Discovering Riches in The Depths: Working with Pluto in the Chart

Discovering Riches in The Depths: Working with Pluto in the Chart

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Discovering Riches in The Depths:

Working with Pluto in the Chart

Page 2: Discovering Riches in The Depths:  Working with Pluto in the Chart

The Icy Dwarf Planet We Call Pluto

● First Discovered on February 18, 1930● First Witnessed on July 14, 2015● 249 Year orbit around the Sun.● Spends 10 years in Scorpio● Spends 30 years in Taurus

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The Myth of Hades and Persephone

"The end is the beginning of all things, suppressed and hidden, awaiting to be released through the rhythm of pain and pleasure." ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti

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Our Mythic Lessons on Pluto

● When our attempts to claim our power in the outer world fail, Pluto stripes away these attachments and forces us to find a deeper power in the depths below.

● As Liz Green states, we are never released from the depths below “without some kind of sacrifice or loss, willingly or unwillingly, or some kind of confrontation with what is most brutal and ‘unfair’ in life.”

● The Myth of Hades and Persephone ultimately ends with the transformation of the world into four season, and so it is with Pluto that its forces work on both the individual and on the collective simultaneously.

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Working with Pluto in the Birth Chart

It is not at all easy to watch another person undergoing necessary suffering. For one thing, our compassion cries out that it should not be necessary, for our feeling values are not often in sympathy with Pluto’s ruthless law. For another, we see ourselves mirrored in that other’s incipient disintegration or loss. Pluto is particularly difficult to work with unless one has some trust in fate; but how can one trust it, unless one has spent time in despair, darkness, rage, and powerlessness, and has found out what supports life when the ego can no longer make its accustomed choices? ~ Liz Green (The Astrology of Fate; pg 37)

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Reflecting On Our Individual Journeys

● What are your deep-seated fears, taboos, shames, secret desires?

● What parts of yourself and your life have you put into hiding by will or by force?

● Where do you seek worldly power and where do you feel powerless?

● What has life taught you about your own mortality?

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Pluto’s Generational Influence

You are not alone on your journey into the underworld. Each generation has a different location for Pluto in their birth charts along with corresponding energies that create generational effects within each one of the twelve astrological signs. Tonight we will discuss the living Pluto generations with the exception of Pluto in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn.

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Pluto in Leo● 1939-1957: The War Babies & The Baby Boomers● Pluto in a Fixed Sign transforms the holder of the energy; holder must

accept change and be an agent of change.● Pluto in a Fire Sign calls for bravery and heroism; the courage to live

without fear.

Pluto in Leo spawned the Me Generation. This particular litter of humans craved visible importance and applause, including all its socially assigned trappings--money, power, expensive gadgets, a luxurious lifestyle. Yet now, as they move into their later decades, many have grown out of that early materialistic hysteria and are seeking something deeper, something else on which to base their self-esteem (Myth Astrology, pg. 400)

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Pluto in Virgo● 1957-1971: The Yuppies and Part of Generation X● Pluto in a Mutable Sign is about accepting both separateness and unity

even while feeling caught in a flux of events outside one’s control.● Pluto in an Earth Sign has the challenge of mastering the life of the

physical; the changer of the world of form.

In Virgo, the Plutonian energy transforms our ability to think about breaking things down in preparation for building them up differently. It is no accident that this placement brought on the chaotic sixties (Myth Astrology, pg. 404). As a result, the Pluto in Virgo generation has many of the trailblazers who began questioning the system and were the first generation who truly began looking outside the box. (http://in5d.com/which-pluto-generation-are-you/)

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Pluto in Libra● 1971-1984: Generation X● Pluto in a Cardinal Sign learns to develop the power and ability to create

new circumstances in life through a willingness to trust fate.● Pluto in an Air Sign seeks to challenge the rules and fight for what is fair

and just, while leaving old truths behind.Pluto in not comfortable in Libra, as Libra prefers harmony and agreement, which Pluto is utterly indifferent to, the touch of Pluto in this sign is anything but harmonious. Pluto despises superficiality and would rather destroy a relationship than see it wander along blindly with only the most shallow of connections (Myth Astrology, pg. 404). Many of those who were born into this generation experienced parental divorces. They are more apt to work things out on their own rather than receiving help from others and this is a blessing because it has taught them how to problem solve from an early age. (http://in5d.com/which-pluto-generation-are-you/)

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Pluto in Scorpio● 1984-1995: Generation Y● Pluto in a Fixed Sign transforms the holder of the energy; holder must

accept change and be an agent of change.● Pluto in a Water Sign learns to face its deepest fears of becoming lost or

alone; the courage of ruthless love.

Pluto in Scorpio people simultaneously long to hold on to things and are compelled to throw them out, they are drawn to confrontation and crisis. They prefer the burning ground to comfortable couch because it's more real. The closer they are to the edge, the "realer" life feels to them. This can bring them to self-destruction or, if they survive, it can bring them the kind of tempered power that is impossible to bring down (Myth Astrology).

