that because a man is a renunciate that he is devoid of feelings?”. Immediately after the death, the body of Swami Tapovan was carried to his beloved Ganga and immersed into her icy waters.


Next few slides showcase some of the quotes from the book

Swamiji on helping the poor

On the 1983 issue of Tapovan Prasad magazine, he included the following appeal “... This is a very sad situation indeed. It clearly shows that our Chinmaya mission members, who are living by a sheer accident in a comparatively happy condition, have not given serious thought to the sad, tradic travail in which these unfortunate members of our land are surviving”

On being responsibleThe following passage is Swamiji’s quotes that appeared

in April, 1992 issue of Tapovan Prasad. “There are 4 people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. They are bosom friends. An important project came up and the Swami asked Everybody to do it efficiently. Everybody was sure Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry because it was Everybody’s job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldnt do it.It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done. This happens in some Missions. Never in the Chinmaya Mission I hope!”

Message to teachers

In addition to the chanting of the hymns, story telling and other activities that make our institutions uniqye, I suggest an active parent-teacher association. You teachers can request the mothers to walk down the corridors of the classrooms to develop an intimacy with the class room situaiton. The school becomes a backyard - an extension of the home.

The youth in the country were not “useless” but “used less”; not “careless” but “cared(for) less”.

Prick of Conscience

When we compromise with the ideal and act immorally, our intellect questions the mind and says “Fool, why did you do it?” Our mind has no answer to this pang of self-accusation. We have insulted our own wisdom. This misalignment with our vision is called the “prick of conscience”.

Heroism - Key aspect of Avataars

Learn to have an ideal, to keep a vision. Discover it in yourself. No one else can give it to you. True heroism, is to live up to your ideal. The world may threaten you, community will leave yo. But the true hero stands defiantly, rooted in his or her own convictions. Such uncompromising heroism of living up to the ideal is the very core of our Avatars.

A Krishna. A Rama. What is it that we glorify in them ? They had heroims in their lives. We worship them because they lived up to thier ideals.

About vast majority of religious followers

Religion is for the mature person who has conscientiously lived and examined the experience of life. Of course the majority never questions the why of the sorrows of the body and the torments of the mind. They may even turn to God, visit Churches, give in charity but all these are only a variety of distractions to keep the mind from looking at itself, thereby escaping from its unhappiness.

About Vegetarian DietFood has certain effects. Not only is our physical

body built and maintained according to the food we eat but our inner nature is also conditioned by it. The gross part of the food produces the energy for the physical apparatus, while the subtle part contributes to our thought energy.

Once the sensitivity towards preservation of other lives rises, no special effort is required towards maintaining vegetarian diet. It comes naturally. So it is not a question of right or wrong, its only personal sensitivity.

Guru’s grace vs Self Effort

“When you put sugar in the coffee, you must stir it in or the coffee will be bitter. Im putting spiritual ideas in your mind, you must stir them with the process of your own independent reflection, away from the support of the teacher”

Mantra - necessity ?

“ If you understand Vedanta, it is not necessary. It would be like a person reading Shakespeare who suddenly asks his teacher to teach him alphabet.”

Tourist Visa vs Citizenship

Experiences through a teacher are dependent on the teacher - like a tourist visa. But the custom officials are always there at the gate. You are trying to sneak through with your load of Vasanas (innate tendencies). They will catch you and kick you out. So you must become a citizen of THAT CONSCIOUSNESS.

New techniques in spirituality?Avoid them! Sanatana Dharma has no new techniques.

The rishis discovered the laws of nature with immaculate reasoning and inspiration. These laws are unchanging. We don’t need new techniques but need to follow the ones verified by generation after generation.

The problem is in ourselves; we want things to be easy and fun, that is why we run after the false methods. Hence modern spirituality has turned into pursuit of sensual pleasures.

By following the “so called new techniques”, you never improve, your Guru might get couple of newer cars !

Was this teaching your choice ?

No, no choice. Not at one level. It was really not my plan

or my decision. But that is not to say that we do not have free will.

I could have said “No” to this urge.

About Ego• It is an obstacle. It limits you. • If you walk on wooden plank on the floor, you walk

fine. If the same plank is put between two buildings at some height, you would look down and become afraid.

• What is it that fears? What is it that inhibits? THINK!• Similarly you talk fine in familiar setting but you

tremble while at public speaking Why ? THINK!• To live and act in the world without ego and ego

centered desires, is the secret of success. The Gita is a practical manual, to make necessary inner adjustments to conquer this ego.

How to improve the world ?

You improve yourself !That is the real challenge. Wanting to help others - that is ego too. You think you are going to bring the experience of the Ultimate down to the physical reality?! It is already here. That is like wanting to go to moon to bring the space back to earth.

