2015 faith food and fitness lesson 8 - fats

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Faith, Food and

Fitness, Meeting 8:


Agenda for Lesson 8



General Nutrition



What are the three macronutrients?

List the ingredients in real bread:

What can gluten sensitivity look like (symptoms)?

Why were GMO created in the first place?

What have the consequences been?

Name a new food that you have tried eating since the class has


Name one ingredient in soda that makes it treacherous for you!

Name a scary ingredient that we have talked about!

What is a preservative?

General Nutrition Assumptions

We are not smarter than Nature

We cannot make better food than Nature.

We are designed to eat and need to eat, REAL, WHOLE Food.

Data Point of significance

60 to 85% of our immune system lies within our gut

Leaky Gut:

Fats, fats and more fats!

Myth: eating fat makes you fat

Myth; Eating dietary cholesterol makes you have high cholesterol

Purposes of Fat

Source of Energy, more so than protein or carbohydrates

Protein 4 calories per gram

Carbs: 4 calories per gram

Fats: 9 calories per gram.

Transports nutrients. It is the “train” of the internal systems.

Especially, Vitamins A, D, E and K.

Slows the release of nutrients into bloodstream. This helps to

regulate our appetite and energy levels- balances blood sugar.


Is essential to life. It is a building block of the outer membrane of


Principle ingredient of bile

It is in the fatty sheath that insulates nerves

Component of estrogen and androgen

Required for repairing damage caused by free radicals

If we don’t have enough in our diets, our bodies will make up the

difference. This forced conversion taxes other systems.

What type of fats are these?

Saturated Fat

A. Long Chain Fatty Acids-

What our body stores without storing an excess.

Easily burned as energy.

Helps incorporate calcium into skeletal system.

Benefits cardiovascular function by increasing HDL and lowering LDL

and triglycerides.

Delivers vitamins A, D, E & K to our cells and tissues.

Found in: fattier cuts of beef, lamb and pork; cream, whole milk and


Saturated Fat

B- Medium Chain Fatty Acids:

Metabolized more like carbohydrates and are quickly used for energy.

Generally lower caloric count than Long Chain Fatty Acids

Found in: Coconut- flesh, oil and milk; butter and cheese

Name that kind of fat!

Mono-unsaturated Fat

Non toxic in high doses.

Reduces LDL and Triglycerides, increases HDL.

Reduces inflammation and blood pressure

Found in: olives and olive oil; avocado, chicken, egg yolk;

macadamia nuts and almonds

Name that kind of Fat!

Polyunsaturated Fats

A. Omega 3s

EPA and DHA found in marine animals and krill. DHA- when given to

infants improves vision and neurological function.

ALA- plant based source- flax seed, chia seed and walnuts.

Benefits: heart health- strokes and attacks; normalizes and regulates

cholesterol. Curbs joint pain and stiffness. Lowers depression. Can

reduce symptoms of ADHD. Can protect against Alzheimer's and


Found in SMASH- salmon, mackerel, anchovies, sardines and herring.

Polyunsaturated Fats

B. Omega 6:

Found in green leaves and animals that eat them.

Help form cell membranes and cell function.

Linoleic Acid- present in large amounts in industrial and processed oils-

such as canola, sunflower, safflower, soybean and vegetable.

Found in most nuts and poultry (most found in skin of dark meat).

MOST IMPORTANT- Omega 6 are not inherently bad and some in your

diet is good. It is important to make sure if you are consuming Omega 6

sources that you consciously increase your intake of Omega 3s.

Trans fats…what’s the difference?

Trans Fats

The bad side of the story…. B- Artificial

Increases risk of cancer, heart disease, obesity and inflammation.

Increases LDL and Decreases HDL.

Goes under the name Hydrogenated and Partially Hydrogenated…

Companies can say “0” trans fat as long as it has less than .5 grams per serving.

Found in: Processed, refined and packaged foods. Fried foods. Beer, microwave popcorn. Instant soups. Margarine and Butter substitutes.

AVOID these.

Trans Fats

A. Natural

Found when bacteria in stomach of animals like sheep and cows as

they digest grass. This is called CLA- conjugated linoleic acid.

CLA lowers the risk of heart disease.

May help to manage (and possibly prevent) type 2 diabetes by

improving glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity.

Reduces the risk of some cancers.

Found in: Grass Fed Beef and Marrow. Full Fat Dairy- butter, milk and

cheese- from grass fed animals.

Types of Fat

1. Saturated

A. Long Chain

B. Medium Chain

2. Monounsaturated

3. Polyunsaturated

a. Omega 3

B. Omega 6

4. Trans Fats

a. Artificial

B. Natural

Practical: where to find and what

to cook with….

Hand outs…

Prayer Requests