COMPETITOR PRICE TRACKER TITLE: Google Adwords for E-commerce Businesses link: h"ps://blog.prisync.com/google-adwords-for-e-commerce-businesses/#more-1874

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TITLE: Google Adwords for E-commerce Businesses link: h"ps://blog.prisync.com/google-adwords-for-e-commerce-businesses/#more-1874

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Intro to Adwords Google Adwords is an adver7sing network that allows your business to place its ads on Google search results, YouTube or partner websites’ pages. Adwords adver7sements appear on the Google search results in either as results on top, product lis7ngs, maps or even your phone number.

You can customize your ads according to your needs. If you are a local business owner looking for local customers your adver7sement types can u7lize these and even target local residents as the audience.

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How it works ? Google Adwords works hand in hand with Google Adsense which is a network where your website can become the billboard for other ads. This way when you create an ad through Google Adwords you can also display it on partner websites which specialisesin different kinds of content.

If you are selling women’s apparel you can target women fashion content websites for your ads to appear at. If you are selling outdoor products such as tents you can display your ads on websites related to outdoor sports or hiking.

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Payment for campaigns The great thing about Google Adwords is that it allows you to create different kinds of campaigns where you can set different kind of budgets and you can bid for your ads to appear on the first spot on searches as well.

You pay when someone clicks on your ads too which is great. Of course if you are looking to create brand awareness, your only goal may not be directly engage people with your website. You can pay per a thousand views a day and Google Adwords can u7lize the money at its best to maximize the number of people reached.

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Campaign structures Your headline is the most important one of them. You should use call-to-ac7on phrases to make sure you catch the aIen7on of a poten7al customer.

You should try different versions to find the best one. You can do A/B tes7ng for that. Your descrip7on can give details or be brief. There is no harm in trying different styles in here as well.

Your display and des7na7on URLs do not need to be same. You should make sure that your landing page is relevant to what you are offering on the ads. That part is important.

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Keywords If you are selling women’s shoes think of keywords that your customers might type in while searching them. You can use broad, nega7ve, phrase or exact match for the keyword matchings. You should check them out before star7ng this.

You can use “men shoes” as a nega7ve keyword for example. You can try man things. When you can’t find more keywords you might want to check out Google’s free tool Keyword Planner. It provides you with new keywords and also gives you a ballpark number regarding its search volume.

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Conversion tracking Conversion tracking is another thing you need to do. When you are using Google Adwords you can see what your CTR (Click through Rate) is but you cannot see how many of those clicks end up with a sale. You can check the ROI (Return of Investment) from Conversion Tracking feature of Google Adwords.

Conversion tracking can be u7lized for other things as well. You can define your conversion as the subscrip7on to your weekly newsleIer. You just have to insert the snippet of code provided by Google Adwords to your landing page and you are good to go.

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