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Pluto in Sagittarius● 1995-2008: Generation Y and Part of Generation Z● Pluto in a Mutable Sign is about accepting both separateness and unity

even while feeling caught in a flux of events outside one’s control.● Pluto in a Fire Sign calls for bravery and heroism; the courage to live

without fear.The Pluto in Sagittarius generation is very philosophical and rebellious. They seek action and abhor boredom. This is the generation that will take current ideas and turn them into something so amazingly unfathomable that it will completely change life as we know it. From this generation, we are going to see many new ideas and inventions from kids who have limited educations in any given areas of life, yet are able to figure things out without the need of a formal education. (http://in5d.com/which-pluto-generation-are-you/)

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Finding Your Entry Point into the Underworld: Pluto in The Houses

● Divide yourselves into groups based on which house pluto occupies in your chart.

● Using the handout provided discuss the themes offer by Jeff Green on your pluto placement.

● What is your own interpretation based on your knowledge or experience?

● How does that relate to your own life struggles discussed earlier?

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Evolutionary Astrology: The Basics

“Within the Soul there exist two coexisting desires. One desire is for separate existence--to separate from that which created the Soul. The other desire is to return to the Source of creation. The interaction of these two apparently opposing desires instigates the drama of personal and collective evolution.” (Jeff Green, Pluto the Evolutionary Journey of the Soul, Vol. 1)

● Natal Position of Pluto describes the generational vibration that a person comes in with, as well as individualized patterns of identity from evolutionary past.

● The Natal Position points to the evolutionary desire, intent, or cause of this life as seen in Pluto’s opposition sign and house.

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Evolutionary Astrology: How Pluto Shows Up

According to Jeff Green, these are the four ways Pluto affects or instigates our evolutionary journeys:● By producing some emotional shocks in which some behavioral pattern, or

life situation is forcefully removed from our lives. (loss)● By creating a situation in which we forge a relationship to something we

perceive we need. (dependency)● By producing or creating situations in our lives in which we become aware

of some external or internal source of stagnation of limitation blocking further growth. (discovery)

● By producing or creating a situation in which we become aware of a new capacity or capability that has become latent or dormant (breakthrough)

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Aspects to PlutoPluto/Sun: Usually a strong or dark father/authority experience early in life. The person must integrate power and confidence with a silent depth. There must be powerful self-expression without ego. At times, a run-away Sun will create an excessive need for praise, love, etc.

Pluto/Moon: Early life is usually colored by at least one significant trauma. The archetypal story of monster vs. helpless victim tends to replay throughout their life (the individual playing, at times, both roles) until they heal the past. There must be a powerful integration of power with vulnerability. Nostalgia and the craving for intimacy cannot be misused to attempt to replace the hurt.

Pluto/Mercury: The mind is heavy and serious. There is great potential for mental depth and focus, including research and psychological insight. But playful, communicative Mercury must be rescued from the underworld. Also, the person cannot become too addicted to the mind without invoking Pluto's fire.

Pluto/Venus: A profoundly addictive approach to sex and relationship is usually present. All obsessive indulgence must be overcome, as it is only when the person is at one and whole within themselves that they can have relationship, sex, or pleasure without losing themselves through such things. Peace and power must become a possession of the soul first.

Taken from the Moses Siregar III webpage: http://astrologyforthesoul.com/plutinterp.html

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Aspects to Pluto (Cont.)Pluto/Mars: Deep issues of anger and abuse must usually be healed before the person can find peace. Directness and the expression of personal will must be healed and expressed, but not overdone. Too much selfishness and ambitious drive can be misused to conceal and hide from deep pain. Self-control leads to great depth and power.

Pluto/Jupiter: The principle of fun and joy has been raped by the god of the underworld. Great power and depth are present, but the adventurous youth principle must be rescued, without being overdone or exaggerated, to allow the individual to receive happiness in life.

Pluto/Saturn: A general and major difficulty with Pluto (and Saturn) is indicated. Very deep healing and transformation is required of this individual. Great worldly and transformational power is present if the person can harness it.

Pluto/Chiron: Profound woundedness is present, which can fester as victimhood and rage. But if one can take responsibility for one's own life, and emphasizes personal healing and forgiveness, one already possesses immensely powerful skills, gifts, and insight, and so can be of very great service to others.

Taken from the Moses Siregar III webpage: http://astrologyforthesoul.com/plutinterp.html

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Primary Sources

Greene, L. (1984). The Astrology of Fate. York Beach, Me.: Weiser Books.

Green, J. (1985). Pluto: The Evolutionary Journey of the Soul (Vol. 1). St. Pauls, MN: Llewellyn Publications.

Kaldera, R. (2004). Myth Astrology: Exploring Planets &

Pantheons. St. Pauls, MN: Llewellyn Publications.