Engaging culture session05

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Module number: TH6741 & 7741title: Engaging Culture

Session 5

Do U com here ofn?Gr8!

:D lol

What we're looking at next ... Beginning to identify some Christian approaches to cultureAnd some theological angles ...

Could be a bit 'bitty': various things to get you started but not necessarily all joined up at this point.

... shared ways of conceptualizing something within a culture therefore involves (usually by connotative meaning) ....

'Our' concept:negotiated (better:negotiating) between sign usersPower and resistanceSolidarity and group identityPlay, pleasure,entertainmentLook (again) at Vanhoozer's 10 principles ...

Therefore issues of power, influence, resistance etc come into negotiations (fashion's 20% of trend leaders ..., )

Eg's of this in sociolinguistics ... pronouns of solidarity and power ..

Tu / Vous tu/vosotros/usted(es) du /ihr /Siehistorically Thou in English. (Quakers, also 'would his majesty core to ..r' etc)

Hegemony. /hmni/ or /hdmni/ n ....

...the predominance of one social class over others ... political and economic control,... the ability of the dominant class to project its own way of seeing the world so that those who are subordinated by it accept it as 'common sense' and 'natural'.

May be a new term to some (?)

Ask for any comments or questions.

Note Marxist origins esp Gramsci. Note the importance of the 'velvet glove' version of exercise of power.

Cf pronouns of solidarity etc; some cultural analysis is attempting to trace the contours of power relations in the use and meanings of cultural texts and artefacts.

ideology. /adildi/ n ....

... a system of ideas and beliefs. ... closely tied to the concept of power ... "shared ideas or beliefs which serve to justify the interests of dominant groups" ... it legitimises the differential power that groups hold and as such it distorts the real situation that people find themselves in.

I think that this definition shows its origins in Marxist discourse. I think that ideologies can operate among the marginalisde and dispossessed in countering that of a dominant group....

It could be seen in relation to justifications for states of affairs.

Relates to Marxist ideas of 'false consciousness'


How do you see these things playing out in this image?

Buzz > plenary

Find bit in the handout to look over.

What analysis does Barthes give of this imge?What forces does he identify at work and how?Do we agree or disagree, a bit of both?How do we respond as Christians?

Fiske and the shopping mall ... (Reading the Popular) etc

What do we make of shopping malls?

What are the main observations? What kind of analytical tools does Fiske use? What do we find helpful? Is there anything we struggle with? Is there anything we find particularly persuasive or unpersuasive.

Not just seeing ordinary people as victims and dupes of mass media etc.

Semiotic guerilla warfare

bricolage (making do)

significance of the idea...

Connect with Marxian analysis. Economic determinism and a prediliction for the social tended to give analysis of mass media and culture in 'top-down' terms. (Adorno etc).

What people like Fiske, Bourdieu, Hebdige etc start to do is to show that there is also a bottom-up resistance or subverting for own ends: asserting own meanings for own purposes. But this is dialogical with the 'inherited' meanings that are more widely used and may have hegemonic dimensions. The evasion of hegmonic meanings is pleasurable (gives a frisson, often).

Can we come up with examples of

Semiotic guerilla warfare

bricolage (making do)

significance of the idea...

From our own lives, communities, experiences, observations or reading?

Connect with Marxian analysis. Economic determinism and a prediliction for the social tended to give analysis of mass media and culture in 'top-down' terms. (Adorno etc).

What people like Fiske, Bourdieu, Hebdige etc start to do is to show that there is also a bottom-up resistance or subverting for own ends: asserting own meanings for own purposes. But this is dialogical with the 'inherited' meanings that are more widely used and may have hegemonic dimensions. The evasion of hegmonic meanings is pleasurable (gives a frisson, often).

Another tool

-of cultural analysis ...

AttemptsTo control...Identificationplace inSign systemsReceived&re-usedWhat is producedAnd how?



In the light of the previous session's discussion, what do we make of this issue?

Question here: what do you understand by the term. How do people you know react? How does the press react? And you?

'Txtese' what's it about culturally?


(Next two slides have further respones)

Question here: what do you understand by the term. How do people you know react? How does the press react? And you?

'Response type A'

The English language has developed an illness that's seeping into schools ... The symptoms are loss of punctuation, lack of capitalization and fragmented sentences.

It's called text speak and it's becoming an epidemic. Some students don't even know it's wrong.


Just briefly read out and relate to answers from previous slide.

'Response type B

Dan Clayton and Professor Dick Hudson of University College London ... suggest that teachers should be less worried about pupils' use of ... text English, because these can be studied to help them appreciate standard English.


Invite them to consider how this differs. DON'T EXPLORE MORE at this point go onto next slide quickly