One Year of Porng Post-mortem of two Linux/SteamOS launches Leszek Godlewski

One Year of Porting - Post-mortem of two Linux/SteamOS launches

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2013 was the year in which Linux finally got the attention of game developers; it was also the year in which my first two Linux/SteamOS ports were released. This talk will cover the learnings of one year of porting work from a programmer's point of view: DOs and DON'Ts and issues both expected and unexpected.

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One Year of PortingPost-mortem of two Linux/SteamOS launches

Leszek Godlewski

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Who is this guy?

Leszek GodlewskiProgrammer, Nordic Games (early 2014 – now)

– Unannounced projectFreelance Programmer (Sep 2013 – early 2014)

– Linux port of Painkiller Hell & Damnation– Linux port of Deadfall Adventures

Generalist Programmer, The Farm 51 (Mar 2010 – Aug 2013)

– Painkiller Hell & Damnation, Deadfall Adventures

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● Not sales figures

● Not business viability

● Not game-specific bugs

● Not the Steam Controller – oops! �

● Platform-specific problems

● Mistakes made & mitigation attempts

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● The ports

● Laying down the foundations– Build system

– Compilers

– Linking

– Boilerplate

● Release and feedback– User issues

– Crash handling

– GLSL shader linking

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The ports

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Painkiller Hell & Damnation (The Farm 51)

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Deadfall Adventures (The Farm 51)

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● Unreal Engine 3

● All major Linux distros– SteamOS, Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Arch, Gentoo

● All official drivers– NVIDIA, AMD, Intel (i965)

● Some open-source drivers– Gallium r600, Gallium radeonsi

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● Most of UE3 middlewares have Linux versions– In our case: PhysX, FaceFX, Scaleform Gfx, lzopro, Bink...

● Introduced open-source middlewares– SDL 2.x, GLEW, Steam Runtime

● UE3's build system – Unreal Build Tool– Handles everything make does

– Written in C#, fixed up to run in Mono on Linux

● UE3's content packaging (cooking) system– Linux target based on Mac OSX

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● QA department unfamiliar with Linux– Basic training was required

● Installing & running software (including from the command line), file permissions, driver installation, gathering system information...

– Mostly reported false positives in the beginning

● Spare time project over ~13 months– After leaving The Farm 51 employment – contracted for further

outsourcing directly by TF51

– Occasional support from individual members of TF51 staf● Kudos to Piotr Bąk and Wojciech Knopf!

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● Noticed how a lot of work was based on OSX code?

● Happens all the time– POSIX

– OpenGL/OpenAL


Linux Mobile

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● The ports

● Laying down the foundations– Build system

– Compilers

– Linking

– Boilerplate

● Release and feedback– User issues

– Crash handling

– GLSL shader linking

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Laying down the foundations

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Starting point

● Epic's OpenGL 2.1 and OpenAL back-ends– OpenGL mode somewhat functional in Windows developer builds

● Epic's Mac OSX port– Limited test builds for Mac OSX had been made before

– Mac OSX binary builds supported via remote compiltion

– Existing Mac OSX target for game content packaging (cooking)

● Both of the above – somewhat... unfinished �

● On Windows, the games shipped 32-bit binaries only

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Building the build tool – C# & Mono

● Patched the Unreal Build Tool to build & run on Mono in Linux– Mono can handle most .NET commandline apps all right

● Added support for Linux toolchains (duh)

● Fixed hardcoding of backslashes in paths– Path.Join() instead

● Fixed regexes on large strings (C++ sources) blowing up the stack– Break up the string into smaller parts

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Cross-compiling for 32/64-bit

● Yes, I agree, 32-bit should die, but one may not be allowed to kill it

● gcc -m32/-m64 is not enough!– Sets target code generation

– But not headers & libraries (CRT, OpenMP, libgcc etc.)

● Fixed (on Debian & friends) by installing gcc-multilib– Dependency package for non-default architectures (i.e. i386 on an amd64

system and vice versa)

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● Clang is faster– gcc: 3m47s

– Clang: 3m05s

● Clang has diferent diagnostics than gcc

● Clang has C++ preprocessor macro compatibility with gcc– Declares __GNUC__ etc.

● Clang has commandline compatibility with gcc– Can easily switch back & forth between gcc and Clang

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Clang - caveats

● Object files may be incompatible with gcc & fail to link (need full rebuilds)

● gcc is more mature than Clang– Clang has generated faulty code for me (YMMV)

● Slight inconsistencies in C++ standard strictness– Templates

– Anonymous structs/unions

– May need to add this-> in some places

– May need to name some anonymous types

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So – Clang or gcc?