Role of Truthfulness

The path to Truth is laid in truth. When you lie, there is a psychological split caused between the mind and intellect.

For example, you feel lazy and call in sick. The intellect knows one thing and hears another. A repetition of this habit causes the intellect to operate without mind’s blessing and vice versa. So soon, you desire one thing and something else turns out to be the outcome. So in short, mind and intellect needs to work together.

Restlessness of the mind• Mind is a stream of thoughts. If it were to

stop, it is no mind. Only on account of leading a spiritual life will the mind gain more joy (i.e by Mananam) and thus understand the gap between intellectual knowledge (from Sharavanam) and your mundane actions.

• Until you understand the true values of life do not trust the mind. If you have been leading a sensuous life mind will justify its behavior, so beware!

Swamiji can you read our minds ?

God Forbid ! Who would want to waste their time raking through the garbage in your mind ?!

If it seems that I answered your (mental) question it is only because what I said corresponded to your desire, someone in the bus could have said it too, but because I’m a Swami you think I have special powers.

About MiraclesThere was a incident between Shri Ramakrishna

(SRK) and one of his disciples. D: “Master I have learn to walk on the river water

by several years of Tapas”SRK: “Fool. You can get across the river by paying

only a nickel to the boatman. If you had spent that Tapas towards Self realization, you would have known your divine birthright”.

For one who knows there is no creation - why would he bother manipulating the creation.

Why the Creation ?• What world ?! What makes you think I see

the same world that you do? • Even in the Upanishads it has been asked

again and again - “Why?”• My advise to you is to write this question on a

piece of paper, go straight to God and ask Him why He created the world! I guarantee you that when you are there (i.e in God Realization) you will not remember this doubt! When you reach the state of “God consciousness” the question, questioner and the creation all Vanish together.

How the creation happened ?

• When someone asks me “how?” it shows that you are not fed up with life and not ready to come out of it. You are helplessly flogging around in the cesspool called Creation wondering, “Who pushed me in?. How did this cesspool come to be?”

• Each sage told his bluff (creation theory) to clear a particular question of a particular student. The creation referred to by the sage is the creation in the student’s mind. There are 82 such creation theories, which serve as lullaby to soothe the student’s mind.

What about predestination or fate?

• Accepting predestination is fine as a mental attitude - if you accept everything as destiny. But we call failure destiny and success we call “I”.

• Destiny is what you meet in life; your free will is how you meet it, the attitude you have and the action you take.

Repeating God’s name at last moment

• In our scriptures it is said that our last thought will determine your next birth or escape from rebirth. But who after living a greedy, self-centered life will think of the Lord at the last moment ?! Some parents name their kids after God’s name, so they can call on Him (indirectly). But this will not work either, for it is a state of mind (while calling upon the name), that scriptures are referring to.

• So the best insurance is to pass your life in contemplation on God so that you will be sure to think of the Lord @ last moment.

Is it necessary to believe in Reincarnation ?

• Firstly, reincarnation is not a belief it is an assumption that logically explains the experience around me and its relationship to the Higher Reality. It is not necessary to accept this theory but how else can you reliably explain the world around us?

• Luckily through God’s infinite mercy nature has put a veil on the details of the past. The subtle impressions from past lives still act out through us.

• One wife and kids are enough problem for most, what to speak of the 1000 such wives and kids from our past life memory (i.e if it were made available to us) ?!

Denial of God

• Those denying God are only denying their own misconception of what God is. Some investigation into that which you are denying is necessary, or the denial is useless. On what evidence do you base your denial ?

• If God is sitting and writing our individual histories all sorrows and tragedies - he must be a mental pervert. Right ? This idea of God is poetic viewpoint, not philosophical!

• Each one must investigate for himself what he or she means by God

Three viewpoints of God• The 3 great acharyas (Shankara, Ramanuja,

Madhva) agree on path and goal. They only differ in relationship between the individual and God. The relationship might change but the understanding of Godhood remains the same.

• Take the patterned cloth example. Its existence and patterns embroidered on it depends on thread. The thread here is symbol of God. But if you look further, what is the source of thread? - Cotton. This cotton appeared as a) thread b) cloth c) patterns on the cloth.

• The all pervading reality remains the same, just as cotton is only cotton.

• “World perfection through individual perfection ! The world can only be changed by the spiritual unfoldment of each individual - not by political revolution but by spiritual revolution” – Swami Chinmayanandaji on 1972.

• “I have been teaching you all these years that Im not the body. Even now you are trying to be my teachers and convince me that Im the body” – Swami Chinmayanandaji at his 72nd birth day celebrations.

Concluding Slide