● Clang – quick iterations during development

● gcc – final shipping binaries

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Linking – GNU ld

● Default linker on Linux

● Ancient

● Single-threaded

● Requires specification of libraries in the order of reverse dependency...

● We are not doomed to use it!

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Linking – GNU gold

● Multi-threaded linker for ELF binaries– ld: 18s

– gold: 5s

● Developed at Google, now officially part of GNU binutils

● Drop-in replacement for ld– May need an additional parameter or toolchain setup

● clang++ -B/usr/lib/gold-ld ...● g++ -fuse-ld=gold ...

● Still needs libs in the order of reverse dependency...

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Linking – library groups

● Major headache/game-breaker with circular dependencies– ”Proper” fix: re-specify the same libraries over and over again

● Declare library groups instead– Wrap library list with --start-group –end-group

● Shorthand: -(, -)● g++ foo.obj -Wl,-\( -lA -lB -Wl,-\)

● Caveat: results in exhaustive symbol search within the group– Manual warns of possible performance hit

– Not observed here, but keep that in mind!

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Caching the gdb-index

● Large codebase generates heavy debug symbols (hundreds of megabytes)

● gdb generates the index for quick symbol lookup...

● ...at every single gdb startup �– Takes several minutes for said codebases

– Massive waste of time!

● Solution: cache the index, fold it into the build process!– Full description in the gdb manual

– gdb -batch -ex "save gdb-index $(OUTPUT_PATH)/gdb-index" $(BINARY)

– objcopy --add-section .gdb_index=$(OUTPUT_PATH)/gdb-index/$(BINARY).gdb-index --set-section-flags .gdb_index=readonly $(BINARY) $(BINARY)

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Raw X11 or SDL?

● Initially tried rolling my own boilerplate– Basic X11 mouse, window and key press events are easy

– Unicode text input is not

– Useful windowing is not

– Correct GLX is not

– Linux joystick API is not

– Above all, X11 seems to be on its way out● Wayland & Mir will have emulation layers, but that's bound to have


● You really want to use SDL 2 instead, trust me– Shameless plug: see my talk from WGK 2013 for benefits of using SDL 2 ☺

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● The ports

● Laying down the foundations– Build system

– Compilers

– Linking

– Boilerplate

● Release and feedback– User issues

– Crash handling

– GLSL shader linking

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Release and feedback

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What we shipped initially with the beta

● 32-bit binaries (64-bit added later on)

● Launch script (~20 lines)– Architecture detection

● Initially a stub for 64-bit with fallback to 32-bit– Steam Runtime injection (if not already present)

● That's about it ☺

● Explicit dependency on the Steam Runtime– Allows shifting some responsibility to Valve

– And, admittedly, to users who insist on using their own dependencies

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User issues

● Missing/incompatbile libraries– Resulting from disabling the Steam Runtime

● Gentoo users, mostly... Maintainer of steam package had chosen to disable it by default

– Usually fixed by force-starting Steam with STEAM_RUNTIME=1● $ STEAM_RUNTIME=1 steam

● ”Missing” 32-bit NVIDIA OpenGL libraries on 64-bit systems– Apparently, they might end up unreachable by the dynamic linker

– Fixed by adding /usr/lib32 to LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the launch script

– Also, prompt user to make sure they did install them● It's an option - ”install compatibility 32-bit libraries”

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User issues

● No support for DXT texture compression despite capable hardware (GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc)– Concerns the open-source drivers

– For legal reasons (S3/VIA patents), some distros don't ship it or install it automatically

● E.g. Fedora– If extension not advertised by driver, suggest the user to install


● Often a distro package, so no hassle

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More user issues...

● Graphical glitches...

● Broken V-sync...

● Broken NVIDIA Optimus with open-source multiplexer...

● Looong & unresponsive loading times...

● A whole lot of crashes...

● Most of the above was my fault – not going to bore you with all of this!

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Crash handling

● Unix signals– Asynchronous IPC notification mechanism in POSIX-compliant systems

● Sources can be the process itself, other processes or the kernel– Default handler terminates process & dumps core for most signals

– Can (must?!) specify custom handlers

● Get/set handlers via the sigaction(2) system call– Handler prototype: void sa_handler(int signal,

siginfo_t *siginfo, void *context);

● More information– G. Ben-Yossef, Crash N' Burn: Writing Linux application fault handlers

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Interesting siginfo_t fields

● si_errno – errno value– Possibly more detailed error code

● si_code – reason for sending the signal– Both general and per signal type

– Examples: issued by user, issued by kernel, illegal addressing mode, FP over/underflow, invalid memory permissions, unmapped address etc.

● si_addr – memory location at which fault happened– If applicable: SIGILL, SIGFPE, SIGSEGV, SIGBUS and SIGTRAP

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Signal handler caveats

● Not safe to allocate or free heap memory!– Fault may have corrupted the allocator's data structures

● Prone to race conditions– Can't share locks with the main program!

● If signalled after locking, you'll deadlock– Can't call async-unsafe functions!

● See manual for signal(7) for a list of safe ones

● Custom handlers do not dump core (a.k.a. minidump)– Mitigated by restoring default handler after custom logging and re-signalling self

● signal(signum, SIG_DFL); raise(signum);

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Safe stack walking

● glibc provides backtrace() and friends

● Symbols are read from the dynamic symbol table– Must pass -rdynamic to gcc/Clang to populate

● Calling backtrace_symbols() allocates heap memory– Not safe... ☹

– Still, can get away with it most of the time

– Proper solution involves a separate watchdog process & pipes (heap-less backtrace_symbols_fd() call instead)

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Long load times? Unresponsiveness?

● Profiling quickly places blame on shader linking– OpenGL shader model operates on program objects, created by linking shader pipeline

combinations● Introduces lots of redundancy (see glGetProgramiv() & glGetShaderiv())● Drivers often defer actual compilation until ”link time”● Increased memory consumption

– UE3 OpenGL renderer blocks the render thread for linking● Render thread blocked → Frozen loading screen!

– Both games have thousands of shaders● An awful lot of vertex/fragment shader combinations (programs) �

● Moreover – makes async level streaming blocking!– Bad stuttering during gameplay

● Situation better on subsequent loads on NVIDIA due to in-driver cache

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Shader linking

● Short-term fix: background shader linking– Worker thread with a separate OpenGL context, sharing data with the main one

– Queue all shader link jobs, execute on the worker only

– If on a loading screen, keep spinning it while waiting for the shaders

– Defer ”async streaming done” notifications till shader link queue is empty

● Pros:– Quick & easy to implement

– Fixes gameplay stuttering

● Cons:– Only fixes unresponsiveness, not the long load times ☹

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Shader linking

● Disaster on the official AMD Catalyst driver!– Total system hang (PC needs hard reset)

– Apparently, exposed a race condition in AMD driver

– AMD has yet to ship the fix...

● Fallback to old, blocking code path if Catalyst detected

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Shader linking

● Possible improvement (suggested by Epic): ARB_separate_shader_objects– Replaces programs (and linking) with much lighter pipeline objects

● Removes a lot of redundancy– Makes use of separate vertex/fragment shaders (D3D-like)

– Would play well with UE3's RHI, modelled mostly after D3D

● Not implemented ☹ – requires shader syntax upgrade and a refactor of UE3's OpenGL renderer– Explicit locations for attributes and varyings required for SSO

– Need to bump GLSL from 1.20 (OpenGL 2.1) to at least 1.40 (OpenGL 3.1)

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Shader linking

● Proper fix: deferred shader access– Modern drivers queue shader compiles and links internally and process

them in a multithreaded manner● Official NVIDIA & AMD Catalyst● Open-source Mesa drivers in SteamOS (patches pushed upstream

recently by Valve)– Kick all the jobs (i.e. create shader objects) at level load

– Do not access the objects (query, draw) until they are needed

– Not even the compile/link status! This creates a sync point!

● Not implemented ☹ – requires a considerable refactor of UE3's OpenGL renderer

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Takeaway 1/2

● Porting .NET-based tools to Linux is viable

● Many 32/64-bit cross-compile issues are solved with gcc-multilib

● Switching back and forth between Clang and gcc is easy and useful

● Link times can be greatly improved by using gold

● Caching the gdb-index improves debugging experience

● Using SDL 2 is way better than rolling your own boilerplate

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Takeaway 2/2

● Using the Steam Runtime is good for you

● Crash handling in Linux is easy to do, tricky to get right

● OpenGL shader model is significantly diferent from D3D's

● GLSL linking is slow, so defer access if possible

● Multiple concurrent OpenGL contexts can still bite you

● Test on different GPU drivers to avoid unpleasant surprises!

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@ l g o d l e w s k i @ n o r d i c g a m e s . a tt @ T h e I n e Q u a ti o n

K w w w. i n e q u a ti o n . o r g


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F u r t h e r N o r d i c G a m e s i n f o r m a ti o n :K w w w. n o r d i c g a m e s . a t

D e v e l o p m e n t i n f o r m a ti o n :K w w w. g r i m l o r e g a m e s . c o m

Thank